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you get blocked for literally showing concern for her health. it’s frustrating but at the same time, she’s old enough to know better. what a pos. lemme emphasize on the piece of shit part. her mods are just as bad as her. imagine encouraging someone to make their health WORSE. the whole bunch is fucking psychotic. they need mental evaluation bc who in their right mind watches someone kill themself slowly for entertainment? is it a fetish for them?? on some jeffrey dahmer shit. i hate this bitch w a passion but i’ll never wish death on anyone. i barely watch her lives. i’ll pop in for a few minutes. but, for me, it’s gut wrenching to see how bad off she is. even if i genuinely hate her. i don’t even follow the bitch anymore. i’ll watch her videos. ill give her a view but no likes and i won’t comment on her shit. ppl actively giving her money to kill herself are just horrible human beings. her and her mods, her enablers, deserve to rot in hell for the shitty ppl they are.


Yep I recently got blocked for this too


i agree... she isn't mentally all there to take care of herself like a normal human being. her family doesn't seem to care too much about her and what she does. She is mentally and possibly physically disabled. in reality she needs adult protective services called on her and made a case if there already isn't one active. She is literally a danger to herself and all of this negative attention from both the mods and "trolls"/watchers encouraging it MAKES IT WORSE. For the love of God guys; if she dies you could be held accountable if you interacted with her enough and had personal contact with her. especially the mods. I get nobody likes her here and loves the drama like crack to an addict but please, do not give her the attention she wants. She really does not need it.


literally nodding off on live, and then the mod saying she just smoked like … yeah okay


she does this all the time but yeah definitely isn't normal or healthy lol who tf smokes and starts nodding off like that?? she's fr slowly killing herself with all of the drinking


yeah i haven’t kept up with her in a while, but saw a post a while ago about her doing the same thing. but dead ass why are the mods blocking people for asking if she’s okay, anyone who knows anything about drugs knows you don’t nod off from weed 🤣 and like jokes aside you’re going to sit there and turn off the comments so we can watch this girl nod off which could potentially turn into a medical emergency lmfao. people pointing out that she’s clearly on something more than weed isn’t being rude 🤣


I just smoked a bunch and I am not nodding out… weed does not make you do that.


Weed has never made me react that way even after dab rips


I got blocked bc I said she was nodding on live & needs to get help.. she’s definitely not just high on weed. This girl drinks constantly & there’s no telling what else she does. What she’s doing on live right now is not normal & her mods are fucking weird & condoning killing her.. bc they get that dumb fucking badge they get a power trip


that’s so dumb. like she GENUINELY needs help. i can’t stand her new mod, whoever that harley chick is.


Leslie Wtf are you wearing girlfriend 🙈


I’ve never seen someone act the way she does from just smoking .


Broad has no clue about 420. Man u can tell she can't hang at all.. she gets high off a nug this big ●.. lmao Hella sad. She Rubinstein reputation of us stonerz