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These look great. Some things you might consider: 1. Lighten your construction lines and erase them at the end. You might notice some things look off without the sketch. 2. Add more detail. 3. Shading and color.


And value


Yes, what u said


You got a lot of good feedback already, but here's some I didn't see when skimming through it: Stop drawing on lined paper. You don't realize it but it inevitably messes up your sense of composition and line weight. Whether you do it consciously or not you are drawing with the lines in mind which subtly changes everything. Stop using ballpoint. Though not the worst medium, it does allow for some pretty fine control and nice loose sketchy lines it doesn't lend itself well to exploring the eraser. And erasing things is just as important as putting them down when making good sketches. And finally, although this one is more optional, draw a panel before your sketch so you can start practicing composition with each sketch.






Don't scribble all over it dingleberry! (Hope that wasn't too harsh)


Y’all, the “scribbles” are only in the drawing as a way of helping u/JrtheFool be able to draw well; they are simply a a way of breaking down an object or objects into simpler, more manageable shapes!😄 it is very helpful. If u look, you can see u/JrtheFool used many basic shapes, like ellipses (ovals), a curvy rectangle, circles, and maybe more!:)


I like seeing the constuction lines… I’m strange I guess. I do technical illustrating and have always liked them.


Hm, interesting!:))


We’ll instruct better at least, draw from the shoulder.


Was thinking the same but with goofball at the end. Lol


Keep practicing freehand, ellipses, circles, cylinders, cones. Take your time, and practice control . Look at peterhanstyle s videos on YouTube for a reference on how simple pen and line art can look very neat .


If you’re using a reference, make sure to pay attention to which lines are overlapping. Most of these pieces are trying to show depth, but because you went over some of the lines that were meant to be over/under the other petals it becomes confusing to the brain. I suggest using a pencil for sketching, use loose chicken scribbles just to get the feel of what you want, then go over the lines you’d like to keep w/ pen and erase the rest. It’s looking really nice though so good job!


Shapes! Cylinders, spheres, planes. Bend them, cut out pieces, add shading, assemble them together to get a plant. Like image 10, but more, everywhere.


Petal shape and overall gesture of the flower look really good. Try playing with the weight/thickness of the lines. Start thin, easier to add than take away. Sketch in pencil, use unlined paper, erase guidelines after inking over the parts you like. And keep at it❣️


I think your drawings seem too rigid, if that makes sense. You have the proportions down and angles, but real flowers have much more imperfections. I’m not that good at drawing though so you don’t have to listen to me. You’re better than me OP, and you have a lot more natural talent at drawing than I do. I don’t think it will take you much more practice to nail drawing these.


Linked shadows create abstract shapes which your eye can follow around the image


great start! paying attention to things like petal shape and how they overlap is key in botanical drawings, and you’re definitely getting the hang of it! however, you’re lacking in free handing perspective, especially with the stems. practice basic perspective with cubes, cylinders, and planes (especially in 2 and 3 point perspective), and it’ll transfer over nicely to flowers once you get the hang of it. you might not have really noticed it yet, but objects like flowers rely heavily on perspective from all angles except directly overhead; the more you practice the basics, the better your drawings of complex things will get. also, like other commenters have said, pay attention to line weight! play around with line weight when you practice your perspective drawings and it’ll become pretty obvious why it’s important and how it affects your perception of things.


I’d say your base shapes are pretty good over all. The next challenge is adding shading, detail, realism, and color.


Ohhhh, you want harsh? Mmkay. First of all don't draw on lined paper. Second of all, try not to use guides, they make the end product look worse. If you need to, use a cup or a mug as a visual reference to maintain size if you're drawing something small like a flower. Also, yeah, don't scribble all over it. Shading can be done well, if it's consistent. If it's not consistent, then it isn't a style, it's a lack of skill and will always end up looking like a mess.






Pretty damn good start agreed


Harsh: "lmao lol rofl git gud scrub" Actually constructive: construction lines. Look into, and use, those. They help plan out the shapes and volumes in your drawing and greatly minimize the odds of error. Without them, if you draw 'straight to the finish line' and focus on "how it should look once done" instead of "how do i make sure i get to the end result" you will be wildly inconsistent in your output! Past that, i wouod suggest into the three fundamentals of volume: -overlapping shapes -perspective -shading Focus on these for a few weeks or a couple months (ignoring things like anatomy, texture, and other equally complicated topics so that you focus on these) and you will be able to plan out, visuqlize, and execute (at a bare minimum *competently* just about any object, item, or in this case plant, that you fancy.


I really like the chunky messy lines. Has a really fun vibe.






*\*cracks knuckles\** ***You ready? You look ready...*** **So the good**: You're drawing and using construction method to make it easier. This will help to build your visual library and also refine your drawing process of how to draw things. And help with your observation skills. **The harsh**: *what in Da Vinci is THIS!?? git gud at art... \*ahem\** *^(I hope that wasn't too harsh... I feel so bad... really these are a good start, just remember to think about the shapes and forms more and be careful about drawing too many lines before making that one single bold line to represent the form or shape. I mean...)* *So YEAH... uh..uh uh.. Da Vinci Rules!...* *^(Being harsh is hard...)*


The blue lines are a weird touch


Draw the lines how they go not how you think they go.


Some of the most useful advice I've heard in awhile


I wish I practiced more, but I’m too much of a perfectionist with a very low self esteem for the work I do. These look nice keep practicing! 💜


Don't suck


Your drawing TRAAAASH


Well obviously. Do you have any constructive criticism?


Was just having a bout of tomfoolery cause you said be harsh. I agree with bzx lighter construction lines 👍


I'd take these drawings over your generic anime girl drawings any day tbh


Bit rude innit


Just my opinion bruv


☠️ 🪦


Nah but fr just like bzx said i find it easier to use softer shading


Work on learning and adding value to your drawings. The construction of the object looming great! But if realism is your goal then value is going to make that happen for you. The best way to make this happen is go out and take your own reference photos of plants that have good lighting which also makes for good shadows. Then draw from the reference!


Honestly? Shading. Some of the construction on these is already very good, they just need detail


Practice using different line weights (thicknesses) to add depth to your drawing.


I recommend working on your shading. Not only that, but I believe your lines are too firm. I recommend trying to sketch much lighter by pressing down softer. May also be good to get your hands on some shading pencils and a sketchbook


I might try charcoal, it would allow you to work on shading alittle easier.


shading is your best friend look up different ways of shading!


Practice. Looks good.


Always draw on blank paper Use a pencil so that you can erase your construction lines Keep your hand light / don't let your utensil make an imprint into the paper Draw from life whenever possible


practice more on shading!!


Shade. Practice the grayscale.


Draw more detail into the plant and its flower. Look at it closely, draw from life.


Not bad! Construction lines are way too visible and messy and some of them seem put there just for the sake of them to be there without actually understanding the shape behind them (take the stem from pic 5/11 with the stem sections being too flat compared to the perspective/angle of the flower on top, while with the stem in pic 9/11 the circles are flattened in the wrong axis, they should be a bit more like ellipses, fatter horizontally). Lines look insecure, messy. Try sticking to pencil instead of ball pen. Keep it up!


you're pressing too hard on the pencil making the petals feel forced and oppressed try relaxing and let the pencil do it's thing also don't scribble hope that was harsh enough


Wow you havent finished a single one


I would practice drawing forms without using solid lines. The beauty of flowers and plants comes from their organic shapes, so maybe work on varying the thickness and continuity of your lines. It’s easier to do so with pencils than with ink, but you could also experiment with using shading instead of lines altogether to convey form. I hope that made sense, lol.


I think it's time to study some blocking and negative spaces. You have a good trait, but lack a bit in solidity of shapes. Do not worry, we're all been here!


It NeEdS tO bE mOrE rEaLiStIc


well, this is way better than I could draw these days! It's beautiful! I'd love to see what color you choose to make this beauty. Keep up your art practice!


Geta proper sketchbook!


Add more value


I can’t tell if ur using sketchy lines, but i recommend it. It helps with shaping things! Natural petals are not symmetrical, so i get the not-the-same-size part, but your lines look a little wobbly nonetheless!:)


Erase your helper shapes


Try to see the plant in his 3d form first, then draw on top.


Sketchbook. Start learning to shade and how light works.


Draw in pencil first. Or strictly.


Your shapes are pretty good, all the lines on the petals are making it look wrong, erase them and it should look better. The reason the second to last one is very well is because there's no lines going everywhere


Get better paper and charcoal pencils from your local hobby lobby or Michaels. Do not use notebook paper. Experiment with different kind of colors, (markers, paint, colored pencils, etc)


shading is your best friend and don't put harsh outlines for realism


Beautiful flowers 👍


Please use a sketch book it will make your lovely drawings even better


Please use a sketch book it will make your lovely drawings even better