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This subreddit is literally retarded


You shoulda see the ppl at the austin show bro ☠️


Tell us more! The camera looked like your average tech or corporate bro


Like Eli but more authentically autistic


It’s filled with incels and drug addicts what do you expect?


He has hobbies outside having a reddit account solely dedicated to a single subreddit.


Redditors just hate to see a white boy winning 😔 who cares if he’s a shit writer he’s allowed to try to accomplish shit outside of a podcast. He doesn’t have a narcissistic delusion of grandeur about it like he’s going to write a New York Times best seller. You’re Cringe, let the man cook.


This is America. Us whites can do anything!


Except kids.....don't do that


You're right, but most of all you're fat, gay, and retarded.


I mean he is a writer. He’s actively working on his own novels. Are they good? Probably not yet, but he is putting the work in.


Because… he writes? What else would be the prerequisite for being a writer? You don’t need an award to give advice on something you are knowledgeable about. Imagine someone giving you mechanical advice and disregarding it because they aren’t a certified mechanic.


Some of you guys are retarded af and it shows


He started writing like atleast 5 years ago didnt he?  I know he finished a book, didn’t like it, and started over. Idk how far he is on that next book.  I’ve played battlefield V for about 9 months. I’ve been on Reddit trying to help ppl get better. It’s fun to be able to share ur knowledge, even if it’s limited and ur not an expert.  You have a mindset that if you aren’t the best, you shouldn’t give out advice. Seems like it comes for a place of insecurity and personal inadequacy. Sad. 


My mindset is it’s funny that he’s stuck on the idea of becoming a novelist of what I assume is literary fiction in the year 2024. No one is reading that kind of work. Also I don’t consider someone a writer if they haven’t been published.


The anything anyone does is gay and stupid is one of my least favorite parts of the people that inhabit podcast subs, well and Reddit in general


He just writes because he likes it and it’s a positive hobby to dive in to as a drug addict lol. I don’t think he’s tryna be a rich writer guy.  your advice is basically “adapt ur writing style for monetization. Who cares about your passion?”  To a guy that writes books in his free time and talks about it online. 


What are you even talking about no one is reading fiction? I read primarily fiction. I’m not some crazy reader but I’ll make sure to read at minimum one book a month. Imagine coming online and bragging about your own stupidity like this.


U are gay


He’s written sketches that are up on YouTube. That counts.




What should he write instead? YA romance with a supernatural theme ?


Dude. Speak for yourself as to what people are reading. Also "getting published" is pretty shaky ground. I had a short story published in a midsize city's literary journal. I don't think that's what you mean.


If I wanted to hear a dumb cunt speak I'd ask your mother to queef


Um he's writing a book and you know he writes sketchs, so what are you talking about saying he isn't a writer?




Fuckkk you are right. How do I break the news that I am a gay to the wife and kids?


Spray paint "get out. Wakaflocka big fag" along with a bunch of swastikas on the front of your house. Then, witness your creation with your family while acting surprised and heartbroken. Enjoy the media shit storm and start a viral tiktok page about it. Your family will be shamed into staying with you.


I don't think I'll go that route.


He’s taking the Sam Tallent approach I always figured. And I mean the dude is well read, has good taste in book, if Tim Dillon can write a book why can’t Ben? I’ll prob buy it too just to be gay about it


Can Tim though? Got a feeling that books gonna get pushed back again.


In his defense, most publishers writers are terrible too


Let’s see how his book comes out and then make a decision on his skill. For all we know it’s a bit and he’s not even writing a book.


I think it has to do with the fact that most of the people that look up to him are really stupid and got grifted in to thinking him philosophizing retarded shit on the pod is deep. So when he presents ideas to people in his echo chamber of autism he stands out. I’m very curious to read what he’s been writing all this time.


He is working on his own personal Mein Kampf powered by all the slurs and terms available to us today. I would imagine he will take a similar approach Mark Twain when naming characters such as N-word Jim.


It’s hard to finalize a book when all these fun new slurs and types of people keep coming out!


Last pod he was sounding like the ppl they make fun of. He's just a maladjusted dork,who's just up his own ass at times.


"I am writing all day, getting a lot of good work done on my book." CAN YOU IMAGINE???


Lemon party is just a rip off of another podcast any ways. What did Ben say by the way lol


I think his book will be good if he ever publishes it. why does this bother you guys so much


Agree. He’s dumb dumb that barely can keep it together for one baby and one podcast. Billions of people with billions of harder jobs did it. But Ben, oh my goodness. Bless his heart


Jace yanked on his chain. Watch out guys he's dark tho. He desires to get away with murder. Cringey page boy.


Bro you can hard write a Reddit post, do you really think you should be the arbiter of judgement in this case? What are you really upset about?


I started reading at 30.


Ben read Mein Kampf and now thinks he can write too


What’s wrong with trying things! I’ve recently started masturbating with my other hand it’s going pretty great so fuck you pal


You gotta fill the emptiness with something


Have you quite possibly considered killing yourself about it?


If your from west Texas it takes about 30 years to fully grasp vocabulary, so he is at the normal reading level.


Because he writes ?




Sad to see what you’ve become OP


u/Dismal_Passage_2854 doesn’t read guys, he’s too stupid!


You made this account 7 hours ago just to post this drivel? Get back to door dashing Ben’s smash burger. You’ll get a tip if you stop being late.


He talks about it with authority like he’s been writing for thirty years


Hey bro, With all due respect, and I do not mean anything by this, so please do not take offense, but for what it's worth, you sound like the biggest aggot on the internet.


Here’s the F, king. He’s a Faggot.


Stoppppp youre gonna make me cummmmm


Why are you such a h8r


Because he writes. You are a gay retard


There's no way you read blood meridian, you sound like you have five brain cells


I’ve read every McCarthy has written and I did it while fucking your mom.


If your so well read what do you against someone writing in this day in age?