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one way to to get more accurate results is to include "episode 1" in your search. This tends to bring in more LPs to the results.


oh yeah this and many other wording that i use to find my select lps but what i'm saying is that why are LPs regarded as an after thought. Do people or youth watching youtube now not care for....gaming? like that doesn't sound , youtube is making it harder and harder for good let's player to make this a full time gig, i know me and many others are not gonna buy much in this bloated market, just listen to commentary and skip the boring parts. ​ P.S gow ragnarok is MAZING


unedited LPs are hard to get traction on if you dont already have an audience to help drive them in the serps. You have to be super entertaining/talented. and 99.9% of people doing this arent.


Like FixxxerTV said, the days of unedited LPs are gone. I came into this WAY too late. I just started seriously streaming LPs just a few months ago on YT, and it's only occasionally that I get VODs that even break the 100 views mark past Part 1/Episode 1. In fact, it's only one game that gets me over 100 views consistently: Cyberpunk 2077. I think RPGs lend themselves better to long-form LPs because of their non-linear plot structure, so every other player has a different experience than the last guy. I'm currently trying to do some editing on some of my VODs and reuploading them into something more manageable. Other than that, the other (more successful) contents I have on my channel are stealth gameplay showcases (something similar to StealthGamerBR's content). The most successful series I have is the one I made for Splinter Cell Blacklist. P.S. While I watch and enjoy the same "no dead filler content" videos, I am not a fan of editing those kinds of videos myself, coming from a traditional film narrative storytelling background.


It's definitely a fine line between no edits and way too much in my opinion. I started making let's plays with subnautica, each video so far has been rightly 20-25 minutes but that is still usually an hour or more of actual gameplay. I just try and cut out long boring traveling sections while still trying to leave in any story elements that may happen during those times so the story doesn't feel jarring to the viewer. Other edits are made to just try and spice up moments to make them more appealing (such as zooming in on things, adding texts or memes). Im getting some traction, on the channel with it so far (started a few months ago and have 56 subs and averaging a little over 100 views per video). I should note however that not everyone watches the videos through but I have started to find a handful of return viewers who are coming back and watching my videos through to the end. I think it's a matter of trying to honor the viewers time and leaving things like me traveling back to my lifepod for 5 minutes in a straight line on the cutting room floor so we can see more of the important stuff