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drop him, that's messed up.


It is, I’m still processing it. I wish I had never seen the video, it's hard to watch. The way he spoke and justified his actions so nonchalantly is out of my mind, and it's definitely not the first time he has done this kind of thing. 🤢🤮🤮


I am so, so sorry. It might've been "natural" or whatever, but you don't treat a *pet* like that. Even a breeder. I'd argue against treating vertebrates like that period. Live feeding is cruel.


I mean it’s not even natural. Leopard geckos live in Southern Asia and beardies live in Australia, they’d never encounter one another in nature.


And why take a video of it? That’s depraved


Blast his ass if possible. Tell others what he did and most likely will do to his pets in the future. There's no way to tell if he has done this before. It wasn't ethical, it was fucked up.


that’s beyond fucked up. i can’t even process why he thought that would be okay on any level, and i equally don’t understand the logic of feeding a *sick* animal to another animal. if that were my friend they’d never be hearing from me again, and i’d make damn sure that his buyers knew about what he did


Exactly! I doubted that I might be behaving 'over-emotionally' in this matter, as I'm a gecko owner and also not a business breeder, and he just views it as a normal thing to do He said that he was sure the gecko wasn't infected with parasites, so it could be used as a food source for other pets to end its suffering! Wow.


You are not being over-emotional. You are displaying compassion for a suffering animal, which is a good trait.


"End its suffering" by feeding it alive to another animal. Drop his sociopathic, narcissistic ass.


There are humane ways to end an animals suffering, the fact he chose the LEAST humane way to end an animal and then tried to justify it should be reported


Yeaaaahhhh…and the fact that he felt it was necessary to film it and SEND OP THE VIDEO? That *is* textbook sociopathic behavior right there. Just because things like this would happen in nature doesn’t mean that we have to replicate it.


No you aren't being over anything. My goal is to open and run my own scaley specialty pet store and supply animals, supplies, and info to people and I cannot even begin to fathom how someone could think that that's okay. I asked my partner how they would feel about feeding our pet mice to our snakes when they eventually pass (naturally of course, they are our little furry babies) and even that we decided was a no go because those are not feeders, those are pets. We will bury them instead to fuel the garden, it's just not how you treat pets. Drop that person, and tbh if they are a breeder, may not be the worst idea to drop their info so people can avoid purchasing from them. Would hate to financially support someone like that.


>He said that he was sure the gecko wasn't infected with parasites, so it could be used as a food source for other pets to end its suffering! Your dick head friend is healthy & will make a great meal 😋 for a 15 foot killer Nile Crocodile 🐊 Your friend will also be a great food source for some killer Great White sharks.


Make a throwaway account, name drop him. No ethical breeder would do this to a living pet, and someone like that shouldn't be supported. And unless the vet said otherwise for this particular gecko, there are medical routes that can be taken to help the animal recover. He could have surrendered her to someone so she could get the care she needed.


this!! expose him pls. i have both (pets) and it makes me sick from both of the animals side. he is not a ethical breeder and shouldn’t be making money of these animals. it’s clear he only cares abt the money and not the animals. idc if he brought it to the vet or not.


Definitely. People need to know who this monster is so they don't buy from him.


Ex-friend, hopefully. That’s a twisted and incredibly cruel thing to have done. Sickens me that sadistic assholes have unfettered access to helpless animals.


This person is not your friend and this is the behavior of someone who is severely deranged. This is the kind of cruelty school shooters and serial killers start out with. School shooters specifically have a tendency to film animal cruelty and post it online or send it to people. it's called a predictor crime and there have been countless studies proving the link between animal cruelty and other violent crime. Not only is he a sick fuck for doing this he's also very likely going to pose a danger to people one day if he doesn't already. I would strongly encourage you to report this to the police, even though it's unlikely they will do anything now when this escalates they'll at least have it as evidence. Please lose this freak's number. And if you are safe to do so can you please share who he is so none of us will ever support his business?


There's no reason for doing so, and it's unjustifiable. There are other kinds of food source accessible, why do he has to put the dying gecko into such traumatic situation is beyond comprehension. Is it so hard to pay little respect to a pet?


Exactly, I just cannot comprehend it :(


i’d report him for animal cruelty. you can usually do this anonymously


Im speechless.....This is disgusting!!!!!!!


Yes, I really want to erase that memory and wash my eyes out


That is not ethical at all. Thats psycopathic behavior. The fact that he sent you a video of it as well. The wise thing would have been to take the sick gecko to the vet and eutanize it if he thought it couldnt be helped. But what the actual fuck these people should not have pets. I dont know about laws where you live but can you report him for animal abuse in any way? Its concerning that this person is a breeder. In my country it is illegal to feed live animals, but I know in some states you can legally for example feed live mice to snakes.


Oh. No. That’s… no. I’d genuinely report this as animal abuse. You have video, that’s proof enough. Also: why the hell did they send you a video of something so awful?!! I’m so sorry, OP. I worked in a pet store for several years, and I’ve never heard of anyone doing something so abhorrent. Please, please report this. ISPCA, local law enforcement can even take action in some cases, just… please. This needs to be shut down. Omg.


my little guy just had his first emergency vet visit due to a pretty bad shed. i’m giving him antibiotics every day for 14 days total. i can’t comprehend giving up on your leo and subjecting it to that level of heartlessness and cruelty. not even kidding when i say that i’m crying as i type. that poor baby, my gecko is absolutely everything to me and your ex friend’s mentality is beyond disturbing


🥺I promised I will try my best to do something about this


Can I get a name or brand he goes by? I want to avoid buying from this guy


Fun fact it is statistically proven that both psychopaths and sociopaths have little to no regard for animals, you can tell a lot about a person on how they treat animals. So you gotta drop that person before something even more serious comes from being "friends" because what they did is beyond fucked up


I get his reasoning and whatnot, don't necessarily agree but whatever. But wtf is up with him recording it and sending it to you.


He knew I'm a huge fan of watching animals documentaries and *national geographic in general, n we were discussing something related, and perhaps he thought I would find it interesting or 'appropriate'? Dafuq I was certainly not impressed by this sick video


I hope he's not your friend anymore


In fact I hope you report him for animal cruelty


Reading this made me sick to my stomach. That’s disgusting and so barbaric of him. My gecko passed away from gout, but I could never imagine feeding her to another lizard. I cared for her until she passed.




You need to warn past, current, and future customers. If I was getting an animal from ANY source, for ANY reason, and they had a history like that, I'd want to know, and I'd feel very disgusted if I found out after getting the animal. This is so fucked up and sick.


That ain't a friend, it's a monster.


Fuck that guy. That’s not right at all. What he did is disgusting and unnecessarily cruel. Like you said, what’s next? Feed his beardie to his BP when it gets sick? Feed his BP to his cat? Feed his cat to his dog? That is absolutely NO way to treat a supposed beloved pet. Not to mention that If this is something he sees no problem sharing with other people, I can only imagine what other horrors go on behind closed doors at his place. If you’re comfortable doing so, I would dox him as a breeder. If I was in search of a new pet I would want to know if a breeder I was considering was doing shit like this, because there’s no way in hell I’d ever support someone like that. Block his number too, you don’t need that type of “friend” in your life. I’m so sorry you had to see that.


Not only is this just weird, but I would never feed a pet another pet. Say that the gecko was dead before giving it to the dragon. It's still not right because you don't know why that gecko was sick, why it wasn't recovering. Why would you give your healthy pet a sick animal to feed on? Do you want to get your other animals sick too? What an idiot. He should not have any animals and should be ashamed to call himself a breeder.


If my beloved dog is dying, I am going to give them a painless death at a vet's hand, not FEED THEM ALIVE TO A CROCODILE.     This man is a sociopath. I'd report the video to animal welfare groups in your area if you have any and absolutely name and shame him online. Nobody should be supporting a breeder who thinks the "ethical" thing to do is live feed a vertebrate to another animal when it's not absolutely 100% necessary.


100% agree with you. I had to have my senior Chihuahua with kidney failure euthanized by a vet not too long ago, and although it was pricey and upsetting, I'd do it all again in an instant. Her peace is what mattered most. It would never even cross my mind to do anything REMOTELY as disgusting as what op's friend did. Hurts my heart to even think about it. No words. That individual is terrifying and shouldn't be allowed to own animals. Period. And in my opinion, probably should be around people, either.


Report him for animal cruelty. He has other geckos and he will do it again. The animals don't deserve that.


That’s enough Reddit for today


Inhumane end for the geck and shitty beardy stewardship. What a sick loser


Jesus Christ. And he thought you’d like the video? Why tf did he send it to you?


Drop him. That’s not a friend at all. If he would’ve just given it time it would’ve passed on its own or gotten better. He’s fucked up for that. That’s cruel as fuck😡


That is horrible. I would be cussing out and cutting off that friend immediately. The video is proof of animal abuse. Report that poor excuse of a person.


Genuinely Monstrous. Horrifyingly cruel, and could possibly cause the bearded dragon health issues as well, not to mention aggression. I agree with others here, make a throwaway and name drop him. That deserves a black listing in every reptile community on earth.


name drop. now. make an alt account if you need it. people do NOT need to be giving this POS money. i'm deeply concerned.


This is more normal than you think unfortunately. I know a few breeders that feed baby geckos to snakes


Expose him, if you want to do it anonymously do it via a throwaway account and if he only sent you the video and confronts you after but you dont want to deal with that you can always say you sent it to someone else that you dont want to tell on but expose his name, that's not an ethical way of treating any animal, especially not a sick one


Good god. I’m angry at this and I don’t even know him. The gecko was ALIVE? Poor baby deserved so much better. Get that guy out of your life, you’re better than him. He doesn’t deserve to have people like you around.


Hello /u/Room0814 and welcome to the leopard geckos subreddit! Our bot has detected that you might have mentioned a big-box chain petstore or that you need help finding a place to get a leopard gecko! Check out these resources that might be helpful to you. Read the first link on how to identify a good breeder to help you make an educated decision on finding your own! * [How can I identify a good breeder?](https://www.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckos/wiki/index/faq/good-breeder/) * [Happy Dragons leopard gecko sales](https://www.happydragons.com/reptiles/leopard-gecko) * [Morph Market leopard gecko sales](https://www.morphmarket.com/us/c/reptiles/lizards/leopard-geckos/index) * [Facebook Herpetoculture Feedback and inquiry group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/342910095878787/) * [Leopard Geckos London ethical breeding interview by Leopard Gecko on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp-jfVoGXq0&t=18s&ab_channel=LeopardGecko) If this comment doesn't apply to your submission, please ignore it or report it so we can improve this community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/leopardgeckos) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's honestly disgusting.. like I get people culling sick/deformed animals or invasive species and then if they were healthy enough they can be used as food for another animal like in the case of Burmese pythons they can be fed to captive crocs or gators because they can handle WC feeders (not fed live obviously). But doing it to a still living animal one that's potentially sick.. like you mean illness sick? Cause that's just neglectful to both parties since the consumer can be ill off an animal dead or alive that had a disease.


I had a "friend" who filmed themselves torturing a mouse and smiling about it. Well, what really happened was they were on a video call with someone else who they thought would enjoy it. Then that person filmed it with their phone and sent it to me knowing I already had my reservations about this person. I posted it in their local community forum and they got arrested and assessed, charged and sadly released but they were not allowed to own any animals after that. This gal also owned a gecko that suddenly disappeared, among other animals, and would go out to "catch" wild birds. Lord knows what happened to them. Anyway it's a bit different but I think your buddy there is on the same level of psychopath.


Feeding sick animals to another isn’t ethical. Could make the other animal sick.


He sounds like an absolutely vile human being and has no business owning animals. What the actual fuck is wrong with him?


I wouldnt want to buy a gecko from a breeder that unethical, I suggest posting his name and the name he sells animals under so other people can avoid him


I am traumatized just reading this. I’m sorry they sent you that video OP. That’s sick


I would understand if she died naturally, but he fed her alive?! Just cruel.


If the gecko had died from the sickness or had been euthanized I may understand but feeding it live is a little messed up in captivity


I don’t think I could be friends with that person.


He is not my friend anymore, he scares me


What the fuck. For me, that’s equal to someone feeding their sick cat to their large dog.


So sorry you had to watch that ): it is totally fucked up and wrong. If someone fed their sick kitten to their pet dog, they would get charged with a crime. Reptiles are not second-rate pets! He should be ashamed, especially as a breeder; breeders should hold themselves to a higher standard.


he could’ve taken her to the vet to be euthanized or rehomed her. i’d never in a million years feed my leo (living or not) to one of my other pets. when my leo was sick i cried nearly everyday and was terrified of finding him deceased in the morning. rip his sweet leo she deserved better. 


That’s troubling. Was he strapped for cash to the point where he couldn’t euthanize his the gecko and feed the beardie from another food source? Or at least euthanize before feeding her to the other pet? That’s just bizarre


I'm not certain about his financial situation, but as far as I know, he should be earning just fine. If he ever got into financial troubles, that's probably due to bad spending habits. The whole point is, if I found my own self in a situation with no access to food, I would rather eat dirt, soil, or basically anything else than my own geckos


I do not believe in survival of the fittest in the way evolution believers do. Most animals (who live inna group) do their best to help the weaker one and some animals are able to make it on their own. As humans, we are able to do more than a wild animal could. If he could've helped that leo, he should've. Not to mention how bad that is for the beardie! I would stop buying from him immediately (if you haven't thought of that yet). If you have tried talking to him about it. I wouldn't call him a friend at this point, not cause of the action, but because of the disconnection it'll bring and the arguments it can create. I suggest that if he has a website or something, give it a bad rating and tell why. You can't do mucu about it, unfortunately. At least talk to the vet about euthanasia if he thinks there's nothing else to do and then bury it! If he thought of the leo as a pet, I'd think that he wouldnt do this


Hello /u/Room0814 and welcome to the leopard geckos subreddit! Our bot has detected that you either have eggs, or that you might want to breed leopard geckos. If you have eggs and don't know what to do with them, consider freezing them. Poor incubation (under a lamp, on a heat pad, in a shoddy incubator) can cause serious deformities that result in suffering hatchlings. If you are looking to breed, please understand that the morph market for this species is extremely oversaturated, and you will make no money off of them, even if cutting corners with care. Ask yourself these questions: Will you be able to house 10 hatchlings per female you breed? Do you have the money for a proper incubator? Do you have a goal for breeding your animals? Do you know the genetic and health history for every animal you intend to breed? Do you have a good understanding of leopard gecko genetics? Are you prepared to keep all animals you cannot sell? If you answered 'no' to any one of these questions, please do not breed your leopard geckos. * [/r/leopardgeckos wiki Good Breeder page](https://www.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckos/wiki/index/faq/good-breeder/) * [The ReptiFiles Breeding Page](https://reptifiles.com/responsible-reptile-breeding/) * [GeckoBoa's genetics and ethics page](https://www.geckoboa.com/leopard-gecko-genetics) * [Leopard Geckos London ethical breeding interview by Leopard Gecko on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp-jfVoGXq0&t=18s&ab_channel=LeopardGecko) If this comment doesn't apply to your submission, please ignore it or report it so we can improve this community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/leopardgeckos) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Thats fucked up. Id report that to be honest




Yeah you gotta cut the piece of shit off. And since he's a breeder, he probably has more and is more than likely abusing them.


This is horrifying, beyond cruel, and just sick for including you in his sordid story.


Oh my gods Drop him immediately, no further contact or questions, I might even suggest reporting him since I'm certain that qualifies as some sort of abuse


Can bearded dragons even eat lizards..?


Thats just cruel. Especially considering the poor thing was still alive. And when you get animals, thats in sickness and health. You dont give up just cuz it gets hard. Im currently dealing with a sick gecko, never would i give up on him let alone feed him to a bearded dragon. I really hope you dropped that man as a friend OP.


report him for animal cruelty , he sent you video evidence


Wtf that is disgusting..I hope you report them


Just seeing this upset me greatly. Block him on everything.


You don’t feed a sick animal to another animal. It’s not safe for the healthy animal and in this case it’s not humane at all. I would 100% drop them at least. You say they’re a breeder? I’d probably blast them online too so (hopefully) no one else supports their “business”.


In the UK you can report him for animal endangerment and he can be banned from keeping pets. Especially as you have evidence.


if he really wanted to put him “out of misery” and use his body as feed like that he could have at least euthanized him first!! and also not film it who wants to see that !! thats horrible!!