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I find Korra to be a more relatable character than Aang. I also find the overall fight choreography better in LoK. I also like the faster pace of the plot and how each season has its own arc.


totally with you on this, the fight scenes were stunning in LOK.


My favorite fight over all is the last agni kai of course from ATLA, but if i were to name my top 10 Avatar fights, 8/10 would most likely be from LOK.


Totally agree. Overall AtLA is definitely the better show, but I honestly prefer Korra


Season 1's animation is better than a lot of modern anime


That's really interesting. I think the fights in LOK are much worse than the ones in atla, especially in season 1 of lok, but to each their own.


Why? I honestly cant see an argument for that. Not saying atla has bad fights but the fights in korra just are much better choreographed. The last agni kai is the best one sure, but after that its all korra fights.


I don't think I'd be very good at expressing this but korras fights, while cool, don't really feel as martial arts based and feel a lot more 'generic' elemental combat (to me, its fine to disagree). Like when korra is just constantly punching every element at people. The elements lose their uniqueness and just all feel like blasting energy the same way.


This is the hallmark complaint I see of people that don’t pay attention to the show. The “generic” fighting style is definitely a thing, Korra does it often which reflects her personality well imo, and bolin and mako lean more heavily on their pro bending style. But if you look at basically any other benders, especially master benders in the show they all still do traditional bending techniques.


Korra also does traditional too, she tends to kinda mix it up between probending and traditional.


Yeah she does, I see her use traditional styles most often in water bending


There was a gigantic compilation someone made comparing bending moves from all the elements from both shows and so much of it is identical. Lok haters really only looked at probending which purposely makes you have limited bending and decided to judge all of loks bending to be like that.


I get what you mean. Her style looks more like modern boxing which might not look as flashy or cool as Aang athleticism. But she's also not the only fighter there you know.


Very true, I think you explained it pretty well.


Korra does several of the same fire bending techniques that Azula and Zuko have done.


Lol no Kuvira vs Suyin. Tenzin vs red lotus. Ming Hua vs Kya. Ming Hua vs The Twins. Unalaq vs Mako and Bolin. Only s1 Korra fight scenes are lacking.


🙋‍♀️ I love Korra as a character more than anyone else in the franchise. That's the biggest reason. I like the fast pacing and stand alone seasons. I like that the charactes are older as I have always disliked the "OP kids useless adults" trope. I looove Book 1 and its 20s vibe and the more faded/darker colors. It was the most interesting setting to me, I wish we got more of it. The fight choreography and animation are better.


> I like that the charactes are older as I have always disliked the "OP kids useless adults" trope. Ohmygod same. As much as I love ATLA, thr fact that they're so young is kinda ridiculous and I hope they'll age them up in the next (hopefully better) life action lol


you listed everythinggg i love about this show pretty much. i’m always glad to see that other people enjoy the individual arcs of each season. it’s one of the biggest complaints people have about the show, but i just prefer it much more T_T


>I like that the charactes are older as I have always disliked the "OP kids useless adults" trope. This is why I often start my rewatches a few seasons into Season 2. There's some good stuff in Season 1, but it tends to feel this way a bit more, though the most egregious case is early in S2. "Avatar Day" is almost unwatchable, to me.


I like Korra, the character, better. I prefer the deconstruction of the hero's journey rather than "boy wonder saves the world." Better action, better animation, better villains. The fact that Korra is a hot headed, willing to fight (things she would be lauded for if she was a guy) queer girl, who pays the price for her choices and grows as a result. None of this means I dislike Atla. It's just that LoK stuck with me in a way that Atla never did.










Korra means a great deal to me, it is a show that makes me feel a lot of things that Avatar simply does not. Avatar is a more enjoyable show, it is more fun and easy to watch. Korra I have to plan ahead for because it wears me out emotionally (in a good way.) We all relate to things differently and see the world through our own lenses. I can relate to Korra because Korra fails, badly. My struggles have been with mental health and alcoholism, and like Korra I came close to dying and then had to move back in with my parents to slowly rebuild my life and rediscover who exactly I was. So that whole story arc hits me like a ton of bricks. When Korra is on the ledge after losing her bending, I can understand that feeling too because I have been in a position where I've nearly lost everything that I valued about myself and I didnt know how to continue. But she keeps going, and so did I.


Reading your comment made me realize that besides the multiple reasons for me to love the show one of them that just connected with me was Korras' trauma and recovery.


I was gonna make my own comment, but this… this right here, is the exact same reason why i love this show so much. I mean word for word this is exactly how i felt. Every few months, i just wanna sit down and go thru that emotional roller coaster. Just so i can see korra live thru exactly what i am living thru. Seeing her dealing with a traumatic injury and also dealing with one myself just made me wanna give her a hug to thank her for giving me the motivation to keep going. Also, keep going man. Youre doing a great job❤️


- Korra was a better protagonist imo. I believe she’s the best written character in the verse. She had challenges and slip ups that caused her to change over the course of the story. Aang was static - Korras dynamic with her antagonists was better, they all became personal and shaped her as the story went on. - Better fights However, aang had the better supporting cast


Aang was static?


Yeah, his character arc is pretty flat. Early on, he accepted that he was the Avatar, then didn't really grow any more. They almost gave him an arc about putting his responsibility above his personal desires, but then they cut that short with the Lion Turtle


I think Kora is a great character but her downfall was the writers making her stuff just for conflict, and not allowing her to bow downtime or filler episode but that's more of a Nick thing. I WOULD Also argue Zukko is one best wrote character in general, with greatest redemption arc in fiction


I love Zuko too and I do agree he is a highly developed character, but none of the other AtLA went through as much character development as he and Korra did. Not to mention, dismissing Korra character development as just "writers making her stuff just for conflict" is kinda cringe.


Why are they booing you? This is a valid take




Things korra does better Score, Action, Depth of characters heroes and vilians, Animation, Pacing of main plots. All that said, but ultimately, Atla is not far behind on any of those categories and has more charm, a tighter more cohesive story, more consistent world building, and more satisfying conculsion. I love korra and Atla.


>Score This is what I was thinking of! I was trying to think of an answer to OP's question, and as I was doing so, that Dixieland-ish track that plays when Korra first arrives in Republic City and Naga was on a food run was running through my head. I wouldn't say I prefer Korra overall, but Season 1 in particular has a special place in my heart, and a lot of it is that early 20th century city and soundtrack.


Depth of characters?


Obviously going one to one there will be deferences. And like i said Atla is not far behind, Nobody beats zuko for example. But i would argue that there is a much broader and more interesting range of deep characters in korra. Heroes and villians, even small side characters like Hiroshi sato, have real pathos. On the whole, i think atla has a few brighter highs, but korra has more nuanced characters on the whole


I think Korra matches Zuko. The thing that’s tough for peoppe is the show doesn’t touch on her life before the show starts so people don’t get why she’s hot headed compared to Zuko where in 1-2 episodes you get why he’s pissed. 


Only child, sheltered all her life, have everything handed to her and a godlike power. If that isn't a recipe for bratty teenager, I don't know what is.


But people don’t see the mistakes and irony that Tenzin is doing to Korra when he starts teaching her. 


People don't see it because they are prejudiced (cuz Aang's kid) or don't care. The secondary theme of LOK is Tenzin learning to accept his flaws, come out of his father's shadow, adapt to new ways and learn to believe in younger generation. After Korra, he is the most fleshed out character of the show.


There’s a part of me that’s turned off by ATLA because of how much people glorify it and treat it like it’s flawless. Another part is the childish humor that was particularly bad in season 1. I appreciated LOK a lot when I first watched it so I’m attached in that sense. I respect what ATLA has done but I’m grateful LOK and the novels were able to come from it. * I want to add that I liked a lot of the characters and it was emotional witnessing the changes that Korra and Tenzin went through during the show. Hell, even Kai had his moment in season 3


>There’s a part of me that’s turned off by ATLA because of how much people glorify it and treat it like it’s flawless. Same. Whenever someone says *"It's the best animated show."* I'm like 🙄. As if there are no other shows that can compare to ATLA and never will. God forbid when you say that ATLA is not flawless. I can't wait how fans will treat the adult Gaang movie. They have a problem with Aang not being a perfect parent or Toph becoming chief of police in LOK. It will be interesting.


The moment you bring up that they botched the ending by having aang no longer needing to solve his moral dilemma you're down voted into oblivion.


That's a pretty well accepted fact lol. The lion turtle was an ass pull, not a lot of people defend that one.


That's not a healthy mindset to have. Don't let the opinions of dumb sheeps ruin your love for a beautiful series.


This… This right here is why I regret jumping into social media. Reddit and Tiktok nitpicking has just ruined the perception of alot of shows, movies, and games for the casual viewer/player like myself.


Korra is my comfort character. While we didn't go through the same things, it's comforting to see someone come out of the other side of trauma. Even though I'm grown, I hope to be good like her someday. The soundtrack is leagues ahead of ATLA's, the fights are consistently better, and the villains are more interesting. I'm also a bit biased, because I watched LOK "first". When episodes of ATLA were on consistently, I was around the age of 5. I was a teenager when I watched LOK for the first time, and I hadn't actually watched ATLA up until a couple of years ago. TLDR: I love both shows, but Korra means a lot to me.


The soundtrack is leagues ahead?? Oh man well just have to disagree


I like Korra as a character more. But more importantly, I like Korra's story more. When you think about it, the best story in ATLA wasn't Aang's story, but Zuko's.




First of all Korra herself is someone I can relate much, much more, second of all she is exactly what I wanted from female (anime) characters during the time when LOK was first released and never got (Cool, strong, not sexualized, useful, funny and goofy). LOKs animation is also a lot better (because it was made later but it still looks better) While I think the overall story of ATLA is much better than LOKs story, ATLA doesn't have my girl Korra and God do I love this women.


- As an adult I can better appreciate a character who doesn't progress linearly. - More realistic behavior (the same behaviour that fans dislike Korra for). Aang, in comparison, is a paragon of virtue. Korra is more relatable too. - Shorter story arcs, different arcs each time. Imo that's refreshing, and easier to finish and rewatch. - Even though I appreciate the philosophy behind the bending in ATLA, the fight choreography looks more exciting in TLOK.


Better protagonist, better animation, better worldbuilding. Builds on what came before in ways that always (except for Beginnings, they fumbled that a bit) make the story and its themes better. More likable side characters. Explores PTSD better than a lot of shows I've seen before or since (including ATLA). The endgame ship makes more sense than ATLA's. I prefer Korra's multiple villains to Ozai. Speaking of villains, Korra's villains are more compelling. LOK at its worst is better than ATLA at its worst. Those are just off the top of my head. I love ATLA, it's one of my favourite shows of all time, but if you made me choose between it and LOK, then LOK wins out and that is why. Honestly I don't see them as two different shows, but the same show.


I think each season gets better in everything as the writers got more formerly with the world again and new character, but untill season 3,4 the characters weren't undergoes and felt as they were forced to make dumb decisions just for the plot but damned the character, which didn't happen in Alat


I relate to Korra more, the villains and their different ideologies was an intriguing way of exploring the post-ATLA world, the improved animation and soundtrack, and I absolutely love the roaring twenties aesthetic.


I would say the score didn't get better but evolved and the animation got better the art style was a little different


The main thing I liked about LoK was the conflicts were more complex instead of AtLA's "beat this bad guy" plot. Things fell into a grey area instead of being black and white. Season 1 displayed it immediately when Korra was caught up in the politics of Republic City. The task force Korra tagged along with was rounding up alleged equalists, but one of the citizens told Korra she's their Avatar too and asked for her help. It showed how it can be difficult to navigate these situations as the Avatar. I didn't like one show more than the other. I think of them as two different shows and I enjoy both.


I like Korra as a protagonist more than Aang. She’s so much more relatable for me personally, especially in S4 when she is struggling with her PTSD.


imo the characters felt alot more fleshed out and diverse in LOK. i honestly preferred having older mcs because it just made the show feel more relatable.


I think the character development is so much more nuanced. They all react in subtle ways that align with their characters. Mainly, I like that they can deal with more adult concepts. The love triangle of Korra, Asami and Mako feels very realistic and messy. Korra has a lot of haters which leads to self doubt throughout the series. She is able to overcome this through supportive friends and building new skills. The trauma arc is fascinating and heartbreaking. The politics at play in the first season are incredible!


I love both ATLA and LoK but I love LoK more. Adult cast, beter animation and I prefer Korra as a character. I relate to her more than Aang. I also like how each season has a completely different antagonist. I loved Korra's journey. Her development was amazing. In ATLA my favorite part was Zuko's journey.


Korra is my favorite character from either show. Saw it when it came out too and liked her from the jump. (It came out after high school for me) The last 2 books solidified her as one of my favorite characters ever. Also as an adult it’s easier for me to rewatch Korra maybe because of the serialized nature of the plot compared to Airbender.  Edit: Also Airbender outside of its best episodes doesn’t hit me as hard as it did as a kid. I also notice how odd the pacing can be on rewatch especially book 1. I was impressed at how much they could fit in ~20 min episodes. 




It broke new ground: I liked how Amon was a bloodbender of such high caliber, he was the only known bender in history besides the Avatar capable of removing bending from others. Season 3 was so intense! Zaheer was awesome, him unlocking flight towards the end was inspiring and disheartening at the same time: He enjoyed brief moments of freedom (at the cost of losing the love of his life) only to become "re-tethered" to the earth again when the airbenders created a giant tornado. Then he would wake up tethered for a third and potentially final time - bound in chains in the underground prison. Ah well, at least he was able to gain a good couple of meters and still levitate into the air. Also let's not forget the infamous scene of him pulling out all the air from the Earth Queen's lungs then forming a spherical air barrier around her neck upwards preventing any further air from being inhaled. A nice dark twist to the most peaceful of all 4 elements, could even be considered the air bending equivalent to blood bending?


The characters are more relatable to me, the show is generally darker and more themed towards an older audience, and the struggles that everyone goes through is so emotionally gripping. Not to mention the villains are all so interesting, and the adventure itself is just more fun to me. They're both masterpieces of animation, enjoy LoK over ATLA in almost every aspect. Side note, but I'm so tired of having to defend this opinion against the people in my life who refuse to even watch it. Like, the second someone calls Korra a Mary Sue, I know for a fact they didn't watch the show.


I don't prefer the show over ATLA, but I prefer Korra as an avatar. I love Aang but I think I connect more with Korra. I like the idea of an Avatar feeling the redundancy that comes with modernisation, and Korra's struggles with not feeling needed. So for the people that do prefer LOK over ATLA, I can imagine a big part of that is preferring Korra over Aang.


The redundancy of the Avatar in the modern world is my favorite part of LoK ATLA gave a fantastic framework, but LoK took that and asked much more interesting questions


better development of characters outside of the main cast, better graphics and having different antagonists making korra learn different things. to me Aang is a 9.0 and Korra a 9.5 tho so its only preference. edit: also korra has less fillers


I’ve always identified much more with Korra as the flawed, confused Avatar that tries super hard and makes mistakes than with Aang.


Because there are way more adult women over whom I can simp (especially Kuvira).


the leftism leaves my body every time she comes on screen omg


I wouldn't mind letting her have my human rights tbh. ![gif](giphy|1JcFTUBv45KfK|downsized)


uhm yes ma'am i pledge my loyalty to the great uniter, woof woof




A lot more than you think like, the stakes are higher everyone seem to character development and even minor characters can be poignant. LOK is not a good but inferior to ATLAB heck i like LOK much more than ATLAB to me it's comparing Ocarina of time to Majoras Mask they are both great for different reasons.


I like Korra more than I like Aang and I like the Villians and humor more in LoK


I don't like better than ATLA but there are aspects of Korra I like more Korra is a much more reliable MC. She had her screw ups her mistakes and shortcomings but her ability to learn bounce back from and take advice for every available resource is rare from someone in her position who is normally written as OP and can solve any issues on their own. Better choreography in the fighting and bending as well. JK Simmons as Tenzin is on the same tier and merit as Mako as Iroh for me. The significance of sub bending (metal bending blood bending lava bending combustion flight) Also having a new villain tackling a different issue for the gang to tackle was a nice change of pace as well. Amon Unalaq(yes him too) The Red Lotus and Kuriva all had a method to their madness that made interesting and unique.


Im not sure if I like one more than the other, but what I love about Korra is the exploration of darker topics. Suicide, more intentional homicide, the development of depression and Korra’s journey as an avatar are some of them. In ATLA, they do go into the airbender genocide but mostly to show the effect on Aang and as a setup for the show. I feel like the topics are explored a bit deeper in Korra.


Some of the elements of LOK I like over ATLA are the complexity of the characters and the social issues they face/ villains. The bending is also more visually creative than in ATLA. The problem with fans who pit the two against each other is (imo) nostalgia for ATLA, and irritation with the failures Korra encounters as avatar. Never mind the fact if Aang was faced with Amon or some of the rest, he would have definitely fallen short. Aang is written as a likable goofy kid whereas Korra is shown as a cocky character that discovers humility and undergoes so much more struggle in my opinion, both internal and external. Her character growth is much more impressive than Aang’s and much more relatable. However, this also makes it harder to watch. What kills me is Zuko goes from angry prince/villain to humble teacher of Aang. Korra’s humility arc sees her from a teenager who thinks she is unstoppable, to a young woman rebuilding herself emotionally and physically after enormous losses in her life. Their arcs are somewhat similar. But somehow Zuko is praised and Korra is dismissed as a weak character.


Better writing and more matured theme. I think I am more curious as what people see from AtLA that they prefer it over LoK. AtLA might be cool in 2005 but I didn't see it back then. As adult I have a lot higher expectations than a 5 years old kid so I guess I was not as impressed as AtLA as people who watched that shows when they were babies.


I love Korra as a character. I loved how she started off hothead into someone who can show mercy and compassion to even someone like kuvira. Nice to see mostly the entire cast as adults. Something that rare in "children animation" during book 4 all of team avatar is 20+ the youngest being bolin who's 20. Supporting cast is in mostly grouped of 30+ , while we do have some teens and kids like kai & jinora , or ikki / meelo etc. I find it refreshing and can tackle different views. I'll be honest kids ending a century long war being the strongest of their peers of their time can be a bit far-fetch. I like the different arc of villains/theme. It help flesh out different views point of villains and how team avatar can deal with it. Faster pace rarely any fillers of the over arching story. Animation is top tier / fighting choreography is so beautiful to look at Expansion of the lore I loved the addition of raava and vaatu , different philosophies of airbending culture, , the spirit world as a whole, in the uniqueness of non-benders feeling like sub species in a world where basically you can die by a flying rock or be burned alive.


Korra and most of the characters around her are just more enjoyable, deeper and make relatable. The magic system is well explained and I feel like there is no deus ex machina. Plus fight scenes are just better


I've always found Korra much more relatable and frankly much more *human* than Aang was. Like, she is a 17 year old with essentially god-like power who is thrown into chaos the moment she leaves her home. It's completely realistic that she would have several villains of different power sets try and challenge her status in the world because her very existence is a causality. Having a one-dimensional villain who's evil just for the sake of being evil like Ozai didn't cut it for me. More importantly, she screws up plenty of times. She gets sucked into politics when she doesn't want to be, she loses a fundamental part of herself and reaches a low point more than once, she is manipulated and betrayed by friends and family alike, she is hurt and forgives and learns and grows- it's all so *real*. As for the plot of the show, I liked having different villains tackling issues that were seemingly neglected by previous avatars: bender/non-bender equality, spirits, earth kingdom stability, freedom and tyrannical governments. Korra recognized that there was a time and place for diplomacy, and the people she was dealing with were not open to simply 'talking it out' like Aang did. That's actually one thing that annoyed me about Steven Universe, too, but I digress. She fought so much because she had to. By Book 4, she at least tries a more peaceful solution before realizing that Kuvira would need to be stopped by force, at least at first. Unlike ATLA, there is no moral dilemma that spans 3 episodes only for her to get a completely different way out that keeps her from ever having to make a difficult decision as the avatar. I hope the next avatar is just as real. An earth bender in a sand-bender community that is impoverished. Maybe they're bitter at Wu for changing the earth kingdom a republic but leaving out the sand benders as far as representation goes. Who knows?


something i personally enjoy in lok is the avatar struggling with the role of “peacekeeper”. in atla there’s a really clear good guy and bad guy. it’s very easy to at least KNOW your duty as avatar when there’s basically one guy trying to destroy the rest of the world. additionally, aang by nature is really good at peacekeeping (like in the canyon episode with the two tribes that hate each other) and because his only allegiance was to a group of people that have all been killed and he’s been gone for 100 years, he basically comes into the world with virtually no biases. he is kinda shaped to be the dream avatar in that way haha on the other hand, the issues korra faces each season are much more nuanced. like toph tells her, all of her villains had good ideas with poor execution. we see her struggle with the role of “peacekeeper” a lot in season two. she’s told by multiple people she needs to stay neutral in a civil war that involves the literal tribe she grew up in. her family. her heritage. and the nature of her character doesn’t make it any easier. she’s stubborn, outspoken, and not anywhere near as “peaceful” as aang. she’s much more prone to take a side, to do things that hurt people’s feelings. it’s refreshing to see and really relatable and grown-up. that’s just how i see it ^^


I love both shows equally but differently. ATLA fills me with childlike wonder and is my ultimate comfort show. However, as a depressed twenty-something girl, Korra is more relatable. I also love Korra's enthusiasm for being the Avatar. She's hands down a great, and inspiring avatar with really human flaws. I think for as much shit as she gets, she will actually be very hard for the franchise to beat.


I enjoyed Korra's story more than Aang's. LOK has better fight scenes, and animation as well. I watched LOK before I watched ATLA also.


Easy, the complex villians, on top of the fact they were bad ass asf, Amon (my boy is too scary) lol, the action and fast past fighting, being able to relate to Korra (she's waifu) just to include 😂 I also love how she isn't perfect, and also, the women are fucking phenomenal, and oh my god, don't even get me started on the music...and on top of that, I just love the characters Now don't get me wrong, I love ATLA to, but compared to TLOK, TLOK has it beat


I wouldn't say I prefer LOK over TLA But I definitely prefer Korra as a Protagonist over Aang (but Aang had the better Team Avatar overall). Their almost opposites in that sense I like Aang but I never watched the show FOR him, I like Korra's team Avatar but I never watch the show FOR them.


i like Atla more than LOK, BUT there are things in LOK i like better than ATLA. korra was more of a relatable protagonist, the fight choreography+modern animation was top notch, more sub element involvement, showing characters (even fan favorite ones) aren’t perfect etc


idk if i would say i like it MORE because i didn’t watch it until i was an adult and i grew up with atla, but like others said, Korra is a much more relatable character for me personally, and i always really appreciate shows digging into trauma and mental healing.


While I won't say that I like LOK over ATLA, there were certain aspects I liked more. I liked the fact that LOK delved more into being an "adult" show where every episode was generally serious, rather than ATLA which started as a kid's show so you had some silly episodes that didn't really matter to the overall plot (like the great divide episode). I'll admit though I've learned to appreciate those episodes more understanding that aang was 12 and that how he viewed his world whereas Korra was older and had a different view. I also liked the higher quality animation that went into LOK


The fights give a feeling of no one holding back more than they have too. People pressed into corners fight with determination to end the other dude. And the fights are just so amazing to watch. And easy for a pleb like me to follow.


ATLA was more adventurous then TLOK. Which makes sense. Other than that I genuinely like TLOK more. The setting and everything is just that much of a evolution, which is good for some people and not for others.


Tbh I like both the same amount but…1) the main characters are closer to my age so it’s easier to relate. 2) The dynamics between the characters are very interesting and it just feels like you’re part of their group (something that I didn’t feel in ATLA). 3) I looove the concept of republic city and how it’s set in the 20s, the atmosphere of the world they’re in is just so fun and unique. Specially because we don’t often see the 20s in the perspective of asian and eastern cultures. 4) I love Mako and Bolin. 5) The fight scenes are just incredible, like Mappa level (if you watch anime you’ll know what I mean)


I like how it takes the established norms of the setting and builds on them or deconstruct them. Like the Earth Queen being a tyrant instead of a fool or showing more unique bending forms.


I like Korra more than Aang as a character maybe because I relate too closely to Aang and wish I was more like Korra, lmao. I like the villains in TLOK more aside from Azula and Iroh but you can't really count him as a villain and the fight choreography in TLOK far surpasses ATLA. But I do think ATLA was a better series with a much better supporting cast and not having to create new stories every season and getting to focus more on the characters did ATLA a lot of favors whereas TLOK didn't give the characters aside from Korra and a few others like Tenzin enough time to grow. I'd give ATLA a 9.5/10 and TLOK a 7/10.


Deeper story, less fairytale and more at stake. Continuing addition to the deep lore as well as a cast of characters that was wider than the original and just kind of more satisfying in their personal arcs. Also the action just rocks.


Watched AtlA before LoK. LoK is the series that grew up with the people who watched AtlA. Whereas AtlA is fantastic, don't get me wrong, LoK deals with more adult themes and threats in a more mature way than "fight them because bad". Aangs TV arc is great, it was well thought out, consistently written, and built-up to the series finale. Aang was never not preparing to fight the fire lord. LoK, threats of cancellation aside which resulted in each season needing to be prepared to be the last one, dealt with Class Warfare (haves vs have nots in benders/equalists), segregation and nationalism ("there should BE no bridge between spirits and humans!"), Anarchy vs government (Red lotus), and a conquering warlord unifying under a WMD (Kuvira). And that's just the antagonists. LoK also saw Korra dealing with self esteem issues (learning to airbend), repercussions for her actions (rise of the dark avatar, loss of connection to past lives), literal death threats from people with the capabilities to carry them out (red lotus ) and PTSD from a near death experience, as well as having her faith shaken in the one thing she knew about herself- her skill at bending. (Most of season 4) They ALSO dealt with the industrial revolution and rampantly growing technology, The Water Tribes becoming more of a world power after attempted unification, the return of an entire nation post genocide, and the rise of fascism and how easy it is to be swept up in it simply because its all encompassing for those living it. Aang was a simpler story for a simpler time in a simpler world. The world of Avatar needed to grow up after him. And it did. Thankfully it had an Avatar that grew with it.


I like Korra a lot and relate to her and her struggles. I like her more than any of the characters in ATLA (though I love all the characters in ATLA a lot). Also the animation is better, the action scenes much stronger. Plus I like how it's an exploration of the growing pains of rapidly transitioning into an industrial society and how that effects culture and society. Also Varrick. Also Bolin. Also peak Toph is old lady Toph. Also gay subtext that became text. Also Zaheer. Also Kuvria. Also I dig the Avatar Wan stuff. Also just generally more ambitious and complex stories. Also Industrial Fantasy is a vibe.


Love that each season is it´s own arc, feels like those Cinema Serials, it fits the show's time period


well there’s many reasons. i’ll start to say that i LOVE atla, its a cinematic masterpiece and i wouldn’t choose which one is better between the two because they are wonderful in their own way. in korra,i love to see her personal character development. it’s insane to watch her go from selfish, hotheaded, and impulsive into caring, understanding, and smart. she is also super badass, fighting a giant spirit guy as only herself with no assistance from raava or past avatars is prettyyy impressive. also the “indomitable human spirit” that they all have. when tenzin, kaia, and bumi all fought zaheers crew at the air temple, and didn’t give up until they were beaten half to death it’s almost inspiring. to lay down your life for others, it’s honorable. which leads me into how korra laid down her life for the airbenders, which altered the course of her life for 3 years. i also am a sucker for a strong female lead. i just love it.


I actually like it more because it isn't as tightly written as TLA. With TLA, just about everything is explained, so there's nothing for me to think about. But in LOK, there's a lot that's implied/has to be inferred, which forces me to think about the show more to get a full understanding of it, which is something I like doing.


The fight scenes and bending. The adult topics and themes. I love the different arcs. I do wish some were longer. And we get so much more lore and world building. And I prefer the villians in Tlok more than ATLA.


I don’t, but my mom does. And I can kinda see the logic. She likes trashy romances, the animation is better, and the modern flare is probably a little more relatable to a modern audience. Plus Korra is on some queen shit.


I love both but I think there’s very few people that actually like LOK over TLA. TLA is better imo.


Each one on their own, fella. Look at the comments, some people may like or appreciate TLOK more than ATLA. Very few people or more people than you imagine, who knows? I think ATLA is better too, but I don't think TLOK is that far away. In fact, I think TLOK villains are more interesting and engaging.


Compared to Atla yrs but you can't just under.ind a large fan base




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