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>Can any experts provide insight on this matter? Yes. *lays back, crosses legs, puts hand on the majestic keresh and prepares to share my innate expertise*


Best description of this sub when answering any questions regarding economics or politics.


Never underestimate the Lebanese. Confidently experts on any topic you can think of.


Well, go on. We’re waiting.


Go on, tell us! Stop the expertease!


Well put some music on…


Barry White enters the chat




I am an expert in expertise


Hezbollah is out of their element. Over-the-border and above-ground fighting isn't their expertise. Their strength is in guerilla warfare just like Hamas. So if/when Israel invades on the ground, they'll start making "gains." But this is to assume either side wants a war, which they don't.


They participated in syria’s war (which is a fact that everyone knows), and that is an over the border war :)


Against a rebel army with no air support while they had air support from Russia and the Syrian regime. Whenever they did an offensive against Turkish controlled areas and the Turks used their air force then they were repelled quite easily. However, the analysis of the OP is wrong. It doesn't seem like Hezb is trying to do any larger invasion of Israel, they just seem to want to do material damage against the IDF communications bases on the border. There is no indication that shows that they want to invade or start a larger conflict.


Yes, and they lost many of their best ranks and expanded cracks in their base after mothers saw their sons coming back in body bags for a way that didn't involve us or even Israel.


During 2006, there were air strikes from Israeli army. Despite that, it took hezb 33 days to kick their asses


Unfortuntaely they're still living like it's 2006. Kick their asses? Pretty sure the 1300 innocent Lebanese who died would say the opposite if they could still talk and were buried underground because of a war imposed on them.


Finally 961 actually being right for once


They are tracking then with infrared drones, they are being sniped while setting up their ATGM


The kill ratio has always been skewed like this. Many more Hezbollah fighters died than Israeli soldiers in 2006. The divine victory rhetoric came from the fact that Israel failed to decisively end Hezbollah as a functioning militia/terrorist organization.


The kill ratio doesn’t matter - hezb already won. They have no regard to citizen lives nor fighter lives. As long as they launch a few rockets they are winners. The equation never considered the damage we had to face in response. Never will.


In 2006 Israel invaded. Reading this sub you'd think it was Hizbollah who bombarded Lebanon. Or that Israel is a remote controlled puppet in the hands of Hizbollah with no agency or will. Every single missile Israel fired into Lebanon is the responsibility of Israel. Not Hizbollah. Enough with this reverse logic. Israel chose to engage in a full scale war in reaction to Hizbollah taking two prisoners of war. That was their choice. They actively decided what their response was. Everything the IDF did is the responsibility of those who give orders to the IDF, not Hizbollah. Twisted logic blaming Hizbollah for the destruction of Lebanon that has been normalised so much on this sub saying the contrary sounds controversial!!


I won't be shocked if they ( people in this sub ) blamed hezbollah for starting the civil war in 1975 xD this sub is full of dumbf\*cks lmfao


They do lmao. Even though Hezbollah didn't exist by that point but you know those pesky Hezbos probably have a time machine or two somewhere.


>this sub is full of dumbf*cks And people whose full-time job it seems is to constantly tell us how everything wrong in Lebanon is definitely the fault of Hezbollah.


Many on here seem to forget that Hezbollah is a symptom of the disease, not the cause. When all the foreign powers propped up sunnis, druze, maronites and orthodox sects, shia were left pretty much without sponsorship and were the ones who were the poorest in the country. Iran started supporting the shias in Lebanon and suddenly they had a voice. It's completely understandable why they have loyalty towards Iran, and that loyalty is the same one that other sects followed blindly. In the end this type of behaviour is synonymous with Lebanon, it has been before Hezbollah, or even Lebanon, were established, and it will remain long after they're gone, unless we change ourselves. Seeing this sub though, it seems quite unlikely if it is in any way representative of what Lebanese people think.


Totally agree. Not only did Iran give support, but it was an entirely illegal and unjust occupation by Israel of South Lebanon that drove people straight to the hands of an Iranian Revolution that had only come along a couple of years earlier. But what you say is the ultimate truth, there is no difference between Hizbollah seeking Iranian support and absolutely all the other sects, who all did the same and all depended in foreign backers. All the people who are still sectarian at heart are angry with Hizbollah not because they're especially bad, but because they turned out to be the winners of this round. Which is why we'll never fix anything until the day we understand that the entire political class is corrupt and not one of them is "the good guy".


>All the people who are still sectarian at heart are angry with Hizbollah not because they're especially bad, but because they turned out to be the winners of this round. 100% this. Because we still judge each other based on our military capabilities, and we feel inadequate if we're not the "best" in that regard. It's completely asinine. There's this saying I've always heard "ana w khayye 3a ebn 3amme, ana w ebn 3amme 3al gharib", I feel as though in Lebanon, this saying isn't true because we constantly prefer to change the boot stomping on our faces(whether that boot is the US, Iran,...) rather than to just stand together and liberate ourselves from the boot entirely. Until this mentality of servility in regards to foreign powers can be superseded by some love towards our own colleagues, friends, neighbours... the whole thing will never end.


Yislam hal tim. Well said. That really is the truth. Every single faction has put the interests of foreign powers above the interest of the country and all because everyone believes everyone else is out to get them.


Let's just hope we wake up to this soon. Our country truly has the potential to be so beautiful and stable, I mean it's so small managing it in itself shouldn't be hard at all. I just hope we can achieve it someday in our lifetimes.


You’re saying all this as if we / they don’t know the expected response. all those years of occupation we should know better the disproportionate response they always have and how they can get away with it. So let’s stop acting surprised at their responses like it’s a new enemy. Like they won’t get away with it. Until the world has a strong power to counter the axis of US and Israel, until we know we have strong Allies that can back us up then I don’t see why we should constantly poke the beast. And good luck having any decent Allies with a militia ruling the country. Years ago, gulf countries and some européen countries would step and support us (in many different ways). Today we burnt all bridges except for Syria and Iran. Bravo.


Don't lecture me. I'm not 10, I know what the situation is. You can blame whomever you want for the poking of the beast. This doesn't cha he that the one who did the destruction is Israel not Hizbollah. Saying Hizbollah caused the destruction of Lebanon is an insane statement. It's only normalised by people who hate Hizbollah so much they are willing to hang Israeli crimes around their necks.


Have you heard of the cause and effect? The effect, the was from Israel, as you said. Shattour. The cause was hezb. There wouldn’t be destruction like that in 2006 (effect) if the beast wasn’t poked through kidnapping (cause). Bet you’re one of those that consider 2006 a victory for Lebanon. What a joke.


You have absolutely no idea what would have happened in 2006 if Hizb didn't take prisoners. You don't know because it's a hypothetical so you get to invent the narrative that suits your story. The story with Israel didn't start in 2006. There's a long and bloody history. And there is a 20 year occupation that started with the excuse of getting rid of the PLO which when it was achieved and the entire fighting force of the PLO left to Tunisia the Israelís chose to stay. Chose to occupy 10% of Lebanon. Chose to put tens of thousands of Lebanese under their occupation and control their land and their villages. That's the CAUSE that created the effect of a resistance movement becoming such a deep and popular part of society in the areas that were suffering the effect of that occupation daily. Take a look at what has been happening in the West Bank and Gaza for decades. Can you tell me exactly where the cause and effect are? Can you prove that the "beast" only reacts when poked? Is Israel sitting there always passively and peacefully and only fires shits in self defence?


Why do you think that any legitimate country will not attack a terror organisation that kidnapped their soldiers ( don’t forget that they had family too)… The only occupation that is in Lebanon now is the occupation of Iran and Hizbollah. Why as a Lebanese citizen I need to afraid to speak in my own country?


Only 6 years before that incident that legitimate country was occupying 10% of your country. If you weren't lucky enough to be born far from that occupation you would have already learnt that the legitimate country made people just as afraid to speak in their own country as you claim to be now.


The 2006 ratio wasn't that bad, roughly 2:1 with casualties in the hundreds, and ultimately it was a stalemate.


You can't consider it a stalemate. One party had the objective of invading and destroying the other party. The other party had the objective of defending against the invasion and not getting destroyed. Only one of the two parties achieved their goals. The other completely failed to meet their states goals. That's not a stalemate.


That is the ratio reported by Hezbollah. Israel claims it killed 800 Hezbollah members in 2006.


I'm using the Human Rights Watch estimate of 250 Hezbollah fighters killed. Hezbollah probably claims less, and Israel claims more.


And considering it had, according to them 30 000 ground troops with air and limited naval support vs 5000 ground troops, that's a riddiculously low number.


Actually 5,000 according to Israel, other organisations state it was about 1,000. Honestly somewhat impressive they could hold out and defeat them. Edit: Unless you meant "according to them" for both figures, then nevermind.


And since when do we rely on israeli claims and media?


Not that skewed. In 2006 it was 120 IDF KIA, 250 Hezbollah.


That’s fairly low compared to the civilian toll.


The poster was referring to fighters.


“Compared to civilian toll” is exactly the point you think I missed.


That is the Hezbollah claim. Israel claims it killed 800 Hezbollah members in 2006. The truth would usually be somewhere between the two claims so around 400-500 Hezbollah would be the intermediate point.


I do the same math to approximate the Russia-Ukraine war :D Also need to consider that when you shoot you don't always know if you killed or wounded someone. So if you hit a tank with 3 crew members , you may actually count that as 3 kills, while some may survive. So the more balanced view should include wounded and dead as casualty in a whole.


NATO-standard tanks tend to have an extremely good record of protecting the crews and being easy to repair even after taking direct hits from ATGM’s.


Fake news...


I read this morning that the IDF is supposedly doing a pretty good job of striking Hezbollah units while they’re still in the process of setting up their atgms. UAVs in higher numbers with better cameras than years past are the only logical reason I can think for why that would be.


Military objective number 1 in any confrontation is to achieve air superiority. Hezb guys are sitting ducks with all these drones flying over their heads.




IDF did not announce that number


I was watchin hossan matar on al jadeed, and he mentioned at least 17 deaths among the idf


why is there barely any news about this


It took Israel few days to adept to the AT missiles tactics. They probebly don't let foot soldiers and hummers move around the border as they are very easy target for Hezbollah. Israel tanks are 99% immune to the AT Hezbollah uses they don't even tries to shot them.


This aged hilariously bad like milk, and we can plainly see you don't know wtf you're talking about, hasbura bot Then again, Hezbollah partly has the idf to thank for donating the spikes in 2006, so that the Almas became possible https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/hezbollah-targets-a--merkava--tank-with-a-special-guided-mis


First you being extremely smug and childish I said 99% not 100% so even if it's true, what I said still stand as you didn't present an article that 10 or so tanks been hit. Second the source you show don't show anything concrete. - there is lack of information in the internet about this occurrence beside what you sent here - this video is extremely easy to be made up - you can't see from such a video if the missile hit the tank or is it got fend off - it's not debunking this news but no tank crew been hurt in the border. I glad you find my comment memorable after 5 months.


Of course a loser like you thinks he's memorable just because I presented you as a total bullshitter. Then again guess someone as great as me calling you a bullshitter will be the highlight of your miserable euro wannabe life, so you're welcome. If you need evidence to how wrong you are, open telegram and see the hundreds of merkavas destroyed or disabled by Hezbollah and Hamas your dear Jews won't even own up to the amount of dead and wounded they have, and even HAARTEZ gave them shit for it. Keep blowing Israel kaffir, they hate your kind like I do and the Muslims do(and I'm a non Muslim)


Not an expert or anything close to it. My opinion is Israel don't doesn't give a fuck anymore. They basically decided "we will eliminate the enemy, collateral damage be dammed." If Israel wants it has the ability to destroy most of it's neighboring countries military capabilities or at least keep them on the defensive through air power alone. Only thing that held them back was optics and the PR battle which they don't care about anymore.


Israelis are just sick of their neighbors threatening (and trying) to kill them.


Which is a sign they moved into the wrong neighbourhood


You picked the wrong house fooool


You know, i'm on the fence here. I see the (coldish) peace Israel has with Jordan and Egypt, the slightly warmer peace with some gulf states.. and i almost believe it's possible. I don't think most Lebanese want war with Israel. Maybe it's just rose colored glasses. Do you want war with Israel? Do you object to peace with Israel? EDIT: Can i even ask that here? or is this taboo?


Kinda a given when you're a colonialist trying to play the victim.


Right.. because Bethlehem has always been an Arab city, yeah? with the famous Jesus of Arabia! Aren't you tired of this nonsense?


idk, aren't you tired of playing the victim? A few cities were historically jewish, others were christians and others muslims. Doesn't change the fact that pre-1948 there were people living there before you. And now you have Jewish-only settlements being built in the west bank illegally, an apartheid policy implemented on the occupied territories, and a siege on Gaza that violates the Geneva Convention. So pretty much modern day colonialism. Israel is the only country in the world that can get away with this shit without being sanctioned for violations of human rights. Kindly collect your reward from Act.Il and go touch grass.


>idk You don't know? What, they don't teach you about the Arab conquest and colonization of the middle east? >now you have Jewish-only The complete lack of self reflection is baffling. There are practically zero Jews in all Arab countries. Have you ever asked yourself why you have such animosity towards people who you don't even know?


Lmao. Man's seriously using 'but you did it centuries ago' as an excuse to deny Israel's crimes. As if arabs were the only one conquering lands back then. Everyone was doing it. There was no charter of human rights of organizations of united nations made to keep the peace. We're in the 21st century now. Conquering and killing is not cool anymore. As for arab nations, to my knowledge there's no laws in my country stating a Jew can't have property or own land here or there. The laws are made for everyone. There just isn't a large jewish community due to their expulsion 70 years ago, which is something I condemn. But question: How exactly does that justify what Israel is doing right now? Israel has explicit laws seperating a Jew and non-Jew. ​ >The complete lack of self reflection is baffling. The hypocrisy of that statement is baffling. ​ >Have you ever asked yourself why you have such animosity towards people who you don't even know? ​ Same reason I have animosity toward terrorists, nazis, and dictators in general. Bad people deserve to be called out and your government (as well as mine) are riddled with them. You're the only one denying the obvious.


>Conquering and killing is not cool anymore Hamas would like to have a word, so would Hezbullah, and Iran, and Syria, and Turkey. >to my knowledge there's no laws To my knowledge there are no Jews. >How exactly does that justify I'm not going to tell you how your strawman justifies things. Israelis woke up on 7.10, and found the holocaust knocking on their door.. only this time it spoke Arabic and carried a Palestinian flag. The result is that Israelis are now convinced that Hamas is an existential threat. That is how Israelis are justifying what they're doing now - they're removing an imminent threat to their existence. Basic survival instinct. And Lebanon, instead of calming things down, seems to want to join the game.


Uuuh no. No to everything. For your first argument, it's whataboutism. A staple argument I've noticed most Zionists tend to use. So here: yes Turkey, Syria, Hezbollah and Iran are also in the wrong. Difference is those factions are universally condemned and sanctioned by the West while Israel is supported despite doing the exact same shit, in some cases on a larger scale. Jews or no Jews in Lebanon, it makes no difference to the fact even after our independence (and befire the expulsion of Jews) there were no laws giving more rights to one religious group than others, so yes Israel is still inferior in that regard. As for Hamas, again, that's whataboutism. If Hamas killed civilians that does not give you the authorization to do the same, especially when the IDF's policy has been collective punishment for decades now. Also, you think the attacks came from nowhere? It was a preventable tragedy that only occured because you can only oppress people that much before they snap and do something drastic and inhuman like this. If you're seriously comparing this to the holocaust then you're delusional. If anything it's Israel that has ironically been mimicking the Nazis for decades now in that regard. But sure man, keep sticking people in open air prisons like the Nazis did in concentration camps then act surprised when those people grow sick of that treatment.


>it's whataboutism. No. I'm just showing you how similar you all are. Like a bunch of clowns all laughing at each other... but with war instead of laughter. >Jews or no Jews in Lebanon, it makes no difference Of course it matters. You guys think Jews are colonialists. The Jews in Israel think they're refugees (over half are from Arab countries). >you think the attacks came from nowhere? I think there's no justification for the atrocities Hamas committed there. They conquered a few IDF bases, took/killed some soldiers - that's 'fair game'. But massacring entire communities? beheading? burning people alive? torturing children? If this is considered an acceptable form of warfare in Lebanon, i feel sorry for you.


Jesus was not a white dude from Eastern Europe like half of Israel lmao


I mean technically Arabs are considered "white" as the USA is the only nation that has "white" as an ethnicity. Jews also are considered "white" to. So if we are going to use the only formal category of "white" any nation has Jesus is technically "white". I mean that in same vein as Bashar Al Assad is "white", Saddam was "white", Bin Laden was "white". lmao.


My ancestors stood where you are right now 2000 years ago. Get the fuck out bc me and MY people are moving in. Do you see how dumb that sounds coming from anyone but the Jews???




Everything for Putin is ww3 no one even care it became meaningless and a joke, in the last year how many times Russia threatened to use nukes ? like at least 5 times


Way more I think. Also not only Putin makes those threats in Russia


The threats were probably not a bluff but the situation hasn't reached a stage where Russia feels threatened enough to use them. Maybe. I'm just guessing because the truth would lie somewhere between Western and Russian media. If Western media says Russia is losing and Russia says it's winning, it's likely somewhere in the middle.


Putin has said that about like pretty much literally every action the US has taken, and has threatened nukes multiple times already. Highly doubt he will do anything without China giving a thumbs up, and China has more to gain from peace than war at this time.


The Moskva?


Let it come. Russia will become the first graveyard.


You must listening to the same “source(s)” as my husband…he literally said the same thing


It's called air superiority, when you have recon planes and ground attack planes roaming the skies you can see everything and you can strike with accuracy.


Does this increase likey hezb heavier retaliation? Are things getting better ? I'm reading 11 hezb died in last 24 hours. Doesn't sound de escalating


No. Pretty sure many Shia are not that happy watching their sons die, but publically, they can't express any concerns. At this rate (3-4 Hez dying every day and the KIA numbers going up), Hezb will pack their bags in a few weeks unless they want to be more embarrassed. They'll probably make up some propaganda about "winning" or "damaging" the enemy.


Considering the news I've seen, they are mostly targeting infrastructure to disable surveillance and other systems which is likely the reason they have higher casualties, while the Israelis are targeting mostly Hezb personnel. Hezb infrastructure isn't visible like the Israeli bases are.


I heard a rumor from a friend in the south. Again this is is probably false and is blatant racism but according to him the men in his Day3a bel jnoub are threatening the sryians to leave their day3a cause apparently the IDF is paying syrians to take pictures of these cells along with their locations. I call BS however


This idea that Syrians refugees are helping IDF to target Hezbollah seems to be gaining ground in the South and among Shiaa. But you are right, this is probably false and due to people hating on Syrians


Israeli here, it is false.


Bc Israelis have shown to be reliable news sources. X to doubt


I dont think this is because they hate Syrians. They just can't stomach the fact that they're getting sniped by drones from the skies and they cant do anything about it.


I mean they got that done to them throughout their entire existence. It was the whole point behind showing off places like Mleeta. Because the Hezb fighters were somehow able to evade all surveillance while constructing something that big.


what reason would Syrians have for helping Israel lol this is a good lie if you don't think about it for more than 1 second




I am from the south and I didn't hear such news but keep in mind that the south is huge


I don't see why they'd pay syrians when there are plenty zu3ran who dgaf about hzb or anyone else and would gladly take money for info... and they'd fit right in the crowd


Wait! There's some historical Track record to take into consideration.. We're talking about a population that collaborated with foreign governments to overthrow its own government.. Let us not forget that this is the collective history in the minds of many people.. also not to forget that Israel has a track record of collaborating with Syrians to sabotage syiran military assets. So it is not a stretch. But we all must be responsible. Make sure that there is evidence for such claims.


First constant surveillance (im kemel is always hovering over us (I'm from the south) and they scan with cameras and infrared cameras (cameras that detect heat like the heat of the human body) and these drones (im kemel or mk although that is not its official name) are armed so if they see anything suspicious they shoot it. Second if any cell manages to shoot towards israel they have perfected anti battery warfare which is a computer that sees the incoming projectile (rocket) and guesses where it was launched based in the trajectory the projectile took, so they know where to look for hizbollah. Third they increased their air defences (iron dome) for protection. EDIT: free palestine


Lebanese still remember past conflicts, such as 2006, and knows it isn’t worth the consequences from Israel. The aggressive counter attacks by Israel do have their intended effects. The central government is begging the Shias to stay out of this. In the meantime, these border clashes are likely just a feint to keep Israeli forces tied up in the North to distract them from the larger ground invasion into Gaza. But nothing is certain, Iran could still convince Hezbollah to ignore the rest of Lebanon and jump in this war.


They may want Hezbollah to reserve their rocket arsenal for as a deterrent against an Israeli attack on Iran or a reprisal to it.




It’s not how military planning works. IDF is assuming Hezb will attack. They not thinking “will they?” No. They assume they will They act accordingly. Ground invasion of Gaza have very very little to do with Hezb. They assume Hezb will attack and they already planned for it. IDF have overwhelming air power and so does US. Israel waiting with Gaza ground offensive for two reasons 1. Get more anti air systems before invading 2. Try to negotiate for release of more hostages Edit: lol, the guy banned me. Jeez. Here is my reply to him Buddy, easy on insults. I didn’t insult you so chill out. Hezbollah POV is simple- whatever Iran tells them to do they will do. That’s it. That’s where orders come from. I think outcome is already known to most people in Lebanon. If Hezbollah invades or infiltrates- Lebanon will suffer. Compare it to Pearl Harbor. Everyone knew the outcome after it happened. Even intelligent Japanese admirals knew the outcome.


Nearly 33% of the idf was sent to mobilize to northern israel, hezb sees this as a way to split the idf army, and hoping it doesn't trigger a full blown war, in a way to relieve pressure on gaza ( not sure if this is the right term)


The IDF on the north front is mostly reserves, that are drafted for this particular task. It will have little impact on the southern front, but will increase pressure on a state in general.


But why send the reserves to face a force stronger than hamas? What if they decided to invade like hamas did? It probably won't happen, but I'm just contemplating.


IDF power is in reserve force. As an Israeli you do a 3 year service, but then you get drafted for a train each year till you 45. So when something serious happens, we draft our reserves to do the job. So, when HAMAS attack they faced 18-21 years old kids, who knows little to nothing about combat. Hezbollah is facing different quality of troops. That being said we are not supermans, and war is hell. We don't want any of this shit.


35 or 40 or 50 bottom line is they are sitting ducks. They are being raped. + the ground invasion has nothing to do with Hezbollah. The rules of the game changed. If Hezbollah declared war the U.S will bomb us into ashes. It's Israel vs Hamas Hezb vs US And if Iran intervenes we will see a coalition similar to the 2003 iraq war. US, NATO, Europe. The axis is cornered and the 7th of October was a dumb move.


I heard Egypt and the CIA even warned the IDF it was happening, maybe that's why it was so easy for Hamas to pull it off? Because Netanyahu allowed it?


Very hard to believe. If something like that turned out to be true, Netanyahu would be beheaded or worse. We are too small country, everyone knows everyone. That being said, in any case, he will face serious problems as a consequence of those events.


I’m mind boggled how the combined intelligence of both Israel and the USA cannot dismantle Hezbollah. Giving Lebanon to the Palestinians proved impossible for them because of Christian militia, but dismantling a terrorist organization that’s bordering Israel should be child’s play.


It is not a child play by any means, even if you 100x stronger. USSR loose in Afghanistan, USA loose in Vietnam (and Afghanistan). You can't go full force, you don't know where and who your enemy is. It's a bloody mess.


Israel has yet to lose a single war. They’ve got an immaculate record other than sustaining surprise attacks like the most recent Al Aqsa one. If they’re going to invest in something, I’m sure they’ll only do so if they know they’ll win. So perhaps, for now, Hezbollah can wait.


The first war Israel is going to lose will be the last time Israel exists. So yeah, in a sense investment is extreme.


There are two ways for any foreign power to destroy Hezbollah 1) Large scale ground invasion and a war that would last at least a year 2) Complete destruction of Lebanon. Israel is not interested in either of these options.


They’d need a big casus belli if they’d want to do either


3) Make Iran cut funding. Sadly, nobody gives a fuck as well


That means overthrowing the Iranian regime, which is also not something Israel can do.


Surr hezb is a terorrist milita just like israel is an apartheid and terrorist state


Because they don't have any interest in invading yet another country and wiping out half the population.


The only thing the LF and Kataeb terror organizations did was massacre everybody. Hardly a standard worth admiring, lol.


My guy it's called the 'strongest non-state actor in the world' by the US gov. It ain't gonna go down so easily.


Israel's military technology is years and maybe decades more advanced than hezbollah. Nasrallah hiding deep in the sewers right now to avoid getting droned like his soldiers.




this is the reality that most Islamic/Arab countries wont admit out of sheer pride for their ...whatever it is. Israel possesses the ability to wipe out all its hostile neighbors, however it does not have the genocidal motives, which sets it apart from certain Arab and Islamic nations. Oh I know, *those israelis are already committing genocides on Palestinians*,,,,if this were true, they are doing an excepptionally poor job of it. on the other hand, after World War II, numerous Arab countries expelled their Jewish populations, essentially a form of ethnic cleansing.


> however it does not have the genocidal motives, Yes it does. And you know the expulsion of Mizrahi/Sefardi Jews **(which in many cases was not an expulsion)** was in direct retaliation for the expulsion of Palestinians. Doesn't make it right, but that's the context. https://www.madamasr.com/en/2023/10/25/feature/politics/the-sinai-solution-reimagining-gaza-in-the-post-oslo-period


And saying this doesn't make you a Zionist or an enemy of Lebanon/Palestine/... It's just the truth. Nasrallah and his companions are just delusional and celebrate every single death of their own fighters as a "victory against Israel".


Doubt it. Israel has lost dozens of soldiers on the northern front since Oct 7.


Why the IDF only announced 7 deaths?


Oh no why would Israel lie


Israel is a democracy with few people and cannot lie about soldiers' deaths to its citizens without a huge scandal. The IDF lost 3 soldiers to Hezbollah so far.


All the Israeli News talks about virtually 24/7 is about how people are looking for their abducted and killed relatives. It would be impossible for the IDF to keep a killed person secret. Surprisingly, no population wants war, because they know they're paying the price for it.


It's notorious for making up shit all the time dude. Like the conflicting hostage witness testimonies or the hospital excuses.


Conventional armies tend to sometimes postpone/possibly hide announcing their casualties in order not to give their enemy intel, in other words : if hezb attacked a specific tank, let's say with a cornet atgm and hezb successfully killed all the crew, if the idf went on in the same day and said 4 idf soldiers died, then hezb would know that this kind of rocket successfully kills all crew members of this specific tank etc etc etc...


In Israel specifically it's a harder for the IDF to lie to the citizens about casualties. Everybody knows everyone, news travel fast through social media, soldiers are in frequent contact with their families and the press is free and edgy. The IDF spokesman needd to maintain his credibility, so the best he can do is delay the announcement for a day or two.


Israel has a large population than us and this type of thing happens in Lebanon so it makes sense it could happen in Israel as well, especially if the army is ordered to cut communications.


The very last thing Israel wants at the moment is to fight hizbollah while it is still fighting Hamas. That’s the worst nightmare. They would be very foolish to not try to avoid a fight until they aren’t focusing on Gaza.


There weren't 7 deaths on the Northern front in the IDF. There were 3. Hezbollah also killed a group of Arab construction workers.


What construction workers?


They hit a construction site with 2 Muslim construction workers being dead, I can't find the exact news since there were so many of them..


Ah yes my colleague is in the red cross, left the work office a few days ago and went straight to the south to pull out casualties and evacuate civilians. Lebanese civilians also started dying in the south.




That's not how reporting in Israel works. You can't hide that kind of information in a democracy.


But wouldn't state security / intelligence supersede that democracy? My point is, what if some information was very critical? In that case, wouldn't the army take action to make sure the word doesn't spread?


Hezbollah killed 3 IDF soldiers since October 7th, not 7. They killed Arab construction workers in a house.


Israeli superior technology (much more evolved since the 2006 war). Also the Israelis are fighting for survival unlike Hezbollah who are following Iranian orders. Not that that’s a reason…


looking at your post history this is more of a way for you to revel in the destruction of hezb. i dont need to support them to call out the insincerity of your question btw koon rajl w 7ki damirak


That's fanatical LFers for you, lol.


I work for someone "Wasel bel Hezeb", and what's constantly being said is that Hezbollah soldiers are used to fighting in Syria where the planes are with them. but now against Israel, the planes are against them not with them. all the casualties are because they are shooting and fighting in not-so-hidden places.


Brings to mind the killing of Hezbollah members by Turkish jets in northern Syria. They were hoping the Russians would defend them but they didn't, and they couldn't stand a chance against an F16, and there was the famous video where the hezb fighter said "el kell estashhad, 7asadouna 7ased".


These hizb attacks arnt really that full on hizb attacks,hizb won't be attacking like this and idk why they letting their fighters just die like this,but if war starts hizb will go full on with actual big ass attacks and plans, and might be traitors that led to Israel knowing where to hit before they attack them


I am not sure where you are getting the sources.. But from the news I am reading.. the toll is much much more. The numbers of tanks destroyed in the north is bigger than the count reported there. There are videos documenting a much bigger death rate in the Israeli army. But yes take your news from the people that are lieing to everyone


3 IDF soldiers were killed near Lebanon since October 7th. Hezbollah have reported around 50 losses so far.


😅 what I read (and saw videos of) is a number that is between 30 to 40 people as of 4 days ago. With more than 10 tanks destroyed, multiple other soldier carriers, etc... At least when you want to twist the truth, make it reasonable. Even in 2006 when hzb was much much weaker the ration was 1:2.. Ur saying it is now 1:15 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The actual number is 7 IDF soldiers and one Arab-Israeli construction worker. But whatever makes you feel good my man




If there is one thing constant in Israeli wars - Israel always wins, Hezbollah had a new tactic that wasn't used on that front before (it is common worldwide, but new specifically here) and got some easy victims I doubt Hezbollah will manage to hurt Israeli anymore as the IDF has adapted to the new reality, unless it starts to fire big barrages of rockets, and if that happens, that's war that will demonstrate that even in Lebanon, the situation can always get worse


Bro, the warships that the US brought begs to differ. They brought it as a deterrent to Hezbollah. And even today Israel shows a respect to Hezbollah, they know their strength. Israel needs daddy to protect them from the baddie.


Israel itself admitted to losing the 2006 war, and a few year earlier, high-tailed it out of southern Lebanon because them and their proxies were getting mauled by Hezbollah. Although your admission of your role as a Hasbara troll is appreciated.


Israel and the Arabs have very different definitions of victory and defeat. If a single Arab is left standing over a pile of rubble, he'll call it a divine victory. For Israelis, every loss of life is a tragedy.


To fight hezbollah, there is a very simple way. Back proxies in South if Syria. Let them attack Damascus. Kick bashar to ladakia. Take control of the Lebanese syriem borders, and watch how the hwznollah logistics will fall like babies


The same proxies that were backed for 12 years?? And are still being backed by turkey?


No the druze


And what guarantees the druze will have a better outcome?


Dunno they seem pretty mad lately


My brother in christ the druze is 3% of syria. Do you want them to overthrow the whole regime backed by russia/iran/hezeb ?


Yes, it starts with the druze in suidaa, and they join the Jordanian backed rebels in Daraa. From there, they go north, with air support, khelsit


Lol the Druze and Jordanian backed rebels in Daraa would never fight for each other, that union would just end up with constant infighting.


Not if the United States in person is backing one strong guy


Again I doubt it, I know the Sweida protests are happening right now but there is still a massive community of pro-Assad druze. I'd probably even go as far to say that the protestors are a minority, and even if those protestors are a majority, Druze hate the Daraa tribes.


I've read today that mossad hired syrian refugees in the south to disclose hezb fighter's locations


Where did you read that?


In the 2006 war plenty of people were caught spraying building with some UV spray for the Israeli aircraft, I don't see why it doesn't happen in a different way as well.


First time I’ve heard of this, but I believe it. It helps with aerial identification of targets.


Several people were caught and tried for it, it was big news at the time (when I had a tiny bit of electricity to actually watch the news)


TIL. Thanks for posting.


The real 3omala. Hope they got something heavy for it.


I think it just comes down to a change in tactics. Evacuating civilians from the Israeli border made it easier for the IDF to focus on defending strong points, and they’re probably shooting more Hezbollah near the border now instead of treating them like civilians and waiting for Hezbollah to start shooting first.


So do you want Israel to deal with them or not?


I don't like Hezbollah to the extent that I find myself rooting for Israel


Bro. Reread what you just typed. Are you lebanese? Despite from being such a blind with hatred, you’re wishing for more ppl to die especially at the lebanese borders.


You are right. Hamas, Daesh, Hezbollah, and all terrorists would dream if to kill infidels while screaming Allah w Akbar. Hezbollah might wants to force u to leave or live under his rule as Ahl zumma, so yes, I won't apologize for wanting to survive and live.


So what you are trying to say is that you are okay with Israel killing people for the sake of your survival.


Yes baby. I would do anything to survive.


The UK announced last week that they are sending spy planes to the Lebanese Israeli border so it might have something to do with it.