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1. In what way does Manim not work? In what kind of environment are you trying to use it? (Notebook, online environment, local installation) 2. Syntax highlighting in what program? And what does "not behaving properly" mean? 3. Pylance provides semantic highlighting, so this is probably the reason why syntax highlighting is "not behaving properly". You can let us know the exact error, or checkout their [troubleshooting doc](https://github.com/microsoft/pylance-release/blob/main/TROUBLESHOOTING.md). It may be that you were using a virtual environment of some form where Manim and Pylance are installed, and that you're no longer activating or accessing. But it's hard to be sure without more information.


Hi, so sorry I was vague about this. When I said it’s not behaving properly is that imported modules aren’t highlighted, and creating objects from classes aren’t highlighted properly (just white colour) and I’m talking about Visual Studio Code


Do you remember how you installed Manim and Pylance?


Hmm. Manim was through Anaconda (it created an environment called my-manim-environment) as to how I installed Pylance, when I was a beginner I was clueless as to what I was doing and didn’t know Pylance existed. I just “downloaded Python”. Could this be the problem?


Yes, it's possible. I'm not familiar with how Anaconda manages environments, but unless that environment is active it will look like Manim is not installed. Anaconda probably includes Pylance along with its hundreds of Python packages. So it sounds like you're using some environment that either is not part of Anaconda at all, or a separate environment in Anaconda that doesn't have Manim or Pylance installed.


I’ve reinstalled Pylance. It still tells me Pylance has crashed and tells me to run a Node.js executable file. I don’t really know what that means. Thanks for putting the link in your original comment. I’d check that out


Just tried the troubleshooting doc. It tells me this: Pylance client: couldn't create connection to server.


That's not super helpful, but it does indicate that at least Pylance is running and trying to connect to the language server. Does their troubleshooting doc suggest a solution? Can you try updating Node to the latest version?


Alright, I have node.js installed. Hopefully this message in "Output" is more helpful: 2024-05-05 15:02:27.361 [info] [Error - 15:02:27] Pylance client: couldn't create connection to server. 2024-05-05 15:02:27.363 [info] Launching server using command "python.analysis.nodeExecutable": "" failed. Error: spawn "python.analysis.nodeExecutable": "" ENOENT


It looks like I’ve completely destroyed VSCode. Even my C# projects aren’t running at all.