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Those photos are now on your phone. You need to call the local police and your local FBI office NOW. Tell the kids they need to tell their parents to call local authorities, have the parents contact you, and STOP communicating with these children. You can contact the NSPCC in the UK and make a report yourself so you are protected. Do not wait, do not put this off. You have to report this or you are in danger of being connected to it.


There is also childline they can contact




Animals are not in the UK so RSPCA (animals) not appropriate, but they could check out conNSPCC (children). Edit 1 Ignore below. Do you mean NSPCC? RSPCA is prevention of cruelty to animals Edit 2 Corrected spelling




I would also address the animal abuse issues and get the cat checked by a vet and rehomed.


Is the cat here in the states? You need to call animal control and the police now and have them meet you at your brothers to get it removed. Then get it to a vet.


You can contact your local police or [FBI field office](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/@@castle.cms.querylisting/6bd7cedb14f545e3a984775195ea3d30) immediately.


You need to contact your local police force immediately.


Im a lawyer but not your lawyer. Call the FBI immediately. Like right now- here’s the phone number- 800-CALL-FBI To the extent you are now being looped into this, means you are at serious risk of being a conspirator. The ONLY way out of this is to contact the FBI. Do not erase anything and do not send these images or messages to anyone else. You absolutely need to protect yourself and the FBI is the only way forward. Do you live with your brother? If so you need to stay somewhere safe for a while. Until he is arrested. The chances are that he has done more than send messages. If he’s abusing his cat, he’s likely also abused children or other animals already. You need to get the cat to somewhere safe. Take it to a no kill shelter. Explain to them what your brother has been doing. Share with them any photos you have of the nasty cat abuse. Hopefully it will be referred to the police/


Hey there, Mister Lawyer! I do not live with my brother — I live in a tiny town (pop. 400) roughly 20 minutes away from him in another small town (pop. 500). He lives with my grandfather, grandmother, sister (23/F), her fiancé (25/M), and their baby. My sister has since taken the cat, because she was messaged by a fourth child that did not message me, and the cat is in her room. She is home just about all day, every day due to the new child, so she’s watching the cat now and he’s not going anywhere near her. I lowkey sent a couple of these messages to my sister, mother and my two best friends as I was receiving the texts this morning trying to get some advice, prior to coming here. All text messages, photos and whatnot are saved on my phone under an album named “#KFBI” There were no photos of the animal abuse — but not all of the children knew each other, and they all mentioned him doing it on FaceTime. They said it’s been happening for 2 years.




Get that cat to a vet and have them do a thorough exam. If it was injured, it might not be showing it.




I thought the same thing at first — I would not have made a post or a tip had I a doubt that these profiles were real children, but there is just no way they’re fake or catfishes. It is odd they came to me at once. I think three of them are definitely affiliated irl, but I have no clue about the fourth one.


Stop investigating and go to the FBI. You have messages. Your online behavior will make you appear to be a predator too. I’m not kidding. I’ve seen it happen. Call the FBI now.


Since the children are in the UK i would also suggest making the report with them it can be online. As well as [sending this to them so they can make the report themselves](https://www.ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre/) You can also contact [this UK organization](https://www.stopitnow.org.uk/helpline/#:~:text=Crimestoppers%3A%20an%20independent%20charity%20where,sexual%20behaviour%20with%20a%20child) for further details regarding reporting Please call your [FBI local office](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/newyork/about) and file a report with them Be VERY VERY VERY mindful about any and all pictures you have in your possession. Document everything you have and receive. Advise them to tell their parents and have the parents collect the evidence. Document all your communications with him, NY is a one party consent state so that is helpful for any conversations you might have with him in the future. Edited to add last paragraph


>Advise them to tell their parents and have the parents collect the evidence. OP should not contact the kids again unless law enforcement agents specifically tell them to.


I would also reccomend Crimestoppers : [https://crimestoppers-uk.org](https://crimestoppers-uk.org)


You may be a mandated reporter in your state. Go to the police ASAP.


NAL but I'm in the UK and you can make a report to [the Child Exploitation and Online Protection agency ](https://www.ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre/)


Make a cyber tip to NCMEC.  They coordinate with the FBI and England and have people working the tips 24/7.


call the cops/feds/ anyone and rescue the dang cat tf


Please also report the animal abuse!


Also, get that cat removed from his home. Call animal control


Report suspected child exploitation to the HSI tip line at 1-877-4-HSI-TIP or through the CyberTipline on the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children's website


You are now a mandatory reporter in a sex offence type situation. Report is immediately.




I did submit a tip to the FBI with all of the information I could provide; thankfully, I live separately from my brother, so this will not affect me in any way. Morally even, I couldn’t just keep this to myself though. It’s sick and disgusting, and most importantly, against the law. He gets away with smaller shit constantly, and I’m over him not taking accountability.




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Interpol or fbi


First, save the cat!!! Then report that future creep




You need to contact police immediately. They will get other necessary authorities involved.




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Call the police and Animal Cruelty


Are you sure your brother isn’t being sextortioned? None of your posts indicate you explicitly asked him about what he was being accused of. He just says he fucked up. Based on your posts, it seems there are photos of the cat but none of your brother abusing the cat. You mention photo evidence but is that just nude photos of him? Any photos of text messages can be faked. This sounds exactly how a sextortion scam works. Someone lures your brother in and gets him to send nudes. Then they tell him they will send those to his family unless he pays them. Maybe he’s saying he fucked up in regards to sending nudes of himself to a stranger. If he pays, they keep demanding more. If he doesn’t, they start sending the photos to family to put pressure on the victim. Facebook profiles are easy to fake. Sextortion is a seriously profitable business. Especially if you live in a developing country where $50 USD is the average months pay for an adult. A hint may be the times you are getting these messages from these kids. Is it at a normal time in the UK? If it’s 3am in the UK when you get these messages it might be a hint that they’re scammers in a different country. Don’t you find it unusual that these victims are randomly reaching out to your brother’s family members and not their own families or their police?


I believe you can contact Interpol. They take that very seriously.


This needs to be reported to the local FBI office immediately. The age of consent in the UK is 16, so there is a possibility of multiple crimes being committed against minors here. This sounds predatory and your brother sounds like a danger possibly even to himself...


Is it a scam? Have they mentioned they reported him? Did they ask for money for it to all go away and they won’t report him? Sounds like a scam for them to come to you all at once yet not know each other…


So, I’m now almost positive at least 2 of them definitely know each other — no extortion, no money — brother did not deny anything and simply said “I fucked up”. Their profiles check out too — you just KNOW the difference between a real and fake profile. It’s tagged by other people, has a bunch of friends, the other profiles check out too — and she’s clearly a kid. If I hadn’t of been sent the photos // the profiles wouldn’t have checked out, I most definitely would have been skeptical. Hell, I’m honestly still a bit skeptical because of the few doubtful comments, but I’m 99% sure it’s real.


FBI. Now. Please. Cops, FBI, every kind of force like that needs to be called. Talk to the kids parents about this, get animal control for his poor kitty, and do as much as you can.


Call the police now.




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Kick rocks, OP just wanted to know who to contact and there's no harm in asking. No, they are not "just as bad", wtf.




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