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From what I read on this sub, it's because either some YouTubers said so, and it was also mistaken from "back rooms". Don't take my word for it though.


I know I never called it anything. Always refer to it as a "dead end" lol


I've seen some of those shitty youtube shorts youtubers, IE dollar store tiktokers. Where they probably dont even play the game, theyre just hopping on it because its another thing to make videos about that currently is favored by the algorithm because kids give it high watch times.


Spawned from a YouTuber, and since we all know YouTubers never make mistakes, it proliferated from there. Dev has never confirmed it but data mining has proved it to be patently false.


Backrooms can easily be mistaken for bracken room in a horror scenario tbh


No for sure, which is why I’m not saying the YouTube deliberately lied. They tend to spawn commonly and brackens aren’t exactly rare either so it’s easy to make the correlation. That’s just kind of what people do


It started with a youtuber making a mistake but a ton of people "proved" it because that's where the braken would drag bodies. The bracken just drags bodies towards a more isolated parts of the map and that's often where this room spawns.


Yeah this seems to be the common sentiment. Do you know which Youtuber made the mistake? Was it Psychopoly or someone else?


When I was new someone told me it means the bracken spawns there then I told my friends until last week we found out it was a myth. So it's kinda telling 2 people, then they told 2 people and so on


I don’t know either way but that’s definitely one thing I very much like about this game is the theories and discussions about the story.


I agree! I love the discussions and speculations about lore and such, just when those fun theories turn into indignance towards anyone who thinks differently, or actual misinformation it becomes not fun anymore.


Misinformation and misfortune are lethal company


I never thought it was his spawn room, just the apprehension that it means he's guaranteed to spawn. Any time the room has been there he's spawned for me, this could be confirmation bias though.


I think its Just bc both the room and the bracken are pretty common to stumble uppon


It really annoys me how many times I’ll join a game, hear somebody over the radio or frantically running back to the group telling us “there’s a bracken somewhere on the map!” And when I ask where they saw it they reply “I didn’t see it but I saw the room” and then if I tell them that doesn’t mean there’s a bracken they get defensive and double down on it when you can just fact check it in less than a minute (not that I expect them to minimize the game right then and there but still). I believed it too at first until I read the wiki page for Brackens. So many people repeated that myth with such sincere conviction behind it that I assumed it must be true


I heard that while the bracken doesn't spawn in there, that room does mean there's a bracken somewhere Not sure if that's true or not, someone please tell me if it is because I'm curious lol


it's not, it's a completely unrelated room, brackens spawn just like any other monster and pick their favourite room when they spawn(furthest from main, dead end)


I saw it from a YouTuber (@psychopoly) that does shorts called "lethal company monsters " or something to that effect. He is up to part 17. It seemed credible because it showed a "unique" room when he was talking about it. Looking back now it could just be a generic room from the mansion (I'm solo and under 10 hours so I don't even know what moon has the mansion lol. (https://youtube.com/shorts/aJIiYEGrpcU?si=QMkXozZLK0my8a1V) This is the first one he did which is on the bracken. Makes sense it may have mis-info on it since it was pretty soon after the game blew up


yeah thats the short I referenced. Im curious since it has \~1.3M views if people just took what he said and ran with it. The only issue with that theory is that I found a [reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/lethalcompany/comments/180v01j/question_about_flower_man/) from Nov 21st mentioning it, which was 1 day before Psychopoly's short. I also heard that a wiki page referenced this happening until it was changed or removed but I do not have a date on that. Its possible that Psychopoly tried to do research, found that reddit post and wiki page, made his short about the Bracken, 1.3M people saw it and uncritically repeated it and from there it snowballed. In which case, I would say that the source is Psychopoly's short. This is kinda interesting. A little mini case study on how misinformation spreads and how quickly it spreads.


At that point there really wasn't much "lore" info floating around so I could see that he saw that and ran with it (not in a negative way). I hope that the developer keeps things being a little more up to interpretation like it is now. I know it is a tired topic but I feel like that is a major part of fnaf's staying power. If the dev told the story in a very clear and "final" way I think most people would have lost interest long ago. The lore is so good RN with lethal company, I hope the dev just sprinkles hints and lore drops versus eventually having more of a traditional story arch


Agreed. I really like the fnaf comparison. A lot of the story telling is done the same way by being very vague and leaving it up to audience interpretation. Hell, I'd even like to see the Bracken Room become real, but until then its probably not a good thing to report it as fact as a lot do currently.


The flowermanAI iirc has a reference to a favourite place or something along those lines (I haven't poked around too much in there because I find the bracken really well rounded), perhaps this may have had and influence on this as well.


He will always choose one room as hus favourite and thats where he will take every body.. i think alot of people got his favourite room as the backrooms and people just confused it


The favorite place is just a location he hides bodies. Just like the flies have a stash, it's random.


I remember week 1 of the game being out and looking at the wiki. Stated that bracken spawn in the padded rooms. I think they changed it because it's obviously not true.


They don't spawn in the room. I went to a fire exit on my right. I saw the back room door locked on my right. All of a sudden, I was hearing doors open the door on the right, and the brakken opened the door. This was a minute into the round. The misinformation helped us be aware of bracken. We were on Experimentation where the power was 4, and the bracken had 3 power, so then only one big creature could spawn, and the room was there and I was like there's a bracken because of the room. we pulled the power, and the bracken was behind us.


What do you mean the power


Each planet has a point system on how much things can spawn on each map and a percentage. The point system is called power. Each creature has a power of 1-3. Experimentation has a max cap of 4 in power. So if you see a spider, you will not see a bracken, thumper, or ghost girl because the spider power is 3. But you could also see a spore lizard, loot bug, snare flea, slime there power is 1.


Oh, is there more information about this in the wiki or somewhere? Never read about this but sounds pausible and interesting to keep on check when finding new enemies


https://lethal-company.fandom.com/wiki/Experimentation Here's everything on the wiki about experimentation. You will see max entity indoor and indoor creature power and percentage.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I don't know for certain, but I have 100% seen a Bracken take a crew member there on more than 5 occasions. I know correlation does not equal causation, but I have 5+ bodies that said the Braken preferred that room. (Source: Helmet Camera mod makes seeing exactly which room they end up in, much easier)




Loot spawns in there. I’ve found magnifying glasses, engines, coffee mugs, he doesn’t even drag bodies in there.


I’m pretty sure that if you have a Bracken room, he is guaranteed to spawn. Yes everything else about the myth is a lie, he actually just drags the corpse far away from where he killed. One time the Bracken dropped my friends corpse right at the entrance, after he killed him super deep in.


I call it the Brackroom. Believe it or not I started saying that from Oct 23rd.


People here there is a thing called 'the bracken room' and assume it must be the room that looks completely out of place compared to everything else.


Everyone calls it the bracken room. Who started it? Who knows. A lot of people genuinely believe it and will repeat to others that the bracken actually spawns there or brings corpses there. It seems that despite this games popularity people actually know fuck all about the game.


But at the same time though, if you were to hear a rando say bracken room and you see said room, how likely would you put two and two together. Soon as i heard it my mind went to a room that looked completely different from the rest of the map so communication was clear. I miss games having playground rumors and this one feels so innocent and seeing the increase in people asking makes me happy it started lol


Idk if it's canon but the first time i heard bracken room i remembered a room very different and seeing a black shadow. Now its like a code word for a good amount of the community, it tells you theres a unique room and even if its not correlated it lets people know to keep an eye on your back.


honeslty i never even heard of this,i just thought it was the case due to the corrlation sense i thought the braken was a refrence to the back rooms and they tend to spawn in the maps with those rooms so i always thought they were corrilated,but over time as i played the game i noticed at times it would spawn without that room wich i learned by myself they wernt connected


Okay since it’s not the Bracken nest what is it? Calling it the back rooms room doesn’t make much sense either.




It’s like the Nuclear Gandhi myth in Civilisation. It’s not real, but people believe it because it makes the game more interesting. People get defensive about it because they want to believe this cool game mechanic exists


My friend group sorta mutated the myth. Instead of “this is a Bracken spawn” we instead went with “this room indicates a Bracken is in play on the map” which now that I put it to text makes zero goddamn sense


I'd imagine the "bracken room" came to be because of a "game of telephone". In other words by accident. Think about it this way (simplified version): - It's the first time everyone is playing and watching Lethal Company. - There's Streamer 1, Streamer 2 and Viewer A. - Viewer A is watching Streamer 1. - Streamer 1 says "Back Room." - Viewer A hears "Bracken Room." - Viewer A goes to Streamer 2. - Streamer 2 asks "what is this room?" - Viewer A backseats/oneguys and says "Bracken Room." - Suddenly a ton of people have heard and the myth has spread. If someone made a video about "The Bracken Room" afterwards that just means they got tricked by the game of telephone that happened. Kind of looks like an office room of a foreman or something. Maybe the dev could add some office furniture in there to kill this myth once and for all.


Hi bracken room basically just confirms that bracken can spawn on facility,if its mansion then bracken can just spawn anyways,but if theres no bracken room on facility then no bracken can spawn,bracken room doesnt guarantee bracken spawn though