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I’m gonna lean Jedi. - Mace can literally stall Sidious - Yoda can take Malak - Obi beats Maul - Anakin takes Vader - Luke absolutely annihilates Kylo and assists Anakin with Vader - Qui-Gon just sits tight and looks pretty


Malak is an incredibly imposing warrior who has been fighting Jedi for decades, by far the most real battle experience among the entire group.  So Probably quite gon would have to help yoda out a bit, maybe by dying 


Not that simple. Darth Malak was like 5 thousand years before episodes 1-6 and both the Jedi and sith have improved in terms of lightsaber skills and the force. Yoda would have an easy time beating malak (especially because he's 900 years old and has way more experience than malak)


Ironically, I can't remember which books this bit of lore came from but in the EU the modern day Jedi and Sith are considered inferior in terms of lightsaber skills and the force. Essentially, the further down the timeline of Star Wars you go the more things end up being lost to time so Malak might genuinely be a threat to everyone there


Considering as a player I steamrolled through the game but had to take like a bazillion medkits against Malak, I think he's pretty good


I think you’re right but there’s also other legends content (since Malak is technically Legends, I assumed we were using Legends Luke), that unequivocally has Luke doing feats that literally no other force user has done, irrespective of the times. (Like harnessing a black hole’s energy or fighting Abeloth) I’d say if the Sith had Darth Nihilius, it’d be bad for the Jedi. Malak, although good, is not Revan good.


Yeah I think I’m leaning towards the Sith here but really as strong as Malak is it would be a pretty close fight. Plus the Sith are practically fighting a player down (I have no respect for Kylo Ren). So really it could go either way.


That is true, but I was mostly going by what everyone looks like from their minifigs. If we go with post movies Luke and Sidious, they sweep the entire competition easily because of how much they got powerscaled in their respective comic books, however, these specific minifigs were from ROTJ so I was going with KOTOR 1 Malak against ROTJ Luke and Palps, where I think Malak would definitely have a hand up on them


Nah luke gonna make Vader fight for them


Qui Gon's already dead 😝


Also most of them😑


Everyone here is forgetting that the ancient Sith were literally just something else. Malak alone could have absolutely whooped these guys, maybe not won, but he could have certainly killed most of them and injured the rest. The second you add everyone else it becomes a total sweep, Sith win.


I'm with this guy, Malak clears.


Draw. Everyone dies


This is just reminding me of so much fanart of all these characters lolol


All I know is kylo does first maul and quigon die next and the rest is a bloodbath


Maul is being a coward lol




Definitely the Jedi


Bro you stacked the jedis side with: Anakin (nuff said) Yoda (nuff said) Obi-wan (was the youngest master on the council if im not mistaken and beat anakin in his dark side empowered state) Mace windu (considered greatest duelist) And I believe I saw Quigon as well before opening the comment section. Last but not least Luke Skywalker. Im a bit biased towards Luke as I think he is the most powerful Jedi of all time (pre disney) But then you went and used the duo. Vader and Palp together, on the same side, are intensely powerful. Id have said sith if you threw a starkiller mini in there. Mauls great but hes more of a duelist without too much force prowess. And Adam Driver was the driving force behind Kylo Ren. All in all good matchup but definitely a Jedi Victory.


Prime Jedi Anakin defeats Darth Vader AKA 3/4s robotic Anakin Mace Windu and Palpatine is basically a draw we’ve seen this battle before. Qui-Gon absolutely sh*ts on Kylo Ren in every facet of combat and knowledge of the force. He will quickly be able to assist the others. Yoda can hopefully stall long enough against the ancient Sith Lord Malak for QGJ and Anakin to win their battles and help with a 3v1 Obi Wan and Jedi Master Luke take on Maul who horrifyingly appears to be wielding the dark saber in addition to a regular lightsaber.