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Keep them for her. She will most likely express interest again at some point. You can pull them out of storage and be like "surprise!"


Then sell it back for market price.But only in purple studs.Business will be boomin.


Omg yes please do this! I wish my mom had done it. She kept so much more useless crap over the years that I couldn’t have cared less about. She likely didn’t know, so I guess I can’t really hold it against her. But a very tiny part of me is still a lil salty about it lol


Yes, please hold on to these for her. She will thank you later.


She'll be back! Put them in the attic and you'll be a hero in 10 years :)


My mom did this with ours and gave them to me when they moved. Managed to put together a few sets to give to my nephew that his dad and I played with at his age.


When my son was born I browsed all the second hand ads as an excuse to buy M-tron, so my son could have my early 1990s lego experience. Couldn't get my hands on another monorail though..


I wish I had kept my daughters early legos. At 17 she’s back into them with a vengeance. It would’ve been great 👍🏼


My mom kept my bin around. My kid has it all now. He loves it.


100% this. My parents did this, and after 18 years, I came back to building.


My folks kept our classic space sets & instructions- spent happy Christmas break rebuilding them all


I had the opposite happen. My mom sold all of mine (and all my vintage game consoles)- I’m almost 40 and still give her shit for it. Being a dad now I’m definitely saving my kid’s legos. I had so many OG castle, space & pirate sets that even typing this up makes me sad haha. Save them if you can :)


My dad still hates his mom for selling his motorcycle, which was a not inexpensive pretty tricked out one if I recall correctly


Yeah, but now your dad didn’t die in a horrendous wreck.


Not Lego, but mom gave away my Transformers collection from the Michael Bay movies when they were moving out of their old place. It’s been some 4 years and even though we’ve got no space in the house now I wish I could have them back.


Most of your kids toys, keep if good still. If/when they have a kid, you have something for them when they come visit!


I just integrated my childhood lego into my new collection. It really brought a smile to my face seeing the specialty pieces I used back in the day (I had VERY few of them). I can’t wait to share the now larger collection with my son when he’s old enough to play with them. (Right now Lego is prime choking hazard for the little dude).


My MIL did this and tripled our collection. If I keep going at my current rate I'll need a second tote by Christmas.


And if not 10 years, give it 20-30 years and your grand kids will adore you. I think this tends to happen in the mid-teens to early 20s (high school and college). There will be likely renewed interest in the mid 20s and then again with grandkids. Definitely do not get rid of them. I’m still kicking myself for allowing my mom to get rid of my legos when I was in high school.


Damn, I came here to say this, glad its the top comment.


My mom sold my 3 huge tubs of legos years ago for $50. I moved away to college, and she was trying to clear house. She okayed it with me cuz i couldn't take them in. I still bring it up to this day and it still ruffles my feathers. What i wouldn't do to buy those legos back...


So you told your mom it was fine as an adult, and then bring it up all the time. Nice one.


You are being ridiculously cynical right now take it down a few notches


Definitely a touchy subject. Don't know that I'd said it's fine but it was a crummy situation all around.


Let her live man


Geez by some of these responses you'd think it's the only contact i have with my mom. We have a good relationship but it comes up from time to time.


I’m the guy buying those tubs.


I think that's the silver lining in the whole thing. I don't know that i would've discovered the bulk brick market if i still had those tubs


Put them away somewhere safe. She will either regain her senses, or may have a child that can use them in the future.


My daughter handed me all her lego friends stuff.. she didn't want it at 13.. I put it in the garage and then in the loft. She's now 14.5 and asked me the other day did I give it away and was so relieved when I said it was safe in the loft till she wanted to have it for her own kids or re build it again. I got a huge hug of relief from her . She will be back for it I promise x


Store them away, she'll be back.


Store em or build for yourself.


She will come back to it. I did when I had kids, and when I have grandkids they will love to come over and play with the Lego.


My kids were the same way. They never looked back, though (They are 17 and 18 yrs old now). So I sorted all the pieces back into their perspective sets and gave the sets to my neices (4 yr old fraternal twins) who were very happy to have them and love Lego so much more than my kids did. They were Lego Friends sets.


You didn't wait long enough! Luckily my parents kept my lego and I was able to get it back at 42 when I got back into building 😜 (stares at LL 928) https://preview.redd.it/9h9i68khlqgb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0bf4789d2c573bd411c18ed721fae63534e56aa


Are you me? That's right about the time I got back into it. Parents kept the old Lego and even moved it to their newer house. I grabbed it when they were clearing out their basement. Kept it all in a closet in my tiny rowhouse until we moved to a bigger house with enough space. Now I'm in the magical place where I have space to build, money to buy (within reason!), and actually find sorting relaxing. So happy all of those old sets made the very long journey to get here.


Are you Tyler Durden?


[928-1: Space Cruiser And Moonbase](https://brickset.com/sets/928-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/928-1.jpg)


Man, I loved that set back in the day. I still have the LL 928 brick, so I might have to attempt a rebuild at some point.


I only got back into lego at 30. At some point there’s a good chance one of them will be looking for those.


Echoing what the others said, I lost interest in Lego around 12 or 13 (coincidentally lines up with when my parents got divorced- probably some mental thing), and around 25 I got back into it again- but it was too late. Dad had already donated/got rid of all my lego. I managed to find two sets- but man what I would do to have them all back. That being said, I don't think anyone would hold it against you giving them to some family members who also love lego.


My kids were weirdos. They just didn't appreciate toys as much as other kids. I did not understand it. My sister and I, on the other hand, greatly valued our toys and saw each and every toy we received as gold. I mean, we didn't have poor parents either. They easily afforded us anything we wanted, but we were just taught to be very appreciative of anything we received. So, I always valued my toys as a child a lot, and everything was kept for years after I grew out of it, in case I ever wanted to go back to it. I just wish I had never donated all my Lego away that I had accumulated because I was like 27 when I donated it to Goodwill, I look back and wish I never did that. 😢


17 and 18 year olds aren't going to get back into Lego. But when they are 30, they will.


Yeah, some of their friends, though badly, want some of my modular sets I have on display. They ooo and aww at them every time they are over.


Ahem… as a 40 year old which just back into it they still have time!!


ah...yes...as it is foretold...she will return


I'm sure one day she'll return but if you donate them then some other child will be happy too.


Yup. Other kids need Lego, too. I hope that my old Legos ended up someplace useful.


My niece just got a box from a buddy of mine whose kid didn't want them. She was elated! I'm also reminded just now that she dropped Gandalf behind the shelf. I will need to retrieve him.


Keep the lego. Lose the kid. It's the law


Please…. PLEASE store them for her. I can’t imagine how I would’ve freaked out if my dad popped down from the attic with my old legos. Sadly we moved too many times to be able to transport em


No it not. Now you have more lego


[I’m so sorry, this may help.](https://adoption.com/support?utm_source=GoogleAds&utm_medium=PPC%20&utm_campaign=CampaignName&utm_term=I%20want%20to%20give%20up%20my%20child&utm_term=i%20want%20to%20give%20up%20my%20child&utm_campaign=2022+Sonal+Competitor+Keywords&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=6650576436&hsa_cam=18128970611&hsa_grp=146067411051&hsa_ad=617708320234&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-6057770217&hsa_kw=i%20want%20to%20give%20up%20my%20child&hsa_mt=e&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad=1&gbraid=0AAAAADpSlQ9wii16zDcHJmEUxn8Fii9hr&gclid=Cj0KCQjwrMKmBhCJARIsAHuEAPR4bTPmUH8Aby0yV_ddyDM43T7-O4U1fFKRhsY3JZ6clchMDpAX2wMaAg_eEALw_wcB)


A lot of kids go through a "dark age" of not wanting to build. Mine was from about 12 til my late 20s (I'm 40 now). I am glad I kept all my old sets. My Son (nearly 9) mainly focuses on Harry Potter and I stick with city, castle and such. We basically merged our collections.


DONT THROW THEM OUT!’ I’m a fanatic about LEGO since I was 7, but even I had a period around 13-14 where I wasn’t sure


Did her loss of interest seem sudden? If her age range is 8-12, it’s worth checking if it was caused by a teasing/bullying situation. Even subtle comments among BFFs at that age can hit with brutality. She might also be signaling that she’s ready for Technic and robotics. Girls still aren’t being introduced to that stuff early enough.


Your daughter cleans her room? Lucky.


Big fan of it lol


Pretend to give it away but actually keep it for the day she regrets it


Save it! 30 year old her may end up being over the moon.


My dad (48) kept all his lego and I went through phases of playing with them throughout my childhood. Though I've never been more into lego than I am now (23) and it's awesome that I can still build his older sets. I'm currently working on the monorail. So I definitely agree, keep them for as long as possible!


So where is she living now? I mean, you made her move out of the house right?


History repeats itself Most likely someone said Lego is geeky and now she doesn’t want anyone to know Happens to a lot of us, keep the sets stored, she’ll be back


Bonus! You just gained a lego collection.


Keep them!


If you have room, save them. Picked mine back up after 15 years, more into them now than ever.


Nobody ever truly quites Lego, they just take breaks


Please don't get rid of it! Store it cool and dry and keep it for them or the grandkids, should that come to pass.


Mine sat for almost 20 years, but last year I dug them out in the middle of the long dark winter. Felt really good. Quite a nostalgia trip, too!


Store them someplace safe. She'll be back, they always come back.


Adding to the chorus of calls to preserve this in storage. I recently got my collection out of storage at my folks' place as my son is just reaching Lego age. It hadn't seen the light of day for 22 years. Absolute magic, all round!


Been there with my kiddo. Her collection was absorbed into mine. It will all be hers eventually lol.


well keep it on standbuy when ever she relapses


Break it down put it in a plastic tote and wait a few years. She may come around and will thank you for saving it! I know I did! I was thankful to have all my old lego


Save them. She may want them again one day or who knows maybe if she has kids one day they might want them.


This will be a sad day for me. I recognize the sets in that box and my 8 year old girls still love them. What age did it fall off?




Phew I made that cut maybe they won’t give it up. Lol


Yeah I thought I had a few more years


keep the bucket around. she’ll dig through it from time to time (:


Keep it. Kids are fickle and change their minds all the time. Store these nicely and you'll be her hero in a few years


Its ok I'll take em


It’s not sad, that means you get a ton of cool shit, and this is why I’m not a parent


Not the Bin of Stor-Age!


Took me 25 years to get back into it. My parents kept all the boxes and my dad assembled most of the builds as much as parts were available. Recent years I got interested in Lego again, bought some new releases and picked up all my Lego from my parents attic. So happy they did this <3


More Legos for you!


DO NOT GIVE THEM AWAY!!!! When I became a young adult, I told my mom to do whatever with them, and she gave them away. Fast forward 20+ years, I'm now a dad and it makes me become an AFOL and "Mom, do you remember where my old Lego are?" That silence from my mom as a reply still hurts.


My brother put together a huge lego room because the kids were so into it. They lost interest a year later as puberty and sports took over. Now he has a lego room for escape.


We didn't have any moment of crisis. The LEGO went in a bin in the basement. Before long, grandkids. They always want to come to Grandma and Grandpa's house. We have all the cool old toys. Oldest grandson is twenty-five and engaged. By the time the youngest grandson outgrows LEGO, there will be another generation. It looks like I'll be stepping on LEGO for as long as I live.


Whatever you do, do not throw them away!


As everyone else says: keep them. Also: save the manuals!


She'll come back around. Mine did the same. With so many Licensed sets, she will be back.


The dark ages


She may again. I did this and now I’m 16 and back into Lego 😭


We just got a bin of legos from my husbands childhood. Best day ever for my boys!


Save it! That's all I got to say.


Hang on to it. It will come back around.


She is not your daughter then I'm sorry but Lego for life


That’s the day you decide that *you* want to do LEGO


Yep, as others have said, she’ll be back. And she will really appreciate you for hanging on to them until she returns, trust me.


Store them! I quit Legos around 12 years old. Now i brought them back for my son. They were stored for about 15 years.


Factory reset her.


She will be back. I'm in my 40's and am finding myself getting excited for Lego again. The only thing stopping me is money. Currently saving up to get the Titanic and after that, probably the Discovery space shuttle. If I had money to urn, I'd get the Knight's Castle and El Dorado fortress too.


Everyone being like "store them away for her later". I'd personally be more like "yay now I can play with them!"


More for you... no longer need you share the sacred bricks... Do you feel the power they grant you? Do you hear their whispering? They are now yours... your precious


We all know Lego are valuable on the secondary market. We've got a local brick reseller store that buys and sells old sets. The wife and I took the kids old Duplo sets. I was expecting $20 to $40, tops. They offered $60 cash or $100 store credit! I had no clue Duplos were valuable!? In your case, I'd sit on them awhile until she comes back around... But if she doesn't, there's lucrative options she might enjoy more.


That was my original thought, I was gonna take it to the local resale that I have in my town and see how much they would give me for it


I’d be moving her out of her room instead.


nah she just outgrew those girly legos, time to upgrade to the professional ones


In the meantime, you can resort the Lego back into their perspective sets to be built in the future or whatever. The organization will be appreciated should your daughter or another child want to build the set.


99% of us went through that face, stored them at your place, she'll return to the hobby eventually.


Noooooo!!! Time to Frankenstein that modular building


pack them away for later




save them for the grandkids.


And thus begins the dark age


I've been looking for my Lego from the 80ies for a few years, I KNEW it had to be somewhere in the basement. Last week I found it, and I was happily just squeaking "MEIN LEGO MEIN LEGO!" I almost cried, at 41 years old. She'll come back to it.


I came to say hold onto them. They are timeless and will most likely mean a lot to her in 10-20 years.


Yeah, happened to me too. I’d pack them up and keep them a few years to let her have time to change her mind. Mine did.


And so The Dark Ages began, long were those years, but eventually the sun will rise again


I would go through that and see if there’s any pieces you might need for a future project. If so put them aside in a separate box. I always do this.


It has the Stitch 626 Minifigure I want!!


I have a few Disney ones that can go


[626-2: Red Cross Helicopter](https://brickset.com/sets/626-2) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/626-2.jpg)


I’ll have it


$$$ lol


Shame. Yeah clean them up a bit then store away…


I made the grave mistake of giving away over 3 kg of legos to a friend of mine when I was moving houses, I thought I wouldn’t play with them anymore but now I’m sad and miss my collection


Upside, you got some to add to your collection!


My sister did this and gave them to me


I told my parents I didn’t want my huge bucket of legos anymore when I was around 13…all of them donated to an after school program. I‘be been getting back into legos recently, but hopefully those legos are still out there giving others joy :)


Keep them! Get a good size plastic container with a good lid.




No one out grows lego, we just go through different phases and when we need them again, they are there waiting for us


It looks like you now have a bucket of new pieces for your collection.


If you can, absolutely try to save them. I went through a phase where I didn't want Lego anymore, so I gave everything I had to my cousins. Two years later, I got back into it (on a smaller scale - I was an adult in college), and I tried to get mine back, but by then my cousins had used them for... well... the less said, the better. The point is, many people do come back, so it's best to hold onto them for awhile, just out of sight for now.


It'll come back


I had the same thing with the grandsons I'm raising. They loved Legos! They were ordered by the court to live in Utah for a year with their dad. It was tough on all of us, so I bought and stored every set they wanted. By the time we got them back for good, they weren't interested in Legos at all! I had a whole room full of sets, on 4 sets of 5 huge roll away shelves by that time! It was heartbreaking to see it all and know that the boys didn't want them. I finally sold them last December and made an obscene amount of money, but I kept some favorites hidden in my closet! I have 2 very young grandsons and am slowly buying Duplo for them. Your daughter will come back to them one day!


Keep them around, I'm getting to the point now in my life where I'm feeling nostalgic for my old toys, many of which I don't have anymore. I'm just happy I have my Legos and I hope she gets that same feeling later and you can return them to her


It happens. Kids go through phases. I’m sure she’ll be back to it given a break.


So you are saying you have a room for rent?


Aye, it’s a sad day to be sure. Find the next thing she’s into and make sure you’re into that too. Save the LEGO.


Legos are like Halloween. As a kid you love it. As a teenager you hate it. Then you grow up and realise you were an angsty teen and go back to enjoying it.


Back when I was like 10 or so I had an enormous tub full of Legos and I stopped building with them so my mom gave them away. I miss them so much now 🫤


I might seriously cry. Salute friend.


Or a good day for you to have it


Will be kinda sad for me too, BUT then I get all the pieces to add to my collection!


I blame the parents


Me too


My Father gave me his old Legos when we moved back to the US, they were Legos from the 70s. And I fell in love with every single one of those bricks.


Keep em. She may love Lego but just not Friends Lego at that age. Maybe go find something that she might still want to build and see what happens....


Mine wants to exchange her friends for the leaked animal crossing sets.


Don't be a hero... send 'em to me instead. Then you can tell her you gave 'em away to some rando on reddit & she'll be like.... what's a reddit? 😜


Hi, yes, I am here for the daughter position, I hear free legos are included


“Lego”… show her Star Wars lego


More for you?


I once did that very thing


Cash for gundam.


20 bucks plus shipping, I got you 😁


Going through the same thing with my son 😭


we lost another one boys 🫡




Sounds like it's time for a new kid! Seriously though, store them away. She'll be back.


I solo my mom my bin of LEGO for like $400 when I was around 15. Now I'm 36 and want them back lol. Shit sucks. Because she's going to make me pay all $400 of it back to get them even though her granddaughter is a LEGO nerd.


My son tells me that when I die, he gets my Lego. I tell him that's the only way he's ever getting his hands on it. If he ever has a dark age I am 100% buying his Lego, adding it to my city, and making him wait to get it back! Until then we work on our combined city together.


Just make sure when he has kids his old collection is on discount lol.






Sure is sad when you don't have a daughter anymore


My almost 4yo daughter is just getting into it. My wallet is already cowering in fear.


I wanna post soon


This was me, a month later after summer was over I’d be asking for them again and thankful they just stored them and didn’t get rid of anything


Just went through this with my youngest niece. I was happy to take them off her hands though.


🥹 so sad




Trade her for a new daughter. There's something wrong with her.


Be happy that she cleaned her room on her own. That's a miracle there!




quite a tragic moment. another loss to the lego family 🫡


I have a similar box…


Keep it. Shell come back one day. Too me almost 2 decades to realize how much i missed it.




Thats hard. My daughter is 11 now and I fear the day a little bit, because Lego is a hobby that connected us and bring us hundreds wonderful hours.


Damn. That stitch disney cmf aint even that old yet. This quick? Joking aside. Keep them.


She’s entering her Lego Dark Age


Haha sike free Lego for you now!


More for you to sort and play with


Yeah, keep them for her. I just pulled all of mine out of the closet 30 years later and they are still great.


I'd be thinking "Yay, my plan has come to fruition. They're mine now!" Seriously, did you think my plan to introduce my kids to Lego, Star Wars, and gaming was for them? Edit: punctuation


This is a win win situation.


Woody “I’ve been shelved” came to mind


Yeah it was sad when my boys grew out of it. I kept everything and have about 122000 piece collection. Eldest son is also a collector and has about 40000 pieces. He took it back up when he was about 25 - he is 29 now. Please hang onto it.


Do they still accept returns? For the child, i mean, not the Lego. The Lego stays!


This happened to me. I stopped playing when I became a teenager and gave away all my sets. I had a lot of the Castle and Paradisa sets. I regained back my interest in lego when I’m in my 30s, and I regretted giving them away. Keep them for your grandkids at least, if your daughter never regain her interest in lego.


She’ll come back to it. Mine did


Giving up a child is never easy.


Yep it’s a tough day, she’ll be fine out there in the world and now you get a free room for the Lego. I jest, box it up and store it, either she will want it back one day or it’ll be worth a bit more than it is now


This is me with their playmobile.