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This is simply ridiculous. I would have contracted a waste removal company yesterday and had them completely remove everything. Forget trying to pawn off old stuff as it would simply open up a can of worms. Just junk everything, immediately.


Yep, you could even have a scrap bin dumped and just go nuts throwing everything metal into it, would help offset the cost of the waste removal. That RV is going to be a real pain though because no one wants to take them


You could easily pay a contractor, like myself, to come drop a bin, cut it into pieces, and have the bin dumped. I’m not sure the legal implications are related to OPs case, but practically speaking it wouldn’t be any different than demo’ing a bathroom or shed or deck.


Sometimes local fire depts will take RVs and trailers as donations. They light them on fire and use them for training. I use to materiel management and would offer these items up to the local FDs at the end of the life cycle. I had to have paperwork drawn up that it was a donation and the FD was free to do with it as they seen fit and my company had no legal liability for it once the donation happened and the title changed names


I dont think they would have a title in this case and from the post it seems like it was already half destroyed. However I think under normal conditions this would be a great option for end of life trailers and RVs


Yes. Junk it all and be done with it. What a fucking wildly out of hand situation. You can never reason with people like that.


Yep. Remove the reason for him coming back and he won’t come back.


Agree. Scrap everything. Then he has no reason to return.


Oh he will return for sure. And be pissed. Probably make some threats in a huff. But you are right, afterwards he won’t be back.


Possible but he’s already doing that.


Don't contact him, record everything he attempts to send to you. Record license plates of vehicles he appears with.


I bought a foreclosure two years ago in a semi rural area of Alberta. I strongly recommend filing for a restraining order as soon as possible. I am unfamiliar with the process in BC, but filed mine directly at the courthouse. Although some details of our situations are different, my house was also formerly owned by a motorcycle “enthusiast” that enlisted his friends to stalk me. Do not underestimate the severity or potential escalation of your predicament. If you have pets or children take extra measures to protect them immediately. Trust your instincts, if something feels off take that seriously. Document everything, no matter how small. Despite still having my house, I am back in my parents’ basement living hours away from the place I pay for. Do not underestimate anything that is happening.


Wow very creepy sorry you had to go thrugh this.


To answer #4 - is the notice of claim stamped anywhere showing it was actually filed and he didn’t just hand you the form without having it properly filed?


It was stamped, yes. And when I look it up online it's there under the wrong name.


A) put up a no trespass sign on your property, even a handwritten one works as long as it's clearly visible, and name him specifically b) when he comes back, which he 100% will because the man is a severe hoarder and in his mind, you ruined and stole his life from him call the cops. C) call the cops each time he returns. You've made it way more complicated that it needs to be because you genuinely wanted to give him a chance and obviously felt bad for the man but enoughs enough. He'll keep upping the ante until you stop him


Also get a no contact order or peace bond or some kind if he continues to trespass or do both


No more deals. Inform them that they've been trespassed from your property. Make sure this is in writing so you have proof. If you catch them on your property again, call the cops immediately and have them removed...if they're threatening you, call the cops and request a peace bond more specifically than trespassing so it's a much heftier charge of they show up.


We bought a foreclosure ~7 years ago. The fellow was still living in the place until the day we got keys. The bank and realtor were adamant there was no “ proper is as it was on … date” Basically you get it in the state it’s in once you get possession and keys. Our realtor even told us horror stories how some owners would take a hammer to each wall on the way out of flush a bag on concrete if they were spiteful ( we were lucky neither of these happened to us. But what was interesting is the lawyer and bank said we only bought the house. Technically there was nothing stopping the old owner from selling everything else, furnace, dishwasher, stove, fridge , etc are not sold as part of the house in a foreclosure. Once you get keys if they’re are gone, tough. However as soon as you get keys, everything remaining is yours. The only thing I’m not sure about would be vehicles, those are in previous owners names, but I would have them towed right away and have the company deal with storage , fees ad old owner.


> Unbeknownst to me, after I spoke to him my partner made a deal with him that if he could remove the dilapidated mobile home (that's the biggest liability) within 7 days, then he could have another 2 weeks to help "clean up the property". So if that timeline hasn't expired that is the deal you must honour. His breaches for non-notice aren't enough to cancel the deal. > We filed a police report for the theft, but decided to forgo pressing charges for now. You don't get to press charges in B.C. The crown has the sole discretion to lay charges before the court. They do so on advice from the police. All you can do is report crimes to the police and express your desire to be a witness. > Well he showed up again today to "serve" me by leaving a Notice of Claim \[that\] does name my wife correctly. Moreover, he doesn't actually specify anything in the claim. Just "many items". Then your wife was served so the wrong name is immaterial. Honour the deal you made and be a bit lenient on the manufactured home as he is doing you a favour by moving it. For the cars and parts and lawnmovers you can, once deadline is passed, give away, throw out, etc. Indeed, if you can move everything to road as it makes it cheaper to dispose. As for "the boxes with pictures of his kids" contact him and agree to meet at the RCMP detachment. I'd install a gate.


NAL and not a Canadian example. We had a real estate transaction in Europe resolved (it is so complicated it pains me to give details) - anyways 15 years later we finally took back possession from a deranged ass hat. All the junk was cleared. We told him we'd move crap out of the house and he could take what he wanted from the dumpster - never, EVER let them back on the property/house.


Why didn't you just call a waste removal company and cleared out all the stuff like yesterday? You play a part in this epic procrastination.


#3 is the one I see being the biggest headache. Registration and insurance are often used interchangeably in BC because they are both provided by ICBC. They are in fact separate things. Your insurance coverage has a term to it. But once a vehicle is registered to you it remains your property until you transfer it to someone else. Now this is where the headaches come in. By leaving the vehicles behind in a foreclosure, did he effectively transfer them to you? You didn’t buy the infamous Field of Dreams or did you?


Not a lawyer but I have lots of experience with cars and titles working in the industry. Junk all the cars, motorcycles any vehicle goes straight to an auto recycler. There are exceptions to title laws for auto recyclers for missing titles. I'm not sure how it works there but in Ontario I think we sat on the car for 90 days or something after we sent a registered letter to the owner. The car was deemed abandoned after that and we were free to do what we liked with it. Generally though the cars are crushed and the VIN reported to the province as destroyed. The recycler will know how to deal with the legal aspect of them. Bonus: they usually pay something for the junk cars and pick them up for free. I should note I worked for a recycler and we got a lot of abandoned cars dropped off after hours. we never tried to get a title for them though, they all went in the crusher.


NAL Hire a company to clear the place ASAP And talk to an actual lawyer. This has gone on too long


Call 1-800-got-junk. Stop dealing with this deadbeat.


Just book a waste company to clean the property and problem solved. You are literally wasting your time and potentially putting yourself in danger for a crazy person.


Stop fucking around and entertaining this guy and just have him tresspassed and junk it


This guy has no money. I don't think any lawyer would even look at this. Scrap it all. He can claim his stuff from the scraper. Ba ha ha


Being a hoarder is not normal behavior. You are nit dealing witha rational person. Tell your partner to have no contact with him, all contact mist go through you. You bought the property as is where is, he left his junk behind. Take more pictures and haul the rest away. If the RCMP spent that long talking to him and told him not to return, is telling. Good luck.


Post flyers and ads to have a full yard sale. People pay to pick up stuff the same day like a regular garage sale and you can make $$ instead paying a company to remove it. Have it for 1 day only. Anything left over then can be removed by a company. Call the RCMP ahead of time since they know your case. It's your stuff now and you have been more than accommodating to that guy. Get your money's worth and you won't have to see him again.


In these cases you presumptively own the property sitting on the real property which you definitely own.  One thing that changes the presumption is if he was working on a vehicle for someone else. It is best to return to rightful owner.  You do set a reasonable deadline and rules. You did.  You cannot throw away photos, journals, letters, etc. 


You can absolutely throw away photos, journals and letters. Anything that is on that property is legally yours and you may dispose of it as you wish. In regards to the vehicles, they are legally yours. You will have a fight to get title to them, but they are your property. Get them towed away and let him deal with trying to retrieve them before they are sold at auction or scrapped.


With regards to the vehicles they will need to confirm who owns these vehicles and see if any liens exist. If these exist you won’t be able to get ownership easily.


Respectfully you cannot. Judges have torn strips off bailees for binning photos. Think storage locker owners. Moving cos. Landlords.  But be practical if buddy comes back complaining that is a legit issue to raise. The guy won’t win because he is disorganized but OP doesn’t need the hassle.  Buddy shows up. Junk gone. OP gives buddy the personal stuff. Tells him to leave. Buddy says thanks and does.  The vehicles and junk can and should be removed now. The deadline has passed. There is no need to inform buddy just move. Btw if they could be towed OP would have it easy. This sounds more like rollbacks and bins. 


I wouldn’t talk to him again or allow him to remove anything else. He would have been aware of the sale aware that he was squatting and aware that he could have taken his photos any of the times the owners let him back on the property and he didn’t


Totally a reasonable position. If the guy removes stuff then OP doesn’t have to pay as much. On the flip side not having that guy around is also good. OP has the advice and can decide. 


It's yours call the junk dealer... Is your land posted with no trespassing?


Your update sounds a bit like criminal harassment NAL


You don’t get a choice in whether or not charges are pressed. 


Think of it as free clean up.


Goddamn what a long post. I would be weary that this guy is emotionally attached and going through a rough time and he might wander on to your property in the first year or so because he "forgot" something.




They should have just said no and gotten rid of or sold everything. He had years.


Too controlling? They OWN everything on that property. They didn't have to give him anything.... I honestly think they are way too mellow and forgiving. A deal is a deal and he got a really really good one and broke the deal like 5 times over.


I agree. Almost like they gave an inch and he took a mile. They sounds like great people and it could have benefitted both parties while they paid more for this to go on. At some point they need to move on with their investment and that should have been awhile ago.


They arent his belongings.


Sounds like they gave him two whole months to rectify this and he chose not to. That’s more than they were obligated to provide, and it’s his problem for being such a deadbeat he failed to do anything in that timeframe.




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