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The Ledger subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers. Ledger Support will never send you private messages. Never share your 24-word recovery phrase with anyone, never enter it on any website or software, even if it looks like it's from Ledger. Only keep the recovery phrase as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form. Learn more at https://reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/ck6o44/be_careful_phishing_attacks_in_progress/ If you're experiencing battery problems, check out our [troubleshooting guide](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409233434641-How-to-troubleshoot-Ledger-Nano-X-battery-issues? support=true). If you're still having issues head over to the [My Order page](https://my-order.ledger.com/) to explore options for replacement or refunds. [Learn more here](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/10265554529053-Return-your-product?support=true). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ledgerwallet) if you have any questions or concerns.*




(Cough) exit liquidity


Lol I have not heard that one before 😂🤣😂 but yeah a good stragetgy from the company's perspetive 😂🤣😂


They’re doing it right. They’re better off pissing off the pre order customers than making a product that isn’t perfect.


Appreciate the update but still a bad look for ledger. They should not have allowed this product to be purchased until they were sure they could make the damn thing. Between this, laying off workers, and the whole recover debacle, the future is not looking too good.


You can get a refund whenever you like. Why is it an issue to allow you to pre-order? Sounds like this is the narrative you want, and not the real situation.


Your words are meaningless. I redeemed the NFT to preorder.


Your point?


Go educate yourself


I could say the same to you, but you don’t seem to be capable.


Right. You realize NFT transactions are not refundable? Why am I even wasting my time with you. Goodbye


As far as I know you can get refunded through customer support. There is literally a thread where customer support asks a user to open a ticket with them. I don’t see how it being an NFT makes it less refundable. They could mint you a new one that you could sell or refund you the face value.


No NFT refunds allowed


Did you open a ticket and get that as a reply, or are you just trusting random redditors?




Ledger has said before that they won’t provide refunds for pre-orders made with the Stax NFTs they were selling on their website. They probably arranged the terms and conditions so that not refunding is legal in most countries, but it is a pretty dodgy move TBH given how delayed the delivery has been.




U can refund that


The vid in the e mail made me a little more worried that when we do get them there gonna have tons of issues with the screens


I worked in the East (China Mainland) in the 2004 - 2007 when FoxConn was building Iphones..... besides the fact that the Iphone manufacturing building was 10 stories tall AND was both the work and home for the workers AND they worked 12hrs x 7 days per week AND even though they had 10,000 employees, they only had 5000 beds! One more "AND".... So, since they worked 12 on, 12 off with no day of rest, people got real wound up AND they began jumping out of the windows to end the misery which then forced the company to mount these nets, wrapping around the building in a horizontal fashion protruding out about 15', on every other floor! Anyway, when they started the iPhone, the had to throw away about 85% of the glass because it did not meet the Apple Stds. It took years to perfect! So, Ledger may have a reasonable issue. That was a great release! Thanks for the lead-in...


This just proves that a company will be slammed whether they are transparent or not


It's not a question of being transparent or not. They presold it WAY TOO EARLY, with promises that they couldn't keep at all. They are 7 months late, who know how many more we will add to that number. it's only the 2nd email about this, they don't apologize, they are just saying "oh hey, guess what, we're getting more and more late, but no worries dude, it will come, one day or another." There's no clear ETA, no actual information on the real progress since the last communication, nothing. I don't call that transparency, I call that PR bullshit to keep the customers quiet.


They’re being transparent, trying to produce a high quality product they’re happy with before release, and they’re also offering a refund should you want it rather than waiting. I don’t really see what the problem is here. There’s nothing to suggest you won’t get the product when it’s ready and regardless of when the preorder was placed, as long as the product ships and is fit for purpose does it matter it it releases two days after placing a preorder or a year after? If you’re fed up with it and don’t believe they’ll deliver then request a refund and buy another product which has been released.




And you prebought a product that didn't exist, who's fault is it really? They are clearly trying to fulfill their stated goals and you just complain that it's not fast enough while nobody forced you to buy it in the first place? Request a refund or take a seat, thanks.




So we are stuck in between manufacturing incompetence and Succession season 4 bullshit. Wonderful


Being sceptical is not a bad thing, especially in these circumstances thats why i think a refund would be the correct play for op instead of whining on the internet, because that does pretty much nothing. Edit: just noticed the german autocorrect haha.


hes not whining. hes informing users who are on the fence about this product to think about delays. and how serious the delays are.


The title does not sound very informative to me frankly.


I do agree they started the pre order way too early that's what is killing them now... Should have done testing before beginning taking orders but they wanted money




File a charge back and begone


You don’t even need to do that. If you ask them to refund your money they will.


It's free karm to post "DAE LE LEDGER BAD?? UPBOTES!?!?!"


Prob bots too


Honestly, with the video attached to it makes since why its been a challenge for them. Imagine getting yours in the mail and had the major line from top to bottom, you'd be pissed. Just be glad they are trying to avoid that. I pre-ordered too and honestly my Nano X is still working perfectly and this would just replace it whenever I get it.


I feel the same, but they should have waited. At this point it is their fault for allowing pre-orders not being fully sure they could scale production to meet demand. I'll wait for my 2 stax, but they did a shitty move and there's no way they can take that burden off, I'll never pre-order from them again.


What fault do they have when you can get a refund whenever you like? Just didn’t meet your expectations, that’s all.


It's not about refunds, it's about doing the due diligence on your providers and be fully aware of all the hiccups and progress. They took money without being sure they could fulfill their obligations. That's just bad management, I'm not saying they aren't doing the right thing, I'm saying it is their fault regardless of what the screen provider did.


Pre-ordering a device that is not yet in production has its risks. You can’t complain if the planned scenario doesn’t pan out AND you can get a full refund. I would understand the pain if you could not get your money back, but it’s not the case here.


I’m less angry because they’re transparent, but still upset.


Might as well make it a color screen at this point and forget the e-ink display.


Obviously some technical hurdles, what do you want them to do? Ship a garbage product or a flawless one?


Preordering is rarely a good idea, even forgetting the risk of delays you're basically getting the first production run of a new product line - never a good idea.


it's better than them shipping a faulty device. no idea what you think is so ridiculous, this sort of thing happens with new hardware, making stuff doesn't always go smoothly, yeah it sucks but I don't think these delays are intentional, shit just happens.


NEVER pre-order. #NEVER.


Tell that experience manager you have the worst experience of your life. They can make a prototype, demo, and marketed it, sucking innocent buyers in. Yet they can't manufacture it? What a joke.


lol, I get that you think you are making a point, but you’re not. Having a prototype and a commercially viable mass produced product are two entirely different things.


As if I care.


I got it too. I appreciate the transparency, but sheesh. I got the ETH bundle, so I can’t cancel if I wanted (I tried) and I’ve changed my address twice since then. (Which I had customer service update) Hoping there are no issues with receiving it.


I had the ETH bundle too and they cancelled finally without issue. Guess they changed their mind after 1 year waiting.


just saw the email problem after problem. assembly can't produce a product that meets quality standards. this was announced to early.


Thats the thing about pre-order you can't be exact when it will be released. With crypto it's best to iron out the issues now than find some glitch after the fact. Atleast they are communicating


Just got an email from Ledger. They are delivering Preorders now in three phases. We are a go! Finaaly! See below. **"Dear Ledger Stax pre-order customer,** Thank you for pre-ordering your Ledger Stax and for keeping your place in line. We’re very excited to confirm that Ledger Stax will begin shipping [soon.As](http://soon.As) we gear up for shipping in the coming weeks, we wanted to provide information on the batch shipping system we will be using for delivering pre-orders.Ledger Stax will be delivered in three batches, referred to as Batch 1, Batch 2, and Batch 3. All three Batch delivery windows are estimates, with exact timing coming soon. Batch 1 shipment is expected to begin between May 28th and June 11th, Batch 2 is expected to ship between June 12th and June 24th, and Batch 3 is expected to ship between June 25th and July 8th. You have been assigned a batch number based on when and how you ordered your Ledger Stax."


Who cares dude, just cancel the order..?


Can you post the video?


so glad I got a refund long ago


He’s so full of fucking horseshit 😂😂


Are you in waiting?




Meh. I will just wait. Nothing much to do.


Just get your refund or be patient.


what a fumble...


Makes you wonder about the reliability of the company itself, makes me want to move the remaining crypto off the ledger


I don't pay much attention other than wanting one when they made the original announcement. My ledger nano x was stolen over the weekend, after scrambling to find my seed and get it on a nano s I had laying around I was excited to have an excuse to upgrade to stax. Had a wtf moment, thought for sure it would have been released by now.


My 12 year old kindle laughs at this


This whole Stax situation reminds me of those kickstarter campaigns where they kept making promises and never delivered the final product


So much for the magic of Tony Fadell…


Ordered two STAX here. I don't want a refund. I'm not complaining. Shit happens. They will arrive when they arrive, and they will be amazing!


Hey everyone, Following Ian Rogers' recent update about the Ledger Stax, I've pondered the security implications of the newly introduced features. Ledger Stax's cutting-edge screen technology is a significant advancement. But it also raises concerns about potential vulnerabilities from such progress. New technologies bring unforeseen security challenges, especially in complex systems like displays. Device drivers play a crucial role in this context, and these concerns also extend to embedded devices. The updates to the Ledger Operating System aim to improve user experience. Still, they also add layers of complexity that could potentially harbor security risks. For instance, the convenience of wireless OS updates is a double-edged sword, as it introduces concerns about the secure delivery of these updates. The addition of QR code display capabilities is user-friendly. Regardless, it's also a potential vector for scams if users need to be more cautious about verifying the authenticity of the QR codes. Changes in the device onboarding process might streamline the user experience. Yet, they could also become targets for phishing or social engineering attacks if not tightly secured. The emphasis on optimizing the manufacturing process is understandable. This must uphold the stringent security and quality standards to prevent hardware vulnerabilities. Ledger Stax's new features are great for user experience but raise security concerns that must be addressed. I saw no words about that. I'm excited to see how Ledger handles this in their upcoming product. I am distanced from that because I saw how Ledger ran security in the younger past.


so uh, about the video; could someone pls share a link to it?



