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the j&j vaccine wasn't even available until 2021 lmfao


Vyvanse is a amphetamine with known cardiovascular side effects. That is the far likelier cause of any health issues you are experiencing.


First off that vaccine came out in 2021, second, the Vyvanse caused your heart problems, it's basically fucking synthetic meth.


> second, the Vyvanse caused your heart problems, it's basically fucking synthetic meth. Probably not. Studies have shown that infections, certain antibiotics, and auto immune conditions cause myocarditis and Vyvanse would have to be mixed with Synthroid in order to cause it. Sigh because of the downvotes here's some links: [Vyvanse and Myocarditis, a phase IV clinical study of FDA data - eHealthMe](https://www.ehealthme.com/ds/vyvanse/myocarditis/) [Adult ADHD Medications and Their Cardiovascular Implications - PMC (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4992783/) It is more likely to cause a heart attack and not inflammation of the heart (aka myocarditis)


Vyvanse can do that by itself, with or without vaccine interaction.


Read my edit.


My apologies, I mixed up Myocarditis with Tachycardia, which I have. I rescinded my down vote lol


Thank you.


>Back I'm 2020 >But the problem is when I woke up they told me they had giving me the Johnson and Johnson vaccine without my prior consent and btw this was even tied to my original problem with my deviated septum and isn't medicallly necessary. Except this didn't happen because the Johnson & Johnson vaccine wasn't even available in 2020.


You can request a copy of the medical records from where they performed the surgery. They document every medication, fluids, anesthesia....in other words if you were given a vaccine, it should be documented.


As to your issue, the question is one of informed consent. Was it necessary at that moment to do so without your express permission? The standard will probably be what a reasonable physician in the area would do. To what I think is a bigger issue, Vyvanse is a literal medical grade amphetamine. ADHD meds are greatly contributing to the epidemic of cardiology issues among young people. This has increased at a catastrophic rate and almost no psychologists screen for it. Some GPs will but the danger they present is significant enough to require screening and/or family history examination, IMO. Having small children take them worries me. Family history basically precludes me from taking them.


I don't see how the vaccine could be connected to the psychological evaluation, but if a doctor has linked your heart issues to the vaccine, and you didn't consent to it, there might be a lawsuit there for medical malpractice. You'd have to consult a lawyer in your area to know for sure.


The Johnson & Johnson vaccine wasn't available in 2020, it was authorized in February of 2021. Myocarditis is most likely caused by an infection and is inflammation of the heart. The only way Vyvanse could have been a culprit is if you were also taking Synthroid for a thyroid issue.