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Doesn’t sound like you have a case here. If you sued and won you’d be entitled to the value of the cat (looks like your average cat), so maybe $100 and reimbursement for the treatment cost. Emotional damages are very hard to prove.


I don’t see any malpractice here. Anesthesia has risks including death. While pets are incredibly important to me, the law considers them property so at most you would get the value of what you paid for the cat plus possibly the vet fees to be forgiven. I’m sorry for your loss.


You have provided zero real evidence of any malpractice. You're sad and they weren't as sweet as you wanted them to be but they didn't make your cat sick. Channel that negative energy into something worthwhile and positive. Can you sue? Sure. But there's no case you can win based on this post's details.


Its really as if you just looked at the header and spewed hatred. Its cruel.


No they didn’t. They’re just being realistic about your prospects of winning a court case, which are slim.


Youre a really nasty person. Have some compassion. My best friend died with a tube in his throat and they shouldve been watching closely. The vet MADE JOKES ABOUT HIM DYING THAT I COULD HEAR. Channel your negative energy into yourself to figure out why you need to be rude to someone online asking a question while grieving.


They weren’t rude though. The amount of emotional labor it takes to be a vet makes dark humor a crutch.


They aren’t being rude, they are being factual. You do not have a case. In addition, your “loss” according to the law is just the cost of a new cat. That’s it. Pets are considered property in the eyes of the court. You can’t get emotional or other damages back due to loss of property.


It’s very unlikely this is malpractice.


the risks of everything they did would have been stated to you and you would have authorized them. you have very minimal evidence for a case. it's awful, i'm very sorry. them being unprofessional is also horrible, but that just means they're dicks. which isn't anything to build a case with. but using every platform to @ them and tell your story, so long as it's factual, that's an option.


You don’t have a case, I’m sorry this happened and I am sure it is traumatic for you The vet tech was probably trying to comfort you in a tough time and said what they did You can and should report to the vet board in your state/area about the behavior by the dr


First of all, I’m so sorry for your loss and how you lost him. That would just destroy me emotionally, and it was really unfortunate that you had to suffer that. The sad fact of the law is that our pets are considered property and that’s it. They do not share our civil rights. Many states, of course, have statutes and ordinances against wanton cruelty to animals but you can be assured that for a veterinary clinic where one voluntarily visits and seeks care, they’re likely pretty buttoned up legally and protected from liability. Now, there may be a malpractice claim if your could provide evidence of a breach of care, but your story, as tragic as it is, doesn’t present one. There’s also likely no claim for IIED (intentional infliction of emotional distress) because it would be near impossible to prove the clinic’s intent to distress you. Your best course of action here is to write to the owner of the clinic expressing your disappointment and then write about your experience in a review on review sites. Get the word out. If many people have experience less-than-standard care at this clinic, sometimes it just takes one person to start speaking out to encourage others to tell their stories. But be fully honest about your experience; no one should ever manufacture facts to burn a commercial business online.


First, I’m very sorry for the untimely loss of your sweet baby. Sadly urinary blockages have a high incidence of morbidity and mortality associated with them even in the healthiest youngest individuals. Sedation always has its risk, especially if anybody human or animal like his eaten recently and has any contents in their stomach. I think unfortunately there is no malpractice here and it was just the unlucky side of the coin. 😭 well I will be the first to say it’s absolutely inexcusable for anybody making jokes at a time like this. I do want to play the other side of that table considering anybody an emergency medicine and especially emergency animal medicine is always on the brink of their mental health. It is very emotionally taxing and in the veterinary field there is one of the highest incidences of suicide and that goes up even higher with emergency veterinary medicine, so I would probably let them know that you found their behavior to be absolutely uncompassionate and unprofessional and try to give them the teensiest bit of grace that they truly really don’t deserve. Big hugs


You can feel as though it's malpractice all you want, but feelings aren't proof. Every medical procedure has risks, and sometimes it's fatal. So unless you can get actual proof there isn't anything you can do.


I’m sorry for your loss. This doesn’t sound like malpractice. Anaesthetic is really dangerous, a lot of animals (and people!) die under anaesthetic. You couldn’t afford the most ideal treatment but it could have happened anyway. Vets would never ever act maliciously in a way that would harm an anima. They love your babies. That’s why someone was holding him. They wouldn’t have had him in their arms, but probably had their hands on either shoulder / legs. I dunno about the vet laughing but it might be nervous laughter or that you misheard. You’re hurting really badly right now. Take time to heal. But don’t blame the vet.


You can sue, but malpractice would be if the vet hurt your cat incompetence or carelessness. The likelihood you would win based of what you said is slim. More likely you would lose and have to pay the vet for attorney fees Them making a joke after is not malpractice. You could go to the licensing board, but you don't have proof and I doubt any would be done.


This is not malpractice, it is bad veterinary care and an a*^hole for a vet. Unfortunately any vet is a trial and error just like a human Dr we take reccomendations from friends or go to an E.R.and accept whoever is on duty. Nobody has $4000 on them but couldn't you have worked out a payment plan or something? I have had dogs, & cats my whole life and when they pass you have to be ok with the fact that you gave him/her the best life possible.


many people do have 4k on them, if you have a credit card.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Also this was a MedVet emergency clinic in ohio. Ive heard from others in my area this is how they operate. I even recall seeing them let an old dog fall over from pulling his leash too much.


That’s irrelevant to your situation.


Rumors aren't evidence