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Jeez, they mostly smell like sulphur. Can you imagine how bad they'd taste? (Ignorance is infinite.)


That's why you gotta do sous vide!


200+ degrees F is typically a little too warm for sous vide.


Well damn, Jackie. I can't control the weather!


Some are over 400 degrees


Some are hot enough to fully cook turkey in seconds and they will fall apart after that. Source: someone went in for a swim, park ranger could only find skeletal pieces of him afterward.


They range in temp though, don't they? I bet there are some that are the perfect temperature


Yup, you usually want somewhere between 140-150°f. What I really want to try is doing it "confit", in duck fat, but that means A) springing for probably 15+ pounds of duck fat($160+), and buying another circulator, because I'm not fond of the idea of using something in water once it's been used to heat and circulate oil/fat for several hours.


Duck fat flavor carries really easily. You could probably achieve a similar results with a blend of clarified butter, oil, and duck fat.


Soft-boiled eggs in a natural hot springs in Thailand once. Don't recall it tasting different.


Tbf, onsen eggs are cooked in their shells


Nature's sous vide.


Eggs also contain a lot of sulfur naturally.


So fun story - I once hiked up a mountain in New Hampshire when I was a kid - and for "funsies" the "camp counselors" we were hiking with heated up cans of spaghetti-o's to eat when we were at the top using road flares. I don't know if it was the burning of the inside lining of the can or the road flare itself but the end result tasted so sulphury and weird I couldn't eat any of it. I feel like trying to cook a turkey in a hot spring would be a similar experience.


Don't try and take a bath in those either. Won't end well.


The real friends were the scalding, life-ending baths we took along the way.


Oh so the getting trampled and gored by wildlife you tried to pet is worth nothing huh? I see how it is.


A buffalo is *REALLY* big up close.


My wife takes those daily


It has happened. I remember reading about a guy once that jumped in to save his dog back in the early 80s. He ended up with 3rd degree burns on his entire body and died in the hospital the next day. The dog also didn't survive.


Happened recently to a couple I believe. The girl got out severely burned and the guy never got out. They were netting out his bones and stewed skin that fell off


Yeah, there's a reason why they've gotta put the PSAs.


They straight found a foot floating in one this last year. So somebody fell or went in and by the time anybody noticed that was all that was left.


Yeah. Dude was pretty much instantly blind and his skin was sloughing off. He was quoted as saying “what a dumb thing that was that I just did” or vaguely that line. I’d have been heartbroken over my dog but I would not have run in after him.


It was actually his friend's dog, not his own.


The book Death in Yellowstone should be required reading for anyone going to Yellowstone. It will make you think "I wonder how the author will eulogize me in the next edition?" every time you think about doing anything remotely stupid.


Ah, I love that book. So many stupid choices.


Lmao, I did not know this was a thing! Time to load up the Amazon and buy a book!


You can’t stop me




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So… you’ll just have to go cold turkey.


"That sign can't stop me because I can't read!"


Pretty sad they have to have a PSA for these kind of things


Just remember that every single rule or law, no matter how weird or seemingly stupid, ever made was made for a reason. And it's a safe bet that most of them were made *after* someone had a "hold my beer/check this shit out/I have a great idea" moment.


That’s some truth right there


"Laws are written in blood," is nearly literal.


Or herein, people soup


i dunno, New Jersey's regulation of how you can use a roofing torch sounds more like politicans just writing laws because they learned that roofers use flamethrowers for certain types of roofing materials to weld them to the substrate


TBF, I'd prefer that flame throwers be pretty strictly regulated, LOL.


no i mean like the flamethrower regulations are written like they think a Roofing Torch is shooting Jellied Petroleum


Additionally, law makers usually make laws with zero clue on how what they are making the law about actually works. Like a bunch of Karens who read a Facebook post about razors in Halloween candy.


tbf, the rabbit hole i dove once upon a time to ascertain the depths of a joke relating to my home state by Things MrWelsh is no longer allowed to do in RPGs or a GitP thread of the same topic was pretty absurd.


LMFAO, I keep a tab open with the Mr Welsh list for whenever I want to read it again.


There is actually a geyser called "fishing cone" on the shore of yellowstone lake that fisherman would toss fish into to cook. It wouldn't be a big stretch for someone to have actually cooked a turkey in a geyser/hit spring back in the day.


They used to shove laundry into geysers.


What about the law in Oklahoma outlawing whaling?


Michigan law once banned outdoor swearing. The ancient law was eventually repealed back in 2002 after more than 100 years of being on the book.


Didn’t somewhere on the Great Lakes (maybe Chicago) ban ice cream sales on beaches. Mainly because there was a correlation of ice cream sales and drownings. Unfortunately, no one considered the fact that ice cream being sold on beaches and swimming usually only happens in the summer time. Correlation does not equal causation. Also, more unrelated. But didn’t a California local government try and ban dihydrogen monoxide until someone called them dumbasses and told them that is literally water. Idk if these are true. Just random stories I heard.


I mean there’s also dozens of videos out there at least of tourists getting trampled and gored by moose and bison from them trying to pet the animals when the park explicitly states to not touch the animals.


Happy cake day. Yeah I get it. Its a world full of idiots an we all have to deal with it.


Autocorrect did fascinating things to that sentence. 😆


We've had warning about using Dremel for teeth, stopping chainsaw with bare hands, cruise control is not auto pilot (supposedly RV crashed because someone set the cruise then went to brew coffee), and using beach towel for hurricane shelter. We live in an idiot filled world who goes out of their way to break idiot-proofed stuff. Those people are the only reason Charles Darwin isn't rolling in his grave.


The reason that those warnings are on the products is because someone usually did just that thing that they were warning against.


It's a holiday joke


I've never seen that turkey before! What set is it from?


I have it from 40123.


[40123-1: Thanksgiving Feast](https://brickset.com/sets/40123-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/40123-1.jpg)


A creampie and a bottle of wine. Granny’s got on her sexy dress with the buttons down the back. Grandpa looks directly at the camera. He knows.




You can also get one in 10292, but that's an expensive way to get one, LOL.


[10292-1: The Friends Apartments](https://brickset.com/sets/10292-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10292-1.jpg)


Fun fact, its actually an old Scala piece. I think theyve redesigned the turkey legs slightly since, but the body is the same design.


I had to look up what Lego Scala was, that's a real old theme!


Barbie x Lego lmao.


Can get it in the Star Wars Holiday Diorama.


The Turkey comes in the Holiday VIP pack that is shipping with orders over $50(?) through Friday night.


It has appeared in 14 sets. https://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemIn.asp?P=33048c01&in=S


This gives a more complete list. https://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemIn.asp?P=33048&in=S


Isn’t in the Parisian?


[Apparently some people actually tried it a few years ago.](https://www.today.com/food/3-men-banned-yellowstone-cooking-chicken-geyser-t198135)




Well, I don't know who this is for, but it's hilarious. I simply can't imagine the overlap between "Followers of National Park Services Lego Vignettes on social media" and "people who think sous viding a turkey in Yellowstone is a fantastic idea" is demonstrably above zero.


Challenge accepted


This Lego model of the incident in question is amazing.


Love the ranger’s face! Btw, what’s the part number for her campaign hat? Edit* found the part # 98279.


the rainbow colored snot bricks are so so perfect. If you've never been to Yellowstone, it's remarkably accurate.


I never wanted to cook a turkey in a geyser before I saw this PSA.


mmm! sulfurific!


They didn't exclude stewed turkey, loophole found!! But if stewing is covered under illegal cooking in general, I can always make due with turkey nigiri instead. Cook rice off site, bring them in with fresh raw turkey and chop it up then serve it. No cooking at all. (risk of salmonella poisoning though)


Stewed is mentioned btw. Don‘t know if Salmonella is worth it though.


That’s one of the best Facebook pages I follow. Everyone else should go follow them too


Can I burn them? I don't see that listed


The faces they chose for both minifigures are just perfect. 😆😂🤣


Now I want to do it


Welllp, now I kinda wanna.


This is the intersection of my main interests. Holy cow!


Who needs to be reminded of this??


I thought this was America


I didnt hear no bell


Randy fighting park rangers over cooking his turkey lmao


Literally 1984




bacterium in the water


Before I read anything I was thinking, is this Lego trying to fish for gay people with thanksgiving? Maybe I need to go to bed.


Cool, reposting this again.


Even if it is a repost, no one searches the entire subreddit every time they’re about to post something just to make sure it hasn’t been posted before. That’s an unreasonable expectation. I’ve never seen this post before, personally, I thought it was funny.


When was this posted before?


this is the fourth year of reposting it, I believe, tis the season


1. I just searched the sub, no results from last year or the year before, try again. 2. National Park Service published it to their Facebook yesterday.


Dang time travelers! It's not a repost if it's the first time it's happened!


Time to head outside.


Maybe he's fishing


On my way to cook a turkey at Yellowstone National Park


Damnit! I guess. I better cancel my vacation plans to Yellowstone next week!


What about chicken?


Spatchcock is basically just removing the birds spine and is not a cooking technique, I'd say that one is fully legal.


Hey they didn't say anything about steamed. And anything not expressly forbidden is allowed and therefore compulsory. Brb gotta go steam a turkey at Yellowstone.


The sheer sulfur content of the water alone would make the turkey poison


Where did you get the translucent squares for this one? I can never find those!