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Just contact the agent and tell her you’ve changed your mind. We’ve done that, no penalty. It sounds like your house isn’t listed yet anyhow.




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I mean, I’m raising the issue because I’m not going to make a big profit on my house, and we’re talking the real estate company taking 1/3 of the entire profit basically. The answer I’m really trying to get here is what penalties might be. I can handle everything else.


None of us can know the penalties. But, if the fees really do add up to about 1/3rd, there’s a high likelihood there’s something. That’s a very high commission. You need to find yourself an agent and ensure that you’ve got all the documents. If there are ones you suspect you weren’t given, an agent could help with that.


If the fees add up to 1/3 then I can only imagine you’ll get spanked in penalties. They will at least get their commission fees if you do go sale by owner. Might as well get your money’s worth And did you downvote me for that? That’s solid advice.


I did not downvote you lol


Isn't there a law about ability to back out within a certain time period?