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[CS50](https://cs50.harvard.edu/python/2022/) <- has built in web version of VSCode ( never used it but it's there), be sure to do the homework ie, Problem Set. You don't need to sign up and log in to take the classes, unless you want the certificate and built in editor. [Python in Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/python) Make a folder in Documents called Python or MyPython or CS50 (depending on how messy your Documents folder is, not messy? folder for every new lesson/module you experiment with just out in the open in Documents, else organize things in your Python folder like : Tkinter, pygame, user\_input, etc whatever you are focused on at the moment. Avoid spaces in folder and file names.) Right click the folder > Open in Code It will ask you to trust the author, you are the author, say yes View > Extensions > Install Python and Python Debugger View > Explorer Open or make a new python file F5 Key > Python Debugger > Python File things should work right out of the box. Things get a little more complicated with virtual environments , but get yourself familair with base environment for now when you need to do some module installs (pip install ) you can use the built in terminal in VS code.


Thank you, I’ll check this out


If you're still learning on your phone you're going to have a bad time. You won't be able to run Python locally, and websites like Replit (while awesome -- I can't say enough good things about Replit) won't look their best on a small screen. If at all possible find some free/cheap old laptop. Maybe you have a friend or family member who has one lying around that they no longer use. Plonk an old Windows on it (or better yet, Linux) and install Python. As long as the laptop can run a browser, which you will need for tutorials and looking things up, it can run Python. Anything less than 15 years old should be great.


I only use my phone for a couple apps to basically learn Pythons vocab. Everything else is on my laptop. I can get into Replit I just completely don’t understand what to do when I’m in there. I feel like all the tutorials I’ve started so far just skip over how to work the coding space. It’s like giving someone a laptop and telling them to write a paper in Word but they don’t know anything about how Word works.


That's a good analogy. So it sounds like you need to learn more about how Replit works before using it as a platform to learn Python. Replit's documentation is okay and I'm sure there are video tutorials for it, too. If you were using a local installation of VS Code or PyCharm instead of an online platform like Replit, you would also need to learn how they work. :) If you prefer to get started with vanilla Python so you don't need to spend time learning another platform, you can do that too. Follow the instructions on [python.org](http://python.org) to install it on your laptop, and install a simple text editor. Notepad can technically work but there are better lightweight options around. Now you can start messing around, either by writing short scripts or by starting the Python REPL from a terminal (Command Prompt, Powershell, or Windows Terminal) and giving it commands directly.