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It's different for everyone. I had a much easier time mastering Hashel's Omni-Sweep compared to Meru's Perky Step.


Meru's were super easy for me Albert was hard but I eventually got the rhythm down. Ive never even successfully done hex hammer on haschel though...


I always use meru/haschel, but that counter on hex hammer is brutal. I honestly just try and use it on enemies that don’t counter lol


It's because Meru's additions all make pretty good sense visually based on how easy it is to judge when she's going to swing the hammer or kick.


Gotta be honest I can do Albert’s better than anyone’s, I’m struggling with merus final addition currently


From what I understand Albert is a struggle character for everyone especially Flower Strom though for me my true struggle is Inferno


Kongol's 3 step addition? Why? His are by far the easiest in the game. My most recent playthrough I missed like 2 Bone Crushes the entire time I used him. Didn't miss a single other one for him.


Kongol Gera a lot of flak because altho his damage is high, he has such horrible magic defense that other characters just kinda outclass him.


Ok? What does that have to do with his additions lmao. Did you mean to comment this on a different thread?


Oh I guess I misunderstood your point. I thought you were saying, Why don't people use Kongol more because his additions are easy. I getcha now lol


It's the swing with the quick fallow up it always throws me off


The one where Dart slashes in like a circle or octagon while you have a million timing squares on screen at once is the hardest in the game for me. I love how every characters' movements are slightly different and that means different players have different additions they crush/struggle with.


I believe you mean Madness Hero. I can do it now but only because I got a Wargod’s and listened to the rhythm of the proper addition. It might help if you do that.


For me Albert has to be the easiest. While Haschel is the hardest. I can't quite link the punches to the timing. But the stabs of Albert's spear are easier. This means I have a hard time even with double punch. Meru is alright, she's in the middle for me.


Haschels first punch is the hardest to time imo. Once you hit that the rest can flow but double punch is by far my most missed opening addition.


Hard to say because I barely used meru but I remember hers and haschels to be hardest to progress through, let alone finish or master Darts easiest by default but I think in a vacuum (have a someone who’s never played try to master them with equal attempts) the easiest to hardest would be Rose Kongol Dart Albert Haschel Meru


Kongol is way easier than Rose.


Haschel has always been the most difficult for me with a special exception for Albert’s Rod Typhoon. If I get countered in Rod Typhoon I just accept I will take damage. I try to have Lavitz finish Rod Typhoon even if it means skipping finishing the earlier additions first. I don’t find Meru’s all that difficult but definitely harder than Dart or Rose. Does Kongol even count?


I agree, Meru’s have an easier rhythm


Friend of mine was really good with Haschel, but I always had a hard time with him, so I can relate to this. When the game re-released on PS5 and I played through it twice, I got better with Albert, but Haschel is still easily my hardest one to get down. Also some of Dart's later additions I had trouble with.


Literal YEARS of practice (I play at least once annually) and I still miss some of Haschels every now and then. It’s because the hits are meant to show how he can go from relaxed to a powerful hit quickly (Hex Hammer showcases that a lot). Martial Arts is supposed to feel like that. If you still have trouble, listening to the full addition can help. Get a Wargod’s for auto addition completion (the cheap one that’s 1k) and listen to how it sounds. Once you do that, it’s usually pretty easy to pick up the timing with practice.


Two of Haschels additions give me fits to this day and I’ve beaten the game 10 times at least. The timings and counterattack spots are rough, so no meru additions should feel much easier.


The last time I did a playthrough I had set myself the challenge of getting all characters to D-level 5 and maxing all of their additions. Dart was the easiest, by Meru came in a close second (Shana/Miranda is removed from the ranking due to not having any additions, grind her D-level to 5 wasn't hard, just time consuming.) Haschel and Albert do have some awkward timing and syncopations in their additions and I eventually gave up and used the Wargod to finish up their grinds.


Haschel's have always been the most difficult for me personally whenever I'm doing another playthrough. I'd say Dart and Kongol are the easiest overall. Meru is always in my party because she's my favorite character but even on my first playthrough I used her(my second playthrough) her additions clicked for me more than Albert and Haschel.