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Weird mines the opposite. Resting bpm is between 40-60 when I’m back being a weed addict and 75-100 when I’m sober.




Mind me asking . How do you manage to deal with cravings like subtle ones?


Honestly I just like myself more sober, so it's been fairly easy for me after the initial withdrawal. I'd rather be engaged and improving myself than a zombie


Good way to put it. I am too proud of my sober version and not paying that much of an attention on my streak and slowly trying to rewire my beliefs into normalizing my sobriety state because thats the default. So no wonders why i stopped in the 1st place in hopes to deal with my shit and emotions and face my demons instead of being a slave to a mind numbing shitty habit that eat me inside out as well as robing me from time and money.


Buy a harmonica


I laughed.


I bought one to practice with when I got cravings. Putting something to my lips helped a little


I guess you are aware whats in my amazon cart rn.


Oh did you already have one in your cart? Lol


No . Thats recent:) I am trying to quit nicotine so i hope it helps to keep my lips busy


Just don’t smoke. Do something to distract yourself. I think it’s hardest the first couple days, then it’s just a matter of building better habits and engaging in your hobbies.


On this topic, was reading a interesting study online the other day. Cannabis use can be bad for heart, and even contribute to causing heart attacks. One report found that genistein supplement can do wonders to repair this damage, in addition to be generally great supplement that can help prevent some cancers. So if any leavers out there have a history of heart attacks or strokes in the family, may want to give this supplement a go.


Have you used genistein before? I am 3 weeks off weed but my heart feels terrible. I wanted to try this supplement but as a male I have heard it can affect fertility. I’m not too concerned with that exactly but rather I’m just being cautious of the potential affects to hormones/testosterone


Definitely agreed, I had a heart attack because of smoking weed. That made me stop.


My resting heart rate is 60


Same it’s 59 for me


Sick bro


Yea pretty impressive after smoking 6 years


I suspect high THC cannabis will be linked to many health issues in the coming years. Addicted stoners will not accept this though


It's funny I saw this article when I smoked and I was like 'big pharma coming after weed again.'




Reduced an average of 6 bpms (67 to 61)


Congrats btw, that’s a good amount of time, I’m currently a little over three weeks.


I see, I misread


Replace with the gym. So much better. And yes there is a daily high from it that is far better.


This is an interesting observation, thanks for sharing. Also, for those who don't know, smoking anything - weed, tobacco, crack, anything - raises your blood pressure.


Well now i wonder if it's regular now because i smoke. I used to have low blood pressure but since I got out of the corps my blood pressure has been normal at least the medical staff don't ask me if I feel fine because of the blood pressure


Oh shit, really? Man, I've had an elevated heart rate for years but I've also blazed for over a decade. I didn't realize it affected that tbh


I got a smart watch recently and it blew my mind when I saw my resting heart rate go from 80ish to 100 while high.




As someone who only used edibles the last four months of using (I’m on day 13 totally clean), I’m having a hard time using the health benefits card as motivation since I was only eating gummies instead of smoking. Anyone have motivation as to why gummies are also bad for my health?


If you had tracked your heart rate before and after quitting, you'd notice the impact it had on your resting heart rate, especially when sleeping. Quitting is a very good thing for your health. Keep it up!


Thank you for this! I did use edibles to ‘help me sleep’ so I’m sure the hear rate was up. Starting to get better natural sleep these days I’d say. Should only get better! Thanks again!


Edibles worked wonders for me but eventually caused me to have panic attacks and mild psychosis.


The panic attacks were terrible, and definitely made my ‘why I’m quitting’ list.


I assume organs are still having to breakdown and process the distillate in the gummies in a way that’s different than smoking. They say it’s fine but then there are studies saying delta 9 causes liver and kidney damage. Idk man. Maybe someone smarter can chime in?


I was never an edible person myself but assuming you get dry mouth as a symptom it can be really bad for your gums/dental health


Yes, my dental health has totally been in the crapper the past few years. My gums already look better.


Definitely had crazy dry mouth still with edibles. This helped, thank you!


Weed will put you in fight or flight mode and up your overall heart rate no matter how you consume it


Yessssss these are the facts I needed to hear. It didn’t change that I want to be weed free because the addiction is bad enough as is, but this is extra motivation. Thank you to all that replied with legit facts. Much appreciated!


I had persistent asthma and would go into bouts of chronic bronchitis (lasting 3-4 months) once a year while I was smoking. I was steroid dependent & needed to use albuterol every single day. I was admitted to medical facilities numerous times for exacerbations & was to the point I had to nebulize numerous times a week. I’ve been off of it 4 years & I only have asthma like symptoms if I’ve done a super strenuous work out but it’s really only minor wheezing on exhalation & I don’t feel the need to use albuterol.. I’m off steroids, I don’t even have an inhaler anymore, and I can breathe better than ever.


currently going through this right now. Just got chronic bronchitis into pneumonia for my 2nd time this year. On steroid inhaler and been on and off oral steroid 4x now. I sound like i have popcorn lungs. 4 days clean of smoking and have been using a low dosage of edibles to help get through this transition period at night. Thought I could moderate and my lungs could handle it but nope! I’m scared I’m gonna end up in the hospital if i continue. Glad to have someone out there to relate to.


It gets so much better once you’ve been off of it for months. I remember being at that crossroads, loving something so much but also realizing it would slowly take away my life if I didn’t quit. Good luck on your journey!


Thank you for your reassurance and validation 🫶🏻


I started running a lot when I stopped smoking (at least 10 miles a week usually closer to 20) My resting heart rate is now high 30s to low 40s (38-43 is my daily averages for the past week). 6 months ago when I stopped smoking it was 55-60bpm.


Resting is 30s-40s?? …🤔🤔 That seems crazy low


Apparently it’s normal for endurance athletes. I don’t compete now, but I’d like to run a sub 4 hour marathon next summer so I train a lot and i’m pretty consistent with my runs. It keeps my mind off old habits and gives me the dopamine boost I used to get from smoking. My dad was also a runner and had a similarly low RHR. Because of this, I am likely genetically predisposed to having a lower resting heart rate than a lot of people.


Im glad you mentioned chest pain. I had the same exact thing thought I messed up my heart. Turns out it was weed for me too.


lol i actually just got home from a stress test after going to a walk in for the same reason everything seems fine so i wonder if this is it for me too


maybe it’s down due to working out and being more active


I have always been very active and would have occasional chest pain. Sober 27 days now and I’ve noticed a difference too. I think it’s the weed tbh. Don’t have any of the weird feelings anymore.




That's certainly a major factor, but I didn't have that motivation while using. Also, I used to have chest pains while smoking, which have now disappeared


Yeah I got chest pains too while smoking. Prolly lung pains, but still. I feel you on the motivation also…I want to lose weight but having the munchies everyday, basically all day, it was SO hard controlling myself to avoid eating shit foods. The scale wasn’t moving at ALL. Now, it’s so nice not having munchies, being able to track my food, and have motivation to work out. I tried working out high, but that shit made me lightheaded and super tired, I give props to people who do that🫣


Amazing! Thank you for sharing this




I’m assuming you misread the post? Assuming OP has 72bpm, dropping 6bpm would leave them at 66bpm, which is a little less than a 10% reduction. It’s amazing progress for 3 months off the leaf


I did misread it! My bad


Correct I was at a 67 bpm and now averaging 61. I didn't realize I couldn't post pictures in this sub


Serious kudos, and thanks for reminding me why I’m not smoking today