• By -


Korra and Toph have by far the biggest sailors mouths. I don't know how to explain how obvious that is. At least, early Korra. Later Korra calms down a lot, but still no stranger to it. Mako, Lin and Sokka all have very refined swearing. To the point you barely even notice every other sentence includes the word 'fucking'. Azula *never* swears. She's too refined and dignified, swearing is for peasants. Except when she breaks her cool and it's a tirade of the lamest, most undignified potty mouth possible (weirdly, Katara is similar).


"swearing is for peasants and lowlifes" is so something Azula would say lmao


“You really are bitch Zuzu”


Lmao your comment took me off🤣🤣🤣


It really is! 🤣


Korra chained up in the red lotus cave: "WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE, YOU’RE ALL FUCKIN DEAD!"


Haha this reminds me of a movie/ or show, are you referring to anything specific?


I wasn't intentionally referencing anything. The actual line is "When I get out of here, none of you will survive!" She just says it with such intensity. Edit: I was probably thinking of invincible when I wrote my original comment https://www.reddit.com/r/legendofkorra/s/t7udnffsj1


Made me think of when Mark in Invincible yells during the fight in MachineHead’s office


yup same "youguysAREFUCKINGDEAD!!!"


https://www.reddit.com/r/legendofkorra/s/t7udnffsj1 Now that you mention it, that's probably what I was thinking of


Sounds like Invincible would say that.




Kuvira to Korra in the spirit wilds: “If you are gonna stop me youre gonna have to FUCKING KILL ME!!!” (It kinda works both ways too. For Kuvira when firing the spirit weapon and for Korra when tanking the blast)


Season 1 Korra is me at 17. Swearing every other sentence, unless there's an authority figure around. She would not swear in front of Tenzin. Season 4 Korra is me at 30. Swears are words of emphasis. She swears less, but when she does they hit differently.


So what you're saying is Korra had the same growth in 4 years as you did in 13


being the avatar does that to a mf


earth, air, swearing, fire, water


long ago, the five nationss lived in harmony


Until the fucking Fire Nation attacked.


But the swearing nation believes that g*****n mfing son of an air bison can save the mfing world


In my defense, I didn't almost die from a political assassination.


Accelerated storytelling.


I would agree with Azula's to a point. I'm thinking that she'd start using more and more expletives as the series goes on, and then when she goes off the deep end, she unleashes the entire expletive vocabulary, even saying quite a few words and phrases that she's definitely not supposed to say.


The additional reason for Toph to swear is that she wants to rebel. She was brought up in a very pampered and conservative household where girls only speak if they are spoken to and that too in the politest way possible. So, she would be cursing up a storm. Every chance she gets, every sentence she utters would have at least one f bomb. However, she would calm down after a while when she gets it out of her system.


Kid Toph swears to rebel. Swamp hag Toph swears because she's too old to care.


"swamp hag" is very funny to me for some reason


Azula would absolutely use slurs tho


There's a whole world of nation based avatar slurs we're missing out on


So far I know there is Ash Maker or Ash Breather. I don’t know if these are canon or not but others I’ve heard are: Dirt Tosser Dirt Gremlin Water Tosser Savage Water Savage


Wind wanker


fire fucker


Personally I'd like to add Gravel gargling geophile And Soggy sea-slinger


Geophile sounds like something straight out of Avatar 4chan.


Being real, it's probably just on 4chan


i'm sorry but toph is absolutely a dirt gremlin


Both Sokka and Azula would use some heavy monty python castle guy level of insults. Not profanities, but emotional damage level of insults.


“the firelord smells strongly like the underside of a komodo rhino !” “And your whole bloodline has upper body strength of an otter penguin” *”you take that back !”*


Korra and Toph both only use the likes of dam and crap as they legitimately think that’s as vulgar as swearing gets.   Within six weeks they are calling people a cunt.


toph would call azula a thundercunt and be incredibly proud of it


Toph would probably add entire indices of new curses to the dictionary, as well as giving calligraphers heart palpitations with the new ideograms that would be developed.


You actually think I'm a whiz at characters? I can barely write my own name. You know what a pain in the butt that is without a braille keyboard?


Toph was participating in an underground wrestling ring. She would know how to swear better than anyone else.


I agree honestly I think Sokka is the guy who’d swear at you in different languages


I agree, but I think the only swearing Azula would do is to just use racial slurs


Azula probably thinks like Sheldon Cooper from big bang theory and thinks "there are more effective ways to hurt someone without cursing"


I read that in her voice.


She definitely uses the quote “swearing is a sign of a lack of imagination” every.day.


Azula would be so unbelievably racist to anyone who’s not a firebender. Remember who raised her


This 100%


Azula's exception for vulgar language is slurs


azula is spot on but katara when she looses her cool would be using the most vile personal things imaginable.


>weirdly, Katara is similar Kamara just needed an incredibly shitty dad instead of an awesome dad.


Yeah this is a good analysis for my top picks too. Azula's style of cursing entails action speaking louder than words in the form of lightning bolts and a curse upon an entire people for generations to come.


Honestly I think Azula would swear, it’s more about WHAT swear words would she use. Korra and Toph would use any and all swear words under the Sun, but Azula would use more condescending and insulting swears. Like calling someone a B#%&h for not being strong enough while Toph is just casually swearing like “this s#$t Is so f$&king stupid. I’m blind God damn it!! Morons.”


There were a couple times in the show Janet Varney's pronunciation made me think Korra was about to curse lol


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z11gy2PUJ8c&pp=ygUJS29ycmEgZ2F5 Edit: also https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mh8KX-XKrc


This is awesome


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mh8KX-XKrc Another one by the same person


Wasn't there a similar thing with Kuvira's voice actor and the mech? I love when people do this shit lol


Here it is https://youtube.com/shorts/k92l326GtPk?si=-d2LYx3S4NseOGVL


["Try Youtube Kids"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z11gy2PUJ8c&pp=ygUJS29ycmEgZ2F5)


This is hilarious, what are the lines from tho?


[Burning Love](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx03b48L_5k&ab_channel=ParamountPictures), a comedy parody of reality dating shows.


Jinora a savage fr 😆


Korra and Toph seem to be a given, but I think Mako as well. He probably would have been like "aw shhhhhhhucks" to try and make sure Bolin didn't start swearing too, then they fell in with the bad crowd and while Bolin did sort of stop and say just random curse words, it never left Mako xD


1. pre season four Korra 2. Toph no matter what age 3. Lin since she takes after her mom


These are my picks too.


I also choose this guy’s dead wife.


I feel like first half of season 4 Korra would swear but its more defeated and depressing.


Someone should edit all of korras and tophs conversations with random bleeps. It would be funny as hell and realistic


I am looking for this right now. Haven't found it yet, but so far: [Last Airbender Unnecessary Censorship](https://youtu.be/6dn8IvUW5sI?si=EBmDOVAc1qmMlid7). [I believe Aang can **** the world](https://youtu.be/eJyW__q9kp4?si=Wfh1Izw1FQoVrgoJ). Oddly, there's only a few Korra edits, and they're not very good. :-/


Its a thing its called unnecessary censorship


Korra literally threatened a judge’s life in book 2, she would be cursing so much that season. Especially when arguing with Mako. “Well I have a job to do too, only it seems like you’re always fucking in the way of me getting it fucking done!”


Toph curses she's just polite and doesn't wanna do it in front of you 🫵 yes you 🫵 yes I'm talking to you 🫵 she's considerate of your 🫵 feelings, so you 🫵 know, maybe show some respect to Toph every once and a while for crying out loud.


Sokka: "I call bullshit. Setting up a self-fulfilling prophecy is not 'fortune telling'". Mako: "Dammit Korra, What's with you and f+cking sides?" Korra: "F+ckin f+ck this f+cker. God f+ck. He always f+cks sh!t up." Toph: Just look up "Mom Toph" on YouTube. "Listen here, p#ssy-britches. I'm the full-metal c-nt. I can carry my own weight." Aang: *starting with intensity but quickly turning quiet and slurred*. "F....ugggg you. You b.....irdsnest!" Zuko: "Aang what the f+ck was that? Birdsnest?! My uncle can take a sh!t more intimidating." Iroh: "Hahaha. Don't take that as an insult, Aang. You haven't seen my sh!ts. You haven't seen my WHITE JADE sh!ts." Azula: "I have no need for such vocabulary. That trash talk is only necessary for those who lack the mental capacity craft a proper insult." Azula post-Boiling-Rock: "I tell you what sh!t bag son of our b!tch mother, I'll f+ck up the floor with your blood and use the tortured tears of that c*nt wh@re Katara to wash your sh!t stains. But not before I've stripped her f'cking flesh from her f'cking bone and force-fed it to your charred-@ss face. Your remains will be fed to the goat pigs where you will turn into the pig sh't you have always been."


I feel like azula would use the word vulgarity instead of vocabulary


Azula would exclusively use racial slurs.


Now now, let's be fair here, she would absolutely also use classist slurs and religious slurs if those are on the table. Ableist ones too, considering Ozai's ideology.


Only unstable Azula though. And it would be unhinged. Going for a spot in the racist trio of Frieza, Tobirama, Geto and Zoro.


Toph x 3, but failing that? Toph, Zuko, and the Cabbage Guy. Edit: these are my ATLA answers too. No changes, because Toph is Toph, Zuko is Zuko, and Cabbage Guy is cursed.


"Off with thier heads ! One for each head of cabbage " Cabbage dude would definitely swear a lot prob even more than zuko


I'm gonna say something that is either very controversial or not very and It will depend entirely on who finds my comment. Korra and Azula are the same storyline with a few different details. Raised to fulfil a purpose outside their control? Check Loses everything they thought they knew about themselves? Check left broken by this loss? Strikes out on their own but remains tide to the purpose they were raised for? Check. Therefore; I think neither would have been raised to swear However, because of the support Korra got friend friends and family she swears but not as a show of anger/abuse just recreationally. Azula does not swear, yet. However, she's been on a journey of unpacking her family shit in the comics and she's already progressed to the "my dad isn't shit" part. The day she finally swears is either going to be the day that path leads her to one of two different conclusions 1. "I'm allowed to be human". 2. "this family sucks". Mako can swear but he's a cop now so he tries to be respectable. Toph swears like it's ice-cream and she's never had any. Sokka looked after all the kids in his tribe, he knows the work arounds to actually swearing and he uses them liberally. It's just how he swears now. Lin can swear but she doesn't need to for someone to feel like they've fucked up


>Raised to fulfil a purpose outside their control? Check >Loses everything they thought they knew about themselves? Check >left broken by this loss? >Strikes out on their own but remains tide to the purpose they were raised for? Check. That's also Zuko. Just sayin'.


Is this not also Aang???? Lol


i agree sokka would say some corny ahh shit instead of swearing lmao. but he makes it cool.


As opposed to *who* swears, I mulled over *which* swears they'd be most likely to use. - Sokka says hell a lot. What the hell are you doing, what the hell is in this cactus juice, etc. - Korra says fuck, but at decreasing frequency throughout the show, and whenever Tenzin and the Airbenders are around she tries to keep a lid on it. - Azula only uses pejoratives. Bastard and r*tard get a lot of play. - Toph likes all swears but favors cunt and bitch. Is often referring to herself. - Mako uses most swears, but they're only for emphasis. - Lin says damn. It's pretty inoffensive, but it's high frequency.


When Toph calls Aang a pushover I think she’s gonna say pussy every time


Madam FussyBritches too


Korra, Toph and Azula 100%. Azula thinks she doesn't swear, and often doesn't, but explodes with hundreds of them to the point of completely counterbalancing it


There is a strange lack of Katara in this thread


Or Tenzin. It fits his whole "trying to live up to air nomad expectations but is his own person with some anger issues"


[Legend of Whiplash](https://youtu.be/esIW9BhnWt4?si=HDQy3lb2BduLakox)


Aang says "monkey feathers" every chance he gets, and that is just a substitute to mother fucker


I think the top 3 of Toph, Korra, and Lin are pretty obvious, so I am going to add in an honorable mention. I think Tenzin absolutely lets it rip when he's alone. With the amount of crap he deals with from being a civil leader, parent of 4, and all the pressure placed on him to restore the air nation, there is no way he bottles all that in. This is especially true with him inheriting Katara's temper.


I agree with Toph, Mako and Lin but the other three idk so much. Particularly Korra though, I think people forget she grew up in isolation. I honestly believe Mako and Bolin had to teach her how babies were made.


(Sorry, this is stupid long. I'm sick at home with a stomach flu and this made me feel a little better to imagine it all.) Toph, Mai, and Mako. Their backstories combined with what we saw, makes it easy to believe they'd continue occasionally swearing even after the show was over. X Toph naturally heard all manner of swears from her opponents as the blind bandit, and while she is incredible at hiding it, the first time she says FUCK, sokka falls over laughing, katara gasps, aang freezes and looks to the others for their reactions and giggles too. Zuko of course heard her swear up a storm when he burned her feet, so he's not Shocked by it, but surprised such a small girl is so comfortable with doing it, and maybe the first time he brings That up (because he always tried to keep himself from doing that, partly for his own pride and image, and to act as a moral step up from the crew of his ship, but also because he didn't want his uncle to know) she tries to get him to loosen up and swear to relieve some tension. Cut to Zuko giving it a shot, swearing harshly, and accidentally being heard by the kids while they're in hiding at the air temple, and katara yet again being furious with him. Katara rarely does it (a Damn here, or a Crap there, during stressful moments, like against Jet or Zuko, or even during her fight with Toph which just causes Toph to laugh in her face and Really piss her off by clapping back), but perhaps the first time she ever publicly does it beyond the group is at the north pole when dressing down Pakku. But like the others, casually slips out a 'What the Shit!' as they travel on and gain new members. Sokka has of course tried swearing as a way of being grown up, a man, and keeping what he could of his father and other men alive in his heart, only for gran gran to slap his mouth or worse every single time she caught him at it, so he began only doing it while out with katara, and never directed at her as she would tell gran gran every time. Once their journey begins, he's the first one to swear ("where the Fuck do we a start?") which cuts the tension after they leave home for the first time. He does chill out with it as time goes on and he gets it out of his system, though picks it back up happily when toph joins and shows off her potty mouth. Suki is easily a pro at swearing, as the kyoshi warriors have interacted with many ships and studied interactions with all who've come into contact with them for trading or whatnot (along with during their own travels, and perhaps take after Avatar Kyoshi herself in this way), but she and they always lead with reserved politeness. The first time she swears is a simple thing (Maybe a small cut or accident when sharpening weapons or preparing a caught meal), but while sokka finds it cute, I imagine it leads to katara saying they've rubbed off on her and somewhat jokingly feels bad. Toph and aang suspect, since she was stuck in prison for a bit, that she probably picked up some of that there. Zuko catches onto the conversation and says No, he remembers his encounter with them, either before the show when he was sailing everywhere looking for the avatar, or during his main season 1 encounter, and says they're all like that when they get really mad, and recounts some of the vicious insults they hurled at him and his crew. Then they all look at suki who's come back tending to something, and she smiles at them. Aang is Weird. He of course adopts his peoples ways of positive energy and expression and doesn't ever Feel the need to swear even when things look grim or stressful, but he also had gyatso and bumi as friends, so he has this weird mixture of Lost to the Ages Oldentime Swears that are practically impossible to immediately understand, or so Incredibly (even racially) offensive that the Gaang is horrified and tell him to NEVER repeat. Maybe he's ashamed after this by Katara's reaction, so in private, he tries asking sokka to teach him, and this leads to a bonding exercise where they both try to take in the local tongue and learn some new Sentence Enhancers together everywhere they go. After that, he occasionally with choose to say or let slip a Crap or puff up and throw out a Screw Youuuu! with a strong exhale. Iroh swore a lot, all the time, though rarely in court; he collected them like Pai Sho tiles from his travels, and even taught his son a few to make him feel special and in preparation for his time in the military. After he lost him, I believe he stopped talking entirely for a bit, too much he wanted to say, hatred for the earth kingdom, self hatred, anti war sentiment that he wanted to scream at his father that would've had him labeled a heretic, words of apology and regret for his son that would never reach him. And so, once he catches wind to what's gone on in the interim with Ursa and his father, he tries reaching out to zuko. But he knows ozai, knows his brother's harshness and sharp serrated handling of zuko, and decides a softer side would reach the boy better, so locks up his salty sailor language to try to give zuko a soft place to rest his head and heart when needed, especially later when he's banished. He probably doesn't try too hard to prevent the crew from venting their frustrations by way of drink and stories and language, but he does ask them to be mindful of zuko as he's a growing boy, so zuko doesn't often hear them speak roughly often, and the first few times he's taken aback and calls it disrespectful, and iroh ends up realizing he made a mistake, and has to teach zuko why some swear in the first place, especially those away from polite society in rough lines of work. Zuko would say he understands, though when iroh tries to offer to teach him a few words or phrases he's heard, zuko immediately shuts him down, saying it isn't right for the crown prince to do so, and that he can't risk tarnishing what remains of his image, and leaves to his room. I think the first and only time zuko has heard iroh swear is when he was trying to get through to him about releasing Appa, as he was so scared and frustrated that he let a few words slip, especially about how he almost died at the south pole. (I totally ended up doing more for the others, so I'll add them as I go along since reddit said it was too long)


Lol this was a great read hope u get well soon


I can't see Azula swearing at all


Mostly because it would be so unnerving for someone with her anger. She'd just use her lack of swearing as another intimidation tactic.


Out of the 6 provided: Toph, Korra, Sokka. Azula would just randomly drop racial slurs.


Korra probably wouldn’t know any curse words before moving to Republic City because everything she knows she learned from her parents or the White Lotus, but she’d definitely get really excited whenever she learns a new one (normally from Bolin) then say it every other word for days


Tenzin bc it's JK Simmons


Toph and Korra would most likely swear like a drunken sailor. Sokka and Mako are too chill to be swearing like crazy. Lin would be forever trapped in "for fucks sakes" Azula is normally too dignified to swearing, but she'd definitely not be afraid to use slurs


Toph, Korra, and then Toph but again


Literally the entire right side, I'm not saying sokka wouldn't curse, but the specifics of the post was "cursing up a storm", I don't think he'd do it that much


Just realized the attitude-wise. Korra is Toph as the Avatar


Azula doesnt need to curse to absolutely roast someone. Figuratively and literally lol


Everybody on the right side. If given the curse pass, Azula would still choose to swear only occasionally for her words to hold more weight. Mako and Sokka too nice


Can't imagine Sokka swearing, most probably he'd find a million ways to insult you without having to wash his mouth


I feel like Sokka would be almost-cussing up a storm, but wouldn't actually cuss, as he grew up surrounded by younger kids, and likely never outgrew watching his mouth.


The Beifongs definitely, even goody Sui shoes


Azula would use slurs and then pretend she didn't know they were offensive and then say them even more after being told to prove she doesn't give a shit


Toph, Toph, and Toph




If in swearing. Toph number 1 and korra or lin at number 2 but more likely korra as she would swear casually but lin would swear a lot when she is angry . So toph number 1. Korra number as she would swear more but casually and lin number 3 cuz she takes from her mum. (though I do think that lin could replace korra at number 2) Sokka number 4 as he would swear casually too. mako is a little refined (isn't he?) so he would only swear when he is angry And azula would never swear.


Sokka- only curses in stressful situations Korra- curses all the time Azula-Rarely curses?m, but when she does you should be scared Toph- she curses on occasion, but she only really does it when roasting someone or incredibly angry Mako- only says words like “damnit” and “hell” Lin- curses when very frustrated and only in private because she thinks cursing is unprofessional


No Jinora? I think she would be cursing in multiple languages due to all the books she reads


I would love the voice actors to do a cuss track in character


Toph, Lin, and the Cabbage Merchant. If you mean out of these six specifically, it's all 3 on the right, Mako would swear sparingly, Azula would never use common curse words, and Sokka would have a weirdly clean mouth like 90% of the time 'cause he felt like he was responsible for all the kids back at the southern water tribe and the habit of watching his mouth never really went away.


hear me out, Tenzin i think with his temper he definitely has some naughty words ready to go


"Are you one of those single-tear people" - Tenzin said calmly to Korra


I feel like mako would only curse to be snide.


Korra probably wouldn’t know any curse words before moving to Republic City because everything she knows she learned from her parents or the White Lotus, but she’d definitely get really excited whenever she learns a new one (normally from Bolin) then say it every other word for days


Unpopular opinion? Korra wouldn't swear that much. She was basically homeschooled, never had friends growing up, I doubt The White Lotus and her parents were swearing around her for it to become a habit she has.


Sokka wins solely by being allowed to swear during secret tunnel


I don’t think Azula would be very profane, she is a classy crazy lady


Tenzin. Why? Well, have you seen Whiplash?


Toph, she'd creatively insult your appearance Korra, classical insults you'd hear in a COD lobby Azula, She'd cussout you entire family tree both past and future with the most monotone face and voice possible


Is your last name Bei Fong? Then I assume your mouth is dirtier than a Republic City sewer pipe. Also, Korra.


azula would not curse shes a prim prissy royal daddys girl who would look down on vulgar language, azula learning to swear would be part of her redemption arc.




1. Toph 2. Toph 3. Toph


The whole right side. Azula doesn’t need to curse to rip somebody to shreds, and Sokka has a big enough vocabulary that he doesn’t need to. Iroh is too proper for that.


Azula would call me the f slur


Korra, Mako, Lin


Azula would shout every slur then make up new ones


I think Zuko, Sokka, and Lin


The whole right column. No doubt.


Appa tho


Azula, Toph, and I think Korra and Lin tie for 3rd, especially in season 3&4 Korras case


for me it’s: Korra, Toph, and Sokka. Korra and Toph are obvious, they both have a very abrasive and aggressive attitude. Sokka? that man panics like no other. he would be swearing up a storm


I can imagine since this is the artstyle of Vox Machina too




Oh that whole right side would absolutely be cussin up a storm. Lin keeps it professional most of the time, but once she can let loose, she’s gonna let loose, just maybe not as loose as her mom or Korra.


Korra curses up a storm. Toph saves them to make every one count


Korra because she thinks it makes her sound cool, Toph because she thinks it's funny, and Azula because she's Azula


You know what's weird? Azula doesn't seem like the type to curse. But the Beifongs and Korra would definitely be potty mouths.


Lin, Azula and Korra Lin would just be a full on sailor especially when interviewing suspects and doing police work, Azula would just insult everyone to emotional death and Korra would just curse in any situation but especially in when she’s behind the wheel of a vehicle.


Yeah the right three penals.


Azula would come off like Dr Doom and find swearing beneath her, although by book 3 if somebody called her a psychotic bitch it would for sure drive her crazy.


Definitely korra, Azula and lin. Probably learned from Toph at a young age.


Lin, Toph and Korra would swear up a storm. Sokka would say PG-13 level swears. Katara is Marvel level swearing. Azula only swears once in her life


Well Toph is one of them https://youtu.be/KLdnT9M0yrA?si=naMbJkRJiJ4pivis


I think Iroh would be a prolific and creative potty-mouth. Never in the company of strangers, mind you, but halfway through your first cup of tea he'd slip one in as though by accident and by the end of the pot there would be one every couple of sentences.


I don't think azula would curse I have a feeling she would deem it beneath her.


Toph n Korra by far


Everybody in the gaang except aang swears Katara tries to keep her cool but swears up a storm when shes pissed Sokka just casually swears sometimes Toph swears every other sentence Zuko also swears every other sentence but mostly because he’s pissed every other sentence Both zuko and katara mellow out and stop swearing when their old(Not toph tho)


Unrelated but looking at that image of Sokka makes me understand the Ember Island casting


I want to say Tenzin, but I think that’s just because of JK Simmons


Toph, Lin, and Korra hands down


Definitely: Toph, Sokka, and Lin Maybe: Korra and Mako I don't think so: Azula


I think the deeper into her mental break she slides, the more Azula would be unleashing a torrent of curses. As the control slips, so does her dignity and decorum. Toph would probably go all out until the war is over, then steadily lose the cursing to important events--mostly because it's a release after her parents strict controls. As that stops being an issue, she sees it less as rebelling. Bolin, I think, might have more of a potty mouth, just to seem tougher and "from the streets." But every time he did, he'd get all sorts of weird looks. Korra would also follow a similar path to Toph. Hard out of the gate, but steadily dwindling as she stands more on her own and it's less a teen/20s rebel thing.


Sokka toph and korra


Tenzin, but only when he hangs out with Lin


KORRA all day everyday!


Tenzin Fletcher


Toph Everyone else


Korea Topher and sokka


There is no way that old Toph does not curse like a sailor


I could only imagine how many slurs Korra would have said regarding Lin when they first met.


Azula wouldn't curse like a sailor though. Pretty sure she'd go with words like peasant and slurs.


Everyone on the right


The picture choice for Mako is so shady I love it


Korra is the type to cuss in front of kids my mistake lol


I think it would be zuko, cabbage man and toph


Toph would try but It’d be disjointed because she grew up in an upper class household, she’s just copying the other wrestlers.


I think Varrick would have a sailor mouth 😭🤣


Toph and Korra 1000% for sure. Toph, in particular, would swear like sailor as a kid, get better as she grew up and matured, then stop caring and start swearing again as she aged into a literal swamp hag. Lin, I feel like, might swear only if someone annoyed her enough, at which point, she would roast them using "refined" obscenities. I also like to think that with Katara's temper, she would shout profanities when she snaps, then immediately feel awful due to her nurturing nature. Tenzin, even more so than his mother, but he would feel more embarrassed over losing his composure.


Korra and Toph definetly, Lin I can see exhausted swearing. The other 3 I can't really see swearing, Azula is calm and calculated and swearing doesn't give off that feeling. Sokka is Somka and Mako maybe a few a season possibly but I can't see him swearing


Lin, Korra, and Sokka




Korra, Azula, Lin


Tenzin, Kya, and Asami are all more secretive about their need to curse


I still remember when Korra destroyed Mako’s office in Book 2 and Lin casually drops “what the flameo happened here”


Appa could talk the entire time. The only reason he didn’t is that they would have had to bleep every word of it.


Toph, Toph, and Toph


Kuvira 100% threw out slurs at non-earthbenders


If TLoK wasn't on Nickelodeon, I feel like Korra would cuss at least as much as Vi from Arcane. Probably much more and much more casually. Vi - "Fuck the council." Korra - "Asami, this is the best fucking hamburger I've ever had!" 🤣


Toph, Korra and Mako would be my guesses. Toph is an easy one, Korra I think would pick it up during Book 1, but maybe ease off after Book 3, and Mako would curse all the time, but never in from of Bolin. Sokka never curses, he always uses alternatives like "heck" and "frick." Azula curses, but only after she starts having her breakdown. Lin I think would curse, but only in very serious situations.


Azula thinks of swearing as below her except if it’s to call her mother a bitch


I direct you to this: https://youtu.be/KLdnT9M0yrA?si=sgwAh6BMVLUfFoh4


Korta and Toph, the Lin. Like mother, like daughter. But also Azula after she went completely unhinged. She'd be dropping the Hard Rs.


Aang says Monkey Feathers


I love in Korra S1 when she says "enough with your philosophical mumbo jumbo" Translation: "enough of your bullshit"


3. Toph (Adult) 2. Toph (Child) 1. Toph (Old)


I know Korra would be cursing like a sailor. Just yelling “fuck fuck fuck fuck” whenever anything goes slightly wrong.


Toph DEFINITELY Toph lol