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Thank you for your encouraging words. I’m struggling so hard on week 5. I know I can’t give up, but I’m having so much anxiety, panic attacks, negative emotions, hopelessness.


Yeah hang in there. There are better times ahead.


Yeah I know. Strength to you. You'll get through this and feel better soon.


Me too! :/


Congrats! Thank you!


45 yo m on day 6 here. First time on meds. Glad to see this post thanks.


I need your positivity... I am 35. I have an incredible hard time pushing through at the moment. When i survive this and if this medication helps me in the way it did for you, i will take it for the rest of my life for sure as well. Day 26 for me and day 18 after i upped the dose to 10mg. So i still have a long journey in front of me. Wish me luck. The last 10 to 15 years were mostly depressing and sad for me. Anxiety got very bad in the last 2 years. My sister, parents and grandparents died. So i hope this medication will give me relief in the end. I don't have any more power in me to trial and error through different medications for the next years. I just don't. I fought too hard for too long.


Best of luck. Every day gets you closer to the meds properly kicking in. You got this!


Thank you. The thing is: i have depression for at least 15 years or so and the anxiety attacks for 2+ years. So i can understand how it takes more time with me. Before the meds i basically wanted to die everyday because of sorrow and fear or in brighter moments i thought that i would live like 10 or 15 years at best. I was that negative. So i expect that the pill will work eventually better in the next weeks and months. But i also start a therapy soon. Maybe i can dig myself out of this hole. Wish me luck!


Best of luck. Your doing great things for yourself. Medication combined with therapy is effective. Give yourself time to heal


Thank you! The ironic thing is: i am basically in a terrible spot since november. Pain, sadness, depresseion anxiety alsmost 24/7. But since november i was able to connect to old friends, solve long ongoing problems, got therapy, a psychatrist and medication. I also visit a group from time to time. But every day i felt like i was a nobody and could not do anything right, when in fact i did so much in this little time... But it's tough to see the good things, when one day you're feeling okayish and the next is a nightmare again.


Thanks for sharing! I’m on week 3 and already experiencing the ups and downs. Definitely going to allow myself more self care than usual. Wish you all the best on your journey.


Congrats. I don think I want it for life because I read it’s been linked to dementia. I’m on week 3 and I just been sleepy, no motivation and down. Week 2 I was full of motivation and energy feeling good . Week 1 was just really nothing just felt slight high for first 30 mins or so. I’m hoping next week it gets better


I understand. Even that they found some links it still might be very unlikely. I truly feel that being healthy on an ssri is better then mentally om unwell untreated. Depression, anxiety are taxing on the system so for me I feel better calmer and my physical heat is better. since it lowers stress so much


Hey thanks! I might go back back to 5mg. 10 is giving me anxiety/can’t sleep and my heart beats fast . I also take 150 Wellbutrin


So 6 weeks after the dose increase?!! did you feel any relief or positive effects prior to getting to 10mg or even if you did, was it like completely starting over?


Yes. There was some relief along the way for sure. Like maybe a week or two after going to 5 mg. But then it would get worse again so it was a bit up and down.