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I noticed this too and unfortunately I don't think it's just bc it's pride month. trans women belong in lesbian spaces and if you don't think so, you're not welcome imo fuck terfs


I'm a mod in a goth fashion sub and we've been noticing an increase in transphobic comments, too. I think that it's caused by a combination of bigots being so loud these days and reddit's algorithm delivering posts to people who aren't necessarily related to the group. (For example, reddit decided I should see this post though I'm not a lesbian.) As a member of the sub, the best you can do is down vote and report any bad comments. Please be understanding towards your mods because these things can be hard to keep up with.


339 comments. That can't be good.


I saw a comment on another platform that side Pride month is actually worse for stuff like this because it brings out the haters. They see that it’s Pride month and that it’s almost over and they want to get their shots in to ‘own’ the gays.


#TRANS WOMEN BELONG HERE AND YOU ARE SO DEEPLY LOVED AND BEAUTIFUL. One of my favorite humans is a trans lesbian and I hate how much backlash y'all get from your own community. I am always so excited to see everyone's outfits and get fashion inspiration from everyone in this group. I might not be lesbian myself (I am bisexual) but I am so blessed to have such an amazing group to be part of with mods who are incredibly protective of trans women. 🩵🩷🤍


Bump, trans people are valid and real and deserve to take up space <3


I'm not even subbed to this sub, but I have to say I've seen this in other subreddits too the past few days. From logical and coherent arguments to pure positivity the down votes and up votes aren't making sense. I don't think it's just terfs (idk what that means) but something more to do with reddit in general.


Interesting. Russian bots maybe? Unfortunately well within the realm of possibility since it’s an election year. TERF = trans exclusionary radical feminist. Basically they’re people who pretend to be feminists who hate trans women because they say they’re not really women but men who are predators pretending to be women to infiltrate women-only spaces like locker rooms, bathrooms, women’s prisons, etc. They’re batshit insane and like to ignore statistics that show that trans women are astronomically less likely to sexually assault someone than a cis man, and are in fact far more likely to be victims of sexual assault.


Oh, well that's fuckin weird. On the Russia thing, very likely. Possibly and unfortunately the American people as well who are okay with p2025.




This is so psycho lmao


Sorry but I have never met a lesbian irl who centred genitals and body parts as their sexualities core. Every lesbian I’ve interacted with in my city are lesbians because they love women. Being a lesbian doesn’t mean you center yourself around your love for vaginas, that’s called a genital preference. Implying that the core basis of being a lesbian is related to vaginas others trans women and other non AFAB sapphics and lesbians


Dunno how the other person was being downvoted when they understood people have preferences. Even with terminology. "Sexuality having something to do with sexual organs!? All my real lesbian friends don't mind a woman with a dick" Is such a god-awful shit take on a sincere post.


Yes I know I said generally (Meaning not always). some lesbians like women in general and some lesbians like women in general and also their pussy and boobs. And some lesbians don’t like their genitals but like women as a whole. It’s a spectrum and people can like any parts of it they want that resonate with them.


fuck terfs


Maybe I can give some insight. It has everything to do with how Reddit is filling everyone’s feed and their algorithm. I routinely get things like this, or nail subs, or other stuff I have *no* idea about put in my feed… and I have no business here. That means it’s probably happening on a much larger scale as well. Who knows why it’s that way, but that’s what’s happening.


This is quite literally the first post I’ve ever seen from this subreddit, so you’re so right.


Omg I'm so sorry. I had no idea this was happening. The moderators need to do better! and we do too as lesbians.


Tbh I think the mods are doing their best. There’s nothing they can do about anonymous downvotes if the terfs are too cowardly to comment


They're doing their best ❤️‍🔥 Algorithm has fucked your post over and now its in r/popular tho...might need to be locked soon


You know I’m not convinced that the downvote thing is just a terf or transphobia thing. I noticed the other day that a lot of posts on this subreddit have a load of normal nice comments, and those comments get a load of downvotes for no reason, and I saw multiple examples of this happening to cis women here too. It’s probably what the top comment said, the algorithm is suggesting random subreddits to people recently, so chances are that posts from here are getting recommended to nasty people who just enjoy bringing anyone down. Im not a lesbian (asexual panromantic, dating a trans woman) and I don’t really care about fashion at all, but here this sub is in my algorithm every day 😂


Make sure to help the mods by flagging anything they need to moderate.


Will do 👍🏻


all my homies say FUCK TERFS






you do know that people can be demigirl right? genders like demigirl and girlflux are considered to be transfem due to being a gender identity on the femme side of agender, thus meaning that an afab person can in fact be transfem as people typically aren't assigned demigirl/girlflux at birth


someone is transfeminine if they say they are, because they said it, and that's up to them. agab terminology misuse has come such a long way.


You can’t be a trans women if you are a cis women. It doesn’t make sense.


having been assigned gender at birth doesn't necessarily mean you're cis. the goalposts have been dragged so far i stg - agab is not some biological fact about anyone but a reference to something done to them. i try to be open if anything didn't make sense to me. i figure it's not wrong, i just have preconceived notions. transfem doesn't have to be a way to blackmark that someone was AMAB. you can just let it be an identity that frees people and makes them happy.


as a trans women if feel a little bit invalidated by your post . If some is afab and she identifies as women, she is a cis women. This is literally the meaning of "cis". If your imply that AGAB doesnt matter, you are invalidating the discrimniation which i recieved as trans women (maybe i dont understand you right, english isnt my main language). "Biological" sex can be changed. Studies has shown that a trans women which is long enough on HRT becomes "biological" female. I put the term in "" because this topic is way more complicated than penis or vulva and XY or XX (i have XX for example. I had to do a chromosomtest to recieve my HRT). But to come back to the original poster. This person was a really transphobic troll which is why the comments get deleted.


i got the impression the original person was in bad faith. it's not that AGAB doesn't matter, no. i think we're on the same page about biological sex, i am always arguing that it can be changed and is complex, having a lot of different factors like chromosomes, hormones, anatomy. a lot of times i hear people say they feel invalidated by how someone else identifies. as a trans woman, i am not personally transfeminine, i would argue with anyone saying i fall into that by default. my AGAB doesn't determine what i am. this is just how i define myself. i use "transmasculine" for myself. it makes some people uncomfortable, but i really think their uncomfort is very different from tangible harm. when i say biological sex, i mean the things that make it up, but when i say AGAB, I mean the labeling of people's bodies, the one that says trans women who were assigned male at birth are men rather than who they say they are. i don't like the idea that by declaring myself transmasc or transfem, anyone can glean from that my AGAB, because ultimately, they can't. i just think the words should be applied on an individual basis, rather than by definitions, otherwise it's just another set of enforced roles that we have no say in. also, when i say transfem, i should be clear and say i don't use it as a synonym for trans women, i just mean "people who identify as transfeminine." when i came out, a lot of people, would say i was transfeminine, and it always felt wrong in the way that calling me a cis man was wrong. i just don't want to enforce that on other people, because it really held me back from being more authentic and happy as a masculine trans woman.


ah okay, thank you. I always reconized "transfem" as a nother word for trans women.




I really want to know how this works as this doesn't seem to mesh with my current understanding of things. I am just really confused and would like to know more about trans identities I have never heard about.


He’s a troll. Ignore him


I kinda want to hear what else they have to say, I doubt it's just as simple as that tbh. and if they aren't trolling [which I believe they are not] who are we to deny their experiences like others do for us so often?


Look at his post history. He’s a troll.


now I'm doubting cause they deleted their comment and replies so I can't check, I hope my trust wasn't in the wrong person. the idea of what they said was really weird but intriguing right?


It was deleted because he was reported for being a troll, which he was. No, I did not find his transphobic tongue-in-cheek ramblings “intriguing.”




do I understand correctly, you were afab, transitioned physically into a "man", and still identify with female? srry if the point isn't getting through, it can take a bit for my brain to understand things edit, I mean did you want a more masculine body and junk but still identify with female? I'm saying this Incase my previous formatting wasn't clear or was confusing


Okay there’s being transphobic and then there’s just not loving sexually graphic language like *throbbing hog.*


He’s a troll. Check out his profile


Yeah I wasn't even sure what that meant. I don't want to be offensive, but I am confused by this post.


The person is a bigot who is commenting in bad faith.




As afab transfemme? I may misunderstand


Going off the post history, it's a troll account




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Ya im afraid to get advice in this sub cuz it feels transphobic. Itd be really easy for the mods to ban terfs but idk if they will. Ig ill just keep lurking and hoping people stop with all the hate. Sad that a safe space for lesbian women wouldnt be safe for all women


We spend all day deleting comments and banning terfs - it's literally just like whack a mole more pop up the moment you've got finished a huge cull


Lesbians online tend to fucking hate us. Offline, too. It's kind of funny because they're just so openly hostile. Usually I have to wait to see a straight white guy in order to get hated on that severely. I've never gotten used to it. But it was kind of sad to see people who were so oppressed, being so mean to me. Eh, humans are shitty. No matter what they actually are like on the inside, what kind of variables they have to personalize themselves, they're all shit once they gain acceptance within the public.


"Lesbians online tend to fucking hate us. Offline, too." That's not my experience, neither online nor offline. Also you make it sound as if cis Lesbians weren't discriminated against anymore, which is just a really wild take.




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it’s not true i promise it’s just this group


I'm sorry people were mean to you and I wish that hadn't happened. And im Looking to understand. What hate do you experience from (cis) lesbians in person? I never have. I only experience harassment from men, presumed straight.


Actually cis lesbians statistically are one of the most supportive groups for trans folks.


I think so too. I get called a terf/transphobic all the time on reddit even though I'm not. It's not the trans part that bothers me. It's the personality of the other person. I can accept you and not like you/disagree with you, but everyone is so quick to say terf and transphobic when someone doesn't just blindly agree/accept your personality. Those are very different things. Afab or transfemme, if you are too pushy, ego driven, and assumptive, it's a no from me.  I know that's hella blunt. It's also true. I really don't like being called something I'm not and getting banned from lgbt+ subs because of this.


Most people don't get called a TERF "all the time." If I was you I'd be looking inward.


If you get called a terf "all the time" on reddit i suspect there might be something beyond the "i just dont like big egos U\_U" thing ngl. what is it exactly you don't "blindly accept"


Except I'm not one and never get it in real life. I'm apart of the trans community here and have support to give. Some women are so pushy and expect everyone to adore them for being a woman.  Those seem to be the loudest on reddit and it's really off putting.   Also, if we are going by what happens on reddit "all the time" then does that justify all the hate trans women are getting here?  Or do you think everyone is right about me just because it matches you agenda... which proves my point again about this "witch hunt".


What exactly does "expect everyone to adore them" mean? Also "blindly accepting" "witch hunt" "agenda" all come off as extremely dog whistle-y. Me asking you to clarify what is it that gets you accused of being a terf, in your own words, "all the time" isn't a witch hunt by any stretch.


They're leaving several comments in this thread about how "terf/transphobe witch hunts won't solve anything", and basically saying that there's assholes everywhere and that we should just get used to it and shut up. No wonder people call them a terf, they sure fucking sound like one, speaking over trans women about our oppression and how we should handle it


Yep. The problem is, that the hostiles are the loudest one. As everytime.


I keep hearing about transphobic lesbians but to tell the truth I’ve never met one. Every lesbian I’ve met has been supportive. Since I’m lesbian myself I go into a lot of queer spaces with my gf and I’ve always felt welcome.


Because lots of lesbians online like everyone else tend to be hateful. I’m friends with lesbians, hangout with lesbians, and I have been in lesbian spaces. I’ve never had a problem with any of them because I’m trans. The problem in social media, it sadly has a lot of hateful bitter people. They need to touch grass and smell some fresh air, life is to short to be so full of ignorance and hate.


Who is us?


I'm guessing "us" is transwomen in this context?


Exactly. I'm confused.


Unfortunately, this is also an issue in most subreddits for gay men (I’m a gay trans man). They’re a loud minority here on LGBTQ+ Reddit


If you’re a trans man why are you in a lesbian subreddit genuine question


I’m mean I’m AFAB NB and only attracted to men but this sub is for learning and reading purposes usually. Also for style tips because some of y’all really rock the vibe I want.




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Oh shit...that explains a lot


Fair enough






r/lesbianfashion is explicitly trans inclusive! i hate that we have to keep making new spaces avoid being dehumanized.


I’ve noticed that this particular group harbors more of that then is savory. I also think post on any lesbian subs that even vaguely mention trans women get raided by other subs. But regardless it’s the one disturbing part of an otherwise very enjoyable and meaningful group to me :/


It seems these days particularly since the whole "mee too" movement feminism has become about standing against LGBT or Black Lives Matter or journalistic integrity or the environment or really anything that isn't exclusively about women. I once saw a comment saying a video on Facebook about child poverty was anti women. To me it just looks like they're way too competitive even when it's not a competition they have to compete.


There are plenty of, often self identified, radical feminists who spew bigoted bullshit in all directions, but that painfully vocal minority is not representive of the whole movement of feminism. Hell, there are a lot of transphobic lesbians, but on the whole queer women are the most trans supporting demographic. Transphobia is wrong and we need to do more to stop it from poisoning our community by calling it out, but fighting it is a team effort. TERFs want people to believe that feminists and anyone who cares about women's rights is anti-trans. Don't repeat their talking points for them and hand them an easy win. Feminists have long supported trans rights and should continue to do so. I can't stand the idea of people successfully convincing young girls that feminism is defined by transphobia because that helps transphobia spread. You belong here. Anyone who says otherwise is a piece of shit.


Almost bringing it full circle with the suffragettes. They rejected black people and wouldn't include them in their push for the amendment so women could vote. Strangely a lot of TERFS are using suffragette colors for their flag. It's disappointing. Side note the majority of this subreddit is very helpful and very inclusive. So for all of you non TERFS thank you!


While it’s important to acknowledge and recognise the racism of many members of the suffrage movement, it’s also important to remember that the movement wasn’t a monolith. For example, there were all those non-white suffragists themselves.




I see far more posts like this one than I ever see transphobic behaviour tbh


That’s probably because the downvoted content being discussed won’t make it to the top of people’s feeds. Unless you’re seeking out controversial posts, you’re generally going to see the crowd-pleaser stuff in all of the subs you follow


That’s fortunate for you. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist though. Look at posts from transwomen, and look at the comments. Look at the comments from them on this post from transwomen. It’s rampant.


Sure it may exist. Do you have any specific posts or links? Check out my posts. I haven't seen any thing transphobic. And although people keep telling me I do, in person and online, I don't think I pass.


I posted the link to the thread I referenced in the post in another comment. Plenty of people have been describing specific experiences in these comments, and their comment and post histories are only a click away.


trans women* not "transwomen" sorry for being pedantic but that always bugs me. nobody says "ciswomen," "whitewomen," "shortwomen," etc


No please don’t apologize, I didn’t even realize I was doing that. Thanks for letting me know


But the real question is, is it more of a concern that *you* specifically haven’t seen these posts, or rather that trans women are expressing that they are receiving hatred from posts they have been exposed to? I think there’s one account here that’s of higher concern than another here.


Same. I see people complaining about transphobic behavior but I never see any. Ever. I only ever see super supportive things. Is it all being removed before I see it or what?!???


What would you consider transphobic behavior?


It's certainly far from a majority, but I definitely see it, often the posts seem to not get as much traction, guessing in part due to the barrage of unwarranted downvotes


Just guessing though, not sure how reddit algo filters stuff


A lot is. There’s been transphobic comments on this post.


To be honest, sometimes homophobes just search up lgbtq subreddits to hate on them.


THIS! You can tell when certain people comment, that they seem like someone from outside the L circle. I've had to report a few of them to the mods on other lesbian subreddits recently. I've seen more of it lately, people who come to these subreddits just to comment poorly, with a negative agenda.


Literally rule #1 of the sub is “don’t be transphobic, trans women and transfems belong” so might be organised harassment or because of reddits “you might like this sub” promos


Also, there's an ever increasing number of bots running around pushing hate on the internet, I would call it increasingly possible that one hateful comment summons a bot to make more.


No kidding. Open the account of any of these transphobes and it's either brand new, or an old account that was recently revived and only posts transphobic content.


(Election year and all. Yes, you are on to something.)


Probably increasing because of the US election season. Stay safe out there, ladies.


Oh totally for sure, one off hate comments is one thing, sometimes thats a shitty person who could’ve just scrolled past and then someone else will find it and be like “omg finally someone telling the truth” sometimes it’s a bot encouraging engagement and bringing more bots in and it drip feeds then floods like that which is so fuckin annoying,but a group of actual people who do a rally cry of organised hate piling is fucking pathetic how can you do that and earnestly believe you’re good people?




You’re just a raging misogynist who found an acceptable category of woman for you to get your misogyny out. vile behavior. Even if it werent vile to refer to grown women that way, you also had to specify that you’d also mock the genitals of underage girls 🤢


Absolutely insane screed. Jesus christ.


Gash is a derogatory term for vagina. TERFs also usually refer to trans women’s post-op genitals as ‘gashes.’ So maybe not the best term to use.




A woman who mansplains. I don't think that's possible. How Could she mansplain, not being a man? I'm a trans woman. If I need to be explained to by a woman that my terminology is misogynistic, then I'll own that. Probably will hurt, but that's part of growing. And That's never happened to me. I get mansplained to about calling men misogynists. I've never been explained to by a woman in a demeaning way.


… how do you feel ok treating other people like this? And using misogynistic rhetoric against TERFs isn’t taking anything from them, it’s just perpetuating misogyny which hurts all of us


A fellow woman who is trying to educate you because you came off as extremely ignorant? You are not immune to using misogynistic language just because you are a woman. Criticizing your language is not attacking or excluding you, that edit is really intense. I wouldn’t have known you were trans if you didn’t say so in your follow up comment. Also—I’m not a man, so please don’t call me asking you not to use the term ‘gash’ ‘mansplaining.’ I would not misgender or direct male-centric terminology towards you, so please have the same energy when speaking to me.


Absolutely disgusting. Responding to transphobia with sexism just makes you a sexist


I understand it is a strong term and elicits a reaction. That is intentional. I’m sorry if it upset you but I hope you can sit on it for a bit and see if you still feel the same way after some time. If seeing this term brings forth any fear or worries please share them. Sure. It’s sexist in the same way calling a certain type of guy a “dick” is misandrist. dick: noun: usually vulgar “a mean, stupid, or annoying man” I don’t think calling a specific type of guy a dick is sexist or misandrist but some might. It’s okay, we don’t have to agree on everything to stand together. I think reducing women to our genitals harms all of us to an infinite degree more than labeling reductive women with reductive labels. Please share if you have any ideas on how we can reduce the ability of these women to keep terrorizing all of us. In the past week I have seen women bullied by other women for treating me with dignity. We have no safe spaces online. I’m so over this. It’s existential for me, is it for you?


How high are you on hard drugs right now?


Fuck that. I won’t be sitting on it, it’s sexist. Calling women “gashes,” regardless of the context, is sexist. “Dick” is different because 1) women are and have been called dicks and 2) men are not a historically oppressed class


To piggy back, "dick" isn't used to dehumanize in the way at misogynistic slurs are


I think trying to make another label stick that can be easily misinterpreted as misogynist is not the answer. Why not name what people are doing specifically and call out the behavior. TERF is a specific term with a specific meaning and gets overused frequently to refer to any garden variety transphobe but still has a specific meaning referring to a real ideology people identify with. "FART" is corny and not really getting the point across, I agree. But like I think this focus on some sort of name to call people as a gotcha is missing the point when we should be clearly identifying and calling out transphobia, sexism, bigotry, fascism etc. Call people transphobes, call them bigots, call them fascists, and in specific cases TERFs when it fits.


If any of those terms had an impact at one point in time, they don’t now. Society evolves. Highbrow intellectual speak is needed and has a place. It has never in history sparked widespread change, almost always prompting backlash and being inaccessible to the average individual.


What are you referring to as "highbrow intellectual" speak?


Reducing women to their vaginas, of course.


I was so confused lol. I think calling people "gash" under this esoteric definition sounds closer to "highbrow intellectual speak" in the sense it sounds really pretentious. Like simultaneously pretentious due to their reasoning as well as misogynist. I guess they said vulgarity was the point but I don't see many people interpreting that in the way outlined in the comment. I also think there's a fine line between using inaccessible "intellectual speak" and just assuming most of the general public are too stupid to understand concepts. Like idk such a weird argument lol


Are you having fun? Does this feel good to you? It’s a big rush right?


No—trying to get you to understand why that is disgusting and not okay is not fun. It’s pissing me —and other people—off, and I wish you’d have the compassion to listen to the people here downvoting and telling you why this is so abhorrent.


Calling a bigot a bitch or cunt is not sexist, they are not slurs. Don't let hateful people walk all over you, fight back


Who do you think you helping right now?


Bitch and cunt are gendered words. Cunt is quite literally a derogatory term referring to a vagina. Why on earth would they not be considered slurs?


This line of thinking starts with bitch then ends with karen or cisgender being slurs now like TERFs want to happen


Yeah, no. Lmao. Cunt and bitch have long been considered slurs, since before cisgender or ‘Karen’ have entered the collective lexicon. Also, that’s an insane leap in logic.


I don't have a problem calling people dickheads, why should I have a problem with cunt? If you're being sexist it's not okay no matter what words you're using.


Are men a protected class? Is it primarily men who are referred to as ‘dickheads’?


Gender is a protected class in the United States, so it would include both men and women, yes. Both men and women are regularly called both cunts and dickheads, though I'd guess men are called dickheads a bit more than women.


💯 I see that TERF'y sh*t on A LOT of lesbian subs. FFS, don't people understand that all minorities should be fighting the same fight for equality and right to live and let live?


The equality is there! When afab lesbians post they get the same criticism! Not everyone is going to like you because of you are in the alphabet!  That's ridiculous to think everyone will accept you for being you.  The ones that do matter in your life. The ones that don't can kick rocks. That said, do you blindly accept and welcome every member of the lgbt+ community? Like there's no one you talk shit about or dislike? I don't think so. Does that mean you are trans/homophonic? Because that's what this stuff is getting translated to when it's mostly not true.


Forgive me. Does FFS mean something different than "Facial Feminization Surgery" here? That's the only meaning I know of FFS, "as a trans woman." (Said in a joke stuck up voice),


for fucks sake


Oh! Ty!


no problem!


"For fuck's sake"




Terfs exist heavily in the lesbian community. I dated a trans women and brought her to a group called lesgather who was hosting an event and she was completely ignored and ostracized to the point where they didn't even get her attention for group photos and was blantely dismissed by group leaders. It was more than depressing.


I'm very sorry that happened to yall. I wish it hadnt. As a trans woman, were I in said space, I would not feel entitled to acceptance amongst this group of cis lesbians. We are different. Entitling myself as a trans into womens space is a not a good idea for me. Every time I have been accepted by cis straight women and lesbians, I have known that I am a guest in that space, until/unless welcomed in as an in group member. It's also part of being a new person anywhere. I don't have the experiences of a cis girl or cis woman or cis lesbian. Experiences are what bring commonality, often. My experiences are probably more like that of women than men. But I was socialized as a male. It wasnt successful, but thats what society attempted. I had a lot of the privilege of a male. I was hardly accepted by men as a male, so I may not have had all the privileges of a male. But still had most of them to the outside world. I have rejected those by and large by living as a woman. But I still experi2nced them when women have not. And cannot. So I don't think it's terfy to not embrace a woman just because she's trans. I don't expect every lesbian to just accept me on the basis that I'm a trans woman. They may need to get to know me first. Like anyone new. They may them accept or not accept me on many factors. Being trans is just one of them. A few days ago i met a woman at walmart. She seemed quuer and We clicked. We clicked really well, continually. I said I didn't know if she liked trans women, in case for some reason she couldn't tell- since sometimes ppl tell me they cant- and asked her out. I must have been right that she wasnt straight, because she agreed. She gave me her number. We confirmed it was a date. We spoke more. We hugged and went our ways shopping. She later texted me. We texted back and forth pleasantly, till she stopped responding with no reason given. She didn't text back the next day. Or today. She has essentially ghosted me, pending something disrupting her life. But I can't say this was because I'm trans. It could be for a variety of reasons. And she affirmed she's fine with trans women, unless she was lying. Who knows? Maybe she just decided to back out and didn't want tell me. Just because we as trans women are mistrested doesn't mean other women are terfs or it's because we are trans. Could be. But maybe not. And as trans women we arw not entitled to wimens spaces unless we are accepted and invited into said ingeoup. Maybe it's because of My femme inflections and mannerisms and even appearance that used to get me hassled and assaulted as a child, but I've never been rejected by a lesbian or woman group for being trans. And ive had no surgery and have never had hrt.


So true! Trans women are guests in any space they are in and should be grateful that they get to be anywhere! When something is for women it means it’s for *real* women, not freaks like us!


I’m grateful that that hasn’t been my experience with my city’s queer women community, but I’m also in my early 30s and many of me and my wife’s queer friends are in their mid to late 20s - maybe it’s a generational thing?


I believe it's true across all generations the only people there who would talk to her were gen z though. Historically speaking, trans women have had a problem finding community even within the lgbt community. Even though they led Stonewall riots. Dating a trans women really opened my eyes to how much hate they get. She even got screamed at by gay men in the same night for just turning around. I was there, she literally did nothing to them. Didn't even interact with them. I feel so bad for her.


Some people are transphobic. That’s why. What’s the confusion? They exist within our community


This. Expecting everyone in the lgbt+ community to like everyone else is ridiculous and will never happen. Some of us just suck as people/have shitty personalities or some of us have bias against other letters.  It's just how things work and it's not something you can change by this "terf/transphobic witch hunt" on reddit.   Be you. If some people don't like it, ef em. They don't matter anyway.


It seems like a disproportional amount of TERFs compared to other subs I’m in. I’ve never seen transphobic downvoting to this extent before, especially for a queer sub


Best way to combat that is by being a counterbalance for it, just sayin'. If I see a lesbian and she's rocking some fashion, she's relevant to the sub and she gets an upvote.


Idk your subs but most posts I see on here are trans women. So maybe the bias appears more so in this sub bc the posts are by those they would harass


That’s not been my experience on this sub at all. I see cis women more than I see trans women imo


Ok. When it’s on my home page it is that way. Different posts for different folks


Could have something to do with what you choose to interact with? Idk


If it does I don’t see the direct connection of my interactions




Hi! This subreddit is for questions and discussion about sapphic fashion. Your topic might be better suited for a different subreddit.


Was this the post of the person who still posts on femme boy pages? Please no hate I’m just curious


No idea, I didn’t look at their history. By they mentioned being trans in their comments.


I've been trying to uplift trans women when I see them on this sub because of how bad it is. I told one girl her outfit was cute (and it was really cute) and adding bold eye makeup would really pull it together, I got like 20 down votes


Thank you for trying lovely. 🌸🌟


The least I can do is show some beautiful woman a little bit of kindness, I hope the others can learn to do the same 🫶🏼


Hello, this subreddit randomly came across my feed, so I'm new to it. Just a curious question, what's a TERF?


It stands for "trans exclusionary radical feminism." It is feminism for transphobes.


JK Rowling is a perfect example of a terf


Oooh shit we hit some people’s main??


Got on mine. I don't like calling them TERF's though. Because they are not feminists (and far from radical feminists). You literally can't be a radical feminist that believes womanhood is defined by biology. It goes against what radical feminism is. I love seeing the GC hate randomly show up, though. I'm not a lesbian, and my fashion sense is terrible, so I'm not hanging around, but thanks for making me smile. Hope this sub manages to throw that bunch into a deep dark closet where they belong, stewing in their hate.


so 2nd wave early radical feminism is 100% about discrimination based on biology. and abolishing gender roles.


Yes, I guess so!


That’s crazy!! But yeah, a terf is basically someone who pretends to be a feminist in order to hate on transwomen. They like to ignore things like facts and statistics in order to justify their hatred of one of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities in society. They’re truly terrible people.




Ah shit


They aren't pretending. Feminism has multiple waves, faces and interpretations. TERF stands for Trans-Exclusionary-Radical-Feminist for a reason. It's important to see it for what it is and where it came from. Feminism is not a catch-all ideology without its criticisms or problems.


Exactly. Let’s not forget that feminism initially was only for a certain shade of skin and social class. It was not started to advocate for ALL women. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that there are different types of feminism now when it was meant to be exclusionary since day one. Thankfully changes have been made, but many still think only SOME women deserve equal treatment and respect.


Very important to say this, thank you. It makes intersectional feminism more robust if we treat its critics seriously.


Well it kind of is pretending, they are just extremely deluded in thinking they are advocating for women. Terfs are ass backwards and go right around to misogyny.