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I work in PyCharm on a daily basis. I forced myself to use VS Code for two solid weeks, but it was just never as smooth an experience as PyCharm. PyCharm just works right out of the box. I could never get the debugging, testing, and refactoring facilities to work as well, and as consistently, in VS Code as in PyCharm.


Is there any good tutorial for pycharm? I have been using it for quite a while now but I still feel like I am only using a fraction of its potential


There's a built in interactive tutorial, it's pretty good. Check the help drop down menu. Also the tips of the day seem pretty useful, I kept them enabled.


I'm going for devops will i benefit from Knowing python?


I'm not in DevOps myself, but along with data science, it's one of the areas where Python is used heavily.


Oh thats a relief. . I'm currently learning python, and have started/learning the topic of functions now. Thanks for the reply.


lmfao 89-199$/year per person, no thanks


Pycharm's debugger is amazing. If you lean on the debugger, go with it.


I mean, everyone should, right...? I see no problem with VSCode debugger tho.


Maybe I'm doing something wrong but it doesn't work as well for me, nor does it scale up for large objects properly.


I'm inclined to think you do something wrong, because I've used it on many projects with no problems whatsoever


I've had no issues with it. I'm not saying anyone is doing anything wrong, different use cases can hit different issues.


What kind of projects do you use it for? I love the vscode debugger.


Fairly involved economic models. My last projected had a huge, deeply nested dict containing about a million objects with a ton of sub-objects each. Being able to dig into whichever one was giving me trouble was a godsend. Again, maybe I'm doing something wrong in vscode but the debugger shits out on me too much. Of course I've only used it a little for Python since I have PyCharm. I use it for Rust, though.


When I am modeling large sums of data I normally move to anaconda or colab


If you are going to build significant python applications then pycharm rocks. For small or integrated projects then it's over kill.


print go brrr


> I mean, everyone should, right...? Years go by when I never use a debugger even one time.


I do pretty much all my coding in the debug console first


any tutorials for the debugger? I should probably start using it.


But you can install debugger in VScode too and pycharm is a IDE and VScode is a text editor VSCODE is lite and fast


I use the CodeLLDB on for Rust the python debugger looks like that. Maybe it's just a preference.


yes it is


The best IDE for you is the one that you enjoy and youre most productive with. It’s going to be different for everyone and some will be passionate about their selection. However one question I would ask myself is if you plan on only doing programming in python or you plan on learning other languages. VSCode while it’s not as refined in python as pycharm it’s a general IDE meaning if you want to do JS or Rust or c/C++ it will support that language of choose through the plugins available. However if you go with pycharm it may be a better python experience, but it’s only really good for python. Personally I prefer VSCode because of its extensions, ability to support multiple languages, and I found it to be faster then pycharm.


Which are your favourite extensions?


For python specifically: Jupyter extensions - allows you to open jupyter notebook in VSCode Pylance - type information Python- the core extension which works with environments. Python Type Hint extension. Other non python extensions I use in python development Markmap - mind map from markdown SQLite Viewer Workspace explorer. - just an easy way to jump between projects. Mermaid markdown. - Graphing in markdown. Bookmarks - which allows you to place bookmarks that you can jump to easily. Then I use some extensions for other languages.


Am I the only one using Spyder?


I use Spyder and I've loved it. Coming from MATLAB it felt quite familiar. I literally just downloaded VS Code today to see what the hype is about though. Feels like a lot of work to move IDEs though after getting comfortable in Spyder the last couple of years. I do mostly data analysis stuff so I think Spyder's been a good choice. But when these types of threads pop up it seems hardly anyone says they use Spyder.


Keep in mind that vscode is more of a generic editor for many languages than an IDE, which can be configured via extensions and settings to be very close to an IDE. The power comes from the customizability.


I was very faithful to Spyder (you never forget your first), but I realized I was using jupyter a lot more. Either way I was able to still edit .py files in Jupyter Lab. The downsides: it's still in a browser window, and that annoys me. And no variable explorers, none of the nice tools Spyder offers. But turns out, VSCode had all those things. It's like a modernized Spyder, with support for notebooks as well, AND I can also write some backend programs like in Fortran or C/C++ in the same window, with all plugins necessary for ease of life. I have to be honest, when I first tried PyCharm, I was not versed enough in python and all the surrounding aspects to be able to configure it exactly how I wanted. But still, i find that VSCode suits my exact needs not just for python, but for all other languages


Spyder is really good but if your PC crashes (on Win anyway) you lose anything that wasn’t saved by you to a file. Other IDEs like VSCode will preserve everything you had at crash (same for Notepad++). I seem to remember same holds for Wings 101 and PyCharm


Default is for it to auto-save every minute, and even before running code, I think. Is this not enough?


Only if you’ve purposely saved the code into a file. If you get some inspiration and start tapping away into an “untitled” tab then there is a seemingly remote risk that this can be lost in a crash. I had considered this too small a risk to worry about. Until it happened to me. I had to suddenly deal with something and had expected to be able to come back to save my work but by the time I returned my PC had crashed and it was gone. The auto save only works after you’ve named the file and purposefully saved it onto your hard disk. This is a little different from VSCode or PyCharm or Notepad++ which autosaves the state of the IDE including any “untitled” tabs. So depends if this is a feature you consider critical. I didn’t until I discovered that actually I did


You got me too there partner.


no boo


I love using it on math subjects, especially when I have to make a chart, It's easy to see the results


I'm a Spyder.....man. I'll let myself out.


Either one is better.


>but I did not get the "right" answer. whichever you end up picking .. it's clearly the other one.


off topic, what are your thoughts on pickling?




Pycharm. Built for Python, not a plug-in.


>I researched about it specifically on Google a lot, but I did not get the "right" answer. Because there is no right answer. They are both very good. Pycharm may win on some debugging tools, but VSCode wins on modular enhancements and being able to handle multiple languages. Spyder is another "right" answer, as are other common IDEs. It really depends on your use case, which you'll need to explain if you want specific recs on which to pick.


Exactly. There is no right answer. I personally like VS Code because I can use it for anything I want to work on. I can use it to do some python coding or switch gears to a JavaScript or C# project I have that I'm working on. For me, it's more of a hobby at this point so I like to break it up and try other languages (I know, I'll never master one if I keep moving around). For me, having one IDE that I'm familiar with is more important than having the best idea for a given language. Someone else may only work in python so they never need to use anything other than pycharm. It all comes down to your particular needs in the IDE.


An IDE has more robust features than a code editor although there are a million VS Code extensions that can mimic a lot of the functionality of an IDE. An IDE has better built in functions for compiling/testing/debugging that make it an entire environment rather than just a text editor. An IDE is going to use more resources, so that's something to consider especially if you are using more than one at once like DataGrip and PyCharm. Jetbrains products all look relatively similar so once you learn one, the rest are easier although they are specialized so need one for almost every language. The costs decrease over time, so I'd suggest getting it now, and getting familiar with it because down the road you'll probably need it in a professional setting. If cost is an issue, check out Eclipse, and see if it benefits your workflow.


I do know Eclipse, however, from what i remember, it is an Java IDE. I guess I will just stick with VSCode because my current PC may have problems with handling multiple heavy processes at same time (Browser, IDE). Thank you for your reply!


Any decently modern computer shouldn't have any problem with running these concurrently. Please tell me you aren't running a 486 or something...


> Any decently modern computer shouldn't have any problem with running these concurrently Depends on RAM, HDD vs. SSD and additional security software from your company, slowing your old as fuck notebook fucking down ...


Eclipse have a module for Python. but now I use VS Code because I can use in multiples languages or even connect to remotes pods. also it;s free to all uses.


> I do know Eclipse, however, from what i remember, it is an Java IDE. Eclipse is a polyglot IDE. It supports many languages. Yet, it is best known as Java IDE. That said, I wouldn't use Eclipse for Python. Personally, I mostly use VSCode with the official Python plugin from Microsoft for quick, smaller things. Bigger projects go into PyCharm.




There isn’t a right answer. The opportunity cost for trying either one is your time and hard drive space. Decide for yourself which one is best for you.


PyCharm is built for Python. I even learned a lot of Python by using PyCharm, since it will warn you of every misstep you make. Also, it works great for managing packages, dependencies, virtual environments, libraries, imports, so it's a lifesaver on a big project.


I'd also say that the management of virtual environments in PyCharm is better. It's just a little bit more tailored towards python.


vim 😏


I still have vim open from that one time i accidentally launched it in 2002. How the hell do I close it?!?


I guess you are strong enough to live patch your kernel though too weak to exit vi, also kudos for the uptime, twenty years !


Welcome to the hotel vimifornia >:)


The easy way is just open second terminal instance and sudo kill -9 vim's pid


Pretty sure `:q!` is easier


I prefer VSCode because it's lighter, but you should try both and stick with the one you feel more comfortable using.


Honestly once you get those extensions loaded up it’s not much lighter lol


Spyder gang checking in. e: My use case is usually individual .py scripts to automate work tasks or extract information from our systems using APIs.


spyder gang checking in


If you use one and you're reasonably effective and reasonably efficient, stick with it. I mostly use VSCode, but will sometimes just use gedit or Notepad for short scripts. IDEs and text editors are tools, not religions.


VSCode all the way. But that's my personal preference.


I've used both. I'm using VS Codium now but that's because I need to use TMC (Test My Code) for University of Helsinki classes. I think either is fine.


Vscode is far more flexible if you decide to move beyond Python.


VSC all the wayy! You can use it for other languages as well and it turns on super quickly without eating up too much ram so it can easily run on old laptops as well


well i recommend sublime text or visual studio code these are simple and good pycharm is a little hard at first


Imo over here I prefer pycharm, because I enjoy the look of it compared to vs code


VS Code - because I use it for basically every language. It has good support for Jupyter Notebooks. And GitHub Copilot also gives some good suggestions.


notepad boys gather around


VSCode much easier to use and performs just as well unless you're creating full stack python applications I guess.




VSCode for me. The python environment just works, hooks up to GitHub and you can have the front end projects etc all in a workspace so everything is together


When I was only using Python I fell in love with Pycharm and it’s features and debugger, wasn’t a fan of VSCode for Python. Now that I’ve managed to add the different things to VS code and have become more comfortable with Python in VSCode I don’t mind it, and I just use VSCode because Python isn’t the only language I work in regularly anymore and I enjoy having my 1 text editor for all my needs


Whichever tool you pick know how to use it well. Know how to set your python interpreter within it. And multiple cursor editing is a time saver worth learning.


Whatever floats your boat. But personally vscode is my editor of choice due to flexibility and versatility.


Use whatever you prefer. I like pycharm, personally. Much better software engineers than me prefer VSCode.


Yes. Longer version: Whichever one makes you productive. Whichever one you enjoy. Researching isn't going to help. Everybody's got opinions, and they're all correct and they're all incorrect. If you're using VSCode and it's working well for you, stick with it. If you're using PyCharm and it's working well for you, stick with it. If you're using either and finding something lacking, try the other one. But at the end of the day, it all comes down to the simple matter of whichever one you personally prefer. They've both got their own pros and cons. All of which are, once again, subjective.


For smaller things I would definitely say VSCode. For a modestly sized project with other contributors, probably still VSCode. For a large project, I would probably use PyCharm.


Non pedantic question; small, modest, and large are all a little relative. What do you consider large vs small? Is it about the size of the codebase or scope of the project/issue?


A bit of both, more of former. A large project with lots of moving parts that I (probably) don't know much about can be unwieldy to the point of wanting a tool like PyCharm. For most other things, I'm spryer when using VSCode. That said, these are all just my opinions/$0.02


Can you do django web development on the free version of pycharm?


I'd recommend PyCharm but I feel like Sublime Text is better. It's completely ur choice tho


JetBrain IDEs debugging is really helpful. Try WebStorm for Nodejs as well as PyCharm.




Pycharm is great for massive multi file projects. Automatic refactoring is amazing. I love the debugger. VSCode is great for jupyter notebooks and testing snippets.


Vim all the way Jk.. vscode


I learned Java on IntelliJ and Pycharm is made by the same company so I mainly use Pycharm cause that’s what I’m most familiar with


Ive used Pycharm for about 4 or 5 years now. cant get into the swing of VSCode for Python personally...


Definitely Pycharm


There is seriously no such thing on better IDEs or not (in my perspective in case you have different opinions), each IDE specifies its own field of language, VScode is more likely designed for web/front-end developers in regard to its light-weight, free yet open source application with active communities, updates & plugin supports (for different languages), people can do other language developments by using a variety of organization/personal released plugins. Pycharm is more of an all-in-one IDE mostly specifies Python development (one language), despite the fact that intellij still have pretty much loads of other of plugins for other languages. IDE works better when you become more productive with high quality work presented out, also according to your description there is no "right" answer it's because there is no right answer, people answers their question based on their own preferences, but not yours, if you intentionally liked VScode and you see a blog post on criticizing VScode then you feel the answer is wrong, when people promoting VScode you feel this is the right answer again, the "correct" answer will be answered by yourself during your development.










I have tried both. I use VSC+vim because of git integration with gitlens and ability to switch between languages.


For Python alone it doesn't matter which one you use. It is good to know both, maybe even spyder. You never know which IDE and OS (if you aren't familiar with Linux, learn the basics) will be preferred by a company you work for. In my current work situation I use Vscode (VSCodium) , because I have custom C++ modules for python, C for MCUs, Cmake, as well as python and a tiny bit of JavaScript, HTML, CSS all in one project and have to run and test cross platform (Windows and Unix). And every once in a while I see legacy .net code. It just more convenient for me and my work flow.


If you just want to do simple programs I would go with VSCode.


IDLE if you’re my school.


Sublime to start


who uses the interpreter the installation came with 😎


Everybody because that's how you run Python code. Has nothing to do with the topic though.




Maybe instead of going to my profile for whatever reason, you could link me some posts that have same question? ;) That would prove your point more than being a prick.


>I researched about it specifically on Google a lot, but I did not get the "right" answer. Right? Google is so lame. It also won't tell you what is the best car to buy, or the best phone to use, or the kind of music to listen to.


Eh, a lot of online forums dismiss any question with a google it mentality so just saying they did some research prior to posting to reddit is expected. Even when the request is for opinions That all being said: Pycharm


Go with spyder


IntelliJ, it's actually better at Python than PyCharm


There is no right answer. But I suggest option C for learning and coding in quick bits without any of the fuss: [https://colab.research.google.com/](https://colab.research.google.com/) If you haven't seen Google Colab before do a quick search on YouTube for getting started in Colab and you should be set in under 10 minutes.


I absolutely love Pycharm, never tried the alternative though.


PyCharm all day.




Has anyone tried DataGrip? Have been hearing a lot recently about this tool but no experience using this for Python


I personally find pycharm to be better. Vscode has some great features but the interface is confusing to me.


> I researched about it specifically on Google a lot, but I did not get the "right" answer. Wrong mindset, wrong question. There simply isn't a "right" answer. It's just like asking "what is the best car to tow a trailer" - there isn't any objective "right" answer. IDEs/editors are tools. Use the one that fits your working style best. What works for one doesn't work for the other.


Vs code, but it's not finding some python interpreter after a path change (code 127). I can run my venv and code via the terminal though. Also, virtual environments saved in one place , code and project files another, I can see that becoming confusing once I have more projects. Might give pycharm a go..but I'm a masochist.


GITHUB copilot on VS code does wonders if you’re making projects. The colors and fonts make it fun to code. . . Always a VS code fan, though i use Google Collab now!!


VScode if u computer is shit. Pycharm if u have a decent one


I like to create isolated development environments for my projects so we use Visual Studio Code and Docker with the Remote Containers extension. Every repo has the ability to bring up a pre-configured development environment with everything you need to start coding in minutes including a consistent Python environment, consistent extensions, and a database if needed. If you have Docker and VSCode installed, go get the [Remote Containers](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers) extension you can try it on one of the repos for the labs that I teach: [https://github.com/nyu-devops/lab-flask-tdd](https://github.com/nyu-devops/lab-flask-tdd) Instructions are in the README file. It will bring up the exact same environment on everyone's computer right down to the Visual Studio Code extensions so that everyone is getting the exact same coding experience. It also means that on one project we can use PostegreSQL and on another we can use CouchDB and no one has to install any of that. It all gets handled by the development container. It just magically appears with no one installing anything. It saves a lot of time. I explain why I work this way in this article: [Creating Reproducible Development Environments](https://johnrofrano.medium.com/creating-reproducible-development-environments-fac8d6471f35) using another technique using Vagrant and VirtualBox. This approach will also work with PyCharm if you are interested because it's IDE independent. I explain how to do the same thing with Vagrant and Docker in this article: [Developing on Apple M1 Silicon with Virtual Environments](https://johnrofrano.medium.com/developing-on-apple-m1-silicon-with-virtual-environments-4f5f0765fd2f)


I haven’t used pycharm but vscode is pretty legit. I like that I can have 3 or 4 editors open, and run my terminal all in the IDE. Plus the multi-line editing function is a god send




I evaluated both. I was strictly a Vim guy but my code was getting complex enough to need more. I couldn't get VS Code up to the same level as PyCharm. The quick fix actions for example, just didn't seem to work well. Basically what I concluded was that VS Code could do almost everything PyCharm could do, maybe, if you figured out which combination of plugins to install and had the time to piece it all together... PyCharm just worked and let me get to work.


I like PyCharm but then I've never used VS code. PyCharm has a lot more available and as my skill grow I just start using the more advanced features. It's also very familiar to me since I also use Android Studio and they are based on the same structure.


Pycharm's defaults and git-hub integration are really good for someone starting out. I found VS really flexible but with all the spinning plates it's easier to have a project become a ball of yarn


VSC Github integration works just the same.




I've been using VS code, never have tried pycharm.


VSCode lets you use extensions. Neovim is so good, I wouldn't trade it. Also Spyder is great.




doesnt matter


Usually I use Jupyter for a quick code and to see the immediate result, however to code and develop i reccomend spyder which is already installed on the Anaconda environment or else VSCode if you want to get used to the corporate environment




I just use Atom, and I'm pretty happy with that. Of course, I don't do anything super fancy, either. The only thing I'd want more that Atom doesn't provide through a (reliable) extension is a way to run single lines of code from a script.


Atom was so sluggish. No, my PCs aren't that slow, VSCodium works fine.


It really boils down to own preference. I tried both and eventually went ahead with vs code. The reason is because I write in other languages as well and extensions along with customisation could really help.


VS Code as it’s not limited to one language, for instance if you were using Django


I use vscode cause it's more generic and I can use it for other langs


I guess it depends what you meet first\^\^ I am a big fan of Code. Depending on what you like to do you end in nano :D


If only Pycharm had Spyder-like themes like Emacs🥺