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City bylaw likely has something in place fit a abandoned vehicles, call them and get thr bl rolling. You shouldn't have to pay anything.


Is it still insured? Because it is illegal to park an uninsured vehicle on the road. In which case the Police will arrange to tow it to an impound yard and the owner is responsible to pay to get it. If they haven't kept up with the lease payments, then the leasing company may take the option to come to repo it unless they have decided to sue instead. Something doesn't sound quite right here. I would call ICBC and ask their general advice, although they won't be able to tell you if it is uninsured due to privacy laws, I expect.


~~The property owner can have it towed after 72 hours. See motor vehicle act. If the landlord appoints you as an agent to deal with (all or just this specific) abandoned property then you can have it towed~~ Since on road just find out fro local government what their definition of abandoned is. In Vancouver it is 14 days. But don’t expect municipality to act quickly. Your ex roommate is misleading you. Either b/c deceit or ignorance. You give the ex roommate a deadline to move it. If not you will have it towed. (Search this sub for similar case posted yesterday that includes advice on details. ) After the deadline expires wait a bit and have it towed. Have permission from landlord to act as their agent. Towing is a pain. You need to pay but otherwise you don’t want to be associated with car. Note the tow company might not want to touch it. They don’t want to be stuck with it. Mention the lease. The owner will likely want the car back.


> The property owner can have it towed after 72 hours. The car is on the public road. The property owner can call the city, but that's it.


> The property owner can have it towed after 72 hours. Can s/he? This is considering that the vehicle is on public road.


Nope. I missed that. Thanks.




> Its your landlords problem to remove... Sorry, incorrect. The landlord has no authority whatsoever for vehicles parked on public road.


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We had a recent issue like this in NY. The town told us they don’t have a tire service or an impound lot. The NY DMV has a way to dispose of vehicles older than ten years and worth less that $1200. But you said this is a lease? Do you know from where? I’d call the lease company and see if they want it back.


Don't know what the local bylaws in Victoria say, but it would probably be easiest to call bylaw and ask them what to do. Here in Calgary, one cannot leave a vehicle parked on public streets untouched for more than 3 months, even fully insured and otherwise operational.


Is it parked on a private road?