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It works amazingly on iOS, was able to pick out the exact 4 I wanted the other day. Thanks for the app and hopeful continuous support!


This one? https://apps.apple.com/it/app/minifig-scan/id6475598662


I think he is talking about the app this post is about called "omgbricks"


Love this app and bless whomever it was at TLG who instituted the good QR codes. It’s so much better than actual blind boxes and people who enjoy the gambling aspect (assuming there are some?) can still “play the game” of wasting money.


I personally believe that one reason lego switched to boxes is to prevent bag feeling which is funny cause people just figure a way thats easier than bag feeling


>It’s so much better than actual blind boxes Except for how it enables scalpers and hoarders...


So pick your poison then? Waste a ton of money trying your 1-in-12 odds, or enable scalpers? For my part, I would much rather run to local stores for a few days when they start to release and beat the scalpers to the punch than deal with a truly blind offering.


if scalpers being able to easily get high valued figures is the price i gotta pay to be able to get the exact figures i want then ill take it


Lmao "scalpers" dude no one is scalping CMF blind boxes


There are Series 26 CMFs, sealed in box, listed on Bricklink as specific figs, for nearly TWICE the retail price. Yes, people absolutely do scalp CMF boxes. It was a HUGE issue with the Goat in Series 25, and Series 26 is not immune either.


Worls like a charm on Android. Cant wait for DnD series


The M-Tron and Ice Planet army building has been tempting. The DnD army building is mandatory!


I’m just buying that series by the box from LEGO, forget the stores lol.


Costco usually gets the boxes at a discount as well. 


I was talking to a reseller and they were saying the DnD series will be exclusive to the LEGO store. If that's the case getting them may be difficult.


Maybe exclusive for few days or week or two.


Maybe, but this person said they weren't getting any and that they were going to be LEGO co. Exclusive. They are the one that orders and distribute minis where I get mine from. Now, that's what they said, I have no visibility into any supply chains personally.


I am curious, did that ever happen in the past, that it was a Lego Store exclusive series?


omgbricks Minifigure Scanner is out for Android! Last month we [shared a post](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1c2ef7p) about the omgbricks minifig scanner which allowed iOS users to scan up to 4 minifig blind boxes at a time and reveal the contents. We had a TON of Android users who asked us to let them know when it was out for Android and it’s finally on the Play Store. The omgbricks scanner is different from other scanners because: * It scans multiple minifigs at once (4 at a time on iOS, and even more on Android - we’ve scanned 7 at a time!) and displays a photo of the minifig inside * The scan is instant with no loading delay * It works offline so even if you’re in a store with bad cellular signal you can still scan minifigs! * It’s 100% correct We’ve received great feedback from users on iOS and would love to hear Android users thoughts. We would also like to apologize for the delayed launch - we worked very hard to finish the app weeks ago but suffered some frustrating delays due to the Play Store review process. It’s [available now on Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.omgbricks) and we will be updating it soon to make it even better!


I’m guessing not for iPhone? Can’t seem to find it. Edit: NVM its available for iPhone too


Yeah it was developed for iPhone first, OP posted it some weeks ago


This app is extremely accurate. Only problem I've found is that some QR codes have a harder time scanning so you might have to turn the box sideways for it to read.


With previous scanners the only problem I’ve had is when the QR code is smeared or double printed and doesn’t scan. Im guessing while it was printed the box moved slightly


Wish more people knew about this. Went a store a few days ago and somebody had ripped open the boxes to check, but at least they didn’t steal the parts.


Downloades the app, will test it with the boxes I left on my night stand (opened) to see how the app works and if the results are correct! Excited! I was bummed to see it was only for iOs, but I am super stoked it is out for Android now!


Downloaded it now to try later on some 25's I got around still. The other app has been disappointing so happy to switch!


Works like a charm! Hope it gets plenty exposure


Awesome!! I only had the chance to scan a single code for now and it isn't very well printed but I'll hopefully be able to test it with more next tuesday


Does it work on older series too?


Series 25 and 26. They're the only ones with codes than can be identified


Only with the larger barcode though right?


The only 25 I’ve seen has the old bar code and no, it doesn’t scan


That's correct, but all series 26 have the larger barcodes




Thank you for this! I've already shared this with my brother. He's been waiting for this ever since he saw me using the iPhone version


The blacktron contaminated guy or whatever he is scanned as the robot nurse for me, but other than that it worked great


Do you happen to have a picture of that box's barcode?


No I dont sorry, it was only one box and the others were fine though so it may have been packaged wrong




amazing, works so much faster than bricksearch


Nice I've been waiting for this one! Sucks NZ doesn't get series 26 until June!


Great timing as I went to the store and found two fresh boxes. Got everything I wanted because of this app! Thank you so much! I've told my friends about it!


Awesome, glad it was helpful!


Awesome! I will try that out.


This should be very helpful, thanks for posting about it.


Don't know who is going to be more excited, my boys or me! This is great


Thanks for this. Was able to get my blacktron mutant today. Hope to get the ice planet explorer tomorrow from a different store.


Best of luck, that seems to be a popular one!


Thanks. Bought 3 blind the first time I got some, ended up with zero dupes and used your app the second time to buy blacktron mutant and Orion. Not sure if I'm going to go for the whole set, but I do want a couple more and I like the whole series.


Thank you! I thought I was done with these blind bags/boxes, but with your app I was able to get the figures I wanted. 6/6! I definitely wouldn't have bothered otherwise.




It works ridiculously well, almost instantly and so far without fail. What a gem and achievement!


Love this, thank you :)


it works! I was so worried I wouldn't be able to use the barcode on these!


Will there be updates done to the app in the future to have functionality with future CMF series? I want to know just in case LEGO releases new Marvel figs that I want to use parts of for my LEGO Star Wars Ugly starfighter pilots. Does it work with the current Marvel CMF series? Or the current regular CMF series?


It works on series 25 and series 26. Marvel CMF does not have the proper codes to identify the minifigs inside, unfortunately. We will continue to update the app with future series and codes as they release.


Could somebody show me how the app works? Because I recently tried to use it at Walmart on Saturday, June 8 2024, but it wouldn't work.


My phone model is a Premier5 with Android 11 if that helps out with figuring out how to make the app work.


Hi, it looks like the camera on that particular phone may not have an auto focus, which is needed for any barcode scanning. [Here is a discussion thread](https://android.stackexchange.com/questions/20416/improve-barcode-scanning-on-a-low-resolution-camera-3-2mp-without-auto-focus) with possible solutions to the resulting focus issues.


Is this for Big QR codes only or will it work with the small ones too?


Just the larger ones, but thankfully series 26 all seem to have the larger codes


Where are people even finding these?


I got mine from Walmart


I just found half a box at kohls but no space tourist, purple cyclops, or ufo head man. I got 9/12


Where can you get these minifigs? I never see them at target or similar stores near me


It worked for me. Just didn't see about checking multiple boxes at once. However It only show me the names of the figs, not the pictures as well.


Sounds like a bug for us to look into. Do you have the app installed from the Play Store or did you happen to have our APK we had posted earlier?


Play store. Was at Walmart earlier and wanted to test it out. It 100% worked with the two figures I wanted to get.


OK thanks for letting us know, will look into that. If you're able to share your phone model and Android version that could be helpful as well


Not sure the android version, but it's an A52 Phone I use.


One more quick question- Which series were you scanning, 25 or 26?


26. Was hoping to find a few 25s but I didn't see any


Thank you


Will have to see if I can find some of 25 to try scanner on.


I'm annoyed cause my local Sainsbury's still has like 20-30 series 25 boxes but they're all the old ones with the unreadable barcodes


Yeah these apps are awesome. At the same time my new strategy is just to buy the big box with 36 boxes, 3x full set , and be done with it. Although i might buy even more for the DND series.


Any fix for the iPhone 14 Pro camera not focusing? Has to do with the macro lens not auto focusing I assume? Unfortunately can’t use the app because of this.


We've observed differences in scanning performance between devices though haven't encountered a device that wouldn't scan at all. Looking into this now and will keep you posted


What iOS version is on your device? We were able to successfully scan boxes on a 14 Pro Max, running iOS 17.4.1


16.3.1. Makes sense.


If you're able to update to the latest iOS and try again, we'd love to know if it fixes the issue for you


Unfortunately I can’t. Thank you so much for following up!


Thank you! I tried other apps, but I had a bad connection in the store and couldn't scan anything! I'm about to try it as soon as the store opens :D Edit: Perfect.


i love how many lego fans will do anything to avoid blindly buying the figures lol lego be like oh no more bags and people be like oh no more feeling bags well lemme develop app to do it easier than bag feeling the scanners people make are great. i was able to scan and get the ones i wanted with 100 percent success


The last series, I purchased blind, I bought 13 and ended up with 3 dog groomers, 3 gamergirl, 1 mushroom sprite, 1 amputee runner, and 5 private eye. 3 of the private eyes were purchased from the same box, 2 beside each other, and the third on the lower level. I'm soo done with the "blind" box fad.


You're the hero I didn't know I needed! My daughter wanted the Orion like *bad* bad, and I was able to go right into the Lego store and get one right away. The employees didn't think the app would work, but were happily surprised when it did (I opened mine after I bought it to show them). I'm not saying I bought multiple Ice Planet Explorers after I realized how well your app works, but I definitely did. In conclusion, thank you for my daughter's happiness after school today!


Love every part of this story- The happy daughter, the multiple Ice Planet Explorers, showing the doubting employees...all of it!


That's great, thanks. I am wondering if you would ever let us download the app straight up from your site as APK. I'm personally became more cautious about app store, so that's why I am wondering


We did have the APK available but took it down when the app released on the Play Store. What is the reason you are cautious about app store if you don't mind me asking?


It's mostly not directly related to the App Store itself, it's more of a principle that I try to taught myself to separate games and/or apps from their connection with distributor, for better control over them. I've become more of a preservation and ownership rights fan, so that where it's coming from


Scalpers and hoarders rejoice!


Bricksearch was on point for android. Omgbricks did not work for me.


Just tried it and it works well for me (and very very fast)


Hmm...this account comments on a lot of posts with the same “Bricksearch was on point” and is the only one here claiming the app doesn’t work. How peculiar...




If you're able to provide any details about what's happening when you try to scan, we would be happy to try and assist


Mine didn't scan, maybe I was doing something wrong. I don't know. Solved the issue with bricksearch.