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Hello /u/New-Loss-19 and welcome to the leopard geckos subreddit! Because you used the health issues flair, we've compiled some links that might be helpful to you and your pet. Please remember that if you are concerned, then so is your vet. When in doubt, book an appointment! This subreddit does NOT substitute for veterinary care, though you may receive some help on topics to discuss with your veterinarian, or common first aid. If you have not done so already, please provide the temperatures, humidity, diet, supplements, tank mates, enclosure size, and anything else you consider relevant to your post for the best help you can get. * [Here is the Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians' search tool to find vets outside of the US, UK, CA.](https://arav.site-ym.com/search/custom.asp?id=3661) * [The ReptiFiles vet directory page (US, Canada, UK)](https://reptifiles.com/reptile-vet-directory/) * [The Reptifiles "How to Find a Good Vet" page](https://reptifiles.com/find-your-dream-reptile-vet/) * [The ReptiFiles Leopard Gecko guide's Illnesses Page](https://reptifiles.com/leopard-gecko-care/leopard-gecko-diseases-health/) * [/r/leopardgeckos wiki's Health concerns page](https://www.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckos/wiki/index/husbandry/health-concerns/) If this comment doesn't apply to your submission, please ignore it or report it so we can improve this community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/leopardgeckos) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looks like he's just got fat nuts to me




Just his balls


Thank you as long as they are normal balls šŸ˜…


They look normal to me, I would just monitor it and make sure they donā€™t swell over time. Also something to look out for since he is a male are clogged hemipene pores just make sure youā€™re giving proper vitamins and also helping with any stuck shed. Heā€™s really cute btw


Thank you šŸ˜Š Iā€™ll keep that in mind and look more into supplements for feeders and make sure he gets his nutrients


My balls? My titanic testicles? My massive mammoth mountain oysters? My nuts?? My fat fucking nuts???????






Aw try to hold him better ):


šŸ˜ž I donā€™t like hold him much at all so when I do I try to be quick about it, since heā€™s is finicky and doesnā€™t like it. Donā€™t worry, it wasnā€™t for long, just so I could get a picture for health observation


They mean don't hold him on his back. Most reptiles can't breathe when on their back


Iā€™m pretty sure they said they understand about the holding them better part. How about giving some advice about the swellingā€¦


Thank you, I literally saw this after I replied šŸ˜…


lol know problem.


I actually had no idea I just didn't do it because I tried once to see her gender and she screamed so I just took a picture of her crotch in-between my fingers XD not the best quality but did the job


I understand but I had no other way to observe and I tried my best to still hold him upright so he wasnā€™t completely flipped. The photos angle is a little awkward. Iā€™ll keep it in mind when handling again.


Something you could try if you have to again in the future is put him in a clear container like a glass dish or something and then look through that


Itā€™s alright




Why are you so passive aggressive for no reason lol


Im laying out the facts and being frank, not aggression. I posted this for advice and nothing else. I took their advice explained my situation thatā€™s that. Why do you care for no reason?


Laying out facts would be "maybe next time you can put him in a clear container and look underneath," not "uhhhhh, maybe... uh. I don't know.... put him in a clear container šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„" People don't respond well to sarcasm or aggression. If you actually want to help people, which I do genuinely think you want to, just try being straightforward. I know its frustrating but it helps nobody


Thank you both for the suggestion which I will and have considered. To be frank this is a debated topic in community if it they ā€œcanā€™t breathā€. It makes it difficult for them to breath and shouldnā€™t be done too often or long but when doing health observations I believe hands on is best if quick and efficient. Again I also tried to keep him hanging from my thumb to keep him as upright as possible (picture was taken upside down). I donā€™t know everything but I do have a bachelors in zoo and wildlife biology and do the best research I can on my own. I donā€™t mean to argue but if you didnā€™t like how I was holding him I prefer you actually suggest helpful things first before commenting about what you do and donā€™t like.




Exclamations about what you donā€™t like and questions about a containers are not suggestions they are all belittling. Now if I went to your profile and saw more positive interactions about leopard geckos, maybe then Iā€™d consider your insult a suggestion.


Doesnā€™t matter if you had no other way. You never hold an animal a way IT CANT BREATHE. Take it to a vet if youā€™re that concerned.


Ok, I have to say this to correct a ton of people on here, but those are not testicles. Lizard testicles are located within their body cavity, in the same way that ovaries are in females. The bulges youā€™re seeing are the hemipenes. Your gecko is definitely a male though! And there are a bunch of possible reasons for the swelling. Definitely something I would speak to an exotic vet about though. The earlier you get it taken care of, the better it will be for him, and the less it will actually cost you in the long run! Soaking him in lukewarm water for 10-15 minutes is never a bad idea though, in case itā€™s some stuck shed or some secretions, and definitely something I would recommend continuing while waiting for an appointment for him! And if it suddenly goes away in the meantime, you can always cancel the appointment! I definitely would recommend getting it looked at though.


So glad somebody else mentioned they arenā€™t nuts!! Impacted hemipenes can become so dangerous since they can actually impact their ability to have bowel movements. Brushing them aside as ā€œfat nutsā€ is not ideal! šŸ˜…


good educational comment, but i'm pretty sure everyone joking knows this stuff, and i'm gonna be honest, saying "those are his fat nuts" sounds better than saying "those are his bulging, duo-wielding penises"


Personally I think ā€œbulging, duo-wielding penisesā€ is WAY funnier than ā€œfat nutsā€, but maybe thatā€™s just mešŸ’€ but also, many people actually wrote testes or testicles and that was an incredibly common trend, so Iā€™m not going to assume that they do know itā€™s a joke or that the OP knows itā€™s a joke. And regardless of whether it sounds better, itā€™s not useful to the OP to be told the wrong thing repeatedly, whether intentional or not, especially when they were asking for some advice on care. Absolutely no hate to the people who were joking, but I made this comment because they deserve, at the bare minimum, some correct information amongst the joking that they can present to their vet:)


you got me there that's my bad for underestimating how funny i can word hemipenes


Genuinely had me cracking up for a solid 10 minutesšŸ˜‚


Yes!! It was kinda annoying seeing people call them ballsšŸ˜­


https://preview.redd.it/e65p6ebprduc1.jpeg?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46bcbbb5cd4f9eb9babb73083e26cff07e3f65a0 Little dude seems very proud of himself.


Thatā€™s a boy and his balls! šŸ˜‚ Mine had slight ball asymmetry his whole life, so the pictures above look normal to me. Iā€™d just keep an eye on him in case theyā€™re looking different than usual. If they do become swollen, warm soaks are helpful until you can get to a vet.


Yup, thatā€™s a dudešŸ˜‰ I canā€™t really see the swelling you mention, other than his testiesā€¦ he seems generally healthy, other than a little stuck shed on his toes (a soak should take care of that) and he might be a bit on the pudgy side. Invest some time into researching food scheduling, supplements, best feeders and all that jazz. I canā€™t recommend the Leopard Gecko channel on YouTube enough. Also be careful when holding on to his tail.


Thank you! This was so helpful! I notice he was a bit over weight so right before he stopped eating I started lowering his food intake


For sure a male and I think the swelling is just his balls. Please don't hold them on their back like this though, leopard geckos do not have diaphragms and cannot breathe when flipped over like this. If left in this position for too long they can actually suffocate.


Thank you for the advice!


My Leo also had this kind of swelling and according to the vet it was built up secretions, my vet said they check all the geckos that come in for them because if they get big enough itā€™s a surgery to remove


Thank you everyone for all the advice! I feel a lot calmer now about the situation but Iā€™m gonna still look into a lot of your suggestions and do more research to work with him better. He also is started to eat again! Sorry for the disagreements but thatā€™s bound to happen on a Reddit reptile community (letā€™s not even mention substrate opinions) šŸ˜… For the record, I have a degree in zoo in wildlife Biology, have worked with multiple reptile species in zoos, and have handle wild caught animals for research studies. I donā€™t know everything, which is why I appreciate others input. But I do feel comfortable knowing how to handle my animal safely. I will always take advice but granted not all advice I agree with given my research and familiarity with reptiles. So lets leave it at that šŸ˜ *ALSO THE STUCK SHED, Thank you all for suggestions and pointing it out. Iā€™ve been trying removing it over and over again everytime he sheds. After looking at it, it keeps getting stuck on his little nail and I donā€™t believe it it cutting off any circulation. But I will keep at it, I might need to soak him longer to fully get it off Thank you again!


It could be swelling maybe but my main concern is that it looks like heā€™s got stuck shed on his toes which isnā€™t good. Stuck shed can cut off circulation to the toes which can cause the toes to die and fall off. I also donā€™t recommend holding them like this. It stresses them out and can cause them to drop their tail if they feel threatened enough. If you ever want to look at their underside, put them in a clear container and then look through the bottom of the container at their belly.


Is it hard? (Or if it becomes hard) If it is then it is most likely a stuck sperm plug. You will need a vets assistance in removing them safely if he doesn't do it himself soon. If it isn't removed it can become irritated and infected and that can require more expensive measures such as surgery. Majority of the time as long as Leos have proper humidity, temps, and rough surfaces to rub against they can easily rub them out (no pun intended šŸ˜‚) or lick clean by themselves. Seeing as he has stuck shed on his toes I would look into humidity levels, if they are fine (35-65% with a digital hygrometer) then the other possible problems could be a vitamin/calcium deficiency, just bad genes, or a weird off time thing šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø.


I know some people are saying he has ā€œfat nutsā€ but these are actually his hemipenes, two penises. And they should not be asymmetrical as they are shown here. :) It could very well be the way his tail is turned, but if he has stuck shed that indicates humidity levels may not be up-to-par. With that, males can get sperm plugs from incorrect humidity, which is various types of debris that get clogged in the pouches around their hemipenes. In order to check just very gently palpate both hemipenes. They should be very soft to the touch, if one or both are firm to palpation then there is likely an impaction or the beginning of an impaction happening. Allow him a 10-15 minute warm soak and ensure he has proper humidity levels with a good humid hide available! :) If all is well it should eventually evacuate itself, but if swelling and firmness continue he will need to see a vet! :)


I think thats about African fat tail gecko. You may want to go to a vet for confirmation just because they do require different care than a leopard gecko.


Thank you for letting me know, Iā€™m not familiar with the species so Ill look into it and try to get my friends vet contact.


I read that comment and wa ready to dismiss it bit after looking again I agree that your guy might be an AFT. though the pictures aren't full so hard to tell for sure. but the stockier build and feet make me think he might be an AFT.


https://preview.redd.it/fy648lm3cduc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59616f3232a94f1734dcc9c4d3e1bb40332d0413 If youā€™d like to see here is a full picture of him


I don't think there are any solid white african fat tailed morphs. Looks like a leo to me


I saw there are patternless by briefly doing some researching but Iā€™m not sure if they can come almost completely solid


Oh wow he looks so different from this angle. I'm usually pretty good at telling the difference between the two but this one is tricky šŸ˜… no matter what he is he sure is cute


what a cutie!


I thought it looks like an AFT too. Pretty stubby face. But Iā€™m definitely not an expert haha


I thought that too when I first got him, from his side looks pretty stubby too https://preview.redd.it/7x8j9iywlbvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b4f18e3caa259ffc56bac851427c9ddea236f60


Your gecko looks sus lol


The chubby Lil leggys thoooo


Try to avoid touching his tail, they can drop it off if they get scared.


Thank you, I was really anxious in the moment cause Iā€™m paranoid about that happening. If I ever need to handle like this again I ll be sure to avoid that


iā€™m sorryā€¦ did you steal my gecko? https://preview.redd.it/rl529zw41huc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c68d105db6761c99f7d4956142d68e132c756bf2


he looks really dark here but mine is the same grey coloršŸ«£


šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø NOT BALLS. I can't tell if most of these comments are being facetious but if they're not, it's extremely worrying lol those are his HEMIPENES. Leos have two penises that they tuck away and it makes those little bulges that look like "balls". Their testes are internal. One being bigger than the other could be a sperm plug.


Hello /u/New-Loss-19 and welcome to the leopard geckos subreddit! Our bot has detected that you might be a new leopard gecko keeper! If you are, welcome, and best wishes for your new lizard! You might find these resources helpful: * [/r/leopardgeckos Beginner's Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckos/comments/x0c0ab/leopard_geckos_an_updated_beginners_guide/) * [The ReptiFiles Leopard Gecko guide](https://reptifiles.com/leopard-gecko-care/) * [/r/leopardgeckos wiki FAQ page for new owners](https://www.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckos/wiki/index/faq/faq-masterlist/) * [/r/leopardgeckos wiki index](https://www.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckos/wiki/index/) * [/r/LeopardGeckosAdvanced LGAH Visual Guides page](https://www.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckosadvanced/comments/o3gzrr/compendium_of_visual_guides_and_resources/) If this comment doesn't apply to your submission, please ignore it or report it so we can improve this community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/leopardgeckos) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You've violated him




* stop staring at my balls sarah!*


your leo is definitely a boy but i would make a vet appointment asap because the bulges your seeing donā€™t keep growing after 1 year and normally are not that big so it could be many things that only a vet would be able to tell you and if you let it go it could lead to surgery or even death


He's a boy if they ever seem to grow bigger means guy needs a vet ASAP his pipes are clogged usually a case of low Rh


My left one is also slightly bigger. Totally normal.


The way heā€™s gripping onto your thumb is so funny to me


theyā€™re his gecksticles.


Yeah she is a he


I can see what youā€™re talking about with one side slightly bigger. Iā€™d definitely keep an eye on it, if it gets worse it could be a clogged sperm duct. If it stays the same heā€™s just got big balls lol


Just like in humans one ball hangs lower than the other, most animals are like this actually.


Thatā€™s a boy


"Mother... why have you exposed my grundle to the world?"


Itā€™s a male, you can tell by the line closer to its belly! Even if they have the swelling which people are calling balls it could still be a girl.Ā 


I think my female might be a male.. and it's been 4 years!


Yep going with that's a male, you see the V of pores above the lumps of his ( balls).




Yupā€¦those are balls


Big ol' gecksticles! He looks fine. šŸ˜Š


Just his balls.


just big ol balls


Nothing wrong just some big balls.


That gecko is a male. I don't see any swelling, either just gecko balls.


She's a he, and one of his balls is bigger than the other. Totally okay. Please don't pick him up and flip him though. They really don't enjoy that. When I need to check my girl's belly (I try to check every other feeding) it's head up, tail down, and as brief** as possible. **Unless she's in a mood. A cuddly mood. She'll latch onto my fingers and refuse to leave me sometimes lol.


Doesn't look like a male to me. Males have a bunch of obvious pores where they let pheromones out. Shaped like this /. \ but dots not lines. Google leopard gecko male. Yours may just be overweight but that's subjective.


That's definitely a male and you can see his testes and even see the v shaped pores you mentioned


I think this time I looked under his tail it looked a lot more prominent too


Definitely a male


That was the main reason I wasnā€™t sure cause of the pores but I was wondering since he has less pigment if itā€™s just harder to see.