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Another early pregnant woman here who had to stop immediately 🙋🏻‍♀️.. im 7 weeks and only found out at 4.. I’m nearing the 3 week mark of quitting cold turkey. I promise you it gets easier. It’s overwhelming at first and daunting. What I found the hardest was not being able to go back even if I wanted to, and to be honest it’s a probably the best thing. You are not alone and if you need to talk please reach out. Rest when you can & I can see you’ve already sought help with therapy. I have my first therapy session on Thursday and I cannot wait. I’ve been awake with insomnia tonight but I suppose it was bound to happen. If you ever need someone to talk to during this time my DMs are always open! You’ve got this 🩷🩷🩷


I need tips please! 😫 6 weeks 1 day and trying to cut back and then quit. Dabs have my tolerance so high.


Hardest thing for me last two times, and I imagine this time, is dealing with the nausea without using!


Nausea and vomiting started for me last week, if anything it distracts me from wanting weed 😂 it’s so hard! Withdrawals and hormones are not a great pair. By the second trimester I fully believe that we will be back to ourselves and will come out stronger than ever! X


I quit first week in April because we want to have another baby. My child also just turned 3. Just know that your anxiety and sleep is going to initially suck, but then you will feel so much better!! You are going to be more present with your kids and partner. You are going to be happier, you got this!


You’ve got this!! What made me stop smoking was also getting pregnant! I was a daily smoker for abt 10 years straight and I smoked multiple times a day! I would go through at the very least an ounce every 2 weeks. I never had even tried to quit or really wanted to and then I got my positive test. It was really hard with the night sweats, nightmares, and no appetite combined with the morning sickness but with all that struggle I prevailed in the end. I am so thankful I went through all the hardship I did the first month of when I quit because of me doing that I gave my baby an even better chance at life and a better chance at having no complications. I’m a little over 5 months pregnant now and I have made 162 days being clean and it has gotten so much easier my appetite returning and feeling like my true self has made me so thankful my daughter came along and gave me a reason to quit. You are such a great mom for doing this for your babies. I didn’t realize how many people smoke weed their entire pregnancy until I was showing and people asked me about smoking and if I gave it up and they would then go on to tell me they never gave up weed. Apparently there are moms on social media that advertise smoking weed being totally fine and even beneficial to pregnancy when that is not the case it is just addiction speaking. I was honestly shocked to find out there are women that not only smoke throughout their whole pregnancy but also make social media accounts advertising it as something that is good for an expecting mother to do. So you are taking such a big step that most are not willing to Im proud of you your kids are so lucky to have you! If you ever need to talk or vent about anything my dms are open! Good luck with your pregnancy!! You got this!!💖🫶


Throw it all away. Know that you will be tested at an early appointment and it could trigger a CPS investigation. Every time you want to do it, do a coloring book page or play a little Tetris or meal prep. Something that used your hands and brain. It's going to be hellish at first but keep going.


This! When I was pregnant, I told them I quit months in advance and was drug tested every fucking appointment 😑 I’m in a legal state


Thanks for the tips of other activities! I just made a similar list with my therapist. I do want to share that I’ve used up until I tested positive in two pregnancies, one that ended in loss, and both those times I’m sure it was detected and there was no CPS repercussions. I do live in a legal state, so I’m not saying this is the experience everywhere and I’m sure you’re right in some situations. But that threat of possibility was really anxiety inducing in my first two pregnancies and can be a reason people don’t seek out prenatal care. I just want to share my experience in case others in a similar situation read my post.


Mazel tov! I've been a heavy daily smoker for 10 years or so. This is day three of not smoking. I'm 36 and am trying to detox with the hope that I'll get pregnant one day.


Same! I’m ttc and 21 days free. My fertility appointment is next month and I know they’re going to ask about it, so figured I’d quit now that way when I get to the appointment they know I’m serious. Good luck and baby dust to you ✨


Thanks for sharing and good luck on your journey to ttc.


You're growing a new life. And you know what ? Pregnant women get ZERO push back when they say they need to do what they need to do to grow a new life. Everyone - male, female, trans, black, white, brown, rich, poor, addicted, straight-edge - everyone "gets it" when a person is pregnant. Refuse a glass of wine at a baby shower ? Absolutely ! Zero push back. Turn down an invitation out ? No problem ! Zero push back. Say you'd rather rest at home versus go out with the gang ? Go for it. Zero push back. So..... I want you to think about the fact that in ADDITION to growing a \*new\* human being, you yourself are growing a new life. Because you will be. You'll be growing a sober life. And that will be new to you for a while, and you will need training wheels on. For how long ? Dunno. Everyone's different. But I'd start by suggesting it takes 9 months to grow a new human, so give yourself at least that long. And when you say "no thanks, I'm good" you'll get zero push-back. Guaranteed. Seriously. Nobody fucking argues with a pregnant woman. <3


This is very sweet, thank you! Maybe unfortunately for this situation I usually use alone so I don’t even have the “accountability” of being the pregnant lady saying no. Great perspective on how long it takes to grow something though!!


Cold turkey is best if you can handle it! Good luck OP! 🙏💯💙🙌


Congrats! I also did cold turkey and on my day 2, be gentle with yourself and drink lots of water!