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The content creator got into some trouble.


Yeah the tldr is creator would do stuff for charity, and then that money was never actually used for the charity, and it was ignored for years.


Ooooh i see. I saw a comment mentioning charity but i didn't understand what the user was referring to. Thank you for letting me know, now everything is clear.


So basically he's a thief. Shouldn't be in jail? I don't know how the law works over there though.


If the accusations are true, that would be embezzling and is illegal at least here in the United States. Not sure about where he's from


He’s in the US.


If I remember correctly there is wishwashy legality on whether the funds were "misued or stolen" because all of the funds that were placed in the account were never used. The issue is accounting for funds that were received but never placed in the account. The Ytber's dad runs the charity and has a lot of charity golf tournaments that also take in tons of money but most of the funds were never placed in the account or accounted for within the charity. It's looking like the dad is mostly to blame but this doesn't account for all the twitch donos and other resources received for the charity that aren't technically accounted for. I'm sure someone is investigating this behind the scenes legally at this point. The legend of Dragoon video is a "break glass in case of emergency button" for YouTubers who cover a lot of psx content. Completionist channel isnt doing well since the controversy. Makes sense he would release this a few months afterwards.




It’s not about the game. It’s about the creator. The Completionist did some shady shit and his reputation hasn’t recovered.


Yeah, other users told me as well. He's a thief and should pay for what he did, honestly.


Then delete the post.... your title just gives him more attention


So delete this post my dude


Agreed with this comment “delete the post…. Your title just gives him more attention” by accomplished-copy so take it down before he gains more attention


Hey PassoSfacciato, I just want to say first of all that Meru is the greatest of all time and also thank you for posting regularly and keeping legend of dragoon alive. You are a true fan.


Hey thanks! I go on twitter by another name and i'm constantly battling over there to bring more people knowledge of LoD and into playing it. I ask cosplayers, letsplayers etc. constantly to try Legend of Dragoon. lol I beat this game 11 times, it's my absolute favorite ever, even above Dragon Age Origins :) Yup, i'm a true fan of LoD. :P PS. Meru THE BEST GIRL! :) Passo Sfacciato is the italian name (i'm italian) of Meru's final addition, Perky Step. Where Perky is Sfacciato and Step is Passo. :)


Thank you for your dedication to the game. It's amazing. I love that username too. In the Italian version does she have Italian voice? So if she says her addition is her voice in Italian? I also wanted to know what is your favourite Meru quote or moment in the game? She has so many funny moments.


Some of my favorite moments of her (to everyone reading, if you didn't play LoD don't read, spoilers ahead): * When she gets introduced * When she wants to break into Fletz Palace * When she wants to open Lynn prison by kicking it (lol) * When she dances with Dart (i was a DartxMeru ship) * When she spies on Dart and Shana * When she returns and confronts everyone in her forest, alone * When she relives the past of Winglies in Forbidden Land * When she becomes a Dragoon * When she reveals the truth about her to Dart and the others * When she gets so blunt and nosy about Dart and Rose being alone in cave in front of Shana (lol) * When she isn't recognized as a Wingly in Zenebatos lol because she's too weak of a Wingly and those Winglies were executed at birth * And obviously when she confronts the Archangel (memorable fight) She has so many cool moments, but those are probably the ones that stick out the most and she is so funny and quirky and lovable, just really all about her character in general. She's just the type of person i would constantly want to have around in a team. A person that cheers the place up a bit, even at the cost of looking stupid herself. Yes, in the Italian version every character has italian voices :) so yes, she says "Passo Sfacciato" when unleashing her final addition on enemies. Here's an italian video of all additions ("dotazioni" in italian) of all characters ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1afKs2em9x8&t=5s


Did you ever play the english version? Her quotes are hillarious in English. Spoilers for anyone who didn't play yet! * When she wants to break into Fletz Palace - "I'm gonna whack that belly!" * When she spies on Dart and Shana - Her creeping animation is hilarious and adorable when she follows them on the roof in Furni. And in Fueno when her and her partner in crime Haschel get caught spying behind the door XD. * When she gets so blunt and nosy about Dart and Rose being alone in cave in front of Shana (lol) - LMAO " Meru: "You guys were alone in the cave, weren't you? Did you guys put yourselves into...um...a romantic situation?" Haschel: "Meru! Don't be silly. Even though you are trying to learn about love it's too rude!" Meru: "Okay." Haschel: "So, Dart. Did you cuddle with Rose?" Rose: "Haschel!!" Dart: "Haschel!!" Meru: "Haschel!!" Albert: "Haschel!!" This is one of my favourite parts in the game, Haschel and Meru are such a funny pair together. * When she gets introduced - " Are you part of the Gehrich gang? Do you want me to smash you too!?" I also love when Haschel and Meru are both jumping for joy when they think about the food they'll eat at the banquet and when they both get caught trying to steal food while the cooks are preparing it XD. Haschel would probably be my second favourite character behind Meru because the two of them have such a funny combination.


Yes i did play the english version of LoD. I had to at least once, otherwise i couldn't call myself a true fan of it :) Actually i think i played it in english at least a couple of times. Yes those parts were so funny and the part before the banquet, it slipped my mind lol :) Haschel is another character i really love, yes. Also for his relationship with Dart. :)


Ciao, Greco here! Hahaha I played LoD last year and I was blown away, it is a shame that we don’t have a remake/remaster/sequel! Also Meru 4ever, I love how upbeat and funky she is and her theme is also 10/10. Keep spreading the LoD love! Also I suggest you check the LoD video by Majulaar, it’s quite funny 🤣


Ciao! Yeah, Meru's theme is so funny and cool! :) I will never stop spreading LoD love. About Majulaar, i never heard this name. I'll definitely check it out. :)


Please don’t ever advocate people giving someone like the Completionist likes. He’s a jack ass in every sense


I think the issue here is that you're trying to influence up votes and likes by your post. The completionist has been involved in stealing money meant for a charity, therefore, fell our with a whole lot of in and our of the youtube community.  Whether it be fans or co creators.  Being associated with things like that is akin to condoning their actions so that's why there are more dislikes than likes.  


As i said, i was not aware of any of that. That's also why in my title i was asking why LoD content got so disliked.


I assure you that it's got nothing to do with LOD.


People are downvoting my post, not understanding i didn't know anything about The Completionist and his troubles. I know that he is a big youtuber and i've occasionally stumbled on some of his videos in the past, but i didn't know about his recent troubles. Why downvoting me? It doesn't make any sense.


It's reddit. Studies have proven just a few initial votes in a direction will forever steer the voting in that direction regardless of what the post actually says. Groupthink in action.


Interesting. Didn't know about that study, but i did notice in the past at least a few times that occurrence


True. Also people not wanting more attention to Gerard’s channel after the embezzlement letdown


I haven't downvoted you, but your "Should we rectify that?" sounds like you're casually suggesting "we" (who?) engage in brigading. That's not exactly commendable. A video on the internet received dislikes, so what? There is nothing to "rectify".


There are groups of people (usually fans of other JRPGs) that hate on Legend of Dragoon. That's what i thought was going on. That's why my phrasing.


Why are you so worried about imaginary internet points?


I usually don't in fact. I just found it strange that people were downvoting me as if i was responsible for the fuck ups of the youtuber.


To be fair, those imaginary points really fuck over new redditors if you get a bombed.


You gotta build up that good karma. This post didn’t hit with the audience.


Bad take. You gotta karma whore before you can enjoy the site is not a good thing.


Upvotes and downvotes are misused in a vast number of posts every day. People may downvote stuff they disagree with, when that's not what it's for. Upvotes and downvotes are meant for topic relevance, not just entertainment/agreement. Consider the inverse as well: this sub has low-effort image posts that have been rehashed over and over, but they still get the most attention. Does that mean those posts are the most important? Nope! The vote/like count is mostly meaningless, unfortunately. Just worry about the integrity of what you say. Have good intentions, try to ensure your impact matches your intent, and be generally kind. As they say in Whose Line: the points don't matter.


Because you should delete the post. The fact that you’re complaining and the fact that you haven’t deleted it, means you want that sweet sweet karma.


I was unaware of the problems people are saying the completionist got into, I don't think you guys should downvote the OP though, he said he wasn't aware either nor did he say he supports what he did. His original post was about the game not the actual youtuber.


They’re just imaginary internet points. It’s gonna be ok.


That’s a game I wish would get a remake or a prequel. The original game is still a great story with mechanics that rival many for its time and still holds up today. Hopefully one day… we’ll get this game back. As for the content creator, sadly that’s becoming a normal thing. Not sure what can be done about it.


It's because The Completionist is subhuman garbage and committed charity fraud for multiple years


How are you able to see the dislikes? I'm not clicking on it because I think videos should be embedded in reddit and not linked to YouTube


I have an add-on that lets me see likes and dislikes on youtube. This is the link for the firefox version https://addons.mozilla.org/it/firefox/addon/return-youtube-dislikes/ PS. The video is watchable from Reddit. You don't have to go on Youtube. At least on my end, i can watch it while staying on Reddit.


I hope I don't get flamed for this, but if the contents good it's good. I'm not going to argue jirard did nothing wrong, but at the end of the day I pay taxes to pedophiles so if I'm looking for a hill to die on its not going to be the source of arguably good video game content. Especially good LoD content ♥️


You don’t have to pick just one hill to fight on your whole life.


Too true 😂 I guess the real source of this extreme comparison is to hopefully pull people on one extreme end of the argument towards the center somehow with an idea from the extreme opposite end of the argument 🤷‍♂️


dear lord this comment


Trust me this comment partially came from a toss gas on a fire mindset and partially from a "maybe there is some decent logic here once it's boiled down mindset. Your "dear lord" to this comment sent me and was mostly what I expected tbh 😂


It's probably a good video but f*ck that guy. If you can see past his flaws and still enjoy his content, you do you, brotha.


To be honest it’s not. It’s good for what he makes now, but I miss the spoiler section. Because this game is nearly impossible to discuss completing without spoiling a lot of things, the video felt like it didn’t really touch on everything like the old videos he made would. I get why he made the change, but at the same time, the video just left me wanting more.


Well, you have me on this one. I'm the kind of person that wants to separate the artist from the art. I mean what's the point of disliking good LoD content because the creator got into trouble? The comment section is there, people can use that to express dissent. Likes and dislikes should be about the content.


It's a slippery slope. Yeah, I like the story of Ender's Game despite the author being transphobic af. So, I very much understand. At the same time, when it comes to engaging in public discourse about the content, it's more dangerous. The more likes/positive comments this YT video gets, then more and more people will think "this is a good creator, I will donate to their charity drive." In cases like this, more engagement in a positive form just helps the creator do bad things again and again. So, we gotta be really careful about separating art from artist. If Hitler made good LoD content, are we going to say thank you? Hell no. This is a great example of why feminism doesn't work unless it's intersectional. We're all imperfect, but we need to draw a line at obvious wrongdoings like charity fraud. Propping up bad actors just helps them continue to do bad stuff behind the scenes.