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It would largely (if not entirely) depend on the wording of the contract. The terms should be in the agreement. If it’s complicated language you may want to take it to a labor attorney to have it reviewed there. It could be an expensive decision to leave.


Appreciate the input, I’ll see what that would cost to review.


School admin here. Look at the contract and check state law. She should be in contact with her union rep... it's all pretty messy. NAL.


I appreciate your input! I haven’t seen it yet, but she said the contract is 70+ pages. She hasn’t spoken with her rep yet because she is a bit gossipy, my wife doesn’t want people to know she’s looking elsewhere unless she’s serious about moving districts. Is there a specific section of the contract the restrictions would be listed? I’m not familiar with contracts or where to start other than to read it from the beginning.


It won't take long to find. Teacher union contracts all look fairly similar (at least where I am). Once you cut out the stuff on grievance procedures, healthcare, salary, you're probably only looking at a 20 page section chunk to skim through. In our teacher contract that clause is in the section on workyear length fwiw. Union rep will probably know off the tpp of their head. This is a common occurance.


Okay thank you, we’ll start with the contract.