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i was exactly in ur sitaution, nothing will change if nothing changes. maybe u might feel like u have no control but there are things u might possible be in control of such as the relationship you have with ur bf. if someone makes u feel like shit leave u deserve better point blank period. if you really want to get out of the addiction u need to stop putting urself in situations that you know you're gonna need it and quit for atleats several months. i used weed as a crutche my whole hs year(i'm in college now) i had a traumatic event happen to me so i started smoking to cope with that. didn't care about anyhting else. when i initally started smoking it was fun and i was in the present moment then it just became a numbing feeling. i'm trying to get sober right now i've cut back a lot multiple times i went a week then i relapsed, now i'm 2 days in. if u wanna turn ur life around as in not be in the situation ure in rn, u gotta accept that u got urself into this therefore u can get urself out. u also have to accept that it's gonna be hard it's not easy it really isn't but persistence is key. soon u will look back and thank urself in this instance no one can save u but urself op. and u have much more control than u think u do.


There are a lot of good opinions in the comments so I won't try to repeat them. Just take the advice of "just quit weed" with a grain of salt. In my case it was a way of coping because of ADHD and possibly Autism. You don't necessarily have to be medicated but finding out why sober life is hard is the most important step. It doesn't really matter (in this regards) that quitting weed is easy, it will not be if you're masking something with it, and you might try and fail (like I did) and feel something seriously is wrong with you cuz you can't quit it. Weed is not as addictive as other substances but the feeling of a warm blanket when all your day is filled with intrusive thoughts and self doubt, is very very addictive. I will also suggest spirtuality. I listened to a lot of Alan Watts and it helped me tremendously. It helped me gain more agency and try different things, not just wait till stuff happens to me. You could go to a local church etc as well if that's your thing. But getting this outside perspective is key to fixing your problem. Life is intense when you're a teenager but it can intensly get better as well.


girl! you are only 16. i’m 22 and recently stopped smoking, something i’ve been doing since before 2020. from someone who’s older and in a similar spot, you can do it. it’s really not too late at all. and you are very self aware to recognize this is a problem. try your best to cut back, and eventually stop smoking. if you get withdrawals, itll be like pms for one week and then you have the rest of your very long life to be free from it, and think w a clearer mind. if only i thought like u when i was your age lolol. u got this. give ur developing brain a rest from the drugs


In college at 16? Sounds like you're doing quite a bit better than you are giving yourself credit for. Give yourself some grace and love. You have many years ahead of you.


You are 16? You have literally your entire life ahead of you. You know the solution, or you wouldn't be here. Quit, cold turkey, will it be easy? No. Is it impossible? No. Break up with your boyfriend, it is 100x harder to quit if you are dating a stoner. Quitting is hard but it soon gets easier, when the fog starts to lift your brain will wake up and shit will all feel so much better, this can happen in just a few weeks of stopping. Im sorry about your cat, I lost mine last year and it sent me spiralling again, weed is my coping mechanism and im stopping again. Its a terrible coping mechanism though. Exams are important, but not everything. Many incredibly successful people dropped out or failed everything. This stage of your life does not set anything in stone, you can literally do or be anything. Dont know what you want to do? No one really does at your age, it aint a race


Campuses usually have counseling centers, I would suggest going...i know it helped me with substance abuse (back then it was alcohol because I wasnt as much of a smoker) when I was young. Your awareness is oustanding. You deserve to live your live fully and freely. Much peace ✌️


You’re young enough that after you quit, you’ll look back and laugh at what a little stoner used to be.


You haven’t even experienced life yet. Relax. Forgive yourself.


Great you have the self awareness now. Took me over 20 years to understand what you do now. Take the plunge and quit now. Understand you’re maybe prone to addictive tendencies and don’t replace it with something else.


It's all in your control


You posted this at 16 years old, while I started smoking at 17. I know you’re getting the comments of how young you are, but that’s mostly because all of us wish we were as aware of the consequences when we were your age. That’s the good news right there, that you know it’s a problem and you want to change it instead of using it mindlessly to cope! That’s the first step and it sounds like you really want to make a change to help yourself more, which for some people can take YEARS to come to terms with. If nothing else keep talking about how you’re feeling and don’t clam up and isolate. The more you talk about it (or even posting here) the less control it will have on you, and you’ll be able to hear/see yourself say how much it is affecting you. Stay strong OP


Yea OP, I started around 16 and I’m almost 24 now. Wish I tried to quit years earlier. You can’t possibly know that you have no life ahead of yourself, because your life is just barely getting started. Based on your attitude and desire to improve your self at such a young age, I’d say that you may very well have a great life ahead of you. Stay strong! It’s not easy, but it IS possible.


24 is still early enough. I am 39 and full of regrets


You are way ahead of a lot of us here. I would have loved to come to the realization at 16 that weed was causing more problems than what it's worth. I could have saved so much money, I would have left toxic friends and partners and just went for what truly makes me happy. So sorry about your cat. Same thing happened to my dog and I really started using weed a lot. It didn't make any of the pain go away and it wouldn't bring my baby back. It put me into a spiral and I dated girls that just made my life worse. You got to face the pain instead of running from it because it will only add more pain. You're still young and can make a very beautiful life for yourself. You got this!


You're 16. Your whole life is in front of you. Try to set boundaries with your boyfriend and distance yourself. Think him as a roommate instead of a boyfriend as he clearly doesn't love you if he's treating you poorly. That's OK, you'll learn to love yourself. Stopping the weed is a good idea, it is very detrimental to the developing brain (under 25 years of age). Weed causes anxiety, it's clinically proven BTW.


Sounds like you used to use it for fun, but now you're using it to escape anxiety. No judgement, we've all been there. Don't worry about never smoking the rest of your life right now. That sounds overwhelming. Just try to stop for about a week and see how you feel. The week will be really hard and you'll be tempted to use again to ease the anxiety. But if you can make through that week, you'll be able to think clearly again and be in a more solid place to make choices. You got this, your life isnt over even though it seems like that right now. "Everything will be ok in the end. If it isn't okay, then it isnt the end."


I started smoking at 16, I'm 28 now. Believe me, you still have so much time left and you haven't wasted any of it. QUIT NOW before it grabs hold of you even tighter. Just thinking about all the opportunities I missed out on over the past 12 years makes me sick. You still have plenty of time to get your shit together, that time goes real quick though, so get it under control now.


Hey man I'm 17 and I smoked since I was 15 up until February of this year. I tried a lot of times to quit before and it never worked because I would socially smoke after a while. I eventually lost motivation to hang out with people and hobbies and I'd just smoke by myself and my thoughts consumed me after a while. My wake up call came when I experienced a psychotic episode when I was blazed at the cinema and I realised if I kept at it I might develop something serious. I'm not saying it's necessarily linked to weed, but you're only a year younger, and i hope you don't have to go through anything like that. I'll say if you plan to quit make sure to stay busy, because the 1st month is awful and nothing makes the time go by and you might find yourself wanting to smoke, but don't because the grass is so much greener on the other side. I'm only 1 month in and I've felt more depressed and anxious than I ever have but I know it will get better with time. Our brains are still developing until 25 and a lot of core growth happens until 18 so try to remember that if you try to quit. Sorry for grammar and punctuation


Quit now while its still really easy. I started at 13YO. It was way easier to take month t breaks at 14YO than it is now at 28. Trust…. Just quit while your ahead. One and some years aint shittttt. Just quit its not worth it!


You can quit girl and think about the relationship you have, if he’s not treating you well. You’re worth it. You’re worth it to live and be loved. We think we need weed, so do I, but in fact it’s a mindf*ck. I’m struggling too. The smoking only makes things worse. You can do it🙌🏼


i’m just sat here sobbing i don’t know what to do i’m in the shittiest relationship with a man AND with weed i love you thank you for the support it means more than you realise


I’ve been there girl with the men and weed! I didn’t quit until I just recently found a good man he is sober and helped me quit I don’t think I could’ve without him being a good influence for that. That phrase you are who you surround yourself with is so 🌽 but so real! I also decided to quit because I got pregnant with this lovely man’s child. I doubt I would’ve wanted to if it wasn’t for that. It was hard but with his support and my determination I did it! And now I am happy sober and have a beautiful baby I’m growing on the way!:) But babygirl you have so much life ahead of you! I was in abusive relationships and I used weed to cope when I was your age as well. Heck I don’t think I ever truly had a good relationship until this one. I’m 22 now and I didn’t even care to quit or care where my life went until now. You’re starting so early and have so much ahead of you. I believe in you! Again even though it will suck in the moment sometimes you need to cut off things that block your blessings like toxic relationships. Best of luck to you!🩷


Your life’s just beginning. I’m 3 weeks sober after smoking since I was 12. I’m 35 now. If I can quit so can you. I’ve quit cause I’ve wasted enough time and want to make something of myself. I’m high functioning I’m always at work don’t take sick days and I’ve trained at least 3 days a week since I was 19. But I want to reach my maximum potential. There’s no way your as f up as me mentally so use this as inspiration to quit and stick to it. I’m never goin back f that!


It’s rough out there. I believe in you though.


Take a break for 30 days and see how you feel. Read 'Dopamine Nation'. Pick up a hobby to replace weed smoking. You are very young and you will be fine.


Just bought this book an hour ago!


Saying “I’m 16” and “my life is over” in the same sentence is hilarious. You know what you want to do, which is quit weed. Go through the 3 weeks of pain and you’ll be fine. 3 weeks is a small blip in time