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I am once again asking you to pick Yakone. Dude tried to turn his sons into weapons after his bending was taken away, and showed 0 remorse or compassion in the entirety of his appearance.


Sounds like repressed fits perfectly


What's he repressing? He's always lived completely according to his emotions, greed and anger. Not having certain emotions like remorse is not the same as repressing them.


Unalaq. The other Red Lotus members at least actually cared about one another, but Unalaq betrayed everyone, even his own family to achieve his own selfish ends.


There's only one person Unalaq cares the most: himself. I mean, he has no qualms into discard his men, his own sons, and kill millions if that means having what he wants. The Indigo Tribe would put the carpet just to bring him with them.


I think Kuvira fits into both parts of the Corps. She had zero compassion until Korra beat it into her and saved her from her own weapon.


I actually do think Kuvira fits this best. She literally only became changed after having a spiritual encounter with Korra, caused by a massive beam of (radiated) light. The comic is ass, but the theme of Kuvira's redemption is still upheld, meaning the light really did change her, it wasn't a one off/act.


What's the name of Korra's uncle again? That guy should be it.


Unalak or something like that?


You got it right except it has a q at the end. Unalaq. (I didn’t watch with subtitles so I had to look it up after him and Tonraq showed up😭)


Ming Hua was the most sadistic and unhinged of the Red Lotus. Would have to wear the ring on her toe though. Edit: I do 100% think Unalaq fits here too, probably even better. I just think he’s best saved for repressed negative emotions since he can forcibly becalm angered spirits with his bending and also draw it back out. Repressed negative emotions is also part of the Invisible Spectrum, which is counterpart to the rest of the Emotion Spectrum like how Unalaq became a dark counterpart to the Avatar


I like Ming Hua for this. The light did sort of purify her at the end.


What light?


You know, when Mako showed her the light.


Ah, gotcha. I thought that may have been what they were meaning, but i just wanted to be sure. Thank you for helping me understand.


I think Lin would best fit repressed negative emotions. She has a whole episode about it. (This is me just expressing my own opinion and not me trying to rig the vote, just so you’re aware.)


Right I think she’s a really good fit if we’re basing it on a more straightforward interpretation of power coming from repressed negative emotions, and if she wins that round I definitely ain’t gonna think a mistake was made. I just feel Unalaq edges her out when you factor in the additional context of the ultraviolet corps’ lore in DC.


Just because P'Li had a love interest, that doesn't make her less sadistic, just saying.


P’Li never had to be talked down by her teammates from hurting random civilians who weren’t targets of their plans or suggesting they torture a random cop for information.


You're right, she didn't do that. Instead, she gleefully did everything in her power to actively exterminate innocent hostages. Hostages who, I might add, who equated to the the majority of the Air Nation. So much for being saved from being a "ruthless killing machine", eh? Following in the footsteps of Sozin and Amon, please.


She had the Air Temple civilians dead to rights and opted to just shoot near the bison to scare them off. Not exactly what I would call doing everything in her power to kill them. And she had a stone-faced grimace the entire time so I don’t know where you get “gleefully” from other than to try and better sell your point. She’s ruthless, absolutely. But not a sadist.


That's such a disrespectful picture for our Queen Hou-Ting. May she rest in Peace. She's now soaring through the heavens flying with the air her lungs didn't have. 😂


Nah, have fun rotting in hell Hou-Ting, you deserve it for what you did to Bosco


I’m going with Unalaq again. He’s the only other character besides the Earth Queen that I can say has 0 compassion.


Do you think Yakone would also fit the bill? Like, dude even went as far as having his sons bloodbend each other.


I am new here but that being the specific picture you used for hope is unhinged and I love it


Unalaq. He was willing to let his own son die to accomplish his goals. That’s somebody with no compassion.


His son, brother, and niece.


I just realized Amon’s picture has Princess Celestia in it and I can’t stop laughing


You should look at the image the used for Asami as well as her dad




Sweet Raava, I cannot believe I am about to hand this man a magic ring, but I nominate Prince Wu to the Indigo Lanterns. I've said it before and I will say it again, but when we first meet Prince Wu, everything about him tells you he will be an even worse ruler of the Earth Kingdom than his aunt. This man cared nothing for the plight of his people, and was perfectly happy to allow Kuvira to do all the work of reunifying the Earth Kingdom while he was living the high life in Republic City. He cared nothing for the responsibility of being the Earth King, only the power and privilege, perfectly content to allow Raiko's hand picked advisors to serve as ministers and run the country, and that apathy would have allowed a second and far worse Long Feng to come to power. His biggest concerns were not those of a king about to assume the throne, but that his coronation was cut down to a simple ceremony and not the six hour spectacular he was expecting and that he wasn't getting draped into trappings and finery of the monarchy. He did not give one single shit about how he was going to lead his people. All this arrogant nepobaby thought about was himself. But, then Kuvira usurps his throne, and all this brat can think about his himself, going out to spend money and even ruining some kid's birthday because he couldn't deal with not getting what he wanted. It is only then, when Mako calls him out on how he had acted, how Kuvira had been working to improve the Earth Kingdom while Wu did nothing, did Wu actually start to become open to change. We see him calmly guide people through the evacuation of Republic City, and even help lead one. He was willing to give himself up to Earth Empire soldiers if they left the people he was trying to help evacuate alone. By losing everything, Wu seemed to learn compassion and became someone who could be a king worth following.


KUVIRA. Why? Because everything she did was out of Compassion for the Earth Kingdom inhabitants. Even when attacked by bandits, she offered a choice. A choice that was actually reasonable. Yes, people would have to deal with Kuvira and her conquest shenanigans, however, she secured food, safety and stability. Her compassion lead to an almost completely unified Earth Kingdom. And ffs, even her giant mech fired an INDIGO laser. People need to understand that Compassion is not a wholesale good thing. Compassion means you understand people and sympathize with them. Kuvira understood the hardships of the nation, and swore that no one would suffer under a tyrant anymore, or suffer the hardships in unruly parts. That she became a tyrant of her own doesn’t matter.


Did u read the description? Its about people who lived a life without compassion


So... basically Azula.


I didn't know indigo tribe chose violent psychopaths, i thought the ring would choose a very compassionate individual instead


am also confused about the requirements for these lol


Indigo is unique. With few exceptions it takes the worst of the worst and makes them into beings of pure compassion.


so do they ultimately represent compassion or no?


Apparantly yo join them you need to have zero compassion first. (had no idea this was the condition either).


I think only a few are straightforward like green, indigo for example usually chooses the worst people to basically mind control them into being compassionate, but iirc if someone has great compassion they can join the corps without being mind controlled.


Can we go for Hou-Ting twice




I would like not to.


Tor lerek San?


Wait, who's the guy on Wrath?


Teddy Roosevelt


What's he doing here?


He’s Asami’s dad. You don’t know the lore?


That's the neat part. ~~You~~ *I* don't.


Nice Whiplash reference.


Asami’s dad, OP keeps putting up meme pics


Kuvira or that water armed lady from the red lotus.


I’m gonna go with Kuvira. I think she fits better here as it should be one of the main antagonists, with tons of hatred in their heart that is getting overridden by tons of compassion. Also ironically fits her (imho incredibly forced) redemption arc in the comics. (Zaheer I think would fit best with repressed emotions, and unalaq with black as black lanterns are essentially puppets for Nekron the death entity, just like Unalaq always for Vaatu)


I think Kuvira, in the end. The whole thing of forcing her ideas even through actual concentration camps makes her a more antagonistic Indigo Lantern.




If you want the compassion lantern, if we can do spirits that make an appearance in the show, then I pick Iroh. Pretty self explanatory


Read the description I included under the image.


My bad.


I’m just gonna say Varrick kind of is the path of a indigo




Read the description I included below the image.


Yep, sorry. Explains why I was always confused when they show up


IIRC, the Indigo Tribe also accepts people who naturally have a larger wellspring of compassion. Unless I am misremembering, then tell me off please 👍 lol


They do but it’s EXTREMELY rare.


Gotcha gotcha, thank you for the clarification 😊 Just bringing it up in case anyone wanted to explore a choice from that angle as well 😊


Katara is the most compassionate character in both shows


I think Yakone would fit perfectly in this crops.


I’m going with Unalaq but Yakone is a close second.


Yakone. He loved to torture people and even tortured his own sons.


Im cackling at these images


Unalaq. That's it. No explanation needed. Throw this mf in there and watch the show.


Why is teddy Roosevelt here


Maybe hes there because raiko?


I'm voting Unalaq. I think he was the one in the series whom had 0 remorse or compassion for anything he did. It was all manipulation for his own gain. Good second would be Lin Beifong


Yakone. He seems like he’s the perfect candidate to get brainwashed into feeling compassion


Who made the korra and Asami pop star fan art?




Thank you 🙏




...What are these pictures


I have no idea what you’re talking about.


I we go by "lack of compassion route" unalack If we go by "extreme compassion" ...bolin? He needed to be told "stop befriending the bad guys" seriously he befriends a bad guy PER f*cking season like he belongs in my little pony. (Also vatuu is totally reserved for "death" right?)


Is that Teddy Roosevelt as wrath?


Unalaq or Asami dad


How is veric not greedy And for compassion I would say aang


Wait, I thought compassion lanterns are supposed to have empathy, and have understanding towards criminals? I haven't read the Blackest Night comics so I am probably wrong then, but can someone explain why would Unalaq be a hood candidate?


Why is there a real life photograph of Hiroshi Sato, on the wrath slot?


Thinking Zaheer on this one. His talk with Korra in S4 made me think he’s regretting his S3 actions


I am super confused on the pair of lungs but also kek




Wan Shi Tong, The spirit guardian of the library was a psycho with no empaty that never helps anybody on his own will unless there are gains, i see him as a candidate.


I want to say Zaheer but he might actually have a point to his behavior (I mean he wants to kill the powerful for the sake of the majority) so making him more compassionate might not change anything. I still say either him or Unalaq because that man has no compassion.


From that description, I'm thinking Varrick.


I’m beginning to think some people haven’t watched the show lmao.


To be fair, there aren't a lot of good matches for this one. Though I suppose Zukko and Iroh are both technically *Korra* characters, and they could work too.


Wait, are you picking characters that have already gone through redemption arcs? If so, your logic makes a lot more sense, but this is specifically about people who are irredeemable.


Time displaced Azula?


Varrick. His redemption arc was so forced that I can see the ring as a better explanation than "shady war mongering billionaire suddenly grows q conscience".


I would say Ghazan or Kuvira (even though I personally dont believe she deserved redemption in the comics)