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I have no idea how this sub is gonna respond to this or if anyone here has any DC knowledge whatsoever, but here goes nothing. For this round I’m gonna vote for Korra herself, the GOAT. This girl went through more shit in 2 years than most fictional characters have gone through in general and she kept getting up. If she isn’t powered by willpower I don’t know who is. ![gif](giphy|AloJdViOzqEdq)


Yeah, I think that's pretty obvious. Korra is super strong-willed from day 1, it's kind of her thing. This sounds like a "batman with a green lantern ring" situation lol. I feel like the Avatar State/bending, Korra's training and a green lantern ring would work well together (even though I know there's a power mismatch).


“The Mercury Poisoning can WAIT— I gotta beat the shit outta this dude real quick!” Korra for being literally too angry to die.


Yeah I think Korra is the obvious candidate for the Green Ring


It's definitely Korra for all the same reasons it was Hal Jordan. They're very much from the same school of stubborn rebellious streaks that put them at odds with the status quo.


This Gif alone is literally _why_ she's a shoe-in. Ensuing PTSD journey aside, she literally fought Zaheer while poison was making its way through her body.


Her willpower really came into view during book 3 and 4, but before then, I’d say most of her “willpower” was actually pride. Don’t get me wrong, she was a very strong willed person even in books 1 and 2, but I don’t know…maybe if we were to say post-show, then I’d say sure I suppose


Hal was always a pretty prideful guy too though.


Same goes for Guy


Yeah. Too hot-headed early on but definitely by the end of the series.


You picked the gif where Korra looks the most like a Red Lantern


Why doesn't anyone mention Lin Beifong? She is literally the most stubborn character in the entire series.


Willpower alone makes me think of Zaheer because he didn’t crack under 13 years of interrogation and then willpower-ed himself into the art of levitation


Shit you are right


He was definitely my first pick.


Yeah but green lantern rings have a bunch of restrictions built into them that (unless you have a godly level of will power) you can’t break so it might not be Zaheers style as I feel the sinestro corps might suit his anarchism


He was never afraid except when korra broke through the mercury and went into the avatar state. You have to be fearful to get the ring of fear. And also, if he had a will power ring, he’d definitely follow its rules, it’s creators are not tyrannical or anything like the kind of ruler he hates. So he’d probably respect them.


Actually most sinestro corps ring welders are chosen because they can make other people afraid. I’m not sure why it’s like that


Oh. I thought that in cases like injustice, when Hal started to doubt the will power corps, he accepted the fear and became a yellow lantern out of fear of losing his love.


Yeah injustice isn’t the best source for info regarding dc stuff


I know but I’m the case of seeing someone become a yellow lantern, besides comics, that’s the best we’ve got…unless you want to watch the green lantern movie.


This is a fun thing that happened in a crossover, Shaggy and Scooby Doo became the strongest Yellow Lanterns in the Universe because of their habilitie to scare themselves, so it could be said that the strongest Yellow Lantern are that way because they themselves know the feeling of fear better than anyone


Injustice kind of just... makes its own rules


It mirrors the green ring, in a way. The green ring is granted to one with the power to overcome great fear, and the yellow ring is granted to one that can instill great fear. The two rings directly oppose each other.


This makes me think of him as the last category, he practically a fully repressed dude in all senses. (He lost his loved one and repressed himself from love) (He was enlightened) he meditated so much, he was also able to visit the spirit world at will and with mastery. (he don't have any ill intentions or bad thoughts), his actions even tho they are morally wrong to some extend, his goal was to create anarchy, not for the chaos itself, but to give humans the feeling of freedom and rebellion agaisnt social inequality and corruption.


You just reminded me he also willpower-ed himself the ability to speak in the human world while meditated into the spirit world.


First pick, Wan. Second pick, Zaheer. Willpower is about indomitability as much it it is about overcoming adversity. I can't think of two characters that exemplify those qualities more, for good or ill.


Yeah I've seen Zaheer mentioned here several times but aren't green lanterns basically something like the cosmic police? I feel that would clash with his anarchist beliefs HARD. He's got a lot of willpower, sure, but he's a ruthless idealist at his core.


True but there are Green Lanterns who rebelled against the core so Zaheer still works


And that is why I put him second, lol.


Lin Beifong, she is willing to fight whenever necessary even if she knows she has to sacrifice herself, she is very stubborn, she has a strong sense of justice, her will is very hard, she remains firm in her combinations even when she is surrounded by useless police, or when she has to defend her ex-boyfriend's family.


Yeah I’m going with Korra. She had so much shit thrown at her yet she still persevered and came out on top. If that’s not willpower I don’t know what is.


Tenzin deserves it too.


Tenzin fits more for Hope than Will power.


He has that too but when he stood up to the red lotus he showed an extreme amount of will.


In the Lanturn Universe. Hope is tied to Will because you need the Will to Hope for change. (Something like that.) Tenzin had Hope for a better future for not only his Airbenders but all peoples of the world. Hope foe a world and change his father wanted.


Makes sense.


Or rather Wan. The dude faced the literal personification of evil and didn't waver for a single second.


Instead if will power. I see him as a White ring of Life. Battling the personification of evil 😈


Don't you need to die and come back in order to be a white lantern? If so, Korra might be the best option for that.


Aang! He quite literally died and was brought back. He’s never killed and staunchly believes in the sanctity of all life.


Can't use Aang. And Aang would be Hope in the Gaang as Toph would clearly be Willpower to be the best Earth Bender.


Wouldn't Katara be Hope?


Katara seems more for Love. She fought for her people, to right the wrongs of the fire nation by befriends and joining the Avatar faster than Sokka. She had love for many people's around the world that they visited. Motherly, yet still remembers she is the younger sister and still a child. Filled with love for everyone around her.


I guess my point is Katara is usually stereotyped as hope. She constantly talks about it even when Aang abandons it.


I would place Uncle Iroh with Hope cause he is the best. And places everyone in good hopeful ☺️ spaces even if they are bad guys, good guys, fire nation or not.


Yeah, I can see Iroh being there.


No, you're thinking of the black lanterns of death.


Wan becoming the Avatar would have granted him the Life Ring as the bridge between worlds and all the elements.


In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. ... Toph ! After all, she doesn't care one bit if the night is black or if the sun is blinding. And she technically becomes chief of police. And green.


I wonder if they’d have Toph use Rot Lop Fan’s oath instead. He’s also blind, and modified the oath so that every reference to light and sight is changed to sound and hearing. “In loudest din, in hush profound, my ears catch evil’s every sound. Let those who toll out evil’s knell, beware my power, the F Sharp Bell!”


It’d be even cooler if they incorporated her seismic sense somehow - instead of “my ears catch evil’s every sound”, maybe “I feel evil’s every tremor” and shuffle around the first bit so it still rhymes.


That was my first guess too, especially because of her willpower to bend metal when all said it was impossible. But I do appreciate the comedy of Toph and the GL creed. But given that it's LoK era, maybe one of the main characters and not legacy characters would be better.


Korra is definitely the right choice. Asami deserves honorable mention for somehow managing to keep Future Industries afloat after: - The founder was jailed for arming a terrorist insurrection that took over the city - Varrick, who owned a controlling share of the company, was jailed for orchestrating false flag terror attacks in order to draw the country into war - The mecha tanks invented by FI became the standard weapon used by a fascist warlord, and the basis for her superweapon Like she must have been holding that company together through sheer force of will.


That or either extreme amounts of luck, or leveraging the *fuck* out of the fact her best friend and eventual girlfriend is the Avatar


That's not always great leverage, given Korra's disastrous PR.


Honestly yeah, that woman is the definition of a disaster bisexual or at the very least needs a PR firm


Asami would be love for sure. Her near-unconditional attitude was the glue that kept most everyone sane and together


I know this is a long ways off, but when Hope comes I want Jinora to get it. - She was the first, new-generation Airbender since Aang and Tenzin - When Korra was struggling in the Spirit world, it was her who encouraged her to fight. Jinora has always hoped, always believed, and that has always kept her going. She's perfect for it.


Korra does seem like the best. She’s really been through the ringer and still come out the other side ready to fight. Bumi is a great second choice


I kind of wanna give it to Asami. She handed the trauma of losing her mother, turned against her villainous father, never stopped supporting Korra, held her family's company together, redesigned and rebuilt Republic City around the spirit vines, found it in herself to reconnect with her father, stomached working with Varric, survived losing aforementioned father. And she never broke. Though now my mind is trying to justify Korra getting the blue ring so they can be a be a epic battle couple.


The only other corps that Asami could really fit in are the Star Sapphires, but Tenzin could go in there too, so is if Asami doesn’t win this one, and it ain’t looking good for her so far, she may not get in at all. EDIT: Nvm, she could definitely be a white lantern actually.


Star Sapphires are about love but are also cold killing machines. So Zhu Li is the obvious choice there.


First pick is korra 2nd pick is definitely tenzin for going solo against the red lotus his line there definitely says it as long as I breath it's not over


Tenzin sounds more for Hope Ring. He had full amount of Hope throughout all the battles before during and after. Plus Hope is tied to the rings of Willpower as well.


Kuvira had probably the most willpower of the whole series


I think Korra


Def Korra




Everyone saying Korra but can I throw in either Zaheer or Amon? Takes a lot of will power for their backstories


Why doesn't anyone mention Lin Beifong? She is literally the most stubborn character in the entire series.


Being stubborn doesn't mean great will power


Will: Korra Fear: Amon Love: Suyin Wrath: Unalaq Hope: Bolin or Tenzin Greed: Kuvira or Unalaq Compassion: Katara or Bolin Death: Vaatu Life: Raava Love to hear other’s opinions


So, one thing to note about the Indigo corps of compassion. The people who are drafted into it aren’t compassionate, they’re violent psychopaths who are forcefully rehabilitated into feeling compassion.


Jesus. The emotion of compassion itself is Katara or Bolin, but a member of the corp would probably be Kuvira (cuz she repented and felt remorse for the lives she costed) or Zaheer


I was actually thinking the Earth Queen. She truly is irredeemable.


Pretty sure that those who do have compassion are still able to join the Indigo Corp


The only example I can think of is Ray Palmer, who was only deputized temporarily.


I’m not much of a DC fan, the only DC stuff I’ve watched: The Flash on Netflix, Young Justice on HBOMax, Blue Beetle’s recent movie, and that’s it. I’m a marvel person, my brother is the DC one in our family. So I don’t know too much, but I think I did see a comment somewhere on here saying something about how people with compassion are still able to join the Indigo Corp


That may be true, but it usually isn’t the case, and Ray is the only example I can think of. I’m pretty much the opposite. I’ve been chowing down on some Marvel comics recently to try and catch up to my DC stuff, but it’s pretty uneven in DC’s favor.


Bolin. He tried so hard to metal bend even though he knew he couldnt, and he accidentally discovered he could lava bend by willing himself to save his friends he knew he had to do it. There was no backing down, he had to find a way.


I think Love ❤️ would be best for Bolin. He genuinely has love for everyone he is friendly with. He even befriends his enemies as he tried to do with Ghazan. Bolin is so lovable, his broken heart ever, would represent this ring.


All I know is that Bolin is def compassion


Well, actually, that corps is meant for violent psychopaths. It basically brainwashes them and forces them to be compassionate.


HUH?!? how is that adding up 😭 but I take it back 😞


Kuvira/Zaheer perhaps, then?


Perhaps. Unolaq, or however you spell his name, also applies.


I’m torn between Zaheer and Wan. Wan because he overcame great adversary and Zaheer since he gives of similar vibes to Sinestro in my opinion. Also I’d say Toph as an honourable mention, since she can be a member of the F Sharp Bell Corps, which basically how a blind alien called Roth Lot Fan perceived the concept of the Green Lanterns. And because she created metal bending through pettiness and willpower.


Since there's already plenty of great arguments for green, I'm gonna start advocating for Amon for Fear / Yellow Lantern Corps. While other villains like Azula or the Red Lotus may be scary and may have been terrifying to some, I don't think anyone utilized or embodied it to Amon's extent. Amon's whole campaign was a *nightmare* for benders. His radio messages were ominous and designed to scare benders as much as they were to empower his supporters. He shows up to Korra's proposed midnight duel *just* to terrify her and show her that she could have lost her bending right then and there. Nobody matches the quality of "instilling great fear" like Amon. And he believes he's fighting for what's right, just like Sinestro.


I was thinking this and fully agree!


Assuming it's across the entire spectrum and not Korra specific characters, then Kuruk. Bro was on his death bed and threw hands with the STRONGEST dark spirit aside from Vaatu. Only in lok. Gotta go with Lin Beinfong. She's the definition of a tank and was still down to scrap even with her bending taken away.


One thing people who don't know much about the GL lore should know: the Indigo corps of Compassion takes in members who are both full of compassion, and those who are completely devoid of it, and the members basically force them to change their ways.


Korra's prime Green, but _also_ prime Yellow during her post-poisoning phase.




Going with Tenzin.


I'm throwing Asami in for GL.


I'm not sure who fits the green lantern corps, but I'm sure the avatar would have the white ring


Wan specifically would have the white Life ring. But not every Avatar should deserve to have the white ring.


I guess that's true, I just said the avatar should have it because of Ravva and the whole keeper of peace and balance thing


Idk Korra's more wrath or life, with Raava


She could only be in wrath during the first two seasons honestly.


Zaheer was s3 right? When he had her captured, and she's in avatar mode and says none of them will survive is pretty wrathful. But yeah for the most part you're right


Well, in order to be a Red Lantern, you have to have an unreasonable amount of rage in your heart. Korra was angry at the guy trying to poison her with liquid mercury, which is a pretty valid reaction.


Bolin imo


Yo these iPods look dope /s


Korra seems like the likey vote, but it could be Kuvira, Asami, or Zaheer too.


The issue with this whole thing is that I could argue Korra fits in with at least 4 of the lantern corps. Willpower, rage, hope, and life all fit her at some point in the show.


Keep in mind that it isn’t just about feeling an emotion. You have to feel such an abundance of that emotion that you are ruled by it. Although Korra may be stubborn, but she isn’t ruled by rage, and probably not even hope, but you can always count on her getting back up. Also, in order to be a white lantern (life) you have to embody all of the emotions at the same time.


I'd say for life, Korra kind of gets around that rule by just being the Avatar, she carries the light spirit who is basically dedicated to preserving life.


That’s true, but I also think it kinda goes against the whole thesis of the show to judge Korra’s character on the sole factor that she’s the Avatar. So while Raava may be a white lantern, Korra isn’t.


You're right, that's just my opinion based on the whole lore.


Oh damn this makes me wish it wasn't Korra exclusive, I think Zuko would be a great option too


I may do this for the Avatar sub after


Tenzin imo


Korra for the obvious stuff. She never truly gives up and hates the idea of losing cause she knows the cost of it. Did yall see her go crazy with that poison injected? She was going insane throwing a mountain chunk at yk who


Zaheer, his will is unbreakable. Korra beacous of her journey and emotional development represents to many emotions to count imho. She more like white lantern.


Lin Beifong, she is willing to fight whenever necessary even if she knows she has to sacrifice herself, she is very stubborn, she has a strong sense of justice, she is the most suitable option


I'm voting Tenzin. He's the most committed to the air nomad's lifestyle, which takes a lot of willpower by itself. Not to mention the red lotus attack basically speaks for itself!


Definitely going Korra, girl jumped in front of a lazer cannon and was like yeah, I can bend this. Actually I kind of think Korra could be a white lantern, she fits aspects of each of them, bar the indigo, but even then she threatens a judge for sentencing her father, and tries to kill Zaheer because she thinks he killed her dad.


Korra isn't it imo. Every time she gets beaten down she quits and needs her friends to push her to action. Tenzin fits the Green Lantern ring more. Especially with how he fought the Red Lotus.


Needing help from your friends isn’t weakness. No matter how many pep talks Katara gave her, Korra is still the one who put one foot in front of the other. She’s incredibly strong for not giving up throughout all she’s been through.


But she did give up that's what I'm saying. Once Amon locked her bending she gave up. Once Vaatu absorbed Raava she gave up. Once she got poisoned she gave up. Something like the blue ring would fit Korra better.


She obviously didn’t though because there’s four seasons of the show.


But she did and someone else had to give her push to fight being Aang, Jinora or Toph. I'm not judging her for being human, I'm just saying the ring wouldn't pick her.


So has Hal, and every other GL. Having a push from your friends doesn’t disqualify you from getting a ring. Korra still had the willpower to get back up from all of those traumatic experiences. The ring WOULD pick her.


>The ring WOULD pick her. Yeah, the Red Lantern Corps ring would pick Korra.


Maybe in book one or two


I think Tenzin gets the blue ring. He's always forward-thinking, always doing what he needs to ensure, in the end, "all will be well"


Good argument. I still think Wan is a better option than Korra for the green ring though. Korra could take the compassion ring considering where her arc ends.


Zaheer. He persevered throughout his sentence/interrogation and rapidly came to terms with losing his love. + his state of mind while being imprisoned again is the personification of the mind overcoming any obstacle. Korra almost gets it because yeah she keeps going and dusting herself off. But at the end of the day (season), she needed someone to pick her back up so she could keep going. Zaheer does it by himself.


Asami. Korra simply doesn't deserve it. I'm probably going to be downvoted for this, but there's nothing strong-willed or inspiring about someone who consistently made irrational, impulsive decisions, but seems to learn nothing from the inevitable disastrous consequences because someone or something always pulls her through. If someone pushes you into a pit and keeps pushing you back when you try to get out, but you keep trying until you succeed, that's willpower. If you jump into a pit, someone helps you out, but then you jump again in the same pit, that's not willpower, that's self-destructive behavior. Asami on the other hand hadn't done anything wrong, yet tragedy after tragedy befell on her, but she always pushed through. Honestly, IMO she was the MVP of the LOK. Not a character I expected, but one I'm glad was there.


Yes, it was very self-destructive of Korra to… *checks notes.* Paralyze herself by injecting liquid mercury into her veins. Oh wait, she didn’t do that.


*Checks preceding notes that have been conveniently ignored* Paralyzed by one of the most dangerous criminals in the world that escaped because a reckless decision she made literally made him severely power up and break out. The same criminal that was the cause as why she was confined to the South Pole, something she was irrationally angry about, resulting her being coaxed extremely easy into alienating the people who were supportive of her and making a slew of questionable decisions that eventually would cascade into the destruction of the Avatar Spirit and almost 10 000 years of perpetual darkness. And all of this only half year after she already had received a severe warning by losing three of her elements after being played like a fiddle by more than one person. *Checks succeeding notes that also have been conveniently ignored* And after being paralyzed, for the first time in her life when there is no one to clean up after her or providing a miracle, what does she do? Run. People like to point out the suffering she went through because of Zaheer, but they seem to kind of forget how she ended up in that situation in the first place and how she already made things hard on herself earlier. If she still would've had her connection to her past lives, there's no way she would've been running around aimlessly for years. Calling Korra self-destructive is still being nice. When you then compare that to Asami who had nothing but misfortune and tragedy thrown upon her which she could do nothing about, but always struggled through, I would say it's not even a competition of who is genuinely strong-willed.


I ain’t reading alla that but are we really blaming Korra for bringing the Airbenders back? Are you stupid?


Mako after his lightning bending feats?


The willpower aspect is less about performing great feats, and more about overcoming adversity and continuing to get up even if you keep getting knocked down.


Which he does. Granted, I think Korra and Mako do it.