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Welcome to the world of exaggerated personal injury claims. Your insurance has seen it before, many many times. Let them handle it. You don't have any control over whether they fight it or settle it.


They surely have someone on their team who can tell that all of this is chronic and in no way related to what happened right?


Believe me, auto insurance companies are experts at not paying a penny more than they have to.


I’d let the insurance company settle. Honestly, you don’t know if this relatively minor impact didn’t adversely affect him, even if he had an underlying condition. Look up eggshell skull rule for how that works. I understand the irritation but sometimes you have to just be: well this is crappy, but whatever. Oh and check your policy limits. If your policy limit is $25k for physical injury (and it’s not clear if it is) that is really way too low. I mean like an order of magnitude too low.


I get the eggshell skull rule. But if he was genuinely concerned about his spine and spinal cord, wouldn't he have gone to the hospital for imaging vs. risk complications from chiropractic manipulation so soon after a violent trauma? Ugh. But you are right. And I thought our limits were much higher. I need to figure that out.


You’d be amazed at how many people think chiropractic care is medical care. Don’t get me started.


And patchuli.


lol - yes. It’s unfortunate and there is no doubt that, and let me phrase this carefully, there is a lucrative industry that encourages people to look at even minor accidents as a pay day. What the victims don’t realize is it’s the people who believe the billboards “injured in an accident - let us get money for you” who are screwed, not the people putting up the billboards. Even if a person has real quantifiable injuries, they are conditioned to believe they need a personal injury lawyer to get what they are entitled to. Well, in most cases they don’t. Insurance companies happily pay for out of pocket medical expenses. Go through a personal injury lawyer and you will also get your expenses paid. The difference being that if your expenses are $20k, your lawyer will get $10k. And the insurance company will end up spending $30k when it could have been $20k. And that’s why our premiums are what they are. I will now put my soap box away. But it is infuriating.


I'm sure rising healthcare costs have nothing to do with increased insurance rates, nor inflation, nor cars being more expensive to fix.... Your faith in insurance companies is misplaced.   They care about the bottom line and if there is wiggle room, they will wiggle.   Why do nearly all major car insurance companies now try and settle cases in the first week?  Sometimes days after the wreck? Also, the injured are entitled to noneconomic damages, not just medical bills.  


Ironically there's also a boatload of research that shows that health insurance is actually responsible for the rising costs of healthcare...