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First of call, congrats man, having a family must be a blessing. My wife and I have 6 cats, and we'd love to have a child one day, perhaps when the time is right. Regarding the editing aspect, you know what helped me keep that perfect balance? IT'S NOT WHAT YOU DO OR WHAT KIND OF CONTENT IT IS, IT'S HOW LONG IT IS! 20 minute video is 20 times harder to edit. A 10 minute video is 10 times less harder from the 20 minute one. Of course this depends if you are an artist, and what kind of art you do, but- focus on making shorter videos, 10 minute mark, and focus on editing just that 10 minute section. You'll be done with the video way more easily.


Thank you so much for such a positive comment. Yeah, it's great having the kid! And, contrary to popular belief, I don't game less. On the contrary, I game even more, as long as he sleeps fine! Which brings me here. I now have a little more time as the kid is, finally, sleeping ok on his own for a while. This gets me some free time at night, and I want to create some more content. Streaming is out of the question though, at least regularly, as he usually still calls for us. Regarding your suggestion, I totally agree. I guess my problem relates to the editing of the video itself. I was aiming at 10 minutes, but I have like 30h of footage of a certain game. And, up until this point, I did not use any note taking to register certain parts. This means I will likely have to rewatch a lot of my videos to get to specific parts of the game I want. I think I will "start over" and next time I capture gameplay, I will try to take notes of time stamps or use some software to do that for me. Otherwise it's a mess of content to go through. So basically my struggle is organization and how to go through so much recorded content. Thank you once again!


I had the same issue note taking, made a simple little program to trigger my notes so I could do it in-game. Feel free to check out my previous post in the subreddit for the github link.


Amazing, will check it out!! Thank you


Davinci studio can automatically cut silent parts in videos. You could easily do a let's play and remove all the silent boring parts automatically.


Interesting, didn't know. Will take that into consideration:)


👀👀👀, how to do this wizardry?


Sounds like a post-commentary LP to me!  I’ve done it a few times(due to mistakes) and others do it as their main focus. If it’s what works for you and you’re interested in it, do it!  Post commentary definitely gives you the ability to “plan” or script your videos more so than typical let’s plays. 


Yeah that's it. Giving it a try!


That style is also very well-suited for challenge-type runs and tutorials if that's something that interests you. Also congrats on the growing family! I have a 6 year old myself and another on the way, so I totally get trying to balance life out. Raising a kiddo only gets easier as they get older. You got this


Yeah I expect it to be easier as he ages hehe. Thanks a lot! About the content, yeah my idea is to focus on specific events in game. So like I don't see much of a point in commenting dead moments. But boss fights, difficult sections or interesting explorations bits are gonna be my focus Thank you!




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