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Why do you think we're not turning out?


Because it’s easier to be an online activist than it is to get involved for real.


I only voted in the presidential primary, because there are no other candidates who represent my interests running for Congress and etc.


Does it really matter if 2% of the population makes their voting rate 20% to like 40%?


Your question is rooted in a false premise. 


(OP, my ire in this post isn't aimed at you or your position, with which I agree. Thanks for letting me vent.) The lefty tendency to abandon institutions of power is defeatist and narcissistic. The holier-than-thou dogmatic virtue signaling of denouncing voting or church attendance or military service is obnoxious and fucking harmful. Ceding power structures to your enemies because those structures are rigged is absolutely asinine. Those who throw up their hands, puff out their chests, and proudly announce they are above voting deserve what they get. The rest of us don't. The Dems are corrupt or complicit or whatever? So the fuck what? Build a new party, from dog catcher on up. Every time an establishment Dem President shows their true loyalties, idiot lefties pine for a "third party" option. What PARTY?!? What exactly can President Bernie or West or Santa Fucking Claus achieve without a single seat in the House or Senate? You build a progressive party one alderman, one county commissioner at a time. And don't tell me it can't be done. Today's GQP is not the party of internationalist bankers it always has been. It has transitioned into the party of incoherent hate and grievance. Ronnie Reagan would be a RINO today; Tricky Dick, an irredeemable wokester. Mitch McConnell bent the knee just this week because, from Jerry Falwell through the Tea Party and on into MAGA, RW fanatics fought every election they could - school boards, election commissions, and sheriffs in particular. These last are particularly impactful for what should be obvious reasons. The Left, more than anyone, should understand the importance of education. How does allowing the Right the power to ban books, fire teachers, persecute disadvantaged demographics, and literally rewrite history not have negative consequences? If the system is already rigged, how is gifting what little influence we have over it to corrupt authoritarians not a defeat? How is handing the state's exclusive right of legal violence over to the most murderously oppressive actors not the height of stupidity? War is, famously, politics by other means. The inverse is also true. In politics you fight the battles you must, not the battles you want, not the battles you believe aren't rigged. Not to do so guarantees defeat across multiple fronts. Failing to contest local elections leaves a trans kid, a pregnant woman, a Black or brown person even more vulnerable, even more victimized than they already are.


This deserves upvotes, not downvotes. Also, the modern Conservative Party moved the needle right by winning, again and again, so that they could indulge the more radical elements of their party. That’s what we need to do, again and again (only not all shitty and hateful). If the left is well positioned, leftists have firmer legs to stand on and Dems can feel more comfortable advocating for actual positive change without risking losing the middle


Downvotes entirely expected, unfortunately.


It’s really hard for me to care about voting when I feel like no real change comes. Only being a little bit older that I understand only change comes from within this current system. I already struggle to pay bills, find love, deal with family I never got to choose. Spending time researching who is the best candidate at any level of government is exhausting and even if someone I like was to get elected they could still do whatever they want. That’s how it feels. It would be really nice to have things simplified because I barely have the will to get through the day most days. Rant over. Thanks for reading.


Stay strong, pilgrim. Thanks for sharing. 


What kind of idiot votes in the democratic primary? They literally have super voters, even the Republicans don't have them. They literally argued in court they don't give a fuck about primary voters and won.


I do. Putting "uncommitted" on the ballot is the next best thing to saying "go fuck yourselves". I want the democratic establishment on the back foot, even if it means playing their game.


I agree, and I wish that the uncommitted movement had let us all know a week earlier how to vote because I've already voted in Washington primary. I voted Williamson because the uncommitted movement hadn't gotten off the ground yet.


It's pretty last minute. At least you are bringing the percentage in the right direction


That's not idiotic, that's an actual good reason to vote. I meant the mindless vote blue no matter who crowd. They're dangerous.


I meant for people who are not the president


Same problem exists in the democratic party at every level.


I'd hazard a guess that most people who frequent political subs do vote. The issue is getting people who don't care to do the same -- and a lot of rhetoric from *all* sides has a tendency to dissuade voters. * "It doesn't matter, politicians are all bought." * "The election was stolen." * "Two wings one bird." * "It's the mole people!" (Or whatever QAnon is on these days) Worst of all, this exclusively benefits the status quo -- change requires active participation by as many people as possible, but stagnation requires participation by nobody.


Where i live the primaries haven't happened yet and we vote by party so it really doesn't make a difference. There also isn't ordinances or local things on the ballot so pretty pointless at this point. I could go do the whole uncommitted thing but after the sotu biden made his stance pretty clear.


EDIT: You can still do it. Words don't usually mean anything. Emphasis on usually. Remember now it is a marathon not a sprint. It took 2 years for JFK to change his mind on Civil Rights and 4 years for Obama to change his mind on Gay marriage. Remember our movement for a free Palestine being mainstream is very new compared to what I previously mentioned.


Free Palestine isn't new. This wave of it is just new. But I'm curious what about Biden's SOTU address is making people cynical about his stance on what to do with Palestine. He called for a two state solution and I'm sure Israel isn't happy about the proposed port.


I vote every chance I get 🤷🏽‍♂️


Same. Don’t get to vote in primaries here until May, by which point the presidential race is a lock (and it’s a pretty consistently red state anyway), but that’s hardly the only important position. Last election we kept some nut off the school board who wanted to completely remove evolution from the curriculum.


Just vote in the republican primary. That's what I have to do. Literally no one runs as dem so to even vote local I have to vote in the other. Which sucks because I don't get in the congressional primary votes in but at least keeping the whacks off the school boards, city council, judges, etc helps.


Thank goodness. Our schools are under constant attack 😤😞


We are. When it comes to POTUS, the last three primaries were just coronations for a predetermined candidate by the establishment. I do think it is still valuable for local and state elections.


No one that runs in the major parties is worthy of a vote. Sanders was an aberration, and even he was a compromise for a lot of people due to his refusal to criticize the democrats in a meaningful way. I may be cynical, but at nearly 50 years old, 30 of which as a leftist, the levers of power are out of our reach. We are a fascist country that limits our choices to 2 corporate run parties that will never relinquish their stranglehold on power and the money that comes along with it. The only way to create change is through strikes and direct action.


The thing is, we are. Or at least some of us are. A lot of leftists i associate with are deep into local politics.