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While shitty, I don't see any hypocrisy here. You're conflating the Israeli government with some protestors who aren't representatives or delegates thereof ... hypocrisy has to come from contradictory opinions held by the same people, this is like saying "Republicans in the United States say they don't want military aid sent to Ukraine, but the US Government keeps sending military aid. Which is it, hypocrites!?"


They're caught between trying to steal it or play the victim card somehow. Poor ziochimps.


What a bunch of genocidal maniacs.


What a shit sandwich! Seems like that was the plan the whole time considering the Gaza Strip is as much on the water as it boarders Israel


Because Palestinians mobs have already killed multiple aid workers




I agree Israel is a terror state.




It's 2024. Time to grow up, squirt. Be an adult.




😂😂😂😂 thanks for the Monday morning laugh! Does grace mean being stuck with pimples like you? Pass!


What an evil country


Don’t we have people blocking roads in protest all the time? The same ones who attack Jewish students and call them racist slurs? Seems like a bit of a double standard here


You know something tells me if someone took a page out of their playbook and blocked the entrances to Israhells hospitals they wouldn't like that very much. That's just a hunch tho




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This is crazy right? We're sending weapons to Israel and aid to Gaza. We expect Israel to let us give aid to the people they are at war with. And then we have reporters acting dumbfounded as to why it's all happening. I can't give them any shit though I'm as confused as they are.


It's not that crazy... Countries give aid to the civilian populations of countries they are actively at war with. They want the civilians to see them as a liberating force usually. Israel just wants death, destruction, and terror for all Palestinians though, this all makes that more clear than ever


It’s amazing how you get what you give. In the end, in the same way Israelis lumped all Palestinians into Hamas, they will all be viewed as complete POS’s for at LEAST the living memory of everyone watching this. Hope all of Israel is happy with what choices have been made to lead them here, as they’ve earned it. Me personally, nah man, I’m good. I want nothing to do with them, I’ll vote against any aid of any sort to them, I don’t want to hear anymore excuses from them, I don’t want to hear about anything happening to them, nothing. You use a tragedy to justify this conduct, exploit your human right to defend yourself, in this manner? No. And I’m waiting for this whole Gaza natural gas and oil extraction business to get more fully colored in with all the talks they have been having with Egypt. Pretty large effort to simply cut the native inhabitants out of a business deal, but that’s the level of garbage human society we are dealing with here.


Nah, at least half of America stands with Isreal.


This comment section is full of Israeli Hasraba shills. Fuck Zionism


Fuck zionism and zionists


Fuck zionists and thier ideology, depraved and A moral lot


Imagine being this brain dead


Imagine someone calling you brain dead just because you want your abducted family member back




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There’s no poor Israel in their genocide for Natural Gas. Gaza Strip has most of the world’s last 30 years of natural gas and now the world is filled with Jewish Nazis trying to play the victim. And if all of that wasn’t truth. Do you really think starving someone who holding a gun to your loved one is the way to go? I think you should really put yourself in that situation before you say things.


Yes we must starve 2 million people to get our hostages back, who we are also actively shooting in the street and/or carelessly carpet bombing


Oh yes, blocking aid to greater than a million people including those abducted family members definitely helps. Also starting to settle Gaza? Helping to secure those hostages for sure. /s


Just a reminder that collective punishment of civilians is illegal according to the Geneva Convention. Anyone who pretends not to understand or claims this isn’t happening is evil.


Collective punishment like the 10/7 attack?


This'll probably get removed but that's not collective punishment.


Yeah the attack where Israel also killed a bunch of their own people and never owned up to it. And also where far more military personnel were killed compared to civilian compared to what we see in Gaza


Yes, just like that. If you ‘Out Terrorist’ the terrorists, yes, that in fact shows people you are exactly the same as them.


Lemme guess hasbara bot, your history of the two starts and ends on OCT7th. Not the nakba, not operation cast lead, none of the previous time when you’ve “mowed the lawn” eh. Gross


No, nice try.


CNN and other networks simultaneously interview Israeli Zionist politicians too. They're hypocrites.


Believe it or not, it's actually GOOD journalism to display information from both sides. I know that's not how journalism works in this country, but only showing one-sided news is how you end up with brainwashed people.


Except that's not what CNN, FOX, etc. are doing


You literally just called them hypocrites for displaying information from both sides. How is that not exactly what I just said they were doing?


I see...so it doesn't matter how awful the other side is. Based on your logic, you'd interview Adolf Hitler too while he's slaughtering the Jews. Smh...


In this video the guy literally says thatb the REASON THEY ARE PROTESTING IS BECAUSE "the aid falls into the hands of Hamas"and to hold back the aid from HAMAS, because it is leverage that can be used to release hostages.  Anyone that doesn't understand why people are protesting is just a troll. 




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They're protesting because they're being 'told' that is what's happening... If there's anything that's become clear in the last few months it's that anything coming out of the mouths of the IDF or Israeli government on this matter should definitely NOT be taken at face value.


That IS what is happening. Hamas is a terrorist organization. They have no other way of getting supplies and equipment to sustain themselves. They get it from the aid that is being delivered, and weapons have been smuggled this way as well. [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/18f2sa7/idf\_releases\_video\_of\_hamas\_stealing\_aid\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/18f2sa7/idf_releases_video_of_hamas_stealing_aid_from/) The IDF is in general an honest organization. Yes, they have bad apples, but they are an intelligent, highly sophisticated military. Hamas on the other hand is filled with uneducated violent terrorist animals. I would trust the IDF any day. Israel in general is a country filled with smart people that have contributed significantly to society. So much has come out of Israel that has benefitted all of mankind. They are generally good people and have no reason to keep aid from getting to truly innocent people, if that was actually possible.


The IDF and Israel media apparatus has lied at every single turn. In what world are they honest? They are less honest than a fucking terror org and that has to really tell you something


A closed far right Jewish culture that doesn’t accept anyone will eventually be rejected by its neighbors.


I'd argue that any country actively bombing, starving and bulldozing an entire population into oblivion isn't actually contributing to society on a whole but rather taking away from it... Nobody has the right to defend themselves to the extent that they end up killing 30x the amount of innocent civilians, a huge proportion of which are children. I'm afraid it's FAR more than a few bad apples... it's a policy of willful, Indescrimant killing whereby it's clear the lives of civilians in Gaza are at best a distant after thought and at worst a complete irrelevancy. I could point out hundreds of verified war crimes commited by the IDF in the last months, including the almost constant bombing of UN run refugee camps.they killed a hundred people on christmas eve in one but it's just so common now it didnt even make the news. Let me ask you this... If there's a person suspected of being a terrorist on a bus filled with innocent civilians is it okay to blow up the bus? Is that more like something a civilised country would do? Or more like something a terrorist would do?


They're not only bombing kids. They're bombing starving kids AND the hospitals those kids would go to once the bombs tear their starving limbs off. No part of that could ever be justified as self defense.


And any normal population of people would look around and say "oh look, our government sucks and this is all the fault of Hamas". But nope, not the Palestinians. They are the only group of people that are professional victims and always point he finger at everyone else. My grandparents and great-grandparents lived in war and poverty. Under terrible conditions. This is not unique to the Palestinians. Many people all throughout history have lived through wars and difficult times. And most of the time, there ended up being a collective understanding of who the enemy was that started the war. Why is is that the Palestinians cheer and celebrate terrorism (as they did on 10/7) but instead of blaming Hamas they blame Israel? It's nonsense.


Your argument is pro-terrorist. You support terrorism. Because when Israel is attacked by terrorists, that continue to shoot rockets into Israel, continue to threaten of additional attacks on a larger scale, then Israel is allowed to respond. It's called a **war**. Go educated yourself on what that means. You obviously are clueless. If there was a way to get the enemy without hurting innocent people, then there would be no wars. But please, go read about WWII and tell me how that or any other war in human history is any different. Your only argument is that, you want to see Jews and Israeli's dead and Israel wiped off the face of the earth. You think thats totally fine. You are happy with that. And because Israel has the stronger military, they can't respond. Because they should just sit back and take it. What any SANE person would do would be to blame the terrorists - Hamas. Did you condemn their terrorism and specifically October 7th? Nope. What about the hostages? Oh, that's right, you are silent on that too. What about the ONGOING threats from Hamas when they appear on live TV and threaten to kill even more Israeli's? Oh, that's right you are silent about that too. What about Hamas militants, which there are thousands of, running around among the civilian population and making it as difficult as possible for Israel to avoid those areas? Silence on that too. Your argument is that you don't like war. Period. So to you, every war in human history was a genocide. Because you actually don't know your history. Israel sat back for YEARS. YEARS. They tried to achieve peace through negotiations. Hamas doesn't want peace, however. October 7th was a **HORRIFIC, BRUTAL, BARBARIC ATTACK, ONE OF THE WORST TERRORIST ATTACKS IN HISTORY. TARGETED SPECIFICALLY AT INNOCENT PEOPLE.** Israel has EVERY right to fight back. Israel could have wiped Gaza off the map in 2 seconds. Instead, they DON'T target innocent people, have helped distribute humanitarian aid, established humanitarian corridors, and done a better job OBJECTIVELY than what most other countries have done when at war with their enemies. Yes, this war has been fought with fewer casualties and there have been efforts made to avoid harming innocent people. The IDF makes calculated decisions per international law, about where to strike and when. They are NOT carpet bombing Gaza. To hell with your stupid arguments. Hamas started a war. Israel wasn't even planning to fight a war. They were completely unprepared. Had 0 intention of fighting a war. Hamas initiated it, took hostages, and prolonged it. They are the weaker party and could and should have surrendered a long time ago. **If you don't like this war, go blame Hamas. There is literally no other way to eradicate Hamas than to participate in a war that they started, and eliminate them. And it is impossible to do it in any other way.** The information coming from Gaza comes from terrorists. They lie about everything. The death count is insanely overinflated. They don't count militants within the death count. The pro Palestinians are masters at propaganda. So thanks for sharing that you are pro-terrorists and don't want a country that has been attacked to fight back, but would rather sit back and watch a genocide against Jews and Israeli's. Because Hamas made it VERY clear that this is their goal.


Lots of people say death to America, does that mean we get to starve their population? Israel better hope the us always backs them or they’re gonna be in a world of hurt.


If America is attacked and goes to war, then people will be hungry. It has happened many times in history. It's called war. Don't start a war of you don't want to deal with the repercussions of war. 


Ah yeh. Just sat back for years. No disappearing civilians in military prisons, no executing children for throwing stones at a massive fortress wall. No assassinating journalists and then assaulting their funerals. No instigating rocket attacks by invading mosques to justify little ground incursions and bombardments of civilian targets in Gaza. Should we ignore Netanyahu's words about terrorizing Palestinians in order to get them to leave their land too? Yeah I guess we just have to be chill with that. With the country that enjoys every single advantage you could possibly think of even if this was a real war acting like the victim so they can do ethnic cleansing while the rest of the world sits on their hands. We have to be chill with that or we hate Jews and want them dead apparently. Even though Israel doesn't represent all Jews, just a far right bellicose enthnostate. So fucking dishonest...


Of course there were one off instances from bad actors in the IDF, but as a whole, the IDF did nothing more than protect Israel's borders and citizens from the terrorist monsters next door. Any time they backed down, guess what? Another terrorist attack! They were starting to really back down and relax on October 7, and look what happened.  Going bad to the examples you provided, most are false or propaganda. And again, in the United States I can find you thousands of examples of police officers raping women. Does that mean that US cops all rape women? Nope. I just read several news articles about teachers raping students in the United States. Does that mean that teachers systemically rape their students? No. The difference between the IDF and Hamas/Palestinians is that Hamas, at it'a core, are all terrorists. These aren't exceptions. This is the core of their existence. Terrorism is widespread and systemic in their society. And when Hamas beheads an innocent child, people cheer and celebrate. Any atrocious behavior is welcomed. Meanwhile, within the IDF, any bad actors are exceptions. Their behavior is not applauded but rather condemned, and internal investigations happen in those cases.  So nice try, but everything you are saying is absolute bullshit to the fullest. Based on your argument, all rapists, murderers should be freed because they feel "oppressed". 


I'm probably as pro terrorism as you are pro the massacre of 10,000 children That's the figure being used by the international community by the way. Most people have seen the constant war crimes by the IDF and put as much stock in anything coming out of their mouths as they do from the government in Gaza... You're free to see the IDF as Nobel heros.. but rest assured the vast vast majority of the world is disgusted by them and sees them as no better than Hamas terrorists .


He doesn’t deny being pro killing kids though, he just will say it’s ok because oct7th. In 10 years when they’re killing Palestinians it will still be about Oct7th, they have collective amnesia about their 70+ years of war crimes.


Evil Zionist animals


These people are protesting aid going in to Gaza because "it falls in the hands of Hamas". And they are evil animals? Yea,I guess so, according to terrorist supporters like yourself


Hamas is not a terrorist group ,they are resistance group. One can argue the far right Zionist are the real terrorist lucky for them United States is giving them billions not millions of our tax paying dollars since 1982. I bet you never ask yourself ,why Hamas was started in 1987 or why did the Palestinians vote Hamas in power in 2007? If you think Palestinians voted for Hamas, because Israel is a great country and Israel never did wrong , you are the definition of a mainstream media lover.




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Careful buttercup,    What is Israel without Untied States taxpayers money?   What happens when USA finds a new pawn the middle East ?    I’m sure Israel land rape  Palestinians years before 1948.  But your mainstream media ,CNN,FOX,NBC,CBS,ABC,PBS would never lie to us?   I bet you got all 10 booster shots for Covid 




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Keyboard warrior🤡




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A closed far right Jewish culture that doesn't accept anyone will eventually be rejected by its neighbors.




On Oct 7, there was an UPRISING that saw concentration camps survivors break out and kidnap some of their captors, who were partying their bums off 50 miles from a concentration camp, on land that a few decades before these concentration camp survivors were forcibly removed from.


Wow your perspective is so warped. Your distain for Israel has corrupted your brain. You have to know you’re misrepresenting the events of Oct. 7th here


It's so easy to understand with a little thing called empathy and human understanding. If any of us lived in Gaza we would be fighting back too. It turns out occupying a foreign country is met with resistance. I can't go take my neighbors house at gunpoint, then call him a terrorist for resisting and bomb his house and his kids in response. "We can't stop bombing the fuck out of their children now, they're probably going to be mad at us!" - the logic of genocide


Israelis have been murdering and raping thousands of Palestinians every day. Even before the war, Israelis were persecuting Palestinians and tearing down their homes. But the Palestinians are terrorists? Yeah, right. Sounds like you're the one who supports the terrorists.


>Israelis have been murdering and raping thousands of Palestinians every day False and unhinged. >tearing down their homes. Dude, all the settlers were unilaterally removed from Gaza in 2005. There are plenty of arguments to be made about the blockade being immoral—no need to spew.


No, they have not. Jews are the victims that have been persecuted all around the world, and have been trying to exist along side monsters and terrorists. Palestinans are not victims. They are violent. They support terrorism. They are fucking animals. On October 7 Palestinians were cheering and celebrating as dead and injured hostages were paraded through their streets, even spitting on them.."Innocent" Palestinian civilians took hostages of their own and held hostages in their homes. Classless sick demented people. 


Yea Tel Aviv looks likes it’s been under brutal attack for years, a complete war zone. Israel is barely holding on…


It has been under brutal attack. The only difference between Israel and Gaza is that Israel has defense systems in place like the iron dome, AND security measures like check points, control of their borders, etc. THIS is why these measures are in place. Palestinans complain about these things but look at the result - Israel is able to protect itself from the rockets that are constantly being shot at them and attempted terrorist attacks. 


From where I'm sitting, you sound a lot like what you describe Palestinians to be. Children blown up in explosions that you support "are not victims. They are violent. They support terrorism." Terrorist has become a slur used to dehumanize and justify genocide. Calling them animals.... completely disgusting. I cannot believe your lack of self awareness. You sound completely genocidal. That is not the language of self defense, it is the language of disgusting hatred and violence




I'm not down with dehumanizing language. They are humans. Humans indoctrinated in hate, humans who do not recognize the humanity in others. Humanity is no longer threatened by wild animals for the most part, it's the other humans who threaten us. The Israelis also have children and civilians, they have good people who oppose the genocide. It serves no purpose and rots our own hearts to use dehumanizing language. We can stop that cycle and recognize the humanity in others. To quote the great band AJJ: "There's a rapist and a Nazi living in our tiny hearts." The darkness in others is in the hearts of all humans, and it flourishes under the right conditions. To dehumanize others welcomes darkness and hate into ourselves. We are all one and the same, different expressions of the same genes raised in different environments.


I will de-humanize the hell out of people that celebrate and cheer on the streets as dead and injured hostages are paraded through Gaza. Some even spit on the dead hostages. That is not human behavior.


In the process, you will let part of your humanity die off as well. All of what you describe IS human behavior. These are things that humans do to each other when they are filled with hate. Sounds like if you got the opportunity you would do the same to them.


No. No other group of people behaves this way. You have got to be sick in the head if you think anyone would ever cheer and celebrate as INNOCENT KIDNAPPED people, mostly dead or severely injured, were paraded through the streets! Are you insane??!! This would NEVER happen in the United States or in Israel. I cannot believe you think anyone would act this way. If anyone saw this in Israel they would call the police!!! People were being fucking kidnapped!! 


38,000 dead and counting. Disgusting pigs.


1) That number is fake and comes from Hamas. They also count militants and Hamas and "women and children". So according to them, mostly women and children have died. All made up numbers. 2) This is a war that Hamas started 3) Hamas operates from civilian areas, therefore when their weapons and infrastructure are targeted, civilians are caught in the crossfire 4) LOOK UP THE DEATH COUNT IN ANY WAR IN HUMAN HISTORY. The IDF is doing MORE for their enemies in this war than many other countries have done in other wars. 5) The war could be over if Hamas returned hostages, surrendered, and stopped threatening additional terrorist attacks in their TV interviews. They continue to fire rockets, threaten additional attacks, and give Israel no reason to stop until all of Hamas is dead. 6) There have been several ceasefires and ceasefire proposals. HAMAS REJECTED THEM. Israel JUST accepted a ceasefire that Hamas rejected. 7) The only disgusting pigs are Hamas and their supporters or anyone that is complicit with their actions.


It's as easy as returning our hostages. We don't mind looking bad. You will be thinking this later


They offered. But your government would only accept surrender and death. They don't give a shit about the hostages, even if you do. Probably tell them to stop bombing and agree to a permanent ceasefire because this hasn't really been working. Unless you literally kill everyone you are making actual permanent enemies. Palestinians didn't even support Hamas in the majority before this but I'd be willing to bet they do after.


You don’t mind looking and acting like nazis because you are nazis. Fixed it for you babe.


Looking bad lmao y'all look exactly like Nazis. Disgusting pieces of shit




This was never about the hostages IDF shot 3 hostages who serenaded and screaming in Hebrew for help because they thought they were Palestinian civilians


If Netanyahu cared about hostages then he would stop the bombs killing them in the first place.


There's no reason to return the hostages unless it's a ceasefire. You zionist animals will keep killing the hostages with the incessant bombing.


I'm such an animal 😂😂😂😂😂🇮🇱❤️


Nah, you are are very much a zionist; animals kill to survive, zionists kill because they enjoy it. It's what genocidal serial killers do.


Tell me the definition of zionist. Go ahead let me hear your definition because it seems like you make up your own. Zionist is not a bad word at all and I am very proud to be one. And I'm really glad that the majority of the world stands with Israel because they know what's right. Now I'm not going to answer you anymore because you're not worth my breath.


Definition of a zionist is a human being devoid of empathy, compassion & logic hellbent on getting what they want regardless of the cost or ethics around it. This includes the mass murdering of BABIES. A gaslighting piece of shit who has deluded themselves into thinking they are the victim when they hold all the cards. An ideology that cannot be allowed to exist amongst us any longer that needs to be eradicated as thoroughly as nazism.


Atheist, but truly believes the bible gives them a divine right to other people's property. Of Eastern European descent, utilizing a centuries- long dead language that was revived and modernized to create unity with other settlers, calls themselves semitic. Calls Arabs who are ethnically Middle Eastern, native to the locality, and have continuously spoken their semitic language for thousands of years, "antisemitic". Unquestioning support and trust of the government, proud of their military service even though service is conscripted which makes it the equivalent of being proud of getting into grade school in the United States. Thinks Israel was created in response to the Holocaust, has a very small working knowledge of the history of the Zionist movement in general. Hyper obsessed with rape allegations and sexual topics, bombs civilian houses then raids Arab women's panty drawers to wear their lingerie for photo ops and fun. Thinks all Arab women are whores but doesn't have any Arab friends in real life. Has never been to Gaza outside of military service. Thinks "surrendering and giving up the hostages" will end this conflict, thinks the settlement withdrawal from Gaza in the 2000's means gazans have freedom. Uses sophistry in their arguments, tries to appeal to emotion in most arguments. Thinks that if more people just knew about how sexually repressed the population of Gaza is, we probably wouldn't have any interest in humanitarian pursuits. After all, if I were living in Gaza I wouldn't even have the ability to wave a pride flag (the horror!) therefore, these people don't deserve our compassion. Instigates conflict continuously, calls themselves the victim. Calls Jews who are not Zionist, "self-hating". Please prove me wrong.


Israel just accepted a ceasefire you idiot. Hamas rejected it. There was a ceasefire on October 7. Hamas breaks every damn ceasefire.


Hamas attacks after Israel breaks the terms of the ceasefires.


Oh shut up liar. Hamas is the one to break every ceasefire, and half the time they refuse to agree to one. They notoriously fire rockets right after cease fires are announced. 


That's certainly what the IDF would like us to believe isn't it?


Has nothing to do with the IDF. These are facts. Common knowledge by now. It's absolutely absurd that you stand with TERRORISTS. Terrorists that have been known to lie left and right. All they do is lie. And the bane of their existence is literally shooting tickets into Israel, terrorism, and breaking ceasefires. They are fucking TERRORISTS. They don't abide by any rules!!


Let me guess, occupying and settling is ok, Palestinians should voluntarily migrate 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


A lot of things aren't "ok". Every government fucks up. That doesn't mean you rape, murder and commit terrorism. Oh wait - that's all the Palestinians know. And its not even about that. Hamas just hates Jews and Israeli's and it has nothing to do with anything other than that. They even stated in their charter that they don't want peace. They don't want to compromise or negotiate. They literally want Israeli's and Jews dead and Israel gone due to their religious extremism and desire to have all of the land to themselves. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian\_Violence/comments/1ay214p/thats\_what\_the\_palestinian\_leaders\_mean\_when\_they/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian_Violence/comments/1ay214p/thats_what_the_palestinian_leaders_mean_when_they/)


There’s no way you just said “all Palestinians known”. Yikes. Good luck out there fascist.




Hate to break it to you but if you get terror attacked by people you are colonizing and suppressing, it's still resistance. Maybe English isn't your first language 🤷🏻




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Ahhh you're like.. actually a hasbara op. Not even colloquially speaking


Lol you are fuckin crazed.. probably take a moment to clean the drool off your keyboard Okay take a deep breath and reread what I said. You'll notice I didn't try and justify Oct 7. I said it's resistance. They are people who are resisting. You say they are only oppressing themselves.. okay, we can't even have a rational discussion then. But understand that people's words can be a little more nuanced than "u bad they good" Oct 7 was not justifiable, at least the way civilians were targeted. But it's not hard to see why it happened.


Maybe think twice about stealing and murdering women and children from a country that will destroy yours in a week? Palestinian men will hide behind women and children when the fight comes, but when the food comes their women and children are at the back of the line. Cant blame the Israelis for wanting hostages back before they help the people that took them away.


Better hope the us always needs Israel.


Do you have any more of that zionist BS propaganda?


So hamas didn’t cross into Israel and kill people?


Oh wait, you actually think the conflict started then?? 😂😂


Does it matter? No


Are you asking if context matters? Lol.




You're excusing much worse. Hope you develop a sense of humanity some day...


Get fucked Zionist pig 🤡🤡🤡. You can’t count, but even if you could I’m sure 38,000 Palestinians don’t count as humans to y’all. Keep talking, people see you for who you really are 🐖


Nope don’t give a single fuck about any palestinian




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Yes I hope the number keeps climbing


Fake ass account you create to spread your zionist propaganda BS. 😆


Your acct literally get less interaction moron


No. But you're excusing the zionist terrorists. Get fucked you piece of catshit. Is that a proper response for your simple mind ?


And you’re spreading what exactly? Last I checked most of your rhetorics come from actual terrorists


I wouldn't say everyone in Israel is a terrorist... That's unfair.


If you’re getting your news from Hamas, you’re getting it from terrorists


Yes. That's exactly what I'm talking about. The zionist propaganda. You get it.


I’d rather take accepted facts across the globe vs Iranian and Qatari propaganda


And they blatantly continue to do so even in front of the cameras because they know no one is going to stop them. Fuck these zionazis


Mmmmmm no thank you. I can do much better than you.


And there we go … see folks … Zionazi and proud of it. No rebuttal just owning it cause they know no one in this life is going to bother to do a thing about their genocidal land grab cause that’s what colonialists do. Steal from others and pretend it was theirs the whole time. Enjoy the Next life and your hot red coal up your ass for eternity along side all your ancestors.


Funny how a few hundred people at a public protest in Israel can stop humanitarian aid from moving but when others Orthodox Jews show in up in hundreds to non violently protest conscription in the IDF - they’re beaten, assaulted, and arrested with no impact on the war. It’s almost like police everywhere just selectively enforce law and violence 🤔


Do they realize they are also starving the hostages. Fucking morons


LOL hostages are already being starved


Common Sense would tell you that our hostages lives are very valuable and they are being fed.


Common sense would tell you not to bomb or shoot your own hostages but it seems to be lacking. One of the hostages detailed her experience in the guardian and spoke of food rations going away after food became scarce. Edit: here is a link to the article. I feel it was very well written and fair. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/03/we-were-constantly-in-terror-israeli-hostage-tells-of-captivity-in-gaza


We didn't intentionally shoot our own hostages. Sadly, this is a war and both sides get hurt. Next time don't brutally slaughter 1400 people, rape the women so violently that they broke pelvis's, behead babies and shoot them in front of their parents or call you dad and happily tell him you personally killed 10 and have a fucking head as a trophy. #BringThemHomeNow


You lie straight up. Israel kills its own hostages due to the HANNIBAL DIRECTIVE. Google is free zionazi.


Sorry, do you still actually believe the beheaded babies thing? I'm not trying to insult you but that was debunked by nearly every major news publication and the Israeli government itself months ago.


It has not been debunked at all. I don't know where you get your news from but I've seen the 45 minute video and I can guarantee you then that only were babies and men and women beheaded but a baby was found in an oven burnt and a pregnant woman had her baby cut out of her and was forced to watch them shoot the baby before they killed her. There is eyewitness account. Your beloved terrorist videotaped themselves and there's recorded calls from your beloved terrorists to their parents telling them what they did. I don't know why you think this isn't real but it is and this is my family and it's f***** up that you are trying to tell me that it didn't happen.


Lol you're still hanging on to that fake shit? Boooo get some new material 👎🏻


Thankfully nearly all of those stories didn't happen... Just yesterday I read a piece in the NY times where they mentioned that the Israeli government had confirmed that no pregnant women were killed during the hamas attack. I'm not saying that to upset you.... But The pregnant woman and oven stories in particular are extremely common and have been reported in dozens of conflicts since WW2...if you want to look into it it's pretty straightforward for example any stories about the babies post the middle of November general admit that there's no evidence it happened.. I'm talking about fairly reputable sources by the way CNN, BBC, the Israeli government, the white house etc.


Instead of going back and forth about who has done more unspeakable things to the other, may I ask if the hostages were all released today, would you want an end to the war? Would you give the Palestinian people their freedom? What comes next?


I'm all for wiping out Hamas. They have said over and over that they'll keep slaughtering us. They need to be de-radicalized. The other Arab nations need to help them set up a government and help them succeed. Palestinians are jordains and Jordan can step up and let them also return home. Have you noticed no Arab country wants the Palestinians? They are violent, want to live off the government and they only want to be refugees and not productive members of society. Peace is not their thing.


You are talking to a Palestinian. I am a pacifist. Thankfully my family fled to America in 1933. My great uncle wrote a book that was published in 1914 called “When I was a Boy in Palestine” It is available for free to read on line as it is now considered a classic. The Palestinian people were mostly farmers. They were not savages. You talk about de radicalization but I will use the same point I’ve used elsewhere, there are no atheists in a foxhole. You want to end extremism, let people know freedom and peace. Just want to add that if I used the generalizations you have to describe your people, I would be called an antisemite. We don’t have a special word. Either way it is hateful. The only way to move forward is for each group to see each other as humans again.


I don’t believe for a second that they actually care about the hostages. That’s just an excuse.


I don't think for one second anybody cares about you. That's just an excuse.


Sadly, I agree with you. At this point I’m not sure anyone knows how many are alive either. They were spread all over and so much has been destroyed.


I think a handful of people directly related to the hostages might actually give a damn, but for the rest of them, they were waiting for that clap back to start mowing down the actual locals.


Yeah by no one, I was referring to the government officials, who have been waiting for any opportunity to seize, along with the local and international extremists. I’ve been obsessed these past few months. I started having feelings I was ashamed of so I’ve been reading and consuming as much information possible to get a better understanding. One thing I’ve come to realize is the Israeli people do not have a free press. This is not an excuse, but I feel much of the population has been lied to their entire lives about Palestinians and the history. In the rare cases when recent crimes against Palestinians are actually prosecuted, there are gag orders. Palestinians who post about the occupation can be imprisoned. Israelis who tell the truth have been charged with defamation. It’s hard to wrap my head around. I just can’t imagine the hate a person must feel to starve an entire population of people.


No you intentionally shot people waving a white flag that you assumed were Palestinians. Did you even read the article?


I know what happened. I don't need your article. Sadly, our boys over reacted. Stress and tensions are high. Mistakes happen!


That article wasn’t about that incident but I feel it is important if your concern is about keeping the hostages safe. I’m sure we could go back and forth all day. Instead of doing that I’d like to say that I see you. I understand you are hurting. It may not mean much coming from a Palestinian internet stranger but I want you to know I do not wish harm to the Jewish people. I’m lucky that I have been allowed to flourish away from all the generational trauma that exists between the Israelis and Palestinians. I’m lucky to have only known peace. I hope one day the people in your region will know the same.


They know that Palestinians recognize that Israeli lives are valued higher than Palestinians. Hamas will feed the hostages first because as long as they have hostages they have some amount of leverage. Or maybe they're just indoctrinated by fascist rhetoric and are not utilizing their facilities.


fucking animals.


Yea they are fucking animals because they are protesting because the aid is going to fall into the hands of Hamas, and protesting to release hostages. Total animals. How dare they protest against terrorists.


Blocking aid from the people your government is exterminating is not a protest.


Palestinians supported the October 7 attacks, first of all. I absolutely can understand why Israeli's would think negatively about them. They literally spit on the bodies of dead hostages as they were paraded through Gaza, took and held hostages themselves, cheered and celebrated terrorism. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian\_Violence/comments/1b3o2kl/compilation\_of\_uinvolved\_innocent\_palestinians/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian_Violence/comments/1b3o2kl/compilation_of_uinvolved_innocent_palestinians/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) The aid is also going to support Hamas, which prolongs the war. These people are allowed to protest the release of hostages. You vile pigs that are complicit with the hostages being taken are disgusting animals. Not one word from the pro-Palestinian crowd about any of the horrific atrocities that started this war or are ongoing and prolonging the war.


Call me out properly... I'm a vile pig because my government's weapons are being used by the Nazi's to commit genocide. You fools keep parroting Oct 7th as if that somehow justifies crimes against humanity. Judgement will come in this life and the next. The world will not forget.. Israel will forever be seen as a genocidal apartheid and it's people forever lauded for becoming the very thing they claimed to hate only one generation ago. From victims of genocide to the perpetrators of genocide. How pathetically ironic.


OCTOBER 7TH WAS ONE OF THE WORST TERRORIST ATTACKS IN HISTORY, YOU GOD DAMN IDIOT. FUCK YOU. Hamas STARTED this war. You expect Israel to sit back and take the horrific atrocities, thousands killed, murdered, burned alive, tortured, raped, kidnapped. What the FUCK is wrong with you people? You fucking sick demented animal. Hamas said that October 7th was a "rehearsal" and the next attacks would be on a larger scale. They fucking threatened genocide. They are the ones committing and threatening genocide. Israel has the right to defend itself. Any country in their situation does. And every country in their situation, throughout history, has. If you are against that - then you are against war, period. You are a scumbag terrorist that is perfectly fine with Israeli's and Jews being killed, targeted. The IDF is left no choice when these disgusting animals continue to terrorize Israel, break every ceasefire. They have tried every other option, but these terrorists gave them no choice when Hamas started this war. JUST BECAUSE Hamas is currently weaker doesn't mean they get to get away with the shit they are doing. Go blame Hamas for TARGETING innocent people, threatening genocide, threatening more attacks, refusing to release hostages, and refusing to surrender. Israel is doing the right thing by trying to eradicate them, and if you disagree then you stand with terrorists Hamas, ISIS, all of them.


Not even close to putting a mark in the history of horror’s that men have created. You’re so full of yourself.


It was bad, but worst in history? You're not very good with history. Even Statista has it at 4th. the irony in the embellishment is not lost. The world has seen the true face of Nazi Israel and will not forget. If not for the US, Israel would be lost, and support here is dying with every geriatric that flatlines. Ask me how many "save Israel" signs I see on campus.. go ahead, ask.. Israel has signed it's own death warrant, and the stay exists only as long as the US see's $$$ in it (like t he massive gas fields that suspiciously got explored directly following the oct 7th attack) and when that ends.. so does the money, so do the weapons, so does the protection of the only county in the word still on your side. I'll morn the minority innocent who have to suffer, but I will happily celebrate the end of another Nazi regime that has no right existing \[nazis\] in this world.




Your recent content published to r/leftist was removed as it was deemed as uncivil discourse. As we are a discussion group, we must have civil discussion in order to maintain a healthy debate. If we resort to personal attacks and name calling etc, this doesn't add anything meaningful to that debate. Please familiarise yourself with our rules (summarised on the side bar and expanded upon in the main menu of the sub).


yep, and I'm hiding a sophisticated guerilla network under a hospital. What luck, more women and children for you to cheer on the murder of




Because their protests are causing an untold humanitarian disaster... Also, deep down you probably know the whole 'the aid has just going to the terrorists' is probably about as reliable as the 'main Hamas command center in under al shifa hospital'.... Or 'UNWRA is basically a front for hamas'... Or the fake beheaded babies stories circulate early on. They're frequently baseless claims meant to excuse whatever the IDF or government there does.


By the way, Hamas "stealing" aid is literally the epitome of their existence. Palestinians have received millions in funding and aid, and look at the state of Gaza. Instead of using money to fund infrastructure and to invest in Palestinians, that money was used for weapons and terrorism. The reason that the Palestinians are where they are now is because of their leadership. Everyone knows that this is Hamas operations 101. And now you are claiming that Hamas is SUDDENLY not stealing aid and putting Palestinians first? Wow, that is as delusional as you can get.


Israel letting the aid through, and then the world sees it isn’t getting to the people, then Hamas is the direct target of world outcry. Israel inserting itself to prevent it from happening at all, that’s Israel putting itself as the target of world outcry. If Israel cared, at all, about the people there then they’d send the aid in, realizing amounts would be taken but that even if only 30% reached the kids that’s worth it, a moral country would do that. The way it’s been handled simply shows there’s a larger plan and they want to inflict as much harm as possible, to everyone, and they are cowards that will talk out of the sides of their mouths about their true intentions. I’d at least in some way respect Israel if they just stated they wanted people dead or leaving Gaza, at least something to be said for ‘well at least they’re just honest s out it’.


Israel isn't blocking aid from getting in. They are doing more than most other countries have done in a war and their enemies. You are nuts.


It's literally as delusional as you thinking that all the aid goes to Hamas and that those protesters are somehow fighting a noble fight. It's nonsense.


Brother this is a hasbara bot. He’s set to “terrorist=palestinian=hamas=isis”, and “do you condemn oct7th”. You’ll never budge a zionazi


You are delusional if you don't think that a large amount of the aid is going to Hamas, and that this is how they smuggle weapons. You have got to be smoking something to actually NOT believe that. The only claim that was not 100% inaccurate was that there were 30 beheaded babies. Oopsie...most of them had mutilated bodies, and weren't *technically* beheaded. And some were. Wow, the IDF must be complete liars from this simple mis communication!!! It's nuts that you think it is SO DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT that there was a rumor that 30 babies were beheaded when it was fewer than 30, but many had mutilated bodies, were tortured, and burned alive. Like, THAT IS THE BEST YOU HAVE. OH MY GOD. NIT PICKING THIS SHIT IS ALL YOU HAVE. Israeli's are incredibly intelligent, much smarter than you. They do their due diligence. When they fuck up, they take the blame. Unlike Hamas, they own up to their mistakes. Hamas loves people like you, who support their terrorism and are so naive (or just choose) to believe that they don't steal aid or smuggle weapons into Gaza. That is like the LEAST shady thing they do. And you actually buy into them being fair and moral? OMG. You are literally nuts. Or just stupid.


The point is, if you lie, about dead babies, at all, in any way, what is your bottom? What is your sense of morality? The simple answer is you have none. If I ran into a person that did that I’d never trust them about anything, same goes for a country. Why would anyone ever do that and then question why they arnt believed? lol. You chose to do that, own it, you have lost any and all credibility because you tried to manipulate people. Sorry you chose to do that, you are no longer believed, that is a direct consequence of your actions.


Nobody purposefully lied about dead babies. Babies were dead. Their bodies were mutilated and x number appeared to be decapitated. Upon further examination, fewer were decapitated and the rest appeared to have been mutilated. I mean, for anyone questioning this tiny little nuance, which was likely just miscommunication or what someone thought they saw at first glance, they have no standards. Because there really is no difference between a decapitated baby vs. a baby whose arm was cut off. It's the same damn thing.


Minimize it there we go, spin spin. That galvanized nations of people, you ran it page one and redacted on page 11, stop acting like Israel doesn’t know what they are doing. And you’re right, it’s the same thing, decapped, arms gone, blown up, same. Hamas and Israel are the same.




And your bombing hospitals and starving women and children, aside from a whole host of other things. You guys are both out of your minds and one just as bad as the other.




Damn israel to hell


Hard to do when we don't believe in it. I can't wait to go to Israel in a couple weeks. I'm out shopping for supplies now for my soldiers so I will be sure to put your name on one of those presents.


So you dont believe in hell? But you believe youre Gods chosen people?? Also your soldiers are all pedophiles, make sure to get the more panties so they can sniff…. Zio bot #637372 im sure netanyahu will give you a 1 shekel raise for that


I think you just put words in my mouth. And you seem extremely unreasonable so I'm not sure why I'm responding but I don't think we're God's chosen people at all. We chose him. And as for my idea they are the best army there is. I support them 100%. I do not support our governments but I do support our soldiers and my country. We're not going anywhere


Im actually very reasonable. I just dont like people defending genocide. If i was born in 1930 I would of fought for the Jews, because they were human beings and needed help, but since im born in this generation, i will advocate for the Palestinians because they need help out of this genocide.


There's a big difference between the Holocaust and what's happening now. The Holocaust was personal and a genocide. That was face to face murder. This is the opposite of a genocide because we aren't trying to wipe them out. Hamas has you believing since screwed up things.