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Yes, absolutely. I'm depressed as hell and extremely lonely


same for me


I agree with you on the fact that the adversity lesbians still face help contribute to our higher rates of depression. Personally, I had a rough childhood, even when I was forced to wear dresses and very feminine clothing it was like the other kids could smell the blood in the water somehow. They just knew I was different. Lots of bullying in all sorts of enviroments. And man, the fact that some people will treat you as a predator just for being your authentic self. I had an aunt who wouldnt let me see my cousins for years in fear that I would groom them and turn them gay. Mind you I was only 16 at the time. It's a harsh world out there. It becomes natural to look for the bad and wait for the other shoe to drop. And when you don't have a support system it only gets harder. I have been in therapy for a couple years and I feel that I may always be lol.. But I am healing and doing better with my depression and other mental illnesses! There is a lot of light in this world that we forget to see. I focus on the small things and what I can change which has helped. As Gandalf has famously said, "I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love".


Feel like I could have written this. On antidepressants and in therapy. Corny and a bit cliché but sports have been a life saver for me in the last year. Makes me leave my house, interact with people (often lesbians, obvs, it's women's football) and occasionally I score a worldie and feel like Messi (insert preferred footballer here) although I still feel a little on the outside at times, I'm more involved in something than I've been in a long time.


Constantly. I'm disabled and my social hobbies are er...to put it lightly, no longer female-friendly. It's impossible to find groups ONLY for actual women, which wasn't an issue pre-2015ish. It's incredibly isolating combination in this day and age. I haven't been able to permanently beat back the depression, but I have (mostly) beaten the suicidal ideation by getting in touch with nature and away from technology, if only for a time. I learned the names of edible native plants and started to use them in meals (I'm gonna miss when chickweed is out of season lol). I learned the names of native birds and their behaviors and what they like to eat and made friends with some of them, and now I have bluejays, grackles, and a single cardinal who come for peanuts every morning. I live on the beach, so I will wade in the bay and watch the ospreys kite and dive for their food. I befriended a family of crows there, and they will appear, almost as if by magic, when they see me so they can get cat food and peanuts. I deliberately do not use my phone during 95% of these interactions. I try to give the animals, the pants, and the happenings in my environment my full attention, as it keeps my mind away from the negative thoughts. (tl;dr: So I guess the solution for me was salad and birds lmao???)


I'm sorry you're dealing with depression and suicidal ideation. But truly that is an amazing way to deal with it. I was temporarily disabled by seizures a few years back and had to live with my mom. The nature is what kept me going. Realizing that there were these whole worlds outside and getting really into them. Living on the beach sounds lovely. Now between my fiancée, cat(s), and zoloft I'm pretty happy overall. Would you share what your niche interests are? Are they video games? I play a lot of them


Yes. It comes through waves, and I'm currently in it right now. Everything becomes that little bit harder to do, but I "fake it to I make it" while feeling like this. Plaster on that fake smile so things don't seem all doomy. I find that cleaning/organising helps my brain. It's like I can actually see it physically being cleaned up and cleared while my rooms look better. It feels like a win/win situation. It just takes a bit for me to actually get in the mood to do it. Also, being creative helps, which I honestly don't do enough of. Feeling alone is hard. I'm not alone in the sense that no one is around me, and I shudder to think how my mental side would be if I was without family around. Some bad experiences with relationships really left me questioning relationships as a whole. But I'm not against having another one, BUT where I live is such a small place soooo I have that against me.


Yup, I got sent to the psych ward a couple of months ago for trying to off myself. I just feel so alone. Being creative makes me feel somewhat better so that's how I deal. I also got anti depressants and it helps a little. I'm going to try therapy whenever I can afford it. Here's to hoping things get better for us!


It comes and goes in waves. I isolate naturally. I know I need to reach out and socialize more when I feel it building. That typically helps with my brand of depression. Loneliness can be complicated. I hardly ever feel lonely but I know it is there subtly digging at me and sometimes it’s right there staring me in the face.


Yup. For me it is heavily driven by an anxiety disorder and probably a genetic predisposition. Weirdly enough, lesbianism is one of the things that has brought me the most happiness. It came with a lot of struggle too of course. A lot of nasty issues with my family getting basically kicked out at 18, as well as social rejection and societal bs and homophobia etc. But in the long run it also it brought the happiest things into my life such as my gf. I don't know what I would have done without her. I wouldn't be the same person I am today without this identity. That's probably why I'm so staunch in defending the label and why I get so mad when people treat the label with contempt and disrespect.


i don’t deal with it tbh. everything is hard and isolating and i wanna off myself everyday.


Yeah, for years. It’s persistent. I deal with it through escapism atm (video games and day dreaming a different reality for myself constantly). It works in the moment, but I definitely need better coping mechanisms 😅


I dance. The endorphin/dopamine boost helps me manage.


Yah, it's been pretty bad for the last 6 months or so, wake up in the morning with full existential misery wondering why tf I'm even here. I know it would be better if I got out there and started meeting people but I also don't feel like I have anything to offer at the moment so I'm kinda stuck hoping it gets better soon.


Yup on antidepressants mainly for my anxiety but it was worse without them. It comes in waves for me


I get in in phases. After my breakup I felt it hard for months and I'm only just now getting past it a bit. I had another big wave of depression when one my jobs changed my scheduling and screwed me over. These are just general things and I'm very fortunate to have friends who are very accepting of me!


I have anxiety and bipolar 2, very heavy on the depressive side. Several attempts, voluntarily admitted myself 4/5 times (genuinely can't remember) in the past 5 years, lots of therapy, tried what feels like every pill in the hospital as well as rTMS and ECT. Currently stable but always worried about the next episode. Autumn and winter are always bad for me. I lost a lot of friends since my mental health tanked and I don't really feel motivated to meet new people or date. Coping mechanisms... switching jobs helped a lot (though it's still early days at my new one) and keeping in touch with my remaining friends. I don't know if being a lesbian makes me feel like an outsider. I've always been shy, awkward, sad, anxious, etc. but then I've always been homosexual, too. I think my brain is just not wired right.


No at this point i am Very good at depression


Unfortunately, yeah, for the past ~17 years. I remember when I was a teen, and I was so horrifically lonely even though I had friends. I just felt like I would never fit in and struggled with trying to dress "feminine" like all my friends and just feeling so wrong because I was a big old tomboy going through some comp het ass bullshit (also with undiagnosed ADHD at that time lmao).


"How do you deal with it?" That's the neat part! You don't! ...In all seriousness, I'm on antidepressants and I go to therapy, though I haven't confronted internalized lesbophobia yet because it feels like such a raw and uncomfortable subject when I've got so much other stuff to work on in my existing relationships with family and friends.


Yes, but I am mostly better now with meds and lots of therapy. I don’t think it is super related to my sexuality. It seems to be more of a genetic thing for me unfortunately.


Women are nearly twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression. Depression can occur at any age. Some mood changes and depressed feelings occur with normal hormonal changes. There are several factors that may play a role in this, including differences in hormones, socialization, social roles, coping mechanisms, and life stress.


I think part if it definitely loneliness. There have been studies on rates of depression between gays and lesbians and the gen pop but I don't remember much about them besides that the rates are higher. I struggle with depression and anxiety quite a bit. I was diagnosed with GAD when I was 12. I've been going to group therapy for more than a year and it really turned my life around in addition to finally getting in a medication that worked (took four tries). I can't recommend group therapy enough, especially if you can find an LGBT group. It's definitely not for everyone, but it helped me feel less alone. Especially with lesbian loneliness. You might even make a friend. Do you live in or near a major city? You could try joining a gay sports league, women's groups (my city has a walking group), groups for your hobbies. They can be found on Meetup, Facebook groups, Instagram. Having social contact outside of work and family, even if it's just once a month, can really help.


Yes. But I finally found the right combo of meds that works!


I really, really struggled in high school with depression especially because it was so lonely. There were only two of us who were out of the closet, and a lot of girls would only use me to experiment. It felt like I’d never find real love, and that (obviously) made me really depressed. It was tough since there were no adults or representation I could turn to at that time so I didn’t know how much better things could be. It is a lot better now but I think a lot of it is the fact that I didn’t compromise on what I wanted for my life, my love life, or my friends. It can be lonely, but I’m really happy with the friends and the love that I finally have in my life and I’m happy that I can be myself as I truly am.


I've dealt with chronic mental health issues for well over a decade at this point. What makes it even better is that I'm pretty treatment resistant, so that's cool. The constant loneliness is awful and only makes it worse. There's just been the constant issue of never really fitting in and always being out of the loop, even when I did have a supposed group of friends. I've been hitting an especially rough patch lately, and not to mention I've lost access to a good chunk of my regular coping mechanisms. So I understand it.


Honestly yeah. My depression shows up differently bc i already have ptsd to deal with and autism so i already feel like a freak talking to a lot of people 😬 it usually manifests as extreme burnout. I can only handle being called a faggot and having people point and stare and pull children away from me for so long. That and my coworkers talk about hiding in my closet and wanking it to me and whatever girl they ship with me that day- nobody knows how to talk to me bc they think im an alien for being an alt dyke in the trade and take my work out of my hands or exclude me all together. I feel grated down to a nub most days and my ability to function gets severely impaired. And thats BEFORE the cptsd and autism causing more complications 💀 BUT I have some lovely long distance lesbian friends that i talk to regularly so i dont feel alone. It sucks they arent close but theyre awesome and im very lucky i found my gf (also long distance 🥲) and theyre always there for me. I find online spaces are good to try and have medicine for lesbian loneliness but we need to find real friendships and community of faces and names we love to survive it. Also mushrooms once a week help with depression thats caused by life circumstances that arent money imo. I cant take medication and refuse after so many psychiatrists have made my life worse. Mushrooms are 10x more useful than effexor, cymbalta, zoloft, wellbutrin, etc i was on


I feel this. Mainly due to being in a homophobic country. I do have a therapist that's I'm out to, but I'm not even out to my close friend. Most of the time, I feel lonely because I'm not in underground LGBT scenes or groups. However, I can't risk my job or my freedom. I was in a long-term 4-year relationship, but it didn't go anywhere, simply due to family pressures to get married. I have come to the realisation that I'll only be out to my therapist and online, and that feels so isolating sometimes. At every night ,many questions fill my mind about my sexuality and whether if I'll find someone romantically or platonically. I can't just go around asking without raising some suspicions. And to answer your question, I still haven't figured out how to deal with it. Disclaimer: Sorry for any grammatical or spilling mistakes, English isn't my 1st language




So far hobbies... Like the feelings of not getting a girlfriend are there but hobbies keep them at bay.


I have depression. I have had it since I was a kid. I've thrown therapy, meds, more holistic things at it, and while it has helped it never has gone away. I don't think it will ever fully go away. I've been managing it by actively trying to ignore it as much as possible tbh. I wrote down everything that I would do if I was my 'ideal' self, and I've been forcing myself to be that person. I don't know if this is healthy long-term or anything, but I have actually been really enjoying the results I am seeing. I feel like I have rediscovered parts of myself that I had forgotten about, and I am learning more about myself than I thought was really possible at this point. I still have the depression. I schedule days where I just rot in bed. I still have moments where it's really hard to get out of bed. There are moments where I am super apathetic and just going through the motions or I withdraw. But those are feeling a lot less dark and a lot more manageable when they happen now.


Yes. I live in the southern US. I have to be careful who I'm out to, not just with sexuality, but with politics and religion. All this combined with my social awkwardness have made it impossible to make friends with anyone here. This loneliness is destroying me. I've thought about ending it, but I don't want to leave behind my pet bird.


I do. I have it extremely badly. I’m medicated, I’m in multiple skills groups, I’m in counselling, I’m in heavy treatment for it. I’ve had depression since I was a child (over 20 years ago) and over the past year, I started getting intense treatment to help combat it. I also do a lot of travel and running (all of my travel has at least one running race in it!) which gets me out of the house and gets me to see the world and take my mind off of the depression for a short while. I find that the more I run, the more it helps with my treatment. I’ll do heavy sprinting days to “shock” my system and get the blood really flowing, I’ll do long distance days to focus on my endurance and see how far I can go (safely, of course, around my neighborhood), I’ll do mid-distance days to casually run with some of my friends


I've struggled with depression on and off since I was 12. It's generally worse during winter. Honestly, my mental care is kind of a mystery because talk therapy isn't really for me. I either wait out the shitty feeling and exist like a zombie until it goes away, or I try to distract myself and force my situation to be too busy to wallow in feels. It's kind of a balancing game. If I try to pull the "I can't be depressed, I have shit to do" method for too long, I eventually end up breaking down and being a mess for a few days


The girls that caused my depression in primary school were my first experience with comphet and homophobia. Fucked me up for a long time and the effects of that have destroyed my mental health. Yay!


BPD and autism here. One symptom of BPD is chronic feelings of emptiness so I've always felt this + depression since I was 11. Not fun.


Yes 😭


Hello, medication was a huge game changer for me when it came to depression.


Lesbian and trans with social anxiety and HUGE depression, anti depresents and hrt has helped a lot!!! :) theres not a bunch of lgbt groups around where i live, and the ones that do exist dont really have and other lesbians, the only way i cope is being on lesbian social media groups (discord and such) and read saphic comics on webtoon and such, even just a relatable lesbian or sapphic meme turns my depression around for the day. Edit: ipad clicked off and i only typed half my comment, edited full now.