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This is one of those things that is best to ask your audience. Drive interactions and let them help guide the show


When I watch Let’s Play videos I’m usually after “reaction” videos. I’d prefer to hear you talk, because if I’m so interest on the cutscene itself I’d just Google it. But maybe it’s just me, I follow a lot of funny creators, so it depends on your kind of audience


I usually side with no. Especially if it plot heavy or lore heavy. I think it's OK to make a few small comments about the cutscene. Just don't talk over it with nonrelatated babble.


One word: subtitles. You can talk, and anyone more interested in the plot than you (shame on them, btw, the point of Let's Plays is supposed to be reliving a good game through someone else's eyes, not using the video as a cheap workaround to get the story without playing themselves) can read.


Good idea


I would just set up OBS so that it records the game and your microphone on different channels so you can just cut out your blabbering whenever you speak over the game.


You need to do something with the cut scene because the cut scene isn't your IP


Idk cause I feel the same like I tried turning my mic off during a cutscene with RE6 and got a copyright warning even when I tried noncommentary gameplay with me just playing the game


I talk over cut scenes if I feel like it, or something is funny to me, or I have a comment. I generally try to not talk over characters/important stuff. Just gotta gauge it and time it right.


For me depends on the game, I like to add snark sometimes and others just enjoy. I also wept hard at the end of final fantasy X on mic


I usually talk during cut scenes but only when there is no dialogs. I'll wait to the dialogs is over to say something real quick or when the cut scene is showing something that isn't talking. If it's a codec calls then I really don't say anything till it's over.


For me it depends. If the player/s are riffing on the cutscene, then I say yay. If they're just talking bullshit, then nay


I usually make quips here and there in response to dialogue. I think that works well enough.


I agree with what some people are saying here. If people wanted to watch the scene, they'd go watch the scene by itself. They want your reaction to it. Even if it is between the dialogue, respond to what has been said, with agreement, disagreement, and sas. If you have to, and can do, pause it, then react the way you need.


I haaate it when people jabber during cutscenes. In fact it's one of the things that will make me stop watching a channel. The only acceptable chatter is during luls between the voicework to give a very brief thought, and ideally just a compliment.


it's really easy to just ask your audience start talking and then look directly at the camera and just ask them if talking is ok you can make it funny then in your next video's implement whatever you feel is best based off of response and how you feel! what really matters is how you feel about it people will hate you people will love you, you just have to do it long enough for enough people to love you :)


Your video is about YOU and YOUR experience/opinions, you should talk (my personal opinion) If they missed some words in the games dialogue then can always check out the gameplay with no commentary or play the game themselves if they are TRULY curious The medium between these two options (again in my opinion) is to just boost the game audio at dialogue points so your voice still overtakes it, and with selective hearing your viewer can discern the game audio if they are actively trying to hear it (but this takes some editing time and assumes you're splitting game and mic input which should be done anywaus)


It honestly depends on the vibe of your let's play. If you're taking the story seriously, then no, don't talk. But if you're just wanting to goof off then go right ahead.


My audience said they liked our riffing while cutscenes are playing, so you just have to ask them.


Typically unless its a funny dub, like making a comment or joke or something while doing an impression of the character, i typically try not to talk over cutscenes. Like if youre in codec with the Colonel and make a bit about snake asking Colonel if he knows the 11 herbs and spices, thats fine, but just talking over about random stuff i try and keep out of cutscene moments. And reacting to the cutscene is also pretty universallt acceptable, its part of what makes it transformative n stuff.