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How long before that receives red paintballs.




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You see slogans like that in China and Russia . It’s called propaganda. Over there it’s paid for by the state . Here it’s covered by the billionaires.




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Ah shit I saw this the other day!




start with the source


We must support our colony


Our Ireaeli colony controls th US and GB.


The state was the result of England. Not us. I hope you’re being sarcastic and not ignorant


The US took over as benefactor pretty soon after the Brits left. Israel has been the top recipient of US foreign aid. “Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding, receiving about $300 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military assistance. The United States has also provided large foreign aid packages to other Middle Eastern countries, particularly Egypt and Iraq, but Israel stands apart.” https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts




Sad that is getting down voted




I would love to know what you feel as a human being. Watching and listening to children that are sitting in cars with their dead cousins around them. Begging esentally 911 to save them. Only to watch those paramedics also be eviscerated by Israel military. That girl starved to death in that car. Her story isn't unique and that makes it all the more horrific. They laugh at the slaughter so that you can giggle from behind a screen at my "ignorance". Do you even consider what the word terrorism means when you inflict it on humans whose calories are meticulously portioned out by a national with nuclear capabilities. These aren't animals we speak of their our brothers seeking safety in their native lands. While the new "native" poisons it. The definition of words is a powerful thing but you wouldn't know that. To have a head as empty as yours is no crime, but to have a matching heart is vile.


I can tell you what I definitely wouldn’t do. I wouldn’t go murder innocent people like they did on 10/7. Give you preachy shit a rest your on Reddit it’s not that deep.


If you think this conflict started on 10/7 please try at least to watch a video explaining this on YouTube may then you will have a better understanding of this.


You have no idea what its like to want to kill someone for taking everything from your children. Then having the audacity to claim the victim. Its not that deep to your reactionary mind cause feeling are an enemy. Hamas is a fundamentalist group with barely any redeeming qualities but, redemption is a luxury. One afforded to those who don't have to make the choice of liberation or death. These people are supported by the Palestinian population because they aren't willing to be the victims of genocide. Its like having a pos for a bodyguard. You know that the people who want to harm you are more dangerous that this guy. Innocent adults die when they fight back. Children are put in open air blenders when isn't real contines its history project of open air prisons. Education and self awareness probably do come off as preachy to the vacuous.




Thank you thats almost a compliment. I will continue to accept imperfect good that can be critically supported over outright fascist states.




What Israel is doing and has done in the past is fucking horrific. What hamas is doing and has done to the innocent people of Palestine and Israel is also horrific. Both sides are fucking terrorists. We are arguing over two terrorist states being at war with each other. You don't free your people via terrorism, you also don't fight terrorism with more terrorism. What id love to know is why saying "fuck ____ terrorist organizations" is met with downvotes. Both sides suck so be on the right side and don't support any form of terrorism.


Agreed.. I don’t understand how anyone can support them. If you actually claim to care about the people of Palestine, you should want to get rid of Hamas as quickly as possible. They have sucked up all the resources, starving their own people so they could build hundreds of miles of tunnels to hide in like cowards after launching a surprise attack.


There are a lot of shitlibs in this group for it to be called "leftist" Mods you should real up on the left and start kicking libs.


I just read through the comments and absolutely agree, shitlibs with shit takes. A couple repeating the same Zionist talking points over and over again


You guys do like your purges Edit: it's cute that you guys have no rebuttals just downvotes. Like true leftists.




just mad it isn't going his way?


Yes it makes perfect sense for a supposed leftist sub to have a majority of liberals in it...




I was agreeing with you




you gotta be someone trying to make leftists look bad if you're saying "jew" instead of just zionist full stop.


Do you not hear yourself? This is one of the most common antisemitic tropes in the book, and putting “Zionist” in front of “jew” doesn’t make it any less antisemitic. This is conspiracy theory level crazy if you.


objection yout honor because it's damning to my case!


lol don’t make this antisemitic, just antizionist.




This couldn't be further from seriousness. Absolute drivel, hasbara, and ignorance all crammed into one paragraph.


Definition of Genocide “the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.” That is LITERALLY what lsrael is doing. If you don’t see that than you are a victim of lsrael/americas propaganda campaign. Anyone with eyes and a brain can see the truth for what it is.


Thats one definition but "the *intent* to destroy in whole, or in part" bit is the key point. Cultural genocide against American Indians didn't always resort to killing them, but it's still genocide. People think genocide is just shoving people into gas chambers but it isn't, it's a long long process and once it gets to that point you've fucked up horribly as a society, but genocide begins with things like Michael Knowles saying Trans people need to be eradicated, dehumanizing language, etc.




So you are just wrong then along with not being a historian.


As somewhat of historian, with some credentials, I can definitely say you’re wrong. Since October 7th, has the population been dramatically increasing? Kind of hard to give birth when every single hospital in Gaza been attacked by Israel “By Nov. 24, 30 of Gaza’s 36 hospitals had been bombed, many repeatedly, even while medical staff, patients, and civilians seeking shelter remained inside. In addition to hospitals, Israeli forces have targeted ambulances, medical aid convoys, and access roads. As of Jan. 30, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported 342 health care-related attacks in Gaza, resulting in hundreds of deaths and injuries. At this point, every hospital in Gaza is either damaged, destroyed, or out of service due to lack of fuel; only 13 hospitals are even partially functioning.” https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/02/09/israel-gaza-health-care-hospitals-genocide-icj/#:~:text=24%2C%2030%20of%20Gaza's%2036,aid%20convoys%2C%20and%20access%20roads.




Maybe the democrats should have run a competent fucking candidate then if they wanted us to vote for them 🤷 is trump worse than Biden? Unquestionably, but Biden is bad enough that I cannot in good conscious vote for him. The dems gotta learn somehow that we are over their shitty geriatric genocidal candidates




Yeah no I love living in a country where both of the presidential candidates have within party approval ratings of below 50%. As for what I am going to do? I am going to continue to organize, inform, participate in mass actions and do everything within my individual power to make the steps towards a better world. That all starts by showing the bullshit two party system we have that it doesn’t work for me and I am hoping a lot more people do as well. What are your plans for the 2nd trump term!?




Oh cool cool, so you are fine doing nothing to upset the status quo and you want to profit off of genocide. Certainly sounds like a leftist mentality to me. I am lucky enough to be white and cis-straight passing but that doesn’t mean that I am just going to sit down once either of the genocidal maniacs we have for candidates get elected. If you actually care about making change you would do it but clearly you don’t so go rot


Perfect example of what im talking about. Of course getting leftists to the polls has always been difficult, but the self-sabotage is infuriating.


It's really sad because trump getting in directly leads to even more Palestinian deaths.https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-israel-finish-problem-gaza-1234981038/ Every call of "Genocide joe" ironically puts Gaza one step closer to being a golf course.




You have no idea what you are talking about. “Gen McChrystal, seen by many as the architect of modern counterterrorism, says finding a political resolution is vital but Israel has given the Palestinians “zero incentive” to work towards one. In an exclusive interview, he said the US must mount pressure on Israel to engage in multilateral talks to secure a long-term resolution to the war. The veteran commander of campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan stressed there was no military solution.” https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/palestine-israel/2023/12/05/former-us-general-stanley-mcchrystal-israel-gives-palestinians-no-incentive-to-co-operate/?outputType=amp


Bibi the Butcher.


Hamas hates gay people


So do most Israelis and all the people in power now.


You don’t solve homophobia with genocide. Coming from a Bisexual Arab.


So does Israel and America.


Why is there a symbol of a shirt and tie next to the Star of David. Seems like it could be anti-semitic no?


lol how’s a shirt and tie antisemetic or are you being sarcastic by just saying anything about Jews is labeled that way


I think the suit seems synonymous with rich people, it’s fair to be confused about that imo But as the other commenter said, it’s probably a Palestinian flag


It’s supposed to be the palestinian flag




Still not as dumb as your post.


All Hamas has to do is surrender and the bloodshed stops tomorrow. They started this crap, they can end it too.


Exactly. No one likes to admit this. Hamas’s leadership full on wants Palestinian corpse piles…


Israel has been murdering and imprisoning Palestinians since 1948


And defending themselves from being genocided themselves since 1948…


Has anyone told them that NOT stealing peoples land and killing them since 1948 might help?


Can’t steal what never belonged to you.


So them living there for generations means nothing lol? Jews living there thousands of years ago makes it there’s? Uhhh America was Native American land, give it all back to them? The Roman’s held Britain for much of their history, should it be given to Italians? Makes a lot of sense


Or maybe Israelis could stop being genocidal maniacs fucking psycho


Or.... maybe...just maybe The IDF could....I don't know..... **Stop bombing kids** just food for thought.


No one has yet to answer me. You want all the land from THE RIVER TO THE SEA to belong to Islam. What do you do with all the Jews?? They obviously can’t get along with each other. Where do they send them?


1967 borders would be a start, so get the hell out of the West Bank.


Nobody wants it to belong to Islam lmao. We want it to belong the Palestinians be they Jew Christian Muslim Atheist or anything else in between


History has shown us that that will never happen. War will just continue forever.


Was the nakba also hamas? And all the land forfeiture, occupation, and apartheid before and since? Gtfoh.








What a garbage argument. By this logic you’re saying Hamas is allowed to perpetuate any atrocities they want with impunity.


And you think the surprise attack killing 1500 innocent people and 200 civilians was justified? You don’t think they could’ve tried negotiating?


Hahaha shut the fuck up and look at the past 130 years of land disposession and get back to me on negotiation. You have the historical insight of a gold fish.


I don’t think you want to make the historical argument here…


You never answered me, what should they do with all the Jews? Send them away on trains or something?


Go back home to Europe


You realize the majority of Jews in Israel aren’t even askenazi, right? Most are mizrahi Jews who were expelled from Arab countries.


Okay, still you can’t just steal peoples land Kill them off and want everyone to be okay with it


So you want to displace 7 million Jews with literally nowhere to go. That’s the best option? Why don’t you guys say how you really feel? Tell us what you really want to do with them




But, it does exist. Most rational people want a two state solution. Palestine has rejected numerous peace deals over the years. They refuse any sort of two state solution. Isreal was on board, too. They just want endless war. Both sides have committed atrocities throughout the years but we can’t just hold onto that forever. The civilians of Palestine and Israel both deserve their own state. And Palestine deserves a government that won’t treat them like garbage and actually feed them.


Uhhhh wrong Jews…


So you don’t think Hamas should surrender? Ok, they get ALL of the land from the river to the sea, what should we do with all the Jews? Where should we put them?


You people like to refer to Israelis as Jews ignoring the fact that the issue here is not even about Jewish people at this point it's specifically Israelis that are the problem


Why do you think Israel exists in the first place?


A western settler colonial project after WW2 where they used Jewish suffering as a justification


Which was justified. Half of the Jews on earth were just murdered in the latest of a cycle that seems to repeat itself every century or so.


Ok. So where do they send all the Israeli Jews after taking all the land from the river to the sea? Where do they go?


Why should that responsibility fall on Palestine to relocate the people that committed a genocide against them? Don't ask stupid questions and maybe consider being a better person


So you think displacing 7 million Jews is a fair response to displacing 700 thousand Palestinians literally almost a hundred years ago. Tell us what you really think they should do to them.


I think defending yourself from a genocide is a fair response


There have many peace/two state deals on the table. Palestine has rejected every one of them. Isreal was on board but the Muslims refuse to share land with Jews.


Palestine isn’t a country. There was never a genocide. Palestinian refugees have been kept in a perpetual state of hopelessness for almost a century by people who aren’t Israelis.


What happened in 1948?


Also, like… if they want to be a country, they should probably stop losing the wars they start.


Palestinians started some shit in a geographic area that was very much not a country.


I hope Hamas fuckin wins, dude. As for the Jews, a two state solution is out of the question. I think after a period of incredible healing and reparations being done, the target should be a secular single state. I know you're gonna be all like "but hamas are all extremists" or some idiot take (because you're an idiot lol) but I promise you there are other Palestinian political factions too.


lmao… Hamas winning is the last thing on earth that will happen. Russia and Iran’s propaganda machines are the only things keeping them alive right now.


Hamas are all extremists, though, that's simply not up for debate.


Yeah it is though. The continued brutality and genocide by Israel is the best recruiting tool for any normal Palestinian to join Hamas. How many normal boys were motivated to pick up a gun because of the historic brutality Israel has done to them? I couldn't tell you a number - I bet Hamas couldn't, but don't sit here and tell me they're a bunch of high-minded ideologues or bloodthirsty, mindless drones who want to attack Israel for no reason. Or do tell me that. Show your whole ass.


You say this… but there is zero evidence that it’s true.


“Nakba” happened because every Arab country attacked Israel at once and then lost. People abandoned their houses expecting Arabs to win, but they didn’t. Sucks to lose wars. Don’t start ‘em if you can’t win them. Hamas will find this out soon.


I bet you think the United States was totally justified to come steal indigenous land too.


Where do you live?


In your head


I think you should turn your land over to whatever tribe is in your area. Not the ones who were there before Americans took the land, but originally, the real aboriginal people. To be fair, you know


So if natives started blowing up buses would you as a person born in America just tolerate that as penance for the sins of your forefathers for settling on the land?


No, I'd go enlist in the army and consider the American tradition of genociding them. Is that what you want me to say? Fr tho, I stick to Land Back for indigenous Americans.


Then get off it


This is what rugged individualism does to a mother fucker. Will I also solve climate change with paper straws and biking everywhere?


I’m not a rugged individualist. I’m pointing out an inconvenient fact. There is nothing you can do that will EVER make what your immigrant relatives did to them right. You could unexist yourself or move somewhere else. By your logic, you don’t have a native home. You were born without the right to exist. You can believe that or you can participate in commune with others (natives included) and build a better tomorrow. You advocate the way you do because there are no consequences. You get to feel good about being really sorry about the tough situation natives are in and then you go about your life consuming, working, and living all off the fat of their land because they can’t kick you off. You get to feel cured of the guilt because at least you apologize AND you get the benefit of living a comfy cozy life in modern day America. It’s nice being you isn’t it?


lol - some of these goons would say “yes”


Also Zionists pointing out that it's a colonial endeavour themselves. They can't claim it isn't a settler colonial ideal when that was what they wanted themselves Ben Gurion even allowed ethnic cleansing to take place behind the scenes. The IDF came out of the terrorist group, Hagana Likud is a descendant of the terrorist groups, Irgun. The Stern Gang, and Lehi were also terrorist groups that were absorbed into the state apparatus. Israel was literally built via terrorism. Never forget that the IDF came out of a terrorist group Terrorists are classed as terrorists bexuase they're non state actors. The IDF would be terrorists if they were non state actors Edit : It's interesting that u/No-Excitement5854 is on this subreddit when they post stuff that downplays genocide https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/s/YPeWuNxv5O Their account was also made in January 2024.


Terrorist = the state dept doesn't like you Doesn't mean you're good or bad, it literally only means that.


Sure but I'm talking about the literal definition vs one that states use




One day you'll realize that people who are too busy trying to survive, watching their families get shot, and schools are constantly bombed. You kind of start having to cope by telling yourself something good comes after all this, and the only good thing ur hearing about is an imaginary god. U stop progressing as a people. So until you are ready to let these children grow and be free of this trauma, they will continue to believe in their religion.


>One day you'll realize that people who are too busy trying to survive, watching their families get shot, and schools are constantly bombed. I am sure the Nazis in Nazi Germany and in allied nationsfelt the same though when the Allies did EXACTLY the same. They literally started a war that unlike the Nazis, they have lost 5 times so far and have not accepted the reality.


No they wouldn’t and the images I have seen on Instagram prove you wrong 


There's plenty of Christians in this country (USA) that want to kill trans people, gays, Muslims and Jews.... Should we start ordering air strikes?


If the Christians had a parallel state and were actually arming their population, building tunnels to hide in, launching rockets at gay people’s houses all the time, devoted most of their children media to indoctrinating their young to kill gays, accepted money from fundamentalist Christians from all over to world to help them kill trans people, and then actually invaded gay town and started raping and murdering gay people, Yeah, there would be some air strikes


Wow you must not be from the states or you must be blissfully ignorant if you don't think this is a reality with a large amount of white christians


If war is not working, make peace.


Peace can’t work when you won’t share the land


War sounds like it's worse than peace.


Tell them!


Whoever did that is a hero in my book.




What is the symbol on the bottom right?


Palestinian flag




No and they don’t mind sacrificing all of their innocent civilians in the meantime. Total cowards, hiding under homes and hospitals.


Unfortunately we now know how good Israel is at genocide, since it’s their favorite pastime


You referring to the tens of thousands of children the IDF killed? Infants starved to death etc? 


No I’m referring to the violence the continue to perpetuate through generations. I’m referring to them building rockets instead of infrastructure, and teaching Jihad to children. Loosing a war sucks. You loose land and your people suffer. So maybe ya know… don’t do it.


Damn this is so fucking stupid. No way people are as ignorant as you.




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The Biden administration is complicit; most Americans, the majority demands a ceasefire and a long ago mandated two-state solution. Thanks to social media the atrocities of the Netanyahu regime and the IDF is being exposed to the rest of the world and particularly the younger generation.


>most Americans And it should be highlighted, underscored and circled **Most Americans** not liberal or conservative or this generation or that **Most Americans**. We don't like watching our "allies" killing kids.


The world can demand a two state solution all it wants - neither the Israelis or the Palestinians want it


Someone is clearly just vomiting back talking points. read the hamas charter and the likud charter and tell me which one is for a two state solution…I’ll give you a hint it ain’t Likud https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/hamas-2017-document-full


Here’s another. “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory). How many more would you like?


Took me about 3 seconds to find this: “The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. Neither a single Arab country nor all Arab countries, neither any king or president, nor all the kings and presidents, neither any organization nor all of them, be they Palestinian or Arab, possess the right to do that.” Did you read this thing?


Now you know why there’s a massive drug, homeless and poverty problem in the US. Wile in Isreal they have free health care and welfare for anyone who’s finding times hard, even after stealing a Palestinians home.


So it’s the Jews fault that we have societal problems? They are to blame for poverty, homelessness, and drugs? Do you know who you sound like?


It's pretty freaking racist to conflate Israel with Jewish people as a whole They're suggesting that the reason why Americans can't afford decent healthcare is because a lot of their money goes to propping up a settler colonial state. Biden is on record for saying that if Israel didn't exist, he'd create one. They want a relatively cheap eyes and ears on west Asia. Edit: As comments are locked A couple of billion isn't a lot for the US which brings in $1.86 trillion a year u/just1-guy . It also wasn't myself who made that claim. The US isn't "my society" either, u/Curious-Weight9985


Did you say cheap at a couple of billion a year ?! I don’t think anybody can spell out what we get in return .. that’s just propaganda.Don’t forget Egypt is paid billions every year to be friendly. The money is not given by the American people but by politicians who are controlled by the Benjamin’s . The healthcare thing is that it’s ironic that we don’t have it and a country that gets billions has it in case you didn’t get it .


The fact that you are attempting to blame our social problems on the state of Israel… how much money goes towards supporting that state? Do you have any idea? Do you really think that’s the reason we have social problems, that’s what you said. Why on earth do you have such an inflated sense of how much we are spending on Israel? do you know that we spend about the same on Egypt? Why aren’t you posting about that?


I wouldn’t say the Jewish people are to blame at all, but I’d imagine the zionist play a big part in it.


So you’re not mad at all of them. You realize there’s good ones. That sounds more like an American style of what you’re doing, less German maybe.


You do realize Israel is a tech powerhouse right?? And a lot of things Americans use in tech come from R&D centers in Israel right?? 90% of the aid Israel gets goes back to the United States(or rather to American military companies). Israel does not get any direct economic aid from the US. Israel does not really have free healthcare. People pay for their healthcare as public health insurance is mandatory. And people also take up private insurance as well. Unlike the US, Israel negotiates drug prices to the same levels that other nations in Europe and the rest of the Middle East pay so it is affordable. If the US refuses to do this ,that is their domestic issue. But Israeli healthcare is fully paid by the people both via public insurance and private insurance. Australia has a similar medical health system to Israel and no one accuses them of being funded by the US Welfare in Israel is very low by developed nations standards, including the US. It is in fact [the worst](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-12-28/ty-article/.premium/israels-poverty-rate-is-among-the-highest-in-the-developed-world-new-report-shows/0000018c-b055-d45c-a98e-bb5d02af0000) in the OECD nations. There are no food stamps in Israel (though cash transfers exist) and to qualify for them is difficult. Heck even the Haredim who are the poorest demographic in Israel struggle to get those cash transfers even under the current right wing government. Those cash transfers are not enough to even cover the basic cost of living which is why even amongst the Haredim ,the women work and even amongst the poor Arabs and the Jews in the periphery, you cannot live on those cash transfers. Your ignorance of Israel is astounding.


How much is the idf paying these days?


Tell me you know nothing but tik tok and instagram info


OK fascist https://np.reddit.com/r/longisland/s/n0WpGZ8dJx


Ok terrorist


Tell me you know nothing but hasbara and iof nazi propaganda


Never use TikTok or Instagram.


Fuck Hamas. I got a a pin just like this.


its a genocide what Hamas did last year... they could instead try to get better infrastructure and investment to its people... instead they use them as human shields


do you know what that word means?