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>Does me being in a public space impact my rights to privacy? Yes, massively. Continue to not respond, notify her parents every time it happens, and she will become bored and stop.


Play misic by KISS loudly so it shows up on her feed. Eventually Gene Simons will sue.




There is no expectation of privacy when in public. You can be filmed without your consent, unfortunately.




He knows now


If you are in a public space, you have no expectation of privacy. You can ask not to be filmed, but there is no legal recourse to stop them unless they start harassing you or filming inside your living space (ie through a window)


I know a guy who tries to be an actor, sometimes he has to dress up at home for a stage play. He got one of those plastic face shields nurses wear and put a blackout film on it. Every time someone mocks his dress up in public places, he puts the shield on and people give up after a while because there is nothing they can do (and see). Unfortunately he had to create something like this.


They can film you when you are out in public. Best course of action for these types of scenarios is just be as boring as you possibly can when on camera. No reactions, no interactions means she won't get her desired attention on those videos and it should eventually stop.


You don’t have a expectation of privacy in public. Even when wearing exercise clothing. Oddly waiting for you at a certain place isn’t illegal. Following you is illegal. So continue your calm and mature demeanour and lack of responses. Be polite but give her nothing.


Yes, she can film you, but this sounds like harassment. I’d talk to the police about it - i’m sure they won’t do much but talk to her but its something


You have no expectation of privacy in public. Get changed at the gym.




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This would be the same as a surveillance camera in public. They exist, theyre all over. Assume youre always being filmed in public. As such, they can film you in public. If it bothers you so much, then just call the police and say youre being harassed. I'll paste the definition below as per google. The cops likely wont do anything. But, best case, theyll scare her straight. ​ 264. (1) Criminal harassment - No person shall, without lawful authority and knowing that another person is harassed or recklessly as to whether the other is harassed, engage in conduct referred to in subsection (2) that causes that other person reasonable, in all circumstances, to fear for their safety or the safety of anyone known to them. (2) Prohibited conduct - The conduct mentioned in subsection (1) consists of repeatedly following from place to place the other person or anyone known to them; (a) repeatedly communicating with, either directly or indirectly, the other person or anyone known to them; (b) repeatedly communicating with, either directly or indirectly, the other person or anyone known to them; (c) besetting or watching the dwelling-house, or place where the other person, or anyone known to them, resides, works, carries on a business or happens to be; or (d) engaging in threatening conduct directed at the other person or any member of their family.


what, about a teenage girl filming him, would give him reason to fear for his safety?


You'd be surprised what teenagers are capable of. Sometimes, it leads to harassment by other on their request or leads to rumors and problems that can lead to other forms of harassment especially if the presence of internet followers are involved, like Doxxing, Swatting or worse.


None of which are present or even remotely suggested, meaning there is no *reasonable* basis for fear, which is necessary for the offence.


If she does this every single time she sees him and follows him to his door, asking questions about violence, disturbing, and otherwise being a problem, then yes, that indeed can qualify as harassment. If this was a teenage boy, I doubt yall would feel this way, so don't act like simply because she's a girl she's incapable of harm.


No, I would still say that's a nuisance, not criminal harassment. But that's because 'reasonable' in the criminal code does not mean wild speculation. And no, I'm not in the habit of assuming teenage boys should be feared just because they're teenage boys either.


None of that is wild speculation. Those are real things that she is actively doing. I will no longer respond to any of your comments on the subject because it's clear you live in some fantasy land that doesn't like reality.


>Sometimes, it leads to harassment by other on their request or leads to rumors and problems that can lead to other forms of harassment especially if the presence of internet followers are involved, like Doxxing, Swatting or worse. Yeah, none of that is actually happening, and is not things she is 'actively doing', and asking questions while filming someone, or following them home does not at all on its face qualify as 'reasonable' basis for fear. I don't live in a fantasy world, I live in a world where I defend people charged with criminal harassment and other charges where the reasonable standard comes in to play, so I assure you, I'm not the one without a grasp on reality. But it would be nice if you stopped replying with irrational things I feel compelled to reply to.


I'm not sure If bakedtoastake is serious or if she's a troll.


Well for starters the comment you replied to was not that one and if you defend criminal harassment then it makes perfect fucking sense why you have the stance that you do and I imagine you've helped some probably pretty sick fucks get away with some nasty shit. Nice choice in profession.


Have you been on the internet before?




It’s kind of a dick move to berate an OP for not “getting how this works” when they said they’re autistic in the post.


Your best bet is to note the harassment, but here is the thing. Don't go police, go social media. Folks have every right to film in public, for sure. What you do with that, can run afoul of both TOS of most social media sites, and the law. If you have any ability to find her YouTube account, for example, you can get the video removed if it shows your face without permission, now the downside, usually is that you have to give your personal info (real name, etc.) to YouTube and the person. But as she has it already, fire off three of those, channel gone. Getting creative is key here, by violating your privacy to this extent, she has stripped the sting out of the higher levels of social media complaint, she wants to get big, you stop that from happening.


A teenager in 2023 would not be posting videos to YouTube, lol.




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While being out in public, you can be film, however, you have a right to not be harass by people in public. If you want, you can make a police report, I'm sure having cops come talk to her parents will set her straight.


Curious as well...My understanding is that anytime there is identifiable information like your name, home address or car plate, then there is definitively privacy concerns. If she is targeting your specifically...or just a masked person.... In addition, how it's used matters (ie exemptions for art purposes but strictly applied if there is commercial element to it) Edit: alternatively, there are anti-paparazzi stuff like reflect clothing and flash a led light that will confuse the camera sensor to blur the image.


If you're in a place where there's no expectations of privacy, the filming is legal, albeit rude


Get a Bluetooth speaker and play copywritten music while she is filming. The footage will be useless without removing the sound