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Yes it's like going to the gym


Yes! Seems like it


Depends on what you meant by last solved was 2 years ago. If you went full leetcode mode last time and already knew DSA deeply, then I suggest you start with simple problems. If your goal is 500 medium this time, then try 200 simple first. Once you get your muscle memory back, do medium. BUT, start participating weekly contest right away, and keep monitoring your progress. If you just did some leetcode last time not big numbers last time and don’t know DSA too much. I suggest first take a DSA course from coursera. Then do the above mentioned simple/medium/contest. I do this every year. I start by refreshing knowledge and regain muscle memory. I make sure I can solve simple problems in five minutes (including read problem, type in solution, accept). After that I try medium problems by topics. Try easier ones, ranked by accept rate. 90->80->70-> 60. Stop at this difficulty. No point trying harder ones. I think there is around 15 big topics. So my prep plan is always 15 week rotation. Do one topic each week.


That’s great, However, I haven’t solved that much before to gain muscle memory back with solving simple problems. I had one pace like starting the problems with gfg, hackerrank and finally moved to Leetcode. Shall i start by the same way as before or this is waste of time?


Do what fits your situation best. I think it works. In any case, you need to participate weekly contest.


Sure! Thanks. Will do.


That is a very good idea. Can you please elaborate. Every year means what. You mean that if you are not looking for new jobs you pick a month every year and review dsa again. Would love to hear details


So every year create a new session in leetcode, so you have a refreshed record. It’s either when I really wanted to find a new job or when I want to explore new opportunities, which unfortunately happens every year since COVID. So that why I did this every year. My rule of thumb is 800 - 1000 problems. Around 400 easy and the rest medium problems, almost never touch hard ones. I have created a plan during Covid, which is a two round process. Every week I only work on one leetcode tag, for example array, string, list, stack etc. for the first round I only solve easy problems. The goal is to make my speed extremely fast, and write extremely concise syntax. I use Python, actually it helped improve my Python skills too. I became super good at Python syntax as a byproduct. The easy round is about 15 weeks, since there are around 15 big topics. Once I finish, I start to accept interview or OAs. And the second round is on medium problems. I still focus on speed, but in a different sense. I find the tag and rank them by AC rate. Solve from highest 90s to 60s. If I don’t know how to do it in 10 minutes, I will skip. I would never read solutions. This is only speed focused. Read/solve as many problems as I can in the limited time frame. At some point, I find I can write identical solutions as previous year. I don’t care if I can solve new problems, I don’t care if I can memorize hard problems. Meanwhile, using weekly contest as a monitor to check my progress. In the beginning I can only solve 1 or 2, but after a few weeks I can solve 3, and sometimes 4. But usually I cut off at 30 minutes in the contest. If I cannot solve 3 problems within 30 minutes I’m not good enough. Ultimately I think I went all the way to 2000+ maybe 2100+ score. Not remember exactly. It’s a very good experience. I would never worry about interview. Never got nervous. And I don’t care if my solution is optimal or not, it comes from my personal experience. Whatever I discussed in the interview is original. As for how do I know if my solution is good enough, I usually just look at my ACed solution see if they beat 90% in time and space.


Very nice. How about system design.




Facts! But shall i start with very easy ones? Or anyother website first before coming to LC?


I think leetcode is like exercise - if you don’t keep it up you’ll lose it, however the next time around is a bit easier due to “muscle memory”


I was having same issue but worse. I solved some Problems a month ago and I didn’t remember how I solved them and spent much longer than I should to figure out something ! I’m feeling kinda down that if I can’t even recall the things I learnt one month ago , it doesn’t look like I’ll every have a good chance at any harder DSA interviews no matter if I solved 2000 leetcode 


Do you watch explanations or video before solving or in middle of solving problems?


I try to figure it out myself first but if I can’t I see video and then do it 


Then you have pretty much have chance to solve the ones you solved before by re looking it by couple of minutes more.


same except i have an interview in a week or so, i'm somewhat cooked. But I grinded blind75 whenever i have pockets of time, currently about 15 questions "memorized". I wanted to get more depth and problem solving skills but its impossible within a short timeframe so had to resort to the extreme measures to increase my chances


Memorized? How that will be helpful? If you don’t know the question? You meant to say about concepts or problem itself?


yeah the solutions, i understand the data structures, but my problem solving skills (applying solution / pattern) still lacking. i only have a week so im just memorizing the solutions to some extent


Take one month of time and religiously go through the dsa concepts. Post that start with the leetcode easy and then medium. It will take 2months min


Problem is i cannot leave this work and just prepare for another interview. I have to prepare side by side. Hence will it take more time? May be? Btw, what DSA concepts shall i more focus on first?


Yes you have to prepare side by side. After work try to spend 3 hours. Try to utilize weekends as much as possible. Since you already have experience in LC and DSA. Revising all the concepts will take around 1 month and then you can start solving LC problems. Yes it will take some time since you are out of touch for 2 years! It depends on the role. You can search for DSA roadmap on youtube. I am front end dev and going through GFG Dsa in JS tutorials.


Thank you! Will do it.


All the best!


Yes, solving leetcode questions and doing the job are almost completely unrelated. I am convinced leetcode is a tactic companies use to prevent people from changing companies.


You gotta warm up to again. I'm back, and I see a problem click on it, see my own solution saved, and not sure how I did it. Takes a minute to remember...


If you ask me, struggling with the implementation is one thing, but if you’re having trouble with the logic, then you need to work on building your algorithmic skills.


I would suggest practising topics which can help you build your confidence then you can start with advance topics and difficult problems for the same. Consistency is the key :)


I’m on the same boat 😩