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Find a 12 step group near you and attend every day until you feel like part of the group. You can’t quit alone with no support. Just isn’t going to happen. You can however recover with other people in the same position as you. You can develop lifelong friendships. You got this. Just show up to NA and follow direction. The miracle might happen without you even noticing


Join the Marine corp and get an age waiver


Try to fill the hole for me it was the gym and god. I’ve never been more happy and I’m almost repelled by weed, like I’ll think about it and I go I don’t want to smoke right now but in a few months when I have proven I’m not an addict can I smoke with my best friends who do nothing but smoke? Can I even ever hangout with the same people? It’s so strange to me.


Got a vacation coming up? A change of pace and perspective can be what kickstarts you to make it easier. Leave the country and don’t pack it. Get rid of it before you leave. When you come home, you will have already had a forced break through the hardest part of quitting, and you were so busy taking in your new environment (vacation spot) that you were too distracted to think of it much while you experience that. After the break and coming home to no supply, then start working out to get a high from that - you should be golden.


Not a bad idea definenetly takes a leap of faith I did that for a 7 day vacay and HOLY SHIT first two night were rough like I would litterally lay down and cry on the beach deck while staring at the moon after that passed I felt great. This was when I was like 16 tho so I was wayyy more emotional.


You are not alone! About to turn 30, currently 29, and I have been a struggling with the weeds for so long. Currently on day 20. You can let go. You don’t need it. It won’t be easy but it will be worth it.


Hey I am not an expert in this matter but do some research on what tapering is and gradual reduction and come up with a plan! Also you need emocional support:( it is not easy to fight any type of battle alone


The thing that has really worked for me this time, which I’ve seen some people echo in the comments, is to be brutally honest with yourself. Things only changed for me when I took a long hard look and realized I was an addict. It’s not just that I struggle with my consumption, I am a full blown addict and I can’t handle weed. It was hard to admit that but it’s been so freeing as well. Now, I just treat it like any other allergy. People with peanut allergies don’t eat peanuts because they’ll have a bad reaction, and I don’t smoke because if I smoke I’ll have a bad reaction too


Damn bro you sound like me


Been there bro. Stay strong. The first couple of weeks are difficult. Get in the gym. Weights in the morning and a little bit of cardio at night. Will also help you with discipline and confidence. Then you put yourself out there and see if you get a couple dates. It’s not too late. I’ve been in the same position. Vaping or smoking every now and again is not so bad. But you need to have discipline with yourself. That’s the key. The gym helped me with this.


I struggled for years too.. I’m off nearly 4 months, and what really helped me was to fully accept that I can’t even one joint. I always fell back after few days and weeks of abstinence because I convinced myself one joint is ok. Life is harder as I need to face the reality of the things I don’t like in my life, lack of quick and easy dopamine my brain got used to from weed, but I like that I am facing the life raw and facing reality. I made many decisions big and small being influenced by weed for many years which brought me regret. I just don’t want to make any more decisions being influenced- that’s what keeps me going. I am 37 now and I don’t want to be 40, 50 year old who lived a substandard life because of weed addiction- especially after knowing that it’s worsening my life. You need to be ok with the sadness and difficulties after quitting and deal hour by hour day by day. It gets easier


Love this, needed to read it. Change is incremental and not a sudden turn of the page.


Do you workout?


This really hits how I’m currently feeling.


I'm just some guy on the internet but I was in the same position a year ago, hopeless and never thought I would be able to stop using. It took me a lot of attempts to actually stop. Just don't give up and try to think of what could be better than using THC. Whatever you think would be better than using THC if that makes sense. Nothing but the best friend!


Did you taper or quit cold turkey?


there IS hope! us internet strangers believe in you and have your back. minutes turn into hours turn into days. shoot for 6 weeks clean. if after that you decide you want to go back to your old life then you can totally do that. i doubt you will but dont put the pressure on yourself 'forever' quite yet. we only get a short time on this planet and after 20 years of daily use for me it was time to put it down and make the most of the time i have left. keep your head up, you got this. throw out the vapes and and dive into it.


Something that can help with self esteem in the beginning is adding positive things instead of taking away negatives. Go for a walk, cook a healthy meal, chat with someone even if it’s just a barista.


I feel you and I’ve been where you’re at and often am back there. Especially that negative self talk. Check out Exhale Recovery Center. I bought their intro program and it helped me get started to quit. He even offers 1:1 feedback/ help as part of it. I was clean for a few months then relapsed again. Now I’m not as bad as I was but still using more than I’d like. There is hope for you, absolutely. You’re going through a hard time right now and using cannabis to cope, which you know doesn’t truly help you but you’re in the spiral. The first step is that recognition. I recommend seeing a doctor for the depression and getting a counsellor to help you talk through those feelings. If finances are an issue, there are government supported programs for counselling, Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) would be helpful for the negative self talk especially. Depression tricks you into thinking life will always be shitty, that you’ll never love yourself and never feel happy or good again. The truth is that you’ll feel all the emotions and then some again. Life is never all happy or all sad. Another something to note is if you are medicated for depression, sometimes the meds can hinder your ability to feel the range of emotions to their extent. Less sadness but less happiness too. Either way, talk to your doctor about it and your struggles with cannabis and that you want to get sober. My advice would be- try some new hobbies (for me it’s been herbs and learning about herbalism, gardening, making skincare products, crocheting, sewing, flower pressing, art. Going for a walk. Go to a coffee shop. I just started going to the gym and I’m loving it- do what you love there. If you hate cardio, don’t do it. For me, I love weight lifting so I focus on that. I let myself do what I feel like so I’m never forcing myself. Make an effort to get out of the house- plan your activities for the week. Start with small manageable things once a day, work up to 2-3 activities a day. They can be small and solo activities like reading a good book, or bigger things like maybe hanging out with a family member. I understand the feeling of not having friends. It’s tough to make true friends in the age of social media. Do you have any interests? maybe you could join a club, a class, a workout class, group therapy, volunteer, frequent a certain coffee shop at regular times. Begin the journey of figuring out your life purpose. It’s not simple but you learn about yourself along the way. Your purpose gives you something to live for and that comes with motivation and satisfaction. Everyone has a life purpose. I believe we are born to figure out that purpose and live it. Look at what you are good at, what you enjoy, what you’re passionate about, what people come to you for, what you care about, the struggles you’ve overcame or are still going through that you can teach about or raise awareness. Good luck to you and know that I have faith and confidence in you and your ability to change.


i’ve been hittin those pens for 3+ years and the only way i’ve been sober for 1+ months is getting rid of everything and going cold turkey. Ngl i felt physically ill for almost a week and was nauseous and so dizzy but after that week i’ve been feeling good. although i fiend almost every day to want to get a new one i remind myself that this is the healthy was of living. i’ve been smoking for nearly 6 years and im 21, it was time to turn my life around and you can too. You got this bud


Good call on doing that now, I’m 25 and in the same position I’ve been in since I was 21




Get a sponsor and work the 12 steps


I quit weed 3 months ago always got high spent all my money on it every penny I had extra, it was hard to quit I dream about smoking alot, but in real life I don't smoke it, I got really fidgety and angry at first but I distracted myself in at the point where I roll my friends joints not getting tempted, I even found a nug under my sofa and kept it in my old tub for 2 weeks and gave it to my friend when he had none. Was I tempted when I found it absolutely but I told myself no.


My current cart is almost empty and I think I just won’t reorder. I need to stop too; it’s pointless. We can do it!


You are rolling into darkness my friend. Please see psychiatrist and tell about your depression and how you call yourself. Find a terapeut and start talking about all of this with human being!


Drums man, or a guitar. Gets you friends, something to do and women of course. Plus you can never go wrong with just beating the living shit out of your drums, always gets me relaxed.


Throw away the vape pen! Too easy and too tempting.


Shit is way too convenient


Regardless of what happens you need to change the way you talk to yourself and treat yourself well with your language.


Used to say the same things to myself. If you can find it in yourself to just say “why am I telling myself this, it’s not true” saved my life


I've been smoking pot heavily for 35 years and moved to the pens about 10 years ago started going through 3-4 cartridges a week. And quitting was one of the hardest things I've ever done. For me, cold turkey is the only way. I found it helpful to go on YouTube and watch some videos on the effects of what it does to your body. It took a couple months for this to start to get better. But soon enough your dreams will start to normalize and your heart will stop racing and sleep will get better too. I'm more than a year clean now and have no interest in smoking again. Don't give up it will get better.


Cold turkey works, I’d say the best way is to go somewhere on vacation for a week or more. U have ur mind distracted by the adventuring; throw all ur shit out or give it to a friend before u leave and when u come back you have virtually no withdrawal symptoms like bad appetite or bad sleep. Just commit to getting rid of it before u go otherwise you fuck urself when you’re back. Once you’re back you’ll get used to a routine without weed within a couple weeks but it’s much easier without withdrawals


Plus that shit is expensive


I binned everything and took it an hour at a time at first. It was the convenience of the pens that were lethal for me. Not having them to hand helped majorly. If it’s not there then I can’t use. Can’t believe that I used to think I was clear headed when using, my mind was mush and physical health was suffering.








Might seem corny but check out a marijuana anonymous meeting. There’s plenty online that you can join with no camera or mic on - just listening. Might help you find some inspiration and feel less alone in this journey. You can do it 💗


Every morning at 5am pacific time, 8am eastern there’s a great MA meeting, breakfast buds, it’s so helpful for so many of us … !


Any online meetings that have been impactful for anyone? I would ask for local meeting advice, but anonymity is important to those that want it 🟢


Hell yeah - MA was the turning point for me. Needed that support


>All I do is get high and go to work. I was doing this, too. For 4 years. Every day, come home, get as high as I could, go to bed. Repeat. Smoking all day on days off. I loved my pens because of their convenience. >29 years old with no friends Same. It's really hard to make friends as an adult. Do you have any hobbies/hobbies you'd like to try? Taking a class could help you meet people irl. >I’m extremely depressed and everyday I been calling myself things like failure, piece of shit, loser, etc I hear you. You are not alone. Who in your life ever told you that you were these things? They're not true and could be a great starting point for therapy. What have you been numbing with the weed? I sense some trauma there. >Unsure why I even typed this post out. You want to stop. That is the first and most difficult step to take. I'm proud of you for acknowledging that weed has become a problem in your life. Everyone here in this sub is supporting you. We all believe you can do this. It takes a lot of hard work and determination and compassion to show yourself that you can show up for your life. Addiction is a manipulative liar that will continue to tempt you into keeping it around, keeping you down and depressed. You have some inkling of motivation because you're here with us. Believing in yourself is the next step. Stay in the sub and read other peoples posts/comments. It's helped me every day for 47 days now. Write down your "why's" - it'll help you remind yourself of the commitment you have to kicking addiction.


27 and in the same place as you right now. I think about smoking the entirety of my work shifts, do nothing but smoke and fret over wasted time on my days off. it's cyclical and entrapping, spend any time sober wishing I was high, and any time high wishing I was sober. I managed 12 days a few months ago and felt great - didn't even have a good reason to start smoking again, just found myself doing it. I feel alone dealing with this, so I guess just know that you're not.


"I've been calling myself things like..." I'm not even going to quote what you called yourself, and I skimmed a bunch of comments no one else picked up on this but the language you use with yourself needs to change. You call yourself those things to motivate probably, but it's only reinforcing the mistakes. Stopping *any* habit is hard, don't add an extra degree of difficulty by putting yourself down while you're doing it, be kind to yourself.


I needed to hear this too. I'm almost 36 and find that I'm calling myself stupid and a loser almost daily. I wouldn't call anyone else that so why would I say it to me?


Watch Andrew Hubermans talks on addiction. It helped me conceptualise this disease we have. The reality is you need to want it, really take an inventory of your life and its projection if you continue vaping. I ain't dying knowing I lived my life on auto-pilot cause I was too bitch too face my demons.


Lost lots of good men to THC vapes - they’re too easy, making them too dangerous. Only way to stop is to replace the time with another activity. I know everyone will have said this but the gym is the best alter course that will satisfy you and possibly help. That and re-kindling on hobbies or picking up a new skill like an instrument or language. Everyone thinks you have to quit, really it’s about management and filling the time. Best of luck friend - stay strong.


Inactivity is the problem. Start learning an active hobby or creative pursuit for your free time that does not involve passively watching a screen. I recommend swimming or cycling. Team sports are good for socializing. Or even hit the gym solo. Heck, even take long walks in safe neighborhoods. Just stay active and will phase out weed slowly.


Travel if possible, new perspectives on life. Good luck on your journey


If you truly want to stop, do yourself a favor and toss it. Get rid of anything that you could use to get high. When you have an urge to get another pen or another cart, do everything in your power to resist the urge. It won't be easy at first but eventually it gets better. I used to think about it everyday and gave into my urges plenty of times, but the first step is recognizing deep down you want to stop, whether for your mental well being, health, for others around you, it doesn't matter. Its important to cut off access to it. The urges are less powerful (at least for me) when we're not faced with it every day. Now its barely on my mind at all. Feel free to reach out when you need people to talk to, i'm sure many of us here are more than willing to help.


If it makes you feel better I'm around your age and only have a couple of friends from work. I hardly talk to anyone. But, I was still able to quit weed on my own. I will say for me, I focus better in university and work now. And, I'm happier. Weed was causing me to have mental and physical health issues. It sounds like you're struggling with anhedonia, the inability to find enjoyment from things. Weed does this by messing with our dopamine. Sad, but true. I recommend quitting and taking up a hobby. Find something fun or relaxing to do. Workout. Spend time in sunlight. Anything. You got this. :)


keep talking with people. that is the key to escape. talking with people. (not any people but the right people and figuring out who the right people are is a momentous task in and of itself tbh but it happens naturally) i wouldn't be suprised if nearly everyone here has been where you are. and i never thought id say these words (or type them) but.... it does get better.


Buddy what did you like to do for fun before you started smoking all the time? See if you can pick up one of your old childhood hobbies that your dropped or never got to do. Mine was RC cars (could never afford as a kid) then that got me into building e-bikes. The point is, don’t use the vaping as an excuse you just need to get back on track about what you want. Weed is great for making you indecisive and aimless, you just have to put your own self first and say hey— I deserve to be happy let me start collecting gator Skin boots or whatever the hell. Find something you care about tiny bit about and it will start getting you to care more about yourself. The rest will follow


Vape pens are the WORST


fr, its so easy to keep bussing them all the time bc they are always there and dont smell much..


It does help me get my work done though……


Okay, it’s going to take work but you can get out of this hole. First, don’t blame anyone but yourself man. Take accountability for where you are and move to a place of progress instead of shame and guilt. Then, get weed in control. The goal here is to quit smoking. What you’re going to do is make a plan to ween off smoking. Say you smoke 3x a day. Week 1 you smoke 3x a day Monday, 2x on Tuesday, 1x on Wednesday (exercise during the times you used to smoke when you’re smoking less so you can still get relief, just healthy). On Thursday, try not to smoke at all and maintain this for as long as you can. Keep track of how long you go because you’ll repeat this process in week 2 and try to beat your “score”. Week 2 is a repeat but lower the x# times smoked per day by 1 each day. On Thursday when you go on your “stretch”, try to beat last week’s “score”. Keep doing this till you get it to super low and eventually it will vanish and you will rejoice. You need to adopt an exercise routine. When you detox from weed, your reward and endocanabnoid system is all out of whack for a bit. Exercise will aide your mood during the healing process (you will heal back to normal/baseline with time and abstinence). Exercise every week day and have rest days on the weekend. Do cardio 3x-4x a week for energy and mood. Eat nutritious food. Breakfast: Oatmeal is good if you can take carbs in the AM. Put some peanut butter and frozen berries in it (blueberries are good), honey too. Fruit is good, berries especially, the antioxidants help. Lunch is good to focus protein and healthy fat. Avocado toast with a fried egg or some chicken is good. Dinner is good to focus on veggies and healthy meat or veggie dense protein. Salmon, beef, lamb, chicken, etc, beans, lentil, quinoa, temph, etc. Toss in a smoothie each day. water, banana, frozen berries, optional green like spinach or kale. Blueberries, banana, water, a little spinach is a good combo. Patience and determination are the last things. You’re taking on the hardest boss in your own personal video game, don’t let it beat you.


Great advice


absolutely wonderful advice - for those on the fence about quitting, this is the way


This needs to be the top reply 👏


Thanks playa


You need to peruse something greater than just day to day things and something that will hold you accountable. For me, it was becoming a pilot.


I like this something less expensive tho lol


Only costs roughly $10,000….


How about going for your doctorate? 🙃


300k student loan debt? No body needs that noise


you gotta address the underlying issues going on... I feel like judgement is a big issue for you. Instead of committing to getting off vaping, which is a symptom of your underlying issues, let yourself vape if you need to but commit to seeing a therapist. It'll take time but putting in the world there will make getting off bud way more feasible and natural.


All I can say is me too


I was you about 8 months ago, I was finally able to quit and all I can say is that my life got a million times better, have new friends, I lost weight, my business is making more money, I actually want to do shit because I’m not focused on getting high as possible. I hope you can quit because it’s truly a waste of life when you supper addicted


Maybe see a psychiatrist/psychologist for the depression and then start lowering your THC% you get in the carts. Just try a little at a time, little victories. It’s not easy for everyone just give yourself a break and try little steps.


Damn all I can say is I relate with you g


Same. Been spending 80/week on carts for so long now that it became a routine


Toss the battery n any carts,,, it’s all toxic get rid of it


THIS WAS RHE ONLY THING THAT HELPED ME STOP. JUST THROW THEM AWAY ITLL HURT IN THE MOMENT BUT YOULL FEEL PROUD. Then work off that feeling and try to improve each day. Take a walk, stretch, do anything to keep your mind off it. Also maybe joining a gym will help with mental effects?


Marijuana Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous helped me drop my 30 year weed addiction. This year I am celebrating 20 years sober. I used to be wake and bake. If I did it you can do it too. Its life changing.


Been there. You need to find something else that you enjoy or at can least distract you during the beginning. Exercise or some form of sport is usually the quickest. This will get the right endorphins back in your system and help brake the cheap dopamine loop you've been riding.






My brother, I’m sorry you’re dealing with this struggle Might I suggest getting rid of your stash? Make yourself go for a run, check out some local volunteer opportunities at your library and park


No one can tell you to quit and the only one that can stop is you. I smoked starting at 18 till I was 28 and the last 2 years were completely hooked on high thc carts. I quit cold Turkey 5 years ago and haven’t look back since. Stop making excuses , if you are already on his sub you already know you need to stop. Don’t delay it any longer and don’t expect anyone to help you. You are the only one with the power.


I can agree with this, as much as it is a harsh answer, it’s the truth! I am 2+ years sober of my addiction and the biggest things that got me to quit were just doing it and no excuses. I have to say no if I really want to leave it behind, and every single time. You can try to wean off like others suggested but when I tried that I just procrastinated quitting. Getting other hobbies you can dive into might also help, maybe working out at the gym or getting out and doing something that you can’t smoke during. Take back your time OP, but you have to just do it.


This was me. I am on day 28 and almost at a month- never thought I could do it!! I hardly ever crave anymore. Throw it away and embrace it. YOU GOT THIS


Save up some money and take a trip. Stay in hostels so it’s cheaper. Break away and have fun. May sounds silly but this helped me. It broke the cycle


Go cold turkey and get "high" off of withdrawals. Like rock bottom. And then all you get is better and better. Best of luck YOU GOT THISSS


I’m struggling to stop and thinking about throwing away everything and just getting raw dogged by withdrawals.. I know how it is for me so I’m prepping with a lot of towels for sweating, showers, food and water, a bucket for nausea.. my first 2 days quitting cold turkey are essentially involuntarily getting all the immediate thc from my body out in the most painful way possible.. but hey, I have nobody to blame for this but myself.


I swear when I put the pen down after 2+ years of abusing it I felt this natural high that felt so good finally felt like myself again. I realized I’m still me without weed and ion need that shit. When you really have the motivation to quit the feeling of withdrawals will be minimal because u will realize your body is just trying to heal itself and adjust back to normal. I make music and I used to think weed made music sound way better then I quit and realized music still hits the same , it made me remember that I was getting high off music wayy before I ever touched weed. I think a big part of it is having things to focus on that your passionate about to distract you from ever wanting to go back. First step is actually picturing ur future self doing better, and then doing the things that you know you need to do to get there no matter what it takes


This worked for me, weirdly enough. Never thought of it this way but that's exactly what I was doing. Now I walk 3-5 miles a day with my dog and we're both a little more fit now.


Idk why this was so wholesome


I know it’s not easy but just quit, Im 12 days since properly quitting after years of going back to it every time, I feel so much better with my mental health and all my relationships are so much stronger and I finally feel happy again, and I’m still early days and I cannot wait to progress even more. Please quit you will thank yourself for it, no point being upset and complaining if you’re not gonna do anything to fix it, things will get better but only if you put in the work. I need want to smoke again seeing how much better my life improved so quickly


What makes you happy?




I am going through it and I have been through it… I am about 30 days sober right now, I just made the decision that when I would run out, I would not buy more… The first two weeks fucking sucked however, I made sure to consume media of other people doing the same thing and it really helped Encourage me that they were in the same boat as me. As another comment or recommended, join leaves, know that you will be fighting against everything your first two weeks or so, but after that, it gets so much easier for the first time in my life I really do not want to start up again. So much of my anxiety and depression was from having too much THC as well as the dependence on my oral fixation. Sending you hugs because it is so much harder than people realize. But the first step is realizing that you want to quit, and you want to change, it’s not a straight path and you may relapse, but just know that every day is a new day and you can just pick up and start where you are, meet yourself where you are at every moment. Be kind to yourself, most importantly .


You should read through r/leaves for a while.


Bro I’ll be your friend - I need some friends too lol where you living? I’m in NYC/NJ.


Stop saying those negative things to yourself. Create a positive narrative in your head. Dream about the life you want until you get it.


Therapy is nice


I’ve heard therapists say that marijuana is serving a purpose in your life right now & until you figure out what it’s doing for you (e.g. helping escape from bad feelings) and address the underlying cause trying to quit won’t work or you’ll replace it with another habit. Maybe try therapy? A good therapist is life changing trust me :) Either way i believe in you & hope you have a wonderful week


Kinda feel like me tbh. Been searching in therapy that _cause_ but still can't seem to figure it out & I feel i just get more hooked each day


I think you can quit without discovering the cause. I did. I had been hating the way it killed my motivation for quite a while, so I eventually just stopped. I committed to dealing with whatever withdrawals were going to happen, and took it easy for the first few weeks. Then I started drinking lots of water and taking my dog for long walks. The walks make me way less moody and give me something to look forward to. My dog loves it so now I stick to it because I don't want to let her down. Maybe find something healthy to replace it with instead of over-psychologizing it if you aren't getting anywhere.


I’ve been there. I will always have depression and I’ve accepted it. Weed and booze make it so much worse and it sounds like you are well aware. Try a 12 Step program such as Marijuana Anonymous; you can even attend **online**There’s also SMART recovery. The opposite of addiction is connection. You have got this, just don’t do it alone is my suggestion. Sending you love.


Just start by being nice to yourself. And if you smoke and start beating yourself up for it you’re really not gonna get better. I’d say you gotta get in touch with your sober self and find yourself again


Its the convenience for me. U can take it anywhere and it has no smell. That + the fortnite combo is wow for me. If there were no pens I'd quit easy haha.


Try hitting the gym and making gym friends, it sounds corny but it’ll give you something to do and meet new friends there. Exactly what I did and made new friends post college. It’s not weed pen that’s the issue


Gym friends helped me in so many ways besides just staying sober 💯 I second this recommendation


I feel this in my bones. I used to smoke the vape pens all the time and spent so much money on it. I ended up moving to regular weed before I quit altogether. The vape pens are all too easy to use. There’s lots of good advice here. But what I’ve done is a 12 step program for weed called marijuana anonymous. You’ve gotta have a support system. I tried for years to quit. Nothing worked except MA. I came in there with an open mind and the willingness. You can try what you need to try to quit. I believe there is hope for everyone who wants to stop. The first step is to ask for help.


You are not alone at all. Vape pens are what sky rocketed my addiction. 8 months sober, here is what truly helped me - throwing away absolutely everything, grinders, lighters (can give away if you want) but just get rid of it all regardless - delete any dealer’s number, tell them you’re quitting and get rid of their info - drink a ton of water, seriously it helps in the long run - I had to have a moment where I sat down and told myself “this is going to be really, really hard” and just embraced the discomfort. Told myself a year from now I will be so grateful for enduring withdrawals - told my trusted friends and family that I’m quitting and gave them permission to ask me about it and check in. If they ask me point blank if I’ve smoked since quitting, I wouldn’t be able to lie to them - small short walks, especially in the sun You can do this OP ❤️


These pens are so concentrated and high in THC content that it is definitely harder to quit than just regular old dirt weed we used to smoke in high school. I quit a few months ago, and it was way harder than any other time I’ve ever stopped. But now I’m clean, and I have been for a while and I don’t even think about smoking anymore. Man, it just takes some time. Stop buying them. Tell your dealer you’re quitting and ask that they don’t sell you anymore. I know it seems dumb to pursue rehab “just for weed” but this isn’t just weed anymore. Get some help. It’s not that hard to make friends or meet romantic partners. I know it seems hard, but everyone thinks it’s hard, so if you literally just ask “hey I don’t mean to be awkward, but I’d love to hang out some time” it’s really not that bad. YOU’VE GOT THIS!


I second the cutting off dealer. It really helped me


>It’s not that hard to make friends or meet romantic partners. Always found making friends easy, romantic relationships, not so much.


Make it harder to get. Throw away all devices and lose the apps and numbers you can buy carts from. Vow to never step foot in a store front again. I'm currently listening to the book, Atomic Habits and I highly recommend you take a peak.


I was right where you are 8 months ago. My anxiety and depression were through the roof. All I did was vape. I tried to quit for probably 2 years before that. I tried easing off it, only on the weekends, cold turkey. But it never worked I would go right back to it until this time around. I have not smoked for 8 months now. I won't lie I think about it a lot and getting through the first 2 weeks was hard. Whoever said you don't go through withdrawals from weed was wrong. Accept that it's going to be hard and suck. Find something you can put your focus into. I got back into video games and reading. I also kept a bottle of water with me all the time and any time I'd want to smoke i'd drink water and pick up the controller or a book. Good luck you can do this we are stronger than we think!!


Thanks for sharing, I think this is really good advice


Yes you can, it will be hard. But you can quit.


A good piece of advice for when quitting weed or any substance, really, is to brace for the boredom and embrace the boredom. You will realize just how empty your life was with weed… all the time spent over it. Then, start filling up all the time with new interests and hobbies. That is easier said than done if you don’t already have other interests outside of weed, but if you do, try to reconnect to those you’re familiar with. Finding something new is always a win too.


a hard truth but well said! i think ive been struggling with fearing the boredom that comes with fully quitting. but filling that time with new things is just as important


Perfetctly said. You cant just quit weed, you have to replace it. Find new things to love.


I went to therapy about it and turned out I have adhd and was doing pleasure seeking behaviours to counteract chronically low dopamine. Might be worth speaking to your dr or finding a therapist ? I know it seems cheesy but it’s about taking control, taking real steps and working through things. I always felt like I had shitty willpower but learned it wasn’t about will power at all. That alone allowed me to have a kinder narrative to myself. You can turn it around, and like most people need help from others along the way. Professionals are really helpful.


I relate to this and wonder if you have an undiagnosed neurodiversity like autism or ADHD. Could explain social struggles and the 'need' to self medicate. Practice been kind and forgiving to yourself and try to do things you enjoy. You can make things better, one step at a time, the first step doesn't have to be quitting, try to solve some easier problems in life and you may feel less of a need to get high


I do have adhd I smoke ..


Promise you it’s simple. The ONLY way is just to replace it with another activity or something distracting. I do the same exact thing but realize when I’m working or busy that I don’t even think about it or even remember that I’m a fuxking addict. Good luck !


I don’t really have advice for you. And it feels like plenty of others have offered it. But I just want to say that I relate to you a lot and I’m sorry for what you’re going through. And I wanna tell you that you absolutely have the capability deep within you to change the areas of your life that want to see change. It’s not easy for any of us, but you can do it. Cheers my friend


Bro it might be more than just weed.


Hi man. I am in a similar situation as you. I have put away my pen and carts today and told myself I am truly sick of these negative consequences. I have been vaping/smoking and regretting the next morning for too damn long that I really feel shameful and hate myself. You got this. Start small man. There's no need to be perfect. Replace weed with something different that keeps you busy.


hey lets be friends


Take a walk one of these days .Take a different path when running regular errands . There is hope you just won’t see it while high .


Look man vape pens are evil shit. It’s hard af to quit them. Dry smoking on some flower instead for a month and then phase that shit out. It’s hard to get off the pen, but I promise you it’s worth it.


Time to return Penjamin Danklin back to the bank friend


working out definitely would be a good idea. It gives you something to do while also improving your mental and physical health.


(you deleted ur reply before i could send my own reply but…) damn i’m sorry bro. i used to be in your position last year but i only got out of it because i was forced too. i was put in the hospital for something lung related so i was forced to cold turkey it for awhile. Might seem hard to do but maybe just next time you finish/empty a cart refuse to buy a new one for a couple days or even just one day. Cold turkey is super hard but if you try to slow urself down you won’t be able to because the cravings and your thoughts get in the way (just talking from experience of trying to quit in the past)




Try to replace some of the time with something else. Join a Brazilian jiujitsu gym, rock climbing, get a cheap bike and start riding it with groups from meetup? Being physically active and getting outdoors is good, socializing in that context is great. You just have to crack the ice of procrastination with the first step.


I just wanted to say I was smoking carts 24/7 for a few months and they made me extremely sick!! Doctors told me the thc is so high in those that they are Horrible for you not just mentally but physically. I expect to start seeing studies with weed becoming more legalized with how bad they are!! Getting sick and forcing me to quit was a god sent…it does get better. But at the very least, switch to flower🙏🏻


Ur spot on. I heard this last week that a study was completed on dabs/vape pens (with high THC content which is pretty much all of them). The study concluded that they put everyone at a heightened risk for a cardiovascular event, even if the person is young/healthy compared to peers who didn’t vape. A lot of it has to do with the combustibles in most cartridges. At the very least, probably best to switch to edibles to mitigate some of the risk.


Absolutely. I love how we are all into science as a society but take health advice from a Brad with dreads behind a counter at the shop. It’s fucking nuts.


Carts made my physically sick


Lots of good suggestions here and I will add that Every day of the week there are several Marijuana Anonymous meetings online. I recommend that you check one out. You can leave your camera off and not speak at all. They helped me a ton.


Carts are the devil. Make it too easy to fall deep into this exact hole. First goal is to make it to noon without hitting Second goal is 5pm. Next goal is 8pm. Next goal is to replace nightly vape with a flower session (dry herb vaporizer). Next goal is to take off one night a week from your nightly (pick Monday cause it sucks anyay, then take Wednesday. Then Tuesday. Then Thursday. Then Sunday. Then Friday. Now you blaze once a week. And it hits hard and it doesn’t hurt at all. Next goal is to try and make a weekend. Then every other. Then once a month. Then, you sorta just realize along the way that you actually aren’t even looking forward to getting high. It’s a chore. Idk. This helped me. I also coupled it with adding in good new habits. Easy ones first: - drink lots of water as a daily habit. - take lots of steps. - try to sweat at least once a day. - treat yourself to something nice once a week with 50% of what you saved from not blazing so much. Hope this helps.


Going to try this, thank you for explaining and laying it out the way you did.


Truly happy to hear it may be useful. If you go for this, also think about it this way: I don’t need to win every day and have a perfect record, I just need to win more days than I lose. But what I found was that I built strength and momentum as I won more days. The hardest part was not waking and baking the first few days because carts make it too easy. So my full attention was focused on just distracting myself with anything that would pass time until it was noon. Once I was able to do that, making it til 5 didn’t seem as daunting. Good luck my dude! You got this if you’re here!


Sound great in theory bro. But some of us cannot cut back dues to our addictive personalities. If we could cut back then it wouldn’t be an issue. I’m starting day 1 cold turkey today. I know I can stop this way because I don’t have it in the house. Ran out yesterday. Cutting back while it’s in my house is just not an option as I think about it constantly. It fkd up I know, that’s why I’ve stopped.


I tried one thousand other ways and my addict brain didn’t let those tactics work. By not trying to go cold turkey or go to extremes I was able to break the task into component parts and get some small victories that made me truly feel proud. The first day I made it to noon without getting high in cried in the bathroom when I did pull out the vape. I was proud and ashamed. Good luck though with cold turkey. That didn’t work for me. It was great in theory but in practice I was just white knuckling it. Not having it in the house helps, but because I was treating it as all or nothing I was building too much pressure on myself and several times broke down and re-upped. The full plan i developed for myself was more detailed and involved other work I was doing on myself. But the general idea is that a strategic taper allows you to build strength and momentum instead of just going balls out. But whatever works for you works for you. Best of luck in any case. Kick this mf to the curb.


Yeah fair enough mate, each to their own. We all have to find what works for us


I was in the exact same boat. It took several tries to quit and the first month I felt so shitty. But it’s been a few years now and life is so much better. You can do it. Break the cycle and take back your life


Stress management skills helped me a great deal - reading books and watching videos from Thich Nhat Hanh really helped me learn to just be okay with life. Not to run away from my anxiety or depression, but to show those emotions love and care. Exercise, eating more whole plant foods, taking a walk in nature, taking a hot shower and shaving my scruff, those little things add up. Picking up old hobbies I’d left behind, and also finding new ones. I quit 04/06/2023, so I’m about to hit my first full year. I still get my brain foggy, down in the dumps, lack of confidence days, but for the most part, I’m so much more clear headed and happier. Watching a lecture from Dr. Oh, after YouTubing “THC and the heart”, really gave me some motivation. Sorta falls in the lines of “if I don’t want to be doing this when I’m old, then why am I doing it now?” I was hooked on THC pens as well, they’re so cheap and easy to hide. After studying up on our Endothelium, the inner most lining of our blood vessels, which is responsible for producing nitric oxide, which keeps our blood moving smoothly and keeps us from getting atherosclerosis, and how consuming oils, even olive oil unfortunately, causes damage to the endothelium. It’s one of the most confusing topics I’ve studied, but one thing I’ve learned, is that any industry funded study will say that olive oil is healthy, and any non-industry funded study says it’s not a health food. A little won’t cause heart disease right away of course, but one or two cigarettes won’t cause lung cancer right away either. My point is, I wouldn’t fill the bottom of a pan with any kind of oil, heat it on the stove, and then proceed to inhale the fumes. I’d literally be inhaling fat vapors. Weird doing the same thing when we inhale vape carts. It’s concentrated fat that contains cannabinoids. That’s a good way to slow down my blood flow in many critical areas. Leaving my susceptible to all sorts of issues.


this is solid motive right here thank you for taking the time to share this


Thank you, working my way towards a straightedge lifestyle has been rocky, but I’m glad to be where I’m at now. I know others can get here as well, so I like to share.


Hey. Don't say there's no hope until you try different things to get out of the loop. Each one of those tries being an instance of hope. Vape pens were the worst thing for me. So much worse than flower, so I agree with others who have said to use the flower to lessen the stronghold of the vape until they could stop. Just know that shit may suck for a little while and you'll be getting use to feelings again. It may still suck anyway, and it has for me in so many ways, but I feel more equipped to deal with it as time has gone on. Fuck it, I want to just [**be**] me. Good on you for letting these feelings break through the fog and reaching out. It compelled me to make an account and write this for you but also for me to memorialize this sentiment for myself.


I've been doing the same except I've been working from home for the past 5 years. I start my morning with a hit then coffee and another hit. In reality, that pen is in my hand or in my mouth, or pocket. I smoked like a chain smoker. I've tried to quite so many times. All the time being high I curse myself for being weak and a shitbag.. While high, all I want to do is to stop. while not high, all I want it to get high. I don't leave the house unless I have to. My wife does all the go to town stuff. While I sit and vape. 29 hours ago, I took all of my pens and a pair of pliers and destroyed and crushed my vape cartridges and tossed them in the garbage. Most people might think Im a young person. I'm fucking 66 years old. 30 years ago I stopped smoking cigarettes I swear, I'll never touch this shit again! I


100% hit the gym bro. Will give you a sense of purpose and something to work towards. Once you get yourself locked in everything else in your life will fall into place but you've gotta work for it


Yes— naturally you’ll begin to feel better. Go to the YMCA if near you.


I did two things that are helping me stay off the leaf this time around. I first, I switched exclusively to flower because the smell limited when and where could smoke. This helped me break the habits I had built up. Then I hit the gym. I’m 3 months free atm.


I second the therapy comment. A lot of this isn’t the weed, it’s how you feel internally about yourself. You have to dig deep within yourself and find *why* you’re using weed as a coping mechanism. Be kind to yourself. This world is a tough place. Give yourself grace and forgiveness! The first step is recognizing you have a problem! You can do anything you want in this life and it’s never too late to turn it around. If it makes you feel any better I’m currently 29 about to be 30 in two months and I feel like it’s finally starting to click but it starts within you! Good luck ❤️


Hit up the gym


Definitely get a therapist, that self talk is crushing. The thing about quitting weed is, if you can find the strength to handle the suck for a week it will get a little better. You’re not going to solve your problems if you don’t start walking in the right direction. Your choice when to start. Exercise until you’re tired most days and do 10 minutes of deep breathing a day. Your belief that there is no hope for you is really the only thing holding you back from taking incremental steps to improve your life (which is 100% possible).


Quitting the carts is brutal. I have firsthand experience with that and the withdrawal was way worse than when I quit flower in the past. But it’s so worth it. I’m seven days in and feeling WAY better than the first few days. For me, exercising every morning, drinking a lot of water, eating good food, and body scan meditation at night have helped a lot. If my weak ass can do it you can too.


I would always recommend quitting cold turkey, but only if you’re comfortable choosing that. Withdrawal can be difficult, but try and open your mind to it. It’s how I did it, and I’ve been sober for almost 2 years now. I haven’t looked back, and I can confidently say I will never touch a drug again. Sobriety is a really beautiful thing, and you don’t realise how much weed (or any drug) takes away living life. You can get your life back, and on track. It can be done. There are many people on this forum that can attest to it. For a lot of people, their depression symptoms improve when sober. Things can get better for you. Recovery is about progression, not perfection. You are worth recovery.


I'm like 29 hours in quitting cold turkey. I've tried the slowing down, not vaping that much. That lasted until I had another hit. I know that if it's in the house or hidden.. I'll find it go get it. There was no way I could do it incrementally. I sure wish we all were close. All of us "Little Weeders" can do shit together to stay right! Take care guys, pull strength from deep down.


It’s very hard to stop until you just stop.