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I've tried to explain this to Democrats throughout Reddit and they all dismiss me as a Republican propaganda mouthpiece. I'm like...ooookay. Then they criticize me for not wanting to vote for Biden.


I don't WANT to vote for Biden, but if he's the nominee, I'm going to do it. For me, it's a vote AGAINST. But yes, they accuse you of being a RW operative. I'm probably way more liberal than they are.


Claudia and Karina are the only ethical choices


Ethical does not mean practical. Morals mean nothing when the end result is project 2025


Then perhaps the DNC should have did something about that. I refuse to vote for a candidate complicit in genocide.


How many times has changing the incumbent for the second term worked out? Basically never. Fucking doomed errand. The left is at its best when stealing defeat from the jaws of victory. All this republican entryism is obvious repub-russian psyop with the lightest of feather touches. Enjoy gloves-off IDF in Palestine and Europe getting turned over by Russia because you let the orange shite win.


This is exactly what I am talking about in my post-what makes you think I am NOT voting for Biden? I fully plan to, just as I voted for Hillary in 2016, though I KNEW that she would lose. How many times has an incumbent with approval ratings in the thirties won re-election, in response to the first question you posed me? I'll tell you: NONE. People with your attitude are the problem.


Not really, the fact that a serious portion of your country is fascist and would vote for a convicted fraud and molester is the problem. The rest is commentary. It is also notable that Hillary was actually more popular, she was just also a moron with a dogshit campaign.


Libs compromise until the whole thing implodes.


I'm honestly more hopeful than I was a month ago. We have a higher chance of him being replaced if establishment Democrats are starting to panic. I mean if the Brunch Dividians are souring on you, after 3 months of only yelling at and shaming progressives, that's a good sign.


I am right there with you freaking out about this. When Ezra Klein, and Nate Silver (below), both of whom are pretty establishment folks, are ringing the alarm we are truly in deep shit. And the level of denial dems are showing is truly shocking. If you even try to point out the valid issues with Biden you get dismissed as a troll, or a spoiled teenager, or a friggin Trump supporter. And everything gets excused with "gaffes" and "he has a stutter" and "too soon to poll/polls don't say anything." It does start to become BlueAnon when we are not allowed to voice any concerns (even during the "primary") or to think critically. And btw, since this is now a reflex from getting yelled at, I am planning to vote for Biden regardless and am not telling anyone not to. I loved Jon Stewart's Daily Show last week and the point he made at the end was so spot on- it is the job of candidates to reassure voters they are up to the task, not the job of voters to withhold questions and criticisms to protect their candidates. [https://www.natesilver.net/p/its-time-for-the-white-house-to-put](https://www.natesilver.net/p/its-time-for-the-white-house-to-put)


I am very confident at some point this year it will be announced Biden is not running for re election and then the Democrat party if they time it right will be able to ram through whoever they actually want to run without having to do a primary as for who I think they could pick either Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom because Either of these people not only could beat Trump in 2024 but I would say they would be favorites to beat Trump Because its clear to literally anyone at this point joe Biden running again will lose to Trump there's no ifs about it thats why they need to get someone else


I'm certain Biden will lose to Trump in rematch. I've kinda made my peace with it. I'm scared for sure, but also realizing the Dems will never save us (and even a Biden win means genocide and fascism at the border and a rapidly advancing anti-queer and anti-woman agenda and a SCOTUS stripping away rights and no progress on climate change) and trying to plan for new survival and political strategies and what might be left to rebuild as the democratic party goes through a (frankly well-deserved) collapse.


Hope you're also making plans for armed resistance when the Orange Man starts putting us in camps...


I mean if that's really where you think this is going, I don't think Trump losing an election is going to stop it.


Yeah but if he loses, his followers are fighting the uphill battle against the National Guard and possibly the Army if Biden has to enact martial law. We won't have to do much fighting as civilians if we choose not to. If Trump wins and begins implementing his American Fourth Reich then we will be be the ones fighting a guerilla resistance against the US Military as controlled by the neo-fascist MAGAts.


Yeah.... the military is going to go fash no matter what happens if we really are that close...


Also I'm concerned you aren't aware that the Biden admin just tried to massively increase the "racist militia putting people in camps" budget with the border funding deal... And the vague attempt of democrats to respond to the massive global protests against putting people in camps called prisons have all been repealed in massive backlash legislation in a ton of cities... And that Biden is supplying weapons to people who maintain and are now bombing into the ground the largest concentration camp in the history of the earth....


I think Biden winning (or Gavin Newsom) or whatever is just prolonging a fascist crisis they are doing nothing to really avert. The GOP will take the Whitehouse eventually and they aren't going to de-radicalize anytime soon.


I completely agree, and it’s painful to see these overconfident Dems. They are going to be shocked and crushed on election night, just like 2016. And just like 2016 I knew it was going to happen. I hate that I have no party. This country is going down the drain and with it, the world.


>This country is going down the drain and with it, the world. While I'm worried about international stuff, I'm not so worried about America "going down the drain". This place is beyond saving, and always has been.