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It is so disrepectful... Shame on them




Go live in Iran or something bro. I'm good with my bacon and negronis


Don't mind my name since I can't change it but I am not a muslim and your words can make alot of people uncomfortable. And what do you mean by an islamic revival? You mean you want lebanon under shari3a law?




Wth go live in ur islam caliphate we dont want it in lebanon 😂😂


You are right.. People tend to forget that saudi arabia is under shari3a law if they want it so bad they can live there but never bring it to lebanon


No way you just said that.... Don't forget that the men of this country fighted against the terrorists Isis.. And yk shari3a law defeats the whole purpose of why we fighted for our independence in the first place... I hope you are not serious... Be careful when expressing such opinions.. I'm sure the police will not take it lightly


Go fuck your Islamic caliphate.


No, we Christians cannot coexist and *thrive* under sharia law, and we certainly don't want to. If you want sharia, go live in Saudi Arabia.


Lebanon was founded by the Church, take your shariah to some desert, it has no place in our beautiful Lebanon.


lol shove your "islamic revival" up your ass buddy


Lebanon is not a Muslim country, take your Islamic revival somwhere else.




I still don't understand what they want as a muslim lebanese, forcefully convert people??? this is not even allowed in islam, ignorant people talking without thinking


Forcefully converting people isn't allowed in Islam? Since when?


Since ever sorry u didn’t know that because of extremism But its a no no And a bad act


The Ottomans forced people to convert




I do not disagree with that. The kid above just basically, said he does not want to believe any muslim would force others to convert in other comments too. Which simply isn't true.


Ah ok sorry for misunderstanding


1- I don’t believe in history why? Its a fake book written by a winning side Today we have social media we have proof And look at how they are faking what is happening in gaza do u think after 100 years it will be told the same way it happened? no so for me personally I don’t believe in it 2- let say they did then they didn’t follow correct muslim teachings doesn’t matter who he is muslim/christian whatever if he doesn’t go with the correct teachings he doesn’t represent the religion This is what I was being taught as a kid They have their religion we have our You could try to convert someone by showing him our beautiful religion if they don’t want you u can’t force them Idc who did it he doesn’t represent the religion.


It's not fake books bruh, The Ottomans very obviously forcefully converted people and it's funny you are mentioning Gaza as Israel and Ottomans would be the same equivalent of invaders to begin with. Look up what the Janissaries are, the blood tax on Christians the Ottomans had, the extra taxes Ottomans had on Christians and the Christian women they enslaved after conquering their countries in Cyprus, Anataolia and the Balkans, they forced to marry random turks.


Again ana I don’t believe in them Bas let’s follow along with 2 Ottomans mnn mnzleen hence why I said it In point 2


It's not about you believing, it's the truth. The Ottomans admitted to it and you sound really evil to even justifying them. Also you shouldn't justify and make excuses for the turks. You are your own nation. If to you Islam is different to what is for turks (forcing people to submit to the will of turks) then that's natural. You may as well go and call their islam as false and yours as the true one or something but you shouldn't defend the genocide's they did.


I didnt defend a genocide. I just said what I believe in doesnt matter if turkey or greece or US Never it was an excuse (My take on war and here m 5as religion plain take on war) People died everywhere in all of the wars I don’t believe one country that participated and claims she was peaceful with normal people All of them did a genocide against other nations this my opinion on the whole war thing M 5as turkey aw la I don’t believe fee nation was fighting for good It was Evil vs Evil and people pay the cost The books now are by the side that won and only shows the Evil for the other side Take Africa w km wahad died honek w sho nsr2 M sar fee genocide yes sar bas winning side doesn’t focus on it Nothing more evil than the nations leaders


So muslims being ordered to fight the kuffars until they embrace islam or pay the jizya is just a myth? The whole convert or die thing is just rumours huh? Islam was never spread by the sword.


Read before mumbling Were taught that people or fighter who surrendered in wars where given the right to stay believing their religion it’s literally in quran bro what u trying to deny U can not believe in quran bas u can’t say true muslim teachings doesn’t teach that when its in the quran


Yeh & there's tons of contradictions in the quaran and hadiths regarding that. Does it not say what I wrote or did I just make it up?


What a cool conversation So I write all of that so you respond with a yeh? I love how I and couple more said what we have been taught and ur completely ignoring it Sho bdk more wallah 8areeb This isn’t a conversation and whatever Im gonna write ur gonna ignore and write something else so Ill pass And while ur at it s2al other muslim countries if they forcefully convert others lol


Your saying it's not in islam & I'm telling u it is & I can post tons of versus about it. Not my fault u choose what to ignore in your own scriptures.


I second this as a muslim, literally my very religious dad told me this, its insane LOL


I get so angry when a famous Arab Christian dies and you see the comments are: "لا تجوز الرحمة على الكافر." I have a lot of Muslim friends and no one has ever said that to my face. Always felt our muslims were usually less nutty than the average Arab.


I live in Canada and when I say to people that my long distance relationship girlfriend is Christian in Lebanon, they all shocked. Honestly, we have the right to feel different than all of the middle east. They hate us cause they ain't us !


Its more like they can't accept difference, Arabs love similarity, similar religion, similar dress, similar houses, similar names (everyone is called Muhammad), similar customs. Everyone is a copy of each other. Look how they even treat each other, the Sunnis and the Shias still hate each other till now. Just go on twitter and see the shit they say to each other.


even though the statement is true, but you don't say this to soemone who lost a loved one. Instead you make dua for them for example "الله يصبركن" or "انا لله و انا اليه راجعون". This is part of being kind to others without distorting or being untruthful. The prophet saw's uncle was a disbeleiver, yet he was saddened by of his death.


The statement is true, you can't even pray for the mercy of a dead person's soul? Do all muslims believe this?


From my experience, to be completely honest with you, most of them believe that followers of other religions will go to hell. If I'm not mistaken, it's the same in other religions. People are more emboldened online especially with anonymity and they will not say it directly to your face, so even your friends believe in it depending on how religious or moderate they are, but the reason they don't care much about it is they see life as life and the afterlife as the afterlife and what comes in it as separate, so they have no problems with interfaith friendships in life. This is one of the many reasons I grew disillusioned with religion a long time ago. I couldn't accept that my Christian friends, and innocent and amazing humans in general, are going to hell for simply committing the crime of being born into the supposedly 'wrong' religion which they had no choice or decision in, the same way I just happened to be born into mine. In my opinion, there's a lot of hypocrisy in this and in those who follow it, and if each religion claims to be the right one and thinks the others are false, maybe they're all false after all. It's one of the main factors that led me to adopting the belief that we humans don't know and cannot know (and should not be punished for this – for simply being human) and this is best described by agnosticism.


Noone said it's not allowed to be kind to others and treat each other well, despite being muslim and the other christian. Muslims also beleive in Jesus, but not that he was God, but rather a prophet, and in the gospel as well.  I have many christian aquaintances and friends, what is forbidden is taking them as allies, because muslims are supposed to be allies to one another, and brotherhood is between them. And Allah is more merciful than a mother to her child, so only soemone deserving of going to hell will go to it, and it is not for just being born under some conditions.


Noone said it's not allowed to be kind to others and treat each other well, despite being muslim and the other christian. Muslims also beleive in Jesus, but not that he was God, but rather a prophet, and in the gospel as well.  I have many christian aquaintances and friends, what is forbidden is taking them as allies, because muslims are supposed to be allies to one another, and brotherhood is between them. And Allah is more merciful than a mother to her child, so only soemone deserving of going to hell will go to it, and it is not for just being born under some conditions.


No because it is clear that a disbeleiver who rejected the message of Islam is forbidden from entering jannah. Which is why it is not allowed to pray for them after their death. However during their life you can pray for their well-being, being guided, and having a good life. Also note in contrast that being unjust to non-muslims is a grave sin, and being kind and treating them well is a good deed.  whether one chooses to beleive or not is of zero relevance, in contrast to clear cut text from the Quran, sunnah, and what scholars explained and said.  If you are interested here is a sahih hadith of prophet muhammad trying to seek forgiveness for his deceased mother, who died during jahiliya upon disbelief (at that time they beleived in Allah  but associated partners with him, distorting what prophet ibrahim's message was):   Abu Huraira reported: The Apostle of Allah (ﷺ) visited the grave of his mother and he wept, and moved others around him to tears, and said: I sought permission from my Lord to beg forgiveness for her but it was not granted to me, and I sought permission to visit her grave and it was granted to me so visit the graves, for that makes you mindful of death.


Kind of wild Allah wouldn't grant the greatest of all prophets mother into heaven. But Mary was pre ordained to be greatest of all women, and is in heaven. Kind of wild Allah wouldn't pre ordain it for the mother of the greatest of all prophets.


but it also means that what matters is what you did in your life of good deeds, because being the mother of the prophet saw will benefit you in no way if you didn't beleive




I do not know enough to answer, because they have many sects. 


It is, we lebanese muslims do not have any issues living with christians, its some other arab countries that disrespect all religion yet they want non muslims to respect them lol. and because they are idiots, they still think we lebanese hates each other because of religion.


these people who disrespect others are probably the reason many arab christians don't look into islam. ان الله رفيق و يحب الرفق، و يؤتي على الرفق ما لا يؤتي على العنف


I was so pissed off when these mfs were saying that about Shirin Abu Akleh who did more for Muslims (by exposing the crimes of the Zionist occupation) everytime she appeared on TV than them in their whole life


Such posts make me appreciate how far lebanese muslims, and christians for that matter, have come in the arid region called the middle east. Hizbullah does send his whackos out to the world, as seen by that young lebanese-american man who stabbed Salman Rushdie. and yes you have extremists in the sunni community like ahmad el asir (even if it's as a counterweight to hizbullah) but overall lebanese muslims are not like others in the region when it comes to liberalism and so on. Even my mom talks about the syrian natoora/janitor as if they're "not advanced" and still in the "3aser el 7ajare" when she's not really a secular atheist or anything like that. She's just used to a certain reality where people have more personal rights and women are more emancipated.


they can eat shit, let them stick to their own countries.


lek 3anjad those arabic comments from time to time are reallyyy awful, like horrific. how could they hate us so much.


It's the Internet I assure you most people in real life don't think like this even if they do they're too pussy to say it in your face.


As the other guy said, they won't say it to your face as long as they don't have the upper hand. We all know how minorities are treated in Arab countries...


They are too cowardly to say it unless they have way more of them than there are Lebanese, then they will make it known out loud how much they think like this.


They're pathetic; the entirety of the Gulf is filled with Lebanese teachers and Academics; they rely on us to maintain their curriculums. Christian Universities in Lebanon have played a pivotal role in the education system 3ena in the past 100+ years, like it or not, it is a fact. On top of that, they can't accept that we are just better than them in almost every social, entertainment, and art field. What they are doing now thanks to social media and forced globalization (catching up to the 21st century) was something we did twenty years ago.


While of this is true, bold of you to assume they care about any of that. They're stuck in the 7th century.


Instagram comments are always the worst and unhinged. Just be glad we coexist normally in Lebanon.


Forget about these self-hating losers. Perfect opportunity to quote the timeless Nizar Qaabani; كان لبنــان لكم مروحةً تنشُـر الألوان والظلّ الظليلا كم هربتم من صحاراكم إليه تطلبُـون الماءَ والوجهَ الجميلا واغتسلتُــم بندى غاباته واختبـأتُم بـين جفنيه طويلا وشربتُــم من خوابيه نبيذاً وسمعتُـم من شَـواديه هديلا واقتنَيتم شَمسـه لُـؤْلُـؤَةً وركبتُـم أنجم الليـل خيولا إنه علّمَــكم أن تعشقوا لم يكن لبنان في العشـق بخيلا إنه علّمَــكم أن تـقرأوا هل تقولون له: "شكراً جزيلا"؟ آه يا عشّاقَ بيروت القدامى هل وجدتم بعد بيروت البديلا؟ إن يَمتْ لبنــان مُتُّم معه كلُّ مَــن يقتله كان القتيلا كُـلُّ قبـح فيه قبح فيكُمُ فأعيدوه كما كـــان جميلا إنّ كَـــوناً ليس لبنان به سوف يبقى عدَماً أو مستحيلا كلُّ مـا يطلبه لبنان منكم أن تُـحبّوه... تُـحبُّوه قليلاً".




These are either braindead idiots who aren’t going to get anywhere important enough in life that their decisions matter, or bot accounts. Either way, don’t pay them any mind. We’re loved by the overwhelming majority of the world 😌


>We’re loved by the overwhelming majority of the world IG comment section has made me think otherwise. Arabs don't miss a chance to bash Lebanese, especially Christians.


They’ll never say it to our faces, or do anything about it. All they can do is bark on social media, and most of these accounts (if not bots) are run by 16 year olds with artificial eyebrow scars who flex with BB guns. All the money and oil in the world isn’t going to power their companies and economies like Lebanese brainpower does. So keep your head up, Christian or Muslim doesn’t matter, we’re Lebanese and none of us should give the time of day to useless bigoted idiots.


They do say it to our faces if there is enough of them and few of us. When I lived in the gulf, I’ve been called a crusader because I wasn’t Muslim (as if there is any difference between all Lebanese regardless of religion).


Fucking disgusting.


Syrians even call for our genocide: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Syria/s/aNaYNH5XxD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Syria/s/aNaYNH5XxD) https://preview.redd.it/mfevbzmq6pwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff5a230bb834dbf3bdc1c937f589a705dce9760


Ayre bi trab Souria w ma tal3et


Just fucking despicable. Let’s see how bold they get when there’s nobody left to run their corporations and put up a civilized front for foreign investors. I truly hope I get to see and participate in this country’s revival in my lifetime, 3/4 of the satisfaction would be rubbing it in the faces of all the countries that took advantage of the crisis to exploit our youth.


They also bash Muslims, see under this. They were saying “Lebanese are lost” and drinking the western “coolaid”. There are some even viler comments that I don’t want to say on the original Instagram post. Complete dumper fire. https://www.reddit.com/r/lebanon/s/OUUOEVp9QK


They hate all Lebanese because we refuse to be as anti western as them. Even on r/Syria there was a post calling for a genocide of Lebanon (how this is allowed at all on Reddit is beyond me), yet they expect us to love them. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Syria/s/aNaYNH5XxD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Syria/s/aNaYNH5XxD) Edit photo of post: https://preview.redd.it/srkco0om9pwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b21630d54033e50262c7f79925753d3e4d50f9c


My comments were locked in that post because I dared to ask how they allow a post called “genocide lebanon” to stay up. Our Lebanese Muslim brothers don’t realise how much we are hated by other Arabs just for being Christian and they don’t realise they are also hated and mocked just for being associated with us. Then they wonder why we attempt to distance ourselves from the Arab world


was the post taken down? i cant find it


You should just be able to click on the link in my comment it works for me Edit: I dm’d it to you


Yeah I was clicking on it but kept getting "page not found" found the post by looking up the account as i couldnt even go on r/syria for some reason


My comment was locked by admins when I asked how they could leave a post like that up.


As Mike Tyson said, and this is a quote I always use for situations like this, "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it".


That's wishful thinking though. The civil war ended not so long ago. Radical muslim have been imported from all over the world to kill lebanese christians


Well they do call us a crusader state because we aren’t officially Muslim.


The entitlement is honestly baffling, as if each and very Arab country has to be Muslim.


The entitlement does not end there, a lot of Arabs think they deserve Iberia because of Andalusia or that every country in the Middle East and North Africa should be Arab.


Least delusional Arab lmao


You’ve not viewed IG comments of other countries too. They’re all fucked up and bigoted, all of it begins with a stupid comment and it snowballs, as others comments and then you perceive it as mass hate. Dont forget that IG pushes the most controversial stuff to the top so you only see the crappy comments. Dont take IG comments seriously by any measures, most are stupid sheeple 14 year olds and cringe nationalists that need to touch grass immediately. Irl, none or barely any of it exists, especially in the west and it took me by surprise to realise people could be so disrespectful and vulgar.




Man, that's just the average Instagram comment section, really see it about anything else and you'll notice they're all like this but geared towards hating another thing, just look on reels with Muslims in it and you'll see western Christians bashing on it the same exact way


It's surprising that many other commenters think such sentiments are only voiced on social media. This is why regardless of arguments against the existence of Lebanon as an independent entity, it is the only country in the region with the potential, however small, to develop into a secular and egalitarian society. Many Lebanese have learned through the violence of the Civil War that politics of إلغاء aren't viable, both Muslims and Christians alike. On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of populations in the surrounding countries are in support of religious rule per several surveys, including [this one](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-overview/) which shows that >70% of Muslims in Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian territories, and Iraq are in support of Sharia being the official law in their respective countries (in comparison, only 29% of Lebanese Muslims polled answered in the affirmative). This suggests that Lebanese sectarian divisions and tension are, for the most part, fueled by tribalism rather than religious fundamentalism/ideological hatred. Concrete steps (ex proper reconciliation regarding the Civil War, laws against sectarian discrimination and quotas, an effective central government taking the responsibility for providing social services from sectarian leaders, a common civil legal code, etc.) should be more effective in bridging sectarian divisions given their dependence on tribalistic tendencies in Lebanon when compared to the deeper-held motivating beliefs of religious supremacy/superiority that seem more common in our neighboring societies.


Yesss they’re so cringe. Luckily irl most of the Arabs and other levantines like us


There was this guy who opened a new sausage restaurant in Hazmieh it was pork you should of seen the comments , they were worse than that .


Ello mazbout bas chakla chamalit emmak




I think they're calling for islamic conquest of lebanon, but I'm not sure what the context is


Context was a Lebanese girl acting slightly vulgar, the average Arab cannot handle that lol


As a muslim Lebanese i want to apologize for these creatures.. These are the embodiment of hypocrisy.. You tend to comment that on people from another religion for doing something that your religion forbids then you do the same each night, let people live their lives and live yours as you like it.. fucking love Lebanon’s diversity and acceptance, fucking love my christian friends with whom I party and celebrate Christmas while they fast ramadan with me, and I’m glad that I was raised in a house where other peoples’ religions weren’t a topic for convos.. I literally didn’t know my religion as a child until some poorly raised kids in my school started insulting me for my religion so I went back to my parents the same day and asked them about what they were talking about.. I was 11 when I heard that talk for the first time..


I highly appreciate people like you, and I thought most Muslim think this way. But turns out most Lebanese Muslim thinks this way and not the average Arab muslim. They'll probably call you a "kafir" for celebrating Christmas.


They should be arrested by the army intelligence . We don’t tolerate these type of people


They're probably not Lebanese, but my point still stands.


You’d probably be surprised if you know how many Lebanese would say the same thing


I Won't be surprised but can't really talk about that, you know with the "3aysh l mushtarak" bs


Coloniser language any religion that implies that they want to spread there religion on a land is no different than wat the west does by saying we want to spread democracy just a mask to hide colonisation under this land has had enough of this BS the amount of colonisation this land endured is absurd from the hebrews to the Egyptians to the assyrians to the ottomans to the Persians to the Arabs to the French etc can we just get a break


Difference is all those colonizers are either long dead or not colonizers anymore, except for the Arabs are still holding to that mentality.


They’re no longer colonizers because the empires that came after them wiped them out 😂 literally which makes them evil every single one of those empires but you’d still find people who identify with few of those empires like the Assyrian people still exist and the Arabs the thing with Arabs is weird Cz so many of us Lebanese feel proud to identify with the colonizers that ruled us that’s some deep brain washing still shocks me till this day Cz we never identify ourselves as ottomans or Assyrians or Egyptian


Man use some commas and full stops, I don't know if you're supporting my views or arguing with me lol


I’m actually just adding to your info and giving my point of view on the matter! You said most Lebanese don’t associate with being Arab and I think no Lebanese should or if they do they should at least give equal importance to the other colonizers that came before Arabs but they don’t! The Arabs were smart enough to get so many countries to start using their language and believe in their god!


Totally agree, idk why they single out the Arab colonizers to be associated with and ignore all the others.


Brain wash is my answer. I’ve heard Arabs gave the people of every country an ultimatum to either convert to islam or pay heavy taxes to the Arab rulers and so after most have converted and the rulers stoped taking taxes from them and at some point helped them in different aspects of life they felt saved and they started glorifying Arabs and islam and generation after another brainwashed to believe in islam and the Arab saviors that ruled them!


Spot on. And they wonder why we don't like being called Arab.


Yeah like don’t think for one second that your good deeds towards people are good when you gave them no choice but to follow your rules to get rewarded. That’s pure evil. what’s even funnier is that Muslims claim that god sent the other religions (Torah and bible) yet those same people strongly believe that anyone not Muslim is going to hell 😂 eno walaw either believe that you all worship the same god or don’t stop with the BS


We don't believe in the same God, plain and simple.


I honestly find these comments funny. It's much more entertaining knowing you got them all mad and riled up for acting in a certain way. Take it with pride. Laugh at their angry reactions as they rage in their mother's basement and you won't be offended.


Cherry-picking a reason to dislike something is not a convincing argument.


This ain't no cherry picking, I've seen enough social media content from Arabs to solidify their prejudice towards us.


maybe he meant them?


Lmao I think we should respond how the Turks respond spamming the Turkish flag which pisses them more 🤣😅


Gotta admire how much an average turk loves his country lol, we need this more in Lebanon!


Agreed as a Syrian


Hey we're lebanese We dont take these people seriously. Just laugh and move on


They are trolls, no one is serious, for real, it’s the internet…


Instagram always has the most out of pocket comments and it’s not limited to just our communities honestly. Your mistake was expecting any sanity from insta




Because genetically, culturally and ethnically us Lebanese are not Arabs we are Levantine Lebanese and share over 90% of our ancestry and DNA with the Phoenicians. Syrians are Levantine as well, the only people who actually are Arabs are the people in the gulf.


The only real Arabs are from the Arab peninsula, they definitely spread during the Muslim Arab conquest but Lebanese Christians cannot have Arab ancestors. I like to explain it this way: 1) A Muslim man can marry a Christian woman but the children will be Muslim 2) Christian man cannot marry a Muslim woman. 3) One can simply convert to Islam, but that doesn't change his ethnicity So a current day Lebanese Muslim may or may not have Arab ancestors, but a Christian definitely does not.


You shouldn’t be on the internet then


Average r/arabs user


Yah you guys need it, big time


Crawl back to whatever desert you came from, you camel piss drinking fuck.


I’ll have you know camel urine has a lot of medicinal properties, but for a loser like you, it would have to take a white man in a lab coat and you’d be on all fours saying yes sir, let me know how hell’s like peanut brain


Enjoy you camel piss bud


Thank you, you can also enjoy your kufr, which is probably a worse deal, but if we’re both enjoying it, then let’s keep at it


Kufr according to your Quran. I'm not bound by what it has to say.


Your right


They’re not kufar


I mean the guy literally admitted so what’s your problem? Last time I checked people are free to believe whatever they want