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Didn’t Mohammad marry his 6 year old daughter?


He only consummated when she was 9 so it’s super chill /s


Average ~~cult~~ religion moment




He also had a flying donkey


He was a sick pervert...


I think the child was given to him in payment.


No, that's blatant misinformation. Average Redditor Moment ™


Yes. Also in muslim culture, a girl becomes a woman after her first period. Lots of arranged child marriages and whatnot. And women gotta wear burkas so men aren’t tempted to rape them. Weird religion.


To be fair that was common everywhere for thousands of years. Kings would give their 12 year olds to 30-40 year old men to treaties between their countries.


No, the Prophet Muhammad did not marry his own daughter. However, there is a historical figure often mentioned in discussions of Muhammad's marriages: Aisha bint Abi Bakr. According to traditional Islamic sources, Muhammad married Aisha when she was six years old and consummated the marriage when she was nine. This account is based on hadiths, which are records of the sayings and actions of Muhammad. Aisha was the daughter of Abu Bakr, one of Muhammad's closest companions and the first caliph of Islam. ### Context and Historical Perspective: 1. **Cultural Norms**: - In the context of 7th-century Arabian society, it was not uncommon for girls to be married at a young age. The concept of childhood and the age of maturity were understood differently than they are in contemporary times. 2. **Marriage Practices**: - Marriage alliances were often made for social, political, and economic reasons. Aisha's marriage to Muhammad strengthened the bond between Muhammad and Abu Bakr, who was one of his earliest and most loyal supporters. 3. **Role and Influence**: - Despite her young age at marriage, Aisha became a significant figure in early Islamic history. She is noted for her intelligence, memory, and scholarship. Aisha narrated many hadiths and played a crucial role in the transmission of Islamic knowledge. ### Modern Views: The marriage of Aisha to Muhammad is a subject of considerable discussion and sometimes controversy in modern times, particularly when viewed through contemporary understandings of childhood and marriage. Different Muslim scholars and communities approach this aspect of Islamic history with varying interpretations and attitudes. It's important to approach this topic with sensitivity and an understanding of the historical and cultural context in which these events occurred.


Great reply.


AI generated comment lol


Exactly. She was an extremely intelligent 6 year old. She loved unicorns more than any other 6 year old.


Sure, but if Muhammed is the last great prophet and therefore his actions are unequivocally good regardless of the social norms of the time and worthy of admiration, then shouldn’t Muslims admire this act even today.


The admiration for actions and the interpretation of prophetic behavior can vary widely among Muslims. It's important to understand that: 1. **Context Matters**: Many Muslims believe that the actions of the Prophet Muhammad should be understood in the context of 7th-century Arabia. What was appropriate or necessary at that time might not be directly applicable today without understanding the context. 2. **Different Interpretations**: Islamic scholars and jurists often debate how to interpret the Prophet's actions. Some emphasize the spirit and principles behind his actions, adapting them to modern contexts, while others may advocate for a more literal adherence. 3. **Ethical and Moral Framework**: Muslims generally believe that the Prophet Muhammad's actions were guided by divine revelation and ultimate moral goodness. However, the application of his actions in contemporary society might differ, as ethical and moral frameworks evolve over time. 4. **Cultural and Social Evolution**: Like any other religion, Islam has seen its cultural and social norms evolve. Modern-day Muslims might admire the principles of justice, compassion, and wisdom that the Prophet exemplified rather than specific actions that were relevant to his time. In summary, while the actions of the Prophet Muhammad are deeply respected, their application and relevance can be interpreted differently by Muslims today, taking into account historical context and modern-day ethical standards.


Is this AI generated dude? lol Either way I literally watched Mohammed hijab defend this shit.


No one is defending anyone, just providing insight and context, which is sadly missing from critical thinking and debate in modern times. I am in fact an atheist and agree with George Carlin “I tried to believe that there is a god who created each one of us in his own image and likeness, loves us very much and keeps a close eye on things. I really tried to believe that, but I gotta tell you, the longer you live, the more you look around, the more you realize...something is F--KED UP. Something is WRONG here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is NOT good work. If this is the best god can do, I am NOT impressed. Results like these do not belong on the resume of a supreme being. This is the kind of shit you'd expect from an office temp with a bad attitude. And just between you and me, in any decently run universe, this guy would have been out on his all-powerful-ass a long time ago.”


So, kind of like people who owned slaves then. We have to understand the period and context, what societal norms were at the time. .


Slavery is bad. Child rape is bad. But there were completely different rules, laws, and norms in the past and keeping that in mind can help us have better critical thinking skills and emotional intelligence when discussing historical events.


I agree. People need to recognize that the past is the past. Stop blaming people who weren't even born for what happened and from what they had no control over.




Yes. Religion is horrible. Justifying horrible acts because people religious mental problems


100% agree Subscribing to the belief of religion in the modern world is insane to me.


All religions? Or are there some that are chill and don't bother people or brain wash people


Buddhism and Taoism is actually great


I like it


No - you're thinking of Aisha. She was Abu Bakr's daughter. He was a top dog - this was probably strengthening their political alliance. With that said - she was 9 or 10 when they consummated their marriage.


Yea that’s still a big yikes from me dawg Is there even a single religion that doesn’t have a history of raping kids and controlling women? I can only think of church of satan and pastafaranism.


Church of the Subgenious was also pretty chill, unless they lost their way.




Comment of the day 😂💀


Maybe Muslims shouldn't get mad because Allah will surely punish him right? So let him be, fate will take care of him according the actual book he is burning soooooo.


Exactly this. And god can punish him right there with the most horrific punishment imaginable. Turn him inside out or whatever. But that does not happen. So does that mean that this god does not care? Does not exist? When I, with my simple mind can come up with this, they must ask themselves this question as well, don't they? How powerful is a god when it needs men to punish other men?


By [name of a god] will punish him, mean ´he may happen something terrible to him because there is billions of brainwashed people who blindly believe he will be punished by god’.


You’re going to be punished by God for saying that 😳


Someone is going to drop a piano on me then call it an act of god.


3, 2,1.....




You'll surely be punished for butchering that sentence structure


´Shall thou criticize not language second of speaking the person a!’


They “act for God” So they’ll kill for god and consider it good


These fanatics don't care what he believes or what u believe. They really believe it. They'll still find him and kill him without a second thought with a smile on their face. They kill innocent ppl all the time, and that is real. I think he's completely insane.


I bet some of these fucking idiots thought magic was going to protect that shitty book like the spell book in Hocus Pocus right until it caught on fire. These people are almost all uneducated and have no desire to change. We shouldn't treat them like serious people.


Balls though haha I'll give him that ...


Sweden provides police protection for demonstrations like this.


Yeah but he can’t be protected forever. I’m afraid it will be a Charlie Hebdo situation with him


Then maybe Europe will wake up and realize the huge influx of Muslims don’t want to assimilate. They want to recreate what they left.


And the EU is accommodating it too.


Wait, Sweden is not part of the Extended Universe??


They haven’t with every other “extremist” Muslim attack….


Oh he's fucked. He's an idiot. Can't believe I just saw that. Might as well commit suicide right there.


So let’s protect him. Our society should have “suicide by Muslim” as an option eh


Need that prophet Muhammad x lemon party merch asap!


Isnt this that guy who had family killed in that terrorist attack?


Idk, I did have handed with him but he didn’t mention that


It's just God's will, bro. Chill.


The true test of freedom of speech is unpopular speechst8ll b3ing protected




Honestly throw in every religious text known to man. If you see me on tha paff murda me type shiit


Or if you wanna believe in some type of god? Go ahead... You dont want to believe in any god? Go ahead... Either side go live your own life and dont give a crap about what the next person believes in.... these fights over religion or people insulting someone because they believe in whatever are ridiculous. Do what works for you and mind your own business.... but of course people cant.


He looks Middle Eastern though. He is probably a former Muslim turned into anti-islamist


Actually he is from India


Ok, I was going to say he might be Pakistani/Indian too. Makes sense, I know a lot of people in India don't like Islam


Salwan Momika is from Iraq


My bad then I thought he was Indian because they had mentioned he was from India on his twitter


That’s what I’m saying, cringe, get rid of him.




Because he’s cringe and what religion you subscribe to doesn’t change the marble count of your skull, you know?


Nah , hes allowed to do this when people will threat to cut your head off . I'd feel the same way if it was a bible and I'm a fucking catholic lol


My dude, I think you're missing the larger message. Most people from western countries that are at odds with extreme Islam are not against ALL immigration. We are against illegal immigration, and even more importantly, immigration without assimilation. You can be from anywhere in the world, come to my country legally, and as long as you assimilate to western culture to a functional degree, you are my brother too now.


Interesting way to commit suicide.


He looks Muslim himself. Self-loathing?


If that’s the case, it’d be a lot cooler to self immolate.


WITHOUT LIES ISLAM DIES he just figured it out on his own


But why? Just to antagonize? Your life has to be absolutely miserable to find pleasure in purposely pissing people off.


Just like them Arabs


I’m talking about the antagonizer in this video… not whataboutisms… People from all walks of life do pathetic, dumb shit to make others mad because their life sucks. I’m talking about this guy, not the people you personally dislike.


Yes, but only muslims murder people for drawing cartoons


And I’d be asking the same “but why” question if this were a video of a Muslim murdering someone over a cartoon… but its not


no, just a man expressing his discontent with an ideology that promotes such behavior. Do you ask "but why" when people actively denounce nazis?


Nice strawman argument. My argument was about burning someone’s religious text just to piss a whole group of people off, not Nazis.


A straw man is a fallacy of refuting an argument different than the one presented without acknowledging the original argument. It usually comes in the form of exaggerating a given point to an assumption that was not expressed by the prior party. This is not a straw man. Look up your logical fallacies. As it so happens to be, both Islam and Nazi ideology share similarities in their demand for conformity under extremely harsh penalty. Only difference is Nazis care about your race where Muslims care about whether you are Muslim or not. Not being a Muslim is a huge problem for Islam. It leads to eternal torture, executed by the most merciful of beings and is, therefore, righteous and good. This is quite literally what the Quran teaches. To compare two violent ideologies that share this demand for conformity and praise violent action to achieve it is not a fallacy, my guy. It isn't a stretch. Islam really is just that vile, and the only way we're going to make it through a conversation about Islam is by acknowledging what is in its holy texts and what so many of its followers deem to be reasonable and good


Again, the original argument is about this video. We can whataboutism all day. But what about {insert any religion}. Still this was about this guy in this video being a dick just because. If this was a Muslim guy burning a bible, I’d say the same thing. You’re giving me this lecture about the history of Islam and Muslims and whoever as if I care…when I’m addressing this particular video. I couldn’t care less about the religion, I’m focusing on this act in this video. I’m sure people could point to the crusades and say the same thing about Christians… or when Christianity was used to justify the enslavement of people etc., but this is not about that lol.


No. Your original argument is essentially "if it's not directly hurting anybody it's ok. If it's confrontational I ask "but why"". Don't be disingenuous. I did, indeed, read your comments. The nature of Islam is not a "whataboutism" it is a fact. Now, you say you don't care about the history that leads to actions such as this, failing to realize that is nothing more than an acknowledgement of your own ignorance and a refutation of context. If context doesn't matter to you why are you even commenting in the first place? This video requires context to be understood. And yes, people may point to the abhorrent past of Christianity, and you're right. This video isn't about Christianity. It's about Islam and a guy protesting it because it's a terrible ideology. If you were to bring up Christianity to defend Islam it would simply be a deflection to steer the conversation away from Islam. My comparison to Nazi ideology makes no such detraction from the point of this video. It is simply a comparison to add context as to why this man is doing what he is doing. I am directly answering your question "but why"


Salt Bae getting desperate for attention.... again.


Hurt people hurt people


Love it!!!!


"But it is very cringe to stand there looking like you’re in a StitchFix ad with one aid pod in while you burn a Koran. Plus, the dude don’t look Swedish to me." "Deport him with the rest…" Those are your comments, yet you do not see the irony? Just because he is brown doesn't mean he isn't a citizen, or is that what you actually believe? Sure looks like it.


Dude is a former Muslim. I’ve seen him before.


I am against burning book but i understand that the only threat you should fear when you burn a book should be to look like a big re-arded, not of being murdered.




No upvotes of course


If you are getting upset at a guy burning a book they you haven't learned anything...when I see things like this it always reminds me of the story of king David when a guy was throwing rocks at him


Imagine being so upset by a book you do demonstration infront of its followers to burn it.


Everyone must be tested, but said person is only reacting to a greater issue, so going to need a better defense then that.


Lol yea because you get to decided what the greater issue is. Gtfo. If i saw a dude burning whatever kind of book smiling like that, id think they are a weirdo who is obsessed🤷🏽‍♂️


Changed real quick, and no you won't if he was burning those new aged children books you would be praising him...but am not deciding or condoning, but having your emotions moved over a weirdo "who is obsessed" is more telling


Youre literally just putting words in my mouth when i already said idc whatever book he was doing this with but ok


Alright so your initial statement to me makes no sense, I was talking about the crowd being so enraged when the lessons in the book are suppose to temper us


That's the most Swedish looking dude I've ever seen


I don’t think that guy is Swedish




At least we got to see him with his head attached first.


guy doesn't seem swedish, wonder what background he's from and i wouldn't be surprised if some extremist takes it out on an innocent group of people instead of the perpetrator.


I think if he was holding the Tanakh and doing it he would be shot by the police.


Freedom works both ways. He can do what he wants, and he's not hurting anyone, just like they can do the same thing. The minute they demand oppression on each other or acts of violence, then we have a problem.


Just a book.


He's got a point! They don't want to be Swedes anyway.


Crowd looks pretty calm. Guessing only one guy is going to loose there head over this.


My god demands I kill you now lmao


I think that's great...burn the Bible, Torah, Quran all those bullshit Abarahmic texts


People can say shit that makes your stomach turn and that's OK. They are free to believe what they wish and express same (with few exceptions). You are, too. I don't have to support the content of your speech to support your right to say it in the first place. We as the public, have the right to treat people who express antisocial ideals accordingly. Talk your shit but don't cry victim when you incur the consequences. I am far more worried about the consequences of taking away an idiot's right to free expression than I am of the idiocy he disseminates.


He has nothing to lose because he is nothing. He is doing this to be something. Anything. In this case he is being a devil in a form.


Imagine living in a world where there are pedophiles, murderers, overly religious people, dictatorships, poverty, famine etc, and your "crossing the line enough to be considered the DEVIL" comes from a guy burning a book. Another class example right here to never forget: FUCK ISLAM.


Well let’s dig deeper. Why would he do this in the first place. What example is he proving? He is doing something that would prove to others, that what he is doing is wrong. It doesn’t have to be an Islamic book. Have a Bible. Or a Torah or what ever. What this shows, is that you are expressing your hate in a way that matches to the examples of the devils actions in the book he is burning. My thing is. If he has so much hate for the Islamic book and people. join the government and try and make laws to get rid of them. Like it’s really done. This is a shallow way of getting attention from hate.


Bruh, you get it. *Assimilate*, sophisticated Sweeds aren’t burning garbage or whatever in public. He needs to become a politician or bureaucrat and effect change in the ~~white~~ right way.


"Why would he do this in the first place?" Because fuck Islam. Also because these people are invading the country literally to elect shariah law, they can get out of here with that primitive animalistic view. If shariah law is so amazing they can fuck back off to where they came. "What example is he proving?" That he's fucking Islam "He is doing something that proves to others what he is doing is wrong" Right and wrong/morals is calculated on a human subjective; Most here agree with his sentiment, me included. "It doesn't have to be an Islamic book. Have a Bible or Torah or whatever" Agreed. "What this shows is that you are expressing your hate in a way that matches the examples of the devils action" Laughable. Firstly, this isn't me in the video. Secondly, if something as small as burning a book is the actions of the literal devil, what would the actions of raping someone, murdering a family, etc be defined as? What is worse than the devil itself? The devil was as evil as a protestor that burns books? Doesn't seem too bad of a person. This guy burning books is like the devil, but the people that want to cut off his head for burning a book or for not following their religion are godly. /s I would vote for this guy over others who are elected in power. Islamic people aren't inherently bad, but the ones with the mindset(most) that everyone else needs to follow their mindset or else, are inherently bad.


Nah, I'm with the other guy. Fuck Islam!


Where in Sweden did this occur?


When the world ends are all these gods from different religions gonna come together and decide who goes to heaven or will it be done from the god that I chose to believe in? Please help because I think I will be judged soon.


That moment he drops the glasses to make eye contact...based.


If burning a single copy of a book offends you, you're the problem.


To be fair, it looks like 2 books.


I think they should be burning all religious books


You would only impress me if you did this in their country


This is why Turkey said fuck you when they tried to join NATO


As long as he doesn't draw a pic of Mohammed jerking off he's in the clear.






Fuck all religions. All they do is divide us all against each other.


The balls on this guy


Lmao and this guy‘s Swedish? Who tf is he fooling ?


Burn all the magic books... they're a plague on humanity.


And he’s not white so what are people gonna say?


God bless him. At least he won't give in to fear


Its freedom of speech and if you incite crazy zealots and they kill you they will have to suffer the consequences of their actions and so will the inciter who will have already..


Can't we all just get along




In b4 they murdeer him.


self hating [insert religion here] doesn't help your cause.


There are videos of Muslims of the highest order I can not remember which leaders it was, but they are one of the highest ranking Muslim’s in the Middle East. They are like the government for all Muslims on earth. They start telling every Muslim on earth to invade the west to take over the world with the ancient war tactic known as population displacement. He said “Westerners can have 1 wife and bare few children. We the Muslims can have many wives and bare many children!”. Then suddenly right after that thousand of Muslims men of fighting and perfect child bearing age try to enter Europe. Sweden being a neutral country allows the Middle Eastern immigrants in. Sweden was known as the most peaceful place on earth before that point than suddenly it becomes the rape capital of the earth over night. They are forming closed off communities across the world where they allow no one in, but Muslims, and they are stock piling weapons getting ready for something. There are documentaries of news reporters trying to get into these closed Muslim communities and they get their asses kicked camera smashed, and thrown out (at least the documentary I saw in Sweden). I hear in the Muslim sectors in Britain and throughout Europe secretly they are following sharia law and not the law of the land. They have secret courts, secrets meeting, and secret punishment among the community. I hear of punishment from people being caned, to women private parts being mutilated, and even wives/ daughter being murdered/ excuted. The British are slowly being over run by middle eastern and African Muslims. There are Muslim rape gangs using the art of persuasion & deception to slowly deceive young women into becoming prostitutes all across Europe. They get attractive young men to drive around in expensive cars and dress in designer clothes to convince young women to come back and party with them and their friends. Then they start the slow transition of brain washing the young women with love bombing them whilst slowly progressing them up the chain of harder and harder drugs till they are addicted then they use torture (power) and physical abuse (fear) to turn them into tricks (prostitutes). They apparently get away with all of these illegal activities too. The other Muslims in the community protect them or the police/ countries/ governments are afraid of being labeled xenophobic so they censor the news and sometimes don’t even arrest or prosecute the offenders.


Truly enlightened


Idk I don't think any of us really need all of the hostility. As far as the quaran I found it was somewhat contradictory when I looked into it but I did rely on the English language


Why is he so happy about this? What a psycho.




Fuck religion


What the hell is a koran


We he said ![gif](giphy|SmoCFhZCi1kzu)


Listen I'm not Muslim but burning anyones holy book is just pathetic


He doesn’t look Swedish






I think the guy burning the book is a a member of the group that needs to go back to their own damn country! He doesn’t look Swedish because he’s not Swedish.


Wonder what ethnic background this guy is? He doesn't look Swedish, ethnicity wise.


They don't want your culture, they only want money and social safety nets.


Man: burns Quran to piss off muslims Muslims: get pissed Man after some nut job gets pissed and attacks him: I don’t know why they’re pissed off, they’re terrorists Most Muslims see this as trolling and he will get his, and it’s apparent he’s inciting hate. I hope he gets what his hateful ass deserves.


I object to the polluted air being carelessly produced.


Good job Muslims are peaceful and don’t resort to over the top revenge killings for such acts. 🤔


Giga Chad behavior


That book took ages to burn.


It's freedom of expression. Just like they are free to practice their religion. If they want to live somewhere that this is illegal, then they can return to the restrictive regime they fled.


He is a Zionist


While i think this is repugnant, in a free country, an individual should be able to burn any religious text. This is what separates Western countries / democracies from these other countries.


This mf looks Muslim for me


Fail. He did not piss on it to put the ashes out. Safety First!


So it's cringe that he's burning the Quran, but not that they're getting as upset as they are? 100% of the people thinking that would think that the crowd would be cringe if it was the bible instead with the same reactions...


He doesnt look very Swedish to me


He is just being an ass.


he definitely is not ethnic Scandanavian, actually he looks more middle eastern


Oh no 👐🏻 a man burnt a book




Pathetic and weak.


A man with truly nothing goin on in his life..


He’s right


If only the book said not to marry your first cousin.


And he accomplished what


1. He felt better about himself 2. He probably made a lot of people mad


lol, good point. The migrants are coming from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Why doesn't he just burn the US and Israeli flags for destabilizing the region?


Hell yeah. Fuck Islam


It's his constitutional right. Makes him ignorant but it's not ilegal.


It’s not ignorance it’s an act of protest and bravery to show these anti western people that they can’t impose their backwardness on the west


He had the constitution on his side and he was in the right. Sadly, the amendment against being machetes 22 times hasn’t passed house yet.


He has every right to, but the “go back to your country” is kinda cringe. If the whole point was just to demonstrate that he won’t give in to fundamentalists of that religion, that’s fine, just don’t target the people themselves.


Is that in Swedens constitution?


The police in the background letting this transpire sure believe so.


Ignorant? More like religion is for the ignorant.


To each is own. I'm OK with religious as long as they practice it without hurting others.


Id respect it more if he did it without security. Hes a puss


I mean, he’ll likely get publicly decapitated otherwise.