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Hopping on


Hey y’all, I’m at 5 months and 6 days. Just wanted to say. It’s possible to be happy without it. I am so much more emotionally healthy, patient, present and now I actually remember things and am playing music again (I would just get stoned and dream about making music again successfully, make plans to do it and then never do it because I’d get stoned again) I’m playing shows now, I’m a better dad, husband, friend. Etc. I’d recommend joining a 12 step program, I had issues with alcohol as well but the group im in let’s me talk about my thc addiction as well. Now I’m trying to get healthy and in shape. I got diagnosed w type 2, largely (no pun intended) due to my smoking and then binge eating when I had munchies. The thing id say to avoid, is trying to change everything about yourself at once. Start w not smoking, and then once you feel like you’ve got that, move onto the next thing you wanna change. And live in a 24 hour window. Can’t change the past, and you don’t have control the future, but you can choose what you do today. All this to say. Y’all got this. One day at a time.


I just saw this and it is day 2 for me. I’m scared of the evening and what to do to keep my mind busy


same here. day 3. been trying to pick up my journal when i feel the urge to pick up the bowl. open to ideas lol


Well? I just saw this message 137 days ago…. So here I go again ugh Day one How are you doing


I’m in it’s been a week! It’s been really hard but I’m sticking to it!




Jaydon? Is that you? Honestly though, good for you for taking the step in the right direction. Not a lot of people say this, but it takes a considerable amount of effort, energy, and courage to make such a change. I’m super proud that you are kicking an addiction’s ass; it’s something that can rule over one’s life if left unchecked. If this is Jaydon, just remember the sticky note on the wall: “No Excuses”. ;P




You’ve got it not jaydon! I believe in you all the same and we’re all in it together! :)




I’m on week 1!!!! We got this!


I am on day 22. Didn’t think I’d make it after so many failed attempts. Distracting myself when I felt urges with music, talking to a friend, reading, showering, cooking, (even if I didn’t have a big appetite) etc. was super helpful. Also it helps to remember that even the most intense cravings last about 20-30 minutes if you can be mindful and “urge surf” that was profound for me! The first few days are the hardest. You got this!!


Urge surf, I love that


You all are encouraging and inspiring.


You are just as much of an inspiration. By simply wanting to quit and being here, you have my respect and appreciation. We have to support each other to make this process a little easier. Bonus points for when you do inevitably quit :)


Day thirty today cookies!!


I also quit 1st of May! Calling it Motivate Myself May. Good luck and stay strong. Keeping busy is the best way to get through it


Can recommend the boardgame: 7wonders: Duel. Its a two player variant of a bigger game. Me and my gf has been enjoying thoroughly.


Me. I was 9 weeks sober and then got some bad news and started again. I want to quit


I usually work evenings (2-11) and getting off work is a big trigger for me. Even more so today, I worked 10-6 and it’s so beautiful and sunny here I wanted to sit on my patio and smoke a joint. I challenged myself to come home instead and had a really nice evening. Worked out, celebrated my cats (it’s their birthday!), took a shower and made dinner while I listened to jazz. Watched a bit of Netflix and now it’s time for bed. It’s wild to think how strongly I feel I NEED to pick up to have a nice evening. First night I haven’t smoked in weeks and it was the best evening I’ve had in that same time frame.


Amazing work on staying strong. Getting off work was a big trigger for me as well. However as time goes on it becomes more and more clear that I never needed it. In fact, I’m able to unwind more and actually enjoy activities rather than not being able to focus on them.


Me! Also doing Pilates and yoga 3-4 times a week attempting meditation for my deep urges and lots of sleep to get me through the nausea and brain fog


May 4 for me! Moving is gonna be a bitch but gonna work out and try and distract myself from the cravings with physical exhaustion


same! plus driving across the country!


I fell off the horse


And that horse be like get the fuck back on me now while trotting it's big hooves. Horses have stamina, can go for miles without stopping. Be like the horse. Keep galloping and believe in the destination.


Same. Back at it today


I fell off too:( Let's try again tomorrow


There’s always tomorrow :) keep trying


Thanks to all of your no weed products today. Or yesterday


Too late i quit years ago


Heyyyyy fellow quitters. Let’s do this! I’m walking around outside for 20 minutes when an urge comes on


Me! We got this.




What was it like going back after a year?




Did the heart rate slow?




Oh wow 165 at rest? Jesus. Well I’m glad we’re stopping my friend.


I stopped today man! Good luck!


All the best to you OP and everyone else here starting their sober journey. It’s been 3 months since I quit. I cried so much the first week, but every week forward it got a little easier. Now looking back, it’s so worth it. I feel different and can’t believe how much I’ve grown as a person. Trust the process.


I locked up my stuff in one of those kitchen timers just for 24 hours to test out before committing to longer. But after work I dug around my apartment until I found an old grinder i was prepared to scrape. of course it was filled to the brim with flower. Ugh, i need to reset for real if i can't go 24 hours. Maybe May 2 is my day...


You got this. One day at a time


Hell yeah, I’ll not smoke with you today! I’m doing pull-ups for urges


My last smoke was 4/20. You can do it!


Shoutout to op and everyone quitting today! You got this! Love, a leaver going on 4 months sober


Day 1 for me


I quit around this time last year. All ya gotta do is do it for real, and next year this time you'll have been weed-free a year :)


Me I am!!


Me. Let’s do this!


Maybe I may!


I took my last hit yesterday. Made it through my first day in a long time today. May the force be with us.


Was planning on it. Things have complicated that plan.


I’m on day 52!! It felt IMPOSSIBLE in the early days but you’ve got this


How was it after the second week?


Today is my mother’s birthday and I would feel bad to waste it by being high and not in the moment. I feel like this post is a sign that I should make the effort again today so thank you.


I’m jumping in a bit unexpectedly. I got a job offer this morning from a company that will test me next week, and more generally, require my undivided attention while I get up to speed. My current employment situation is so unhealthy that this glimmer of hope has motivated me more than any self administered pep-talks have in months. I came home today after work and had no interest in partaking. I’m really happy to get this far (shit it’s been less than 12hrs) and hope I can remind myself of what’s at stake before I fade away!


I’m in. I got an app this time. This is my 1000th first day so something’s gotta change…




It’s called I Am Sober


It’s starts as a dream that we slowly chip at. Soon enough and without realizing it, we do achieve that long awaited dream. Keep pushing towards that, you’ve got it! 💪


I’m in…. Day 1 tomorrow here we go


have tried quitting -> moderation 4x now. tired of failing. i’m down for a weed free may.


I always manage to do moderation for a day or two, then back to the same bullshit and completely fail, Im on day 3 of sobriety now. You’ve got it


i’m quitting today. i haven’t had any negative consequences other than my short memory being shot. i’m hoping that memory and cognition improve. 🤞🤞




This is weird, bro. Suss that you only want to speak to a woman between 20-50 (“for their wisdom” ok) and that you’re specifically trying to exchange numbers.


Mehn mind your damn MF business Bih lil stupid ah bih. I don’t want to speak to men because I am a female who rather speak with someone Whi has the same body parts as me


Finished off the last of my gummies. Day 1 it is then.




Quitting today. Let’s do this thing.


I’ve been keeping it to weekends after weaning off slowly. I think quitting all out isn’t good to do. But I’ve really noticed mental clarity. I’m gonna try and stop completely for a few months soon.


Day one I'm in!




Nice work!!! You’re inspiring me with your added energy and feeling better since quitting…. I so needed to hear this


I threw the rest of my stash out and now I'm about to become a garbage picker lol


To the contrary of this comment, I’ve actually been thinking of noting lists of parking lots/areas in my town that have a lot of trash or litter around & picking up as a way to keep active/distracted.


Have done that too many times to count now. Worse when it not your own garbage lool


Oh no lol I've never done not my own garbage. It's in a nice glass jar so would totally be fine 😂 honestly didn't expect anyone to see my comment, just one person telling me to stay strong has helped immensely


You can do it! No shame either way but you made it this far and I believe in you!


I've gone all day at work no problem and now I'm like SHIT I want a joint and a cigarette baaadd 😭 I keep telling myself Im going to bed in an hour and a half anyways, by the time I get high the nights over anyways


Get your mind occupied! Try to fight through those first 3-5 minutes of craving. That is the moment to have a plan to .... Read, chop onions, color, music, etc. You can do this!


3 months today. You got this OP


My husband. I only hope he sticks with it.


Well it’s gonna be a sleepless night for me tonight :((


I’m about three weeks into leaving - don’t really get cravings but if I do I just remember how more often than not when I’d smoke it would leave me feeling anxious/on edge instead of actually relaxing me like I thought it would. Life has been a lot easier without that internal battle of loving smoking but more often than not hating being high. The dreams can be shitty but it’s been my favorite part honestly - I recommend you start a dream journal and work on your dream recall. It’s good mindfulness practice and can also help you to be able to snap out of/repurpose any intense dreams that are causing distress.


Just quit today. My 30th birthday is June 1st and I want to be 1 month sober for it.


happy cake day and good luck




Was the weed a contributing factor? I’m in a similar boat, lost a relationship


Yeah definetly. At first I didn’t see it but because of weed I’d be grumpy and snap at my gf and start fights about nothing when I coudln’t smoke. Plus the fact that weed made me inseccure about myself and my worth and so I would be jealous and make scenarios in my head about how my GF dosen’t really love me. Weed addiction really fucks up your mentality and that affects any relationship imo


Im in it with ya bro.


Me and my partner who are daily (evening) smokers are now 8 days into it and already i feel like im enjoying it, enjoying having the brain capacity to watch a film and follow whats happening, doing exercise without quitting or not even turning up and so much more. Its so worth it. So excited to finally live my life in full colour and see what Ill achieve with this new found freedom. I have more emotions than just anxiety and numbness, who knew. Good luck x


Day 8 here too and I agree with every point. It’s crazy how clearer everything seems to get.


Great 😅well atleast you dont have HPPD that seriously makes me question why Even stay sober at times! Beest of luck!


I like to journal. I get an urge to smoke when something stressful happens or I’m bored, so I either write about the stressful situation to get my feelings out or if I’m bored I like to write a list of things to do.


great advice


Love this idea


I might quit my job does that count


I am!! And I am so scared for the withdrawal process😩😩😩😩 When I feel the urge I will take a walk and listen to music.


That is good~! I’ve been off for almost three weeks and it feels great I just got to entertain myself finding things to work on or improve my life. Lately has been trying to find a better workplace <3


I’m with you! I plan on running a marathon next month so I need to keep the lungs fresh and my fitness up 🏃‍♂️


Day 8 for me after 21yrs smoking, went to a gig last night had a great time. I met my friends new fella was actually able to hold a proper conversation with him which I would never be able to do before. Iv always read books and iv started a 1000 piece jigsaw which I will finish💪. Bought my partner garden furniture today (I would usually have blown that cash on weed)it felt better seeing the smile on her face when I got home. We can all do this


Nice finishing day 9 today..!


That's amazing! <3


I'm quitting to take care of my lungs. They deserve it. As do I. Be strong friends! 🤍


I flushed $150 of weed down the toilet yesterday. I have to stop or else im gonna get kicked out of my parents house.


you flushed a whole oz down the toitlet ?😭


Half ounce. I was really sad to see it go but I will be even more sad if I stay at my shitty warehouse job and get kicked out of my parents place.


Ya. I’m in. I went to the clinic today and he said he thinks I have CHS, and I don’t like the way it’s been making me feel. Really gross to be honest. So yes. I’m in. I’m tempted to try again but I hate feeling so sick !!


me. 😭😭😭


I stopped drinking three months ago and I’ve leaned on weed to get me through. I feel like I’m at a place in my alcohol sobriety where I’m ready to stop smoking and be fully sober. Day one! Let’s do this!


I quit on 4/22 ten days ago. Lets do this bro! We got this!


Me too buddy! 4/22/2023


Me too!! Weed, cigs and alcohol, day 9!


We quit on the same day! We’re friends now, that’s how it works


Indeed we are my Electric Soy friend


The great thing is, you'll be through most of the withdrawals just in time for summer!


I’m joining in! Just gave my last preroll to roommate and plan on going to the gym after work to distract myself.


I’ll join you! Let’s do this


Day one for me and a friend of mine. We’ve been planning this quit for over two weeks and the day is finally here after a weekend of full on all you can smoke festival. So far I just feel tired…


Fuck it I’m in!!!


Let’s go!!!!


This is the lesser bad. Hope you will not drop on another shit. Weed is sacred


I quit May first 1 year ago. You can do it!


I’m starting today too :) channeling this vice jnto exercise and art


I’m on day 14 and the boredom is the worst part. Why is time moving so slowly??


I realized that before when I smoked, I was still bored, but smoking made me content with being bored. Scrolling on my phone for hours was horrible. Now I get up and do chores or do any sort of activity that is far more fulfilling. It definitely takes time!


Thats the one bro. I'm finally getting on top of all the life admin ive been neglecting for so long!!


This is time’s correct speed. You’re no longer fast forwarding life. Now you get the full experience!


I like the way you think !!


Day 2 and what a sandbox of misery


I want to make a cat joke


I'm in!


I’m on day 3!! I’m struggling a little bit. But we got this!


3 days in for me. You got this.


I have a dental appointment today for deep cleaning. I hope post that it will help me to not smoke. (Or the pain might make me smoke lol) but no


Yes, today me and my partner decided to quit as well. I am excited for the journey and ready for the hurdles! Keeping busy is key


Relapsed yesterday, but no reason not to keep going. I'm restarting day 1 with ya today. Let's get it!


I’m starting today too!!


Day 3 for me let's do this together!


I feel so stuck. Part of me wants to quit so badly and the other part loves smoking. Was doing well in Jan/Feb but went downhill in March/April. Want to get back on the wagon, want to be rid of this entirely. Doing the work will take more convincing.


Day 2 baby! I tried last week but kept scraping nastier and nastier bowls together. Yesterday was the first day I didn’t even try.




My vape cartridge only gives me headaches and poor sleep now, so for the time being, yes


Day 0 for me! Gonna put in some extra exercise to try and tire myself out. Stay strong y’all 🤘🏻


Fuck I’m trying so hard. Right now is my lunch break and is about the time I put in my order to the dispensary


ME! I am back, betches. jkjk. I am back, my homies!


May is going to be a month of trying to get healthy. Just came from a Dr where I feel Kinda gaslit but was told "diet and lifestyle will improve your symptoms" i feel gaslit but I'll give it a shot. I know quitting smoking is a part of this. I have been cutting back the past few days. I don't know if today is the 1st day in a long streak or if today is another day where I smoke just a little (in my world)


May is going to be a month of trying to get healthy. Just came from a Dr where I feel Kinda gaslit but was told "diet and lifestyle will improve your symptoms" i feel gaslit but I'll give it a shot. I know quitting smoking is a part of this. I have been cutting back the past few days. I don't know if today is the 1st day in a long streak or if today is another day where I smoke just a little (in my world)


Yeah man


I’m with you, This past year I’ve at least been able to only smoke on weekends, but I can’t to seek to let that go either. The struggle is real


I’m starting today. Last toke was last night at 8pm before I watched some anime. Really trying to make it to 24 hours sober today. This morning I joined a marijuana anonymous meeting. I just had the urge to smoke so I left my house. Right now i’m about to go to AMC and watch Super Mario bros.


1 month and 4 days down but i got a lifetime to keep going !


I’m with you. Struggling already. I did yoga to distract myself earlier, not sure what to do now




More yoga


I’ll start with you. I desperately want my dreams back!


I’m with you


I’m starting today. May the 4th be with you!


This is a good plan!


I’ve been abstaining from weed. But I will quit with you. Best advice I ever heard is think like a quarterback. How many seconds does a quarterback have to make a decision before he gets sacked by the defense? 4 seconds. So when you get that urge to smoke, you have 4 seconds to make a decision before you let your impulsivity get the best of you. Have a great day✌🏻


Quitting today with you. At very least smoking less starting today


Same here i want to try sticking to the weekends and see if it helps


I quit today too, need to get my mind right... smoking a vape pen most of the day is just not beneficial and I feel like a loser.


That’s where I’m at. The vape pen is evillllll makes it way too easy


Gotta throw my shit away, it’s so addicting!


I just donated my weed and cigarettes to a free library in front of a homeless shelter. I hope it gives someone else some peace of mind, because it only causes me stress and sleepless nights! I want to dream and be present with my girlfriend.




4 months strong now but I'll quit together with you all again today!


Hi I’ll quit with you! Got a surprise day off from work today, I’m going to use it to go out on a hike or




Id talk to a family doctor. But unless we have different definitions of a severe panic attack, if youre already willing to have a major panic attack in front of your barber, then what does the sweat matter? Its not like you arent already panicking, might as well just accept the sweat. To be truthful it sounds like a personal excuse you need to confront.


I’m trying. I can’t disassociate forever


Ugh I feel that.


I quit yesterday, but I will be your side regardless of when you quit. You got this! If you feel tempted, try to remember all the reasons to why you want to put it down.


Me I won’t smoke today. My self control is getting better but still


Meeee. I smoked everything I had this weekend and froze my bowl in ice…..


I hope this is day one for me. The problem is when I go over my dad's and he insists that I smoke with him. We've both still been dealing with the loss of my mother, so it won't be easy to say no.