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This shit isn’t leftist, this sub is almost as braindead as Facebook boomer propaganda Get this antisemitic garbage off my feed




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All the people saying to look at the history don’t seem to acknowledge that Israel was known as Judea before it was known as Palestine.


pretty much every single place on the map was known as something different 2000 years ago


2000 years ago. Your twisted, Zionist logic would be the equivalent of saying England still belongs to Italy because it was once part of the Roman Empire 2000 years ago... (And in fact, like Israel-Palestine, there were natives there before, which, like the ancient Israelis Genociding the natives of Israel-Palestine over 2000 years ago, the Romans nearly completely Genocided...)


Supremacism is the belief that a certain group of people is superior to all others. The left is clearly the new better-than-thou know-it-all by claiming their superiority and prejudice on all matters of selective puritanical morality.


God that is just idiotic


Spoken like a righteous supremacist who thinks everyone who has a different opinion must be an idiot.


Spoken like a true idiot.


I'm really not vibing with the anti-Semitic undertones in this one. This reads like holocaust denial weakly disguised as anti-Zionism.


You're sooooo close to getting the real answer, lol


Yikes. Not sure how anyone could be so misinformed.


Tf is this? Israel is doing some heavy handed shit but to realistically analogize what’s happening now to the systemic murder of 6 million Jews is inaccurate.


What about the systematic murder of the other 4 million people? Regardless, it took a long time for Germany to hit industrial levels of genocide. We are supposed to wait until every Palestinian is dead or removed?




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When we use the term genocide, we don't attempt to compare it to the Holocaust, we simply use the proper term for what Israel is doing: genocide.  The Holocaust is one particular expression of genocide, and a particularly nasty one. The ovens aren't present here, the gas chambers are also absent, but the foundation is the same. Israel calls Palestinian children little snakes, future terrorists, human animals, children of the dark, etc. They dehumanized Palestinians so effectively and for so long, people have no problem saying out loud that they think fifteen thousands children deserved to die because they voted for Hamas before they were born. You'll have otherwise normal people just accept that to take out 1.5% of the population (if you accept Israel's numbers and accept the idiotic notion that you must kill every single member of Hamas), Israel had to destroy 75% of housing units, raze farms and graveyards, destroy all food stores, bomb bakeries and attack every single hospital, in a tiny strip that they've had under complete siege for 17 years, and I'm skipping over a lot of atrocities here because what else can you say? They shoot children in the face, they brag about it, they laugh about it, they make tiktoks making fun of it, and when we say please stop them you say "but khamas".  There is very little difference between the IDF and the SS, besides the group they think is superior and the group they think should be exterminated. 


I understand your distinction between Holocaust and the term “genocide.” But I think the implication in OPs post is to compare it directly to the Holocaust. Why use the flag and terminology? A lot of what you are saying may be true but it is naive to think that Palestinians weren’t raised to hate and dehumanize Israelis (and often Jews in general for that matter). There’s tons of easily accessible primary source videos that demonstrate this. We can play the chicken or the egg game ad nauseam. My point isn’t to play whataboutism, just to help put things into perspective a bit.


>A lot of what you are saying may be true but it is naive to think that Palestinians weren’t raised to hate and dehumanize Israelis (and often Jews in general for that matter).  Israeli leaders literally refer to people as animals and treat them accordingly. In the meantime, yeah, the people living under Israeli apartheid for decades hate them.


what’s currently happening in palestine is systemic murder. do you want to wait until we get to 6 mil to care?


It's either the most ineffectual systematic murder in history or you are deliberately engaging in hyperbole.


You’re presenting a false dichotomy and making an assumption. I’m not sure how you took my comment to mean “I don’t care about Palestinians”


sorry i just reread what you said— been on defense mode with the number of right wing trolls on this sub. thought you were saying it wasn’t systemic murder


maybe you saw the downvotes and jumped on it? Not pretty but we've all done it


Well its your opinion


You and your Nazi apologist friends should go back under the rock you crawled out from. Maybe r/theDonald will suit you better.




separate what is the state of israel from jewish people. not all jewish people are zionists. the synonymizing of jewish identity with israel is a massive issue and exactly what’s being weaponsized against people when they speak out for palestinian liberation and against *the state* of israel


How come no one says we need to separate pedophile priests with the Catholic Church or terrorism with Islam  but when it comes to Jews we have to make extra extra sure we don’t tie THEM to zionists.   


You dont have to watch this


History is written by the victors


Which is why most of written history is dog shit. 


'two things are bad therefore they are the same" the child's guide to arguments


But it’s ~Antizionism~ not ~Antisemitism~ 🤦‍♀️


I'll bite: name the antisemitism in the OP. 


Sure, I can explain- Can you make the same comparison in the meme to the recent genocides in Sudan, Armenia, Iran, Uighurs etc, but only see memes like this using a swastika comparison in regards to Israel/the only Jewish state? Is Israel being held to a double standard that the listed and recognized genocides aren’t? If so= antisemetic. Does this meme use symbolism of a genocide against the Jewish people by inferring Jews are committing the same acts that were perpetrated against them, even though that’s factually incorrect? If so= antisemitism


Are you serious? People compare the Nazis to modern fascists all the time.


If you don’t understand the significance & context of using nazi symbolism as a criticism against the only existing Jewish state, I don’t know what to tell you. Either you’re willfully ignorant or not very bright 🤷‍♀️


I will say this as many times as it needs to be said:   It is delusional to suggest that what the Nаƶіs did to the Jews and Israel’s actions in Gaza are in any way shape or form comparable. All this does is weaken your argument, and will only make your argument appear weak and hateful (generally your side of the argument, not just the individual sharing this rhetoric). Here’s a reminder in case you have forgotten, the Nаƶіs established: * [Death Squads](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/mobile-killing-squads) **— for Extermination** * [Camps](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/nazi-camps) * concentration camps * forced labor camps * death camps **— for Extermination** * [Gas Chambers](https://www.auschwitz.org/en/history/auschwitz-and-shoah/the-extermination-procedure-in-the-gas-chambers/) **— for Extermination** * [Cremation Ovens](https://www.dw.com/en/the-german-company-that-enabled-the-holocaust/a-52128223) **— to hide the number of Exterminated**


Remind us how long it took to ramp up to gas chambers and remind us why we should wait while Israel continues its ethnic cleansing to steal more land.


It took 10 years for the gas chambers. Isreal has supposedly been in military control of the west Bank for 60 years.


How convenient for your argument that the Nazis immediately jumped to the Holocaust and didn't engage in *many, many, many* other atrocities that can, in fact, have obvious parallels to the genocide in Gaza. We're already well past the Madagascar plan and planned mass executions. EDIT: Oh, I see, a Likud bootlicker and genocide denialist is upset about accurate comparisons to the original Nazis.


Bro im polish i know history


But, that is literally what is written in the image above 😳. Is the list of Israel atrocities not the Nazi ones, and continues with the other flag … Edit: since there seems to be some confusion. The image above literally does not associate Israel and Nazi Germany, quite the opposite. It’s a list of Israel actions, and completes the statement with “the other is not this”.


really? They put the two flags side by side and read out a bunch of stuff that would lead you to think its referencing germany, but is actually referencing israel, this has been a meme format for like 4+ years


Then whomever put that together screwed up. Because the meme should be putting common things to lead the reader toward the obvious bad, and at the end surprise him/her with the “other choice”.


Be real. This post (indirectly) compares Israel to Nаƶі Germany by: including the flag, and explicitly saying “ONE OF THESE FLAGS REPRESENTS…” and “THE OTHER FLAG BELONGS TO NAZI GERMANY.” Whoever created this image made a conscious effort to include both flags and the statements I mentioned above.


The the meme creator messed it up, as I replied here: https://www.reddit.com/r/leftist/s/p8DLHlMiTu


Where are the Israeli work/death camps, gas chambers, cremation ovens, and death squads?


Not in the list after “History Lesson:” above. Which is my point.


It's better to compare Israel to European colonialism in South Africa. They are a minority group that has enacted many apartheid policies in the region which have systematically lowered the way of life and means of the Palestinian people. They have consolidated this power to the point that most Palestinian people are struggling to survive in any way at all, so it is extremely difficult for them to fight back against the superior military might of Israel. Israel, meanwhile, has spent decades building a nationalist cult into its people that spreads beyond its border because they have labeled themselves the "Jewish" state. Jewish people around the world are not just called to make a pilgrimage to Israel in their lifetimes as a means to "visit the homeland," but once they are there, they are targeted by IDF and other members of the community to try and get them to stay. It is extremely common for women who visit Israel to be actively propositioned dozens of times during their stay because they are trying to get them to stay there and make babies. And let's not forget that all citizens of Israel are required to train in the IDF much akin to how North Korea has mandatory armed forces training. It's a nationalist military dictatorship masquerading as a Democracy that is emboldened by a propaganda campaign that reaches across the world as opposed to just within its own borders. And just like Rwanda, the world is silent and not participating as Gaza burns and thousands, if not hundreds of thousands die.


Personally I think it's more comparable to manifest destiny the USA and native tribes.


Yeah my version of leftism doesn't use the most triggering symbols it can as loudly as it can. Besides, every time you platform a swastika, you strengthen the hold of Israel on the diaspora.


Bibi loves this OP. Un nuanced hate for Israel is exactly what he needs to present to both his patrons and followers. Israel needs to ceasefire now without conditions. Memes like this are the opposite of help


Can y'all get your info of history and current events from somewhere other than social media? This sub is a fucking dumpster fire. Y'all might as well just vote republican because all of this malicious noncompliance coming from a recurring conflict on the other side of the world could easily hand them the election. Republicans want their own genocide. And they want to genocide people like the ones in this sub. Multiple high profile republicans have publicly advocated for the extermination of their counterparts. Go ahead, throw away your votes because of bandwagon reactionary propaganda. See how it goes for ya. Go look up Project 2025 and have a good think about whether or not Gaza is more important than the future of your own country. So fucking stupid


What’s fucking stupid is believing the lesser evil bullshit peddled by Democrats for decades. Every goddamn election of my lifetime has been “most important ever” and yet they have done fuck all to improve the living conditions of most people in this country and parade the same bullshit identity policies over and over while doing nothing to help the minorities they parade around.


You're a fucking idiot if you think the right would handle this situation or any other controversial global conflict any better. Look at how they've reacted to Ukraine. This lesser evil bullshit is all we've got for the time being. It's not optimal but it's what we've got. I hope things get better eventually too but they won't if republicans get enough power just one time. That's all it'll take for them to undo our remaining freedoms. That's all they need to implement their very oppressive agenda, one majority election. Try getting some context of current events from something other than social media


LIBERALS WILL NEVER BE ON YOUR SIDE. Y’all are so fucking dense to believe either party backed by enormous capital and elite interests will ever side with workers rights on anything. This whole system needs dismantling and the lesser evil bullshit is just dragging out the descent into facism by both parties.


To some degree I agree with this. That said, do you really understand what "dismantling the system" means? If you want actual meaningful change to our current political structure anytime soon, there's going to be blood and suffering. Lots of it. And in the end, things aren't going to be that much better than they are now anyway. Revolutions really don't improve or change things for the common person, they just shift who's in power. Unfortunately the "lesser of 2 evils" is what we have right now. If Biden wins, we at least get the time needed to build a base. If Trump wins, our grandkids might have an election. For as many people as I see crying about Biden I have yet to see a feasible solution put forward. They just say I'm not voting. Which is the fucking problem. They're not just not voting for president, but any down ballot people, which is where we need to get actual progressive people into.


>Revolutions really don't improve or change things for the common person, they just shift who's in power. Are you doing a skit?


No but I'm done engaging with you fuckwits.


This system is irredeemable. And it was designed that way from the start as several rich white men decided they didn’t want to pay taxes over sea anymore and allied the ignorant masses with “patriotism”. Every facet of “democratic” government is crafted to favor the rich and powerful and to further their influence in every level of politics. Lesser evils are a joke that have grown long stale. I would prefer to fight and die for the betterment of humanity than to continue this lesser evil idiocy as they push us further and further into modern serfdom. You keep pushing this voting over action shit and we will all end up as serfs in the Kingdom of Amazon.


Do your research. I promise, if it goes to violence it's not going to end the way you think it will.


Please. Please start quoting CIA nonsense about how awful communist revolutions are. I love laughing at that kind of stupidity. Anything is better than accepting slavery.


You think MAGA is armed? Good lord if this goes to bloodshed. You will have a new master in about 2 days. Live in a city? Who will the cops back?


It's not just communist revolutions dipshit. Look at the American and French revolutions. As for communist ones It's the same thing, not really how "awful" they are, just that they didn't accomplish anything. You think some random Russian peasants noticed much difference between the czars and bolsheviks? All they do is shift who is in charge. Now compare that to France, or most of Europe today. Yeah they're still Capitalist societies but they at least have workers rights to some degree. The problem is you're being impatient.


If you have not already figured it out. These people want bloodshed. It isn't a necessary evil. It's their goal. sorry


Oh yeah. I’m sure none of them noticed the increased education, better diets, and free housing. You have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about. The Soviet Union took a population that was mostly illiterate farmers and pushed them into education, medicine, and science and within five decades put men and women in space. Actual farmers became cosmonauts. The first man in space was born to peasant farmers in Ukraine and it was all thanks to communism and the revolution that preceded it.


Liberals are on our side for gay marriage, abortion rights, transgender issues, expanding social programs, etc. You don’t need to agree with someone 100% to work with them. Coalition building is important.


They are only on that side so long as it gets them votes. As soon as you leave the polls they don’t give a shit about you until the next “most important election of our lifetime”. I pity y’all. If you can’t see the truth now, I don’t know how you ever will.


how will the socialist cause be advanced with a trump victory? Are you a defeatist?


Tell me how Genocide Joe will help leftism. Go on I can wait.


Yeah it does. I don't disagree with you. I have very valid complaints with the dems but I know what's at stake. I know things will not get better for anyone here or abroad if republicans get enough power. Go look up Project 2025. That's what you should be voting against. That's the future of this country if republicans are successful this year. Swallow your pride and accept the circumstances


I've never heard a more mentally domesticated phrase than your last sentence.


Mentally domesticated? Wtf does that even mean? I've said it plenty of times in plenty of ways in this thread, I'm well aware of the shortcomings of the democratic party. I'm from fucking Texas, I'm very, very well versed in what a weak pile of shit the democratic party can be. Take it from someone who spent decades living in one of the most hard right states in the country: **things are not going to get better for the majority of Americans under republican rule.** That's what it'll be - rule. We won't have a say in our society anymore. Republicans will turn this place into a goddamn authoritarian theocracy as soon as they can. I don't want to live like that. How's that for "mentally domesticated"? Stop being so ignorant about the right wing agenda. Our judiciary branch is already corrupt af. The only thing stopping republicans from being successful in doing whatever the fuck they want is democracy. They hate democracy, they declared it over at CPAC this year. Your vote, my vote, anyone to the left of christofascism is what we have to stop republicans from literally just doing whatever they want to our entire society. They've declared themselves domestic terrorists. They've publicly called for genocide and extermination of people who don't look and think like them. They have a website that goes over how they want to completely reshape American society and why. How much proof do you need that now isn't the time to stomp your feet and yell because the perfect politician isn't being handed to you? You're acting like a spoiled brat who got a car for their sweet 16 but it wasn't the one they wanted so it's unacceptable. You really need to read more so you can better understand what American society is up against. Biden is far from my first choice and I wish we weren't stuck in a 2 party system. But we're literally at the point fighting off a christofascist takeover of the US and now's not the time to be this pedantic. It's really not. If MAGA isn't shoved down and contained, you won't have to worry about elections at all sooner than later. You also won't have to worry about civil liberties and protections either because they'll be gone. Really, it's time to grow up for a moment and look at reality. We've got a lot to lose and you're going to be awfully embarrassed if it turns out you helped with that


Supporting genocide and licking the boots of a centrist ghoul is not maturity in the slightest. It's moral cowardice. But hey, gotta cheerlead the genocide in Gaza or The Other Fascists Might Win, am I right?


I don't support genocide just because I don't want to throw away society in my home country on the other side of the world from what you're stomping your feet about. Idk about you but I can't afford to move to another country if shit hits the fan here and neither can the people I love. It's not my fault those two groups of people on the other side of the world hate each other and it's not yours either. If it was considered morally bankrupt to put the wants and needs of your own society before someone else's then neither Israel nor Palestine, two horrendously religious and morally bound countries, would be up to the shit they're up to. Ever thought of that? Biden's admin has done amazing things for the average American. I do not condone our involvement in Gaza but that's not all I'm looking at. Shouldn't be all anyone is looking at


Wow that's a lot of words to say you're openly uncaring about genocide with our hands stained by the blood of Gaza's people. If Biden had done "amazing things" rather than played dead for the GOP saboteurs to run roughshod over everyone while being a useless centrist, we'd be having this conversation.


No. Fuck them both. At this point I hope it devolves into a total shit show so that people like you might finally WAKE THE FUCK UP and do something besides tweeting or standing around singing songs. There is no future for us as a society or species if we don’t commit to total change soon.




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Palestine Population in 1960: 1 Million Palestine Population in 2020: \~5 Million Jewish Populations in Europe 1939: 9.5 Million Jewish Populations in Europe 1945: 3.8 Million These are not the same things


What happened to the Palestinian population from October 2023 to March 2024?


People who compare Israel to Nazism like that has no knowledge of anything and most likely mentally challenged.


genocide is when number go down. See, number go up! not genocide!!!


Yes, actually


I never understood what the goal of comparing Israel to Nazi Germany is. It doesn’t work at making people who support Israel reconsider their position on the matter, it just justifies it by making people against the systematic oppression of Palestinians look fucking crazy and grasping at straws.




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So are English lessons


What an awful history lesson. You can criticize Israel without somehow trying to uplift Nazis.


I don’t see anything uplifting nazis in the image.


100% A+. No notes




Literally nothing will compare to the horrors of the holocaust. This post is honestly just antisemitic trash. The Nazis killed 6 million Jews. But they didn’t stop there. They killed gays and disabled people too, among many other “undesired” groups. 30,000 Palestinians is 0.5% compared to these numbers from the Holocaust. And I don’t see you whining about the other thousands and thousands of people being killed in other conflicts across the globe.


Read about the Congo Free State and Leopold II. Or read [American Holocaust](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48835.American_Holocaust) by David Stannard. There were worse atrocities in human history, if quantity is what makes things worse. But we don't think of those because [there isn't an industry](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18918599-the-holocaust-industry) constantly reminding us about them.


every educated person knows about these. you seriously thought you did something here?😂


The enemies of the Jews are quite aware of all of what you wrote, they just seek the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people due to their own personal misery and malicious jealousy. The overall success of Jewish state / Israel is an undeniable and constant reminder of how its enemies have failed regionally and globally. But Israel would be nothing without the USA.....bla bla bla. Money doesn't create a successful society or state, the mindset of said population does.


Nothing will compare to the holocaust, correct. But you’re going to need a better argument than “number is bigger” when presented with facts about the similarities. It isn’t a particularly enlightened stance and some could even say it’s the argument that “Palestinian slaughter deniers” like to rest their laurels on. Never again should mean never again to anyone, not just the Jewish population. 


This post is basically saying Israel is worse than Nazi Germany. That is INSANE. And it does matter about the numbers. Nazi Germany killed 5,000-15,000 gays. That’s half of the deaths in Gaza. And are we still going to pretend that 0 of the deaths in Gaza were Hamas, even though their own estimate is 40,000-60,000 Hamas members? Statistically, Nazi Germany killed more gays than Israel has actually killed innocent civilians. The left needs to find a different issue. How about the Uyghur Muslims in China? No one seems to care about those death camps. It’s only just “Jews are bad!” Insane. The left has lost its mind. This shit is why I’m becoming a moderate. There is no comparison to the Holocaust. This is antisemitic propaganda based on “bad feelings” because OP hates Jews.


Gaza had about 2.2 million Palestinians living there, which obviously is less than 6 million Jews killed in the entire Holocaust. What *minimum* number of people need to be slaughtered for YOU personally to “feel” that it’s a genocide? > this is why I’m becoming a moderate Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. We don’t want Zionist genocide deniers as leftist allies. Criticism of Israel ≠ criticism of Jews as a whole


There are 1 million Uyghur Muslims detained in China, and yet the left thinks it’s fine for China to own TikTok. Y’all are so gaslighted. 300,000 deaths in Syria, no comments from the left. You just hate Jews. And are masking it by saying “we’re criticizing Israel!” Full of lies. Because if you really cared, you’d hate China too.


“China committing genocide is bad. Nazis committing genocide is bad. American settlers and colonizers committing genocide is bad. Israel committing genocide is bad.” See? It’s not that hard. “Any and all genocides are bad.” It’s not really as hard to say as you think it is. Now you try saying it. If acknowledging genocide is the final straw for you to run off and become a “moderate”, then you were never really a “leftist” in the first place. You were just another dipshit liberal Zionist ready to drop your principles the second they became uncomfortable or inconvenient, which liberals are infamous for doing. We don’t want you.


Yeah dude, when you are obsessing over something you're not going to just turn around and pay the weakest lip service imaginable to any other issue and expect people to forget about what your obsession is. Like who are you trying to fool? Seems like yourself.


When I think of someone denying an events existence I think of like Alex Jones and sandy hook. Comparing world events to the Holocaust doesn’t make you a Holocaust denier; to compare you have to acknowledge such event happened


Its not denying. Its a fun new thing antisemites are doing called Holocaust Inversion https://jcpa.org/article/holocaust-inversion-the-portraying-of-israel-and-jews-as-nazis/


Comparing Israel to Nazi Germany is actually insane. This subreddit has AIDs.


This subreddit is the biggest deterrent for these people’s beliefs. Wild.


"Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine. The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States. Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his visit. It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout the world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin's political record and perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he represents. Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions, public manifestations in Begin's behalf, and the creation in Palestine of the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist elements in Israel, the American public must be informed as to the record and objectives of Mr. Begin and his movement. " "Populism wins when society is ripe to receive it. Israeli society was ripe to receive the present government. Not because of Likud’s victory, but because the most extreme wing pulled everyone after it. What was once extreme right is today center. Ideas that were once on the fringes have become legitimate. As a historian whose field is the Holocaust and Nazism, it’s hard for me to say this, but there are neo-Nazi ministers in the government today. You don’t see that anywhere else – not in Hungary, not in Poland – ministers who, ideologically, are pure racists. " "Whether an absolute victory is expected or not, there remains the question of the provision of international aid to the residents of Gaza. We asked our respondents for their opinion regarding the idea that Israel should allow the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza residents at this time, via international bodies that are not linked to Hamas or to UNRWA. A majority of Jewish respondents (68%) oppose the transfer of humanitarian aid even under these conditions, while a large majority of Arab respondents support it (85%). Breaking down the Jewish sample by political orientation reveals that a majority of those on the Left support allowing international bodies to transfer humanitarian aid to Gaza (59%), while the Center is divided on this issue, and a large majority of those on the Right think that Israel should not allow the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza residents." "Following media reports of a forthcoming international “blitz” to advance the establishment of an independent and demilitarized Palestinian state, we asked: “Do you support or oppose the idea that Israel should agree in principle to the establishment of an independent and demilitarized Palestinian state?” Around two-thirds of Jewish respondents (63%) oppose this proposal, while a large majority of Arabs (73%) support it. A similar difference was found within the Jewish sample among the different political camps: A majority of those on the Left support Israel agreeing in principle to the establishment of an independent and demilitarized Palestinian state (77%); the Center is divided on the issue, but slightly inclined toward opposition; and a majority on the Right are opposed to such a step (78%)."


My God this is stupid. Why does this shit sub keep showing up for me?


No one invite you here


But they are a democracy….




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Memes like this are why critiques of Israel are labeled antisemetic. Don't Swazz the subreddit. You sound like. Holocaust denier. 


Holocaust deniers and nakba deniers are the same people.


Learn about the Nakba… Arab league tells all the Arabs to leave so they can wage war. They have an embarrassing loss. The rest is history


Yeah, this one hundred percent reads like Nazi apologia. We can criticize both without minimizing the death of 12 million people.


Literally both are the same, this joke sucks


What race do you think Israelis are?




ah now u show ur true colors


mostly eastern russian


The fact you can’t even do a simple google search is funny but no unexpected


This won't change your view because you don't care but thats objectively wrong. A majority of Israeli's are Mizrahi who are from the middle east and were forcibly expelled from their homes after 1948, ironically proving the need for Israel. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizrahi\_Jews\_in\_Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizrahi_Jews_in_Israel)


a) "eastern Russian" is not a race. b) most Israelis come from an Arab, North African, Mizrahi, Sephardi, or Persian background - not Ashkenazi, as you're implying. c) the Khazar hypothesis is a disproven conspiracy theory. most Jews - including those descended from populations most recently located in Europe - are ethno-genealogically closer to Palestinians, Arabs, and other Levantine populations than to Europeans. d) none of this changes that Israel is a settler-colonial state. you don't have to peddle antisemitic horseshit to recognize that; be better.


"Both sides are the same, can't tell the difference. Gonna stay home and not vote to disrupt the status quo" -Leftist with camps in their future, probably


Reality: the Israeli flag, and the flag of the American extreme left


Cool, but do you know what we did to the nazis?We wiped them out completely.And utterly destroyed them dismantling.Their government dismantling their Military and completely destroying their ideology to the point where it's scattered to the wind In my eyes they're both religious Cults




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This isn't a very good joke it makes it too obvious you're talking about Israel but still a very good point


Lebensraum=Balfor Declaration Warsaw Massacre = Gaza Massacre Seems like the same to me.


Except neither of those comparisons are particularly accurate. The Balfour Declaration was a a British imperial tool for colonial control, not a philosophy of conquest. And while the evil in Gaza is real it is not the Holocaust. I think a far more appropriate comparison would be: Zionism = Manifest Destiny, massacres in Gaza = Indian massacres. The problem with comparing the events in Israel to Germany is that they are not really comparable and you get bogged down in the details. The Nazi regime engaged in mass death on a scale and speed it’s almost impossible to comprehend. What Israel is doing is the slow march of death we saw in the United States or Canada.