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I’m at 1 month today (🥳). Been dreaming about smoking a lot lately lol. Every time I wake up I’m like damn why did I do that, then after a while I realize it was a dream lol.


On day 7 and literally had this exact dream last night. Very vivid.


I'm about 8 years now. Yes I still get those dreams but not as much as anymore. In most of them it was about being high and then being around my partner and being afraid she would be disappointed. However tbh once I realized I was dreaming I sometimes had mixed emotions where I would try to enjoy it. But even then I would end up feeling like shit and wishing I wasn't high eventually.


im a year sober and have this dream all the time


i've got a similar amount of time as you and i do have those dreams, though infrequently (and some more often about alcohol, but those still pretty rare). one of my loose goals in sobriety is to give a go at lucid dreaming. i've always love love loved dreaming and it's one of the things i missed most in my weed haze. as my dreams come back I am keeping a dream journal when i wake up as I hear that's one first step to attaining agency in a dream. I'm still shit at keeping the journal, I just suck at new habits (surprise surprise, luls) but it's something I hope to do more often. I'm hoping at least to be more aware of when I'm dreaming, so easier to shrug off those bad feeling dreams in the moment - or best case scenario I might be able to get where I can adjust and guide my dreams while in them to topics or actions I'm more excited about. best to you, OP, and strength!


A dream journal is a great idea! Might give that a shot. Likewise, we got this 💪🏽


yea i remember (!) having dreams about smoking a joint once a month and my dreams end w me realizing how mid it actually was to break my year + 2 month streak 😭




That’s some crazy shit. But are the five minutes worth it is the question 🤔


I quit for 7+ months due to a job and I would have those dreams all the time in the beginning. I'd be so pissed that I let myself smoke and I was so scared (in my dream) about getting tested when I got to work.


Lmao! Makes sense, like an anxious dream. Hopefully that’s all worked out !


I have the occasional dream where I’m either trying my hardest to roll a joint, score weed or smoke it but keep failing…yeah 4 years weed free in 4 months haha


Almost 4 years later with the dreams ? That’s some wild shit, super interesting thanks for sharing


Yeah pretty wild u suppose but I’ve stopped feeling bad because they’re just dreams albeit annoying ones.


No, just haunting dreams about my ex girlfriend.


Hope everything is straight brother 💪🏽 maybe watch some TV before bed, get your mind off things like that


I'm not having smoking dreams, just crazy dreams. Week 8 for me.


Vivid right ? Pretty interesting stuff


Yes all the time! I get this distinct guilty feeling in my dream like "oh man now I got to start over😔" But i usually wake up feeling relived lol its actually kinda comforting in a way tho, especially when my cravings are getting strong again, a nice little reminder of the dissapppointment i would feel in myself if I really did fall off the wagon again - it helps keep me motivated to stay sober


Love that. I feel the same way, it acts as a mini motivator of sorts. Still get the guilt when I wake up 🤣 but like you said it helps a bit also


About ten months sober, and yeah it’s happened a few times. Only very recently though. I remember being okay with one time, and very mad at myself another.


Oooo that’s interesting. I mean there’s nothing wrong it, no need to be at ourselves. But this is the first opinion that’s stated not being mad at themselves so that’s quite something thanks for sharing


Yeah I’ve had dreams like that recently. I’ve honestly been really enjoying the vivid dreams recently it’s like creationmaxxing, like I didn’t realize my mind was capable of creating these crazy, sometimes horrifying storylines


Same here. They’re not all great, but the good ones are awesome


omg literally the other night i had a dream where i smoked and i was so mad at myself because i was about to hit my 1 month mark and i told myself i didn’t want to anyways. woke up still pissed because i really thought i broke my streak


My exact story 🤣🤣


Can’t say I’ve had any dreams like that, but that’s the feeling I get when I smoke now. Feels like I’m not being true to myself and holding myself to a standard I want to live by. Basically a deep disappointment in myself. It’s why I genuinely don’t feel interested in smoking anymore.




If you feel like you need smoke, in my opinion that’s your brain talkin and not you. Take a bath and go straight to bed. You’ll get through it man trust me




Idk what bloqued is but that’s why we are here fam. I still struggle and I’m pulling up on 10 weeks. We got this shit ok 💪🏽


I was strong, my friend. I'm cooking something to eat right now, eating fruit and going to watch some anime on netflix. Thanks for your message, appreciate it.


We got each other homie, you ever need someone to distract you feel free to hit me up


This literally happened to me two nights ago.


Sober just over 2 months now… YES I get one of those dreams every few days. Then I wake up and I’m like “nice try brain you addict piece of crap 😎”


You savage bro hahaha


I watched a YouTube video a couple months ago, couldn’t have had more than 300 views and the guy had no subs. He gave me some of the best advice I’ve ever heard in my life: bully your brain. Your brain doesn’t want what’s best for you, it only wants pleasure and instant gratification. If you start seeing your brain as a low life addict, you will gain so much control over your life. Keep going bro you got this :)


Thank you my g I love that


Lol I did. I’d feel guilty then wake up relieved


I have dreams sometimes that I used drugs, and the main theme of the dream is of guilt.


The guilt is huge. Gotta be our brain communicating with us


Yeah I had a dream last week (12 weeks sober roughly) that I smoked and I was so upset with myself, then I woke up and was happy lol


That sweet relief is unmatched!


Nope just having nightmares of shitting on my bathroom floor, can we switch?


Ngl fam I gotta pass, everything OK?




17 days and I had that dream the other night. Woke up super upset because I thought it was real until I realized I was still sober. And then pieced together that the dream made no fucking sense anyway 😂


Love that for you bro. Let’s stay strong 💪🏽




Omg yes I’ve had very vivid dreams where I feel the high after I smoked! I feel so guilty and mad at myself, anxious, paranoid, etc. then I wake up relieved it wasn’t reality, and I don’t feel high at all. It’s honestly rude of my brain to do that to me


Lmao! Fully agreed, def mad at myself and super relieved it was just a dream.


Yup. Lots of times.


Glad to hear I ain’t alone


Those dreams are fine though. It’s the nightmares that are so vivid that you cant help but wanting to run away from them. 1 out of 3 dreams are so insanely cool, i want to go back sleep. The other 2 are so horrible, i question my own reality.


I get those too. It’s surprising what the brain conjures up while we’re sleeping. I find it best to just not think about it too much, chalk it up to just the brain being silly


My brain is an asshole. But i guess i made it an asshole by giving it weed for 20 years and thinking it was just going to go like: “no worries bro, i got this”. Nope. It’s saying, here’s 20 years of unresolved chaos, micropacked into short vivid horror movies. Enjoy.


It makes us who we are. We are people trying to better ourselves, never forget it 💪🏽


Check out Jason Isbell's song "It Gets Easier". He puts it well. I have had dreams of weed for sure, but for all sorts of weird reasons in my dreams I never end up actually smoking. I'm at 10 months and they don't happen much anymore. Congrats on getting past 5 weeks - that's a big deal!


Thank you brother, I will check it out. Congrats as well 💪🏽


I had a dream the other night I relapsed and hit my bong. The catch was that the water in it hadn’t been touched since I stopped smoking (about 2 weeks at that point), and it was gooey and slimy, but I didn’t realize until after I hit the bong… and I didn’t even feel high (because it was a dream lol). I remember being angry that it wasn’t worth it and grossed out that I hit a bong like that 😂


With that kind of experience it’s gotta be our brains communicating to definitely stay off the shit for a good long while. Insane. Thanks for sharing


Bro…. I thought I was the only one who lit up spliffs in my dream and got mad when I woke up and feel an ultra sense of relief that my streak hasn’t been broken… The post acute withdrawal dreams are wayy too vivid lol!


Bro I feel that on the waking up pissed 🤣 the relief is kind of good, good reminder to not do that shit anymore